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File: 302 KB, 1200x1200, homer-9342775-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10221874 No.10221874 [Reply] [Original]

what if homer was a woman?

>> No.10221889

I think there are some theories floating around that the Odyssey was actually written by Nausicaa

>> No.10221891

what if OP wasn't a cock-sucking faggot?

>> No.10221917

If there was one book I would bet my life on that it was written by a man, or a group of men, it would be the Iliad.

>> No.10221941

For all we know he homer could have identified as a fucking helicopter.

>> No.10221947

The Simpsons would suck even more

>> No.10221949

Iliad would be 5% more gay

>> No.10221961

Women can’t write.

>> No.10222127

what if OP was a faggot?

>> No.10222131

Heard Hans Christian Anderson was gay, loved his best friend so much he wanted to transition for him, and that Littlest Mermaid was about his imaginary castration

>> No.10222134
File: 72 KB, 989x841, little mermaid gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10222140

Academia was a mistake.

>> No.10222260

What if Zeus was one of us?

>> No.10222298
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"Dawn with her rose red fingers" would make a lot more sense

>> No.10222381

so it would be in total 5% gay

>> No.10222755

What if Shakespeare was nigger?

>> No.10222767

Then Marge was a man

>> No.10222773
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>mfw Rosie fingered Dawn

>> No.10222787
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What if Odysseus just made up all the shit he told the Phaeacians to get free stuff and just chilled with Calypso for 10 years.

>> No.10222796

Alcinous pretty much calls out Odysseus as a liar, but isn't mad because he's such an entertaining liar

>> No.10223049

I had a cheeky Classics professor as an undergrad who suggested that The Odyssey was composed by a woman.

His rationale was that only a woman would name Odysseus' dog something as stupid as "Argos."

>> No.10223116

. . . . .

My childhood dog was named Argos. :(

>> No.10223135

It's fine for a modern to name a dog Argos in reference to The Odyssey. I think my professor's point was that at the point that The Odyssey was written down Argos was one of the largest & most important city-states in Greece. So it'd be the equivalent of a modern American naming their dog "New York City" or "Los Angeles."

>> No.10223140

then sappho would have to be a man to keep the shaktic order.

>> No.10223149

Your professor was a retard. Argos didn't mean just the city back then.

>> No.10223173

Pushkin was a mulatto

>> No.10223176

>reminder cornith is the name of a city and the root of the verb "to have sex"
>most greek humour relies on word play
your professor sounds like a tit, and i'd really double check anything he "taught" you because it sounds like he's relying on nobody checking his qualifications.

>> No.10223177

Corinth is a pre-greek word.

>> No.10223184

Your professor sounds relatively uninformed about archaeology. Argos' city seal is a dog. Ancient coins from the area also are imprinted with a dog. The two (Argos and dogs) have been related since at least Homer's time.

Naming a dog Argos makes sense in this context.

>> No.10223203

which was adopted into greek to mean to fuck. because it was famous for being a party town which is where you get jokes like:
>why are you not weaving, like a good wife, corinthian woman
>in the time I have been listening to you I've (bankrupted three ships)/(brought three stiffies to orgasm)/(taken three completed pieces of cloth off the loom rack)
between Attic and Corinthian women where the Greek word for all three of the last cases is the same, and why it's a joke that works even if the speakers keep their own dialect. It's almost like They, which is originally a Norse word, will still have its own idiosyncratic meaning and connotations when used in a contemporary English post on /pol/ despite its origins as meaning much less.

>> No.10224660

oh, you! teeheehee!

i always thought Joss Whedon should have had Mr Giles use that line in Buffy, when they caught Dawn Summers shop-lifting. red-handed.

"Sort of.. rhododaktylos Eos."


"never mind."

>> No.10224786

This most definitely sounds like some SJW bullshit revisionism, like Moorzart

>> No.10226358

Ah yes...The Egyptians were black, The Greeks were black, Homer was actually a woman, Europeans aren't actually white, Shakespeare was a woman. They have been trying to invert greatness forever, anon. Homer was a man.

>> No.10226384

>women going into autistic details about many different groups of soldiers on many different ships
sure thing

>> No.10226391

>women going into autistic details about many different groups of soldiers on many different ships
They can you fucking idiot. See History of the Peloponnesian War if you want a good example of that. I'll give you a hint T was a woman too.

>> No.10226431
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>> No.10226440

>They can you fucking idiot.
Point out 5 examples of women that have done this exact thing you faggot.

>> No.10226458

wtf i love homer now

>> No.10226459
File: 289 KB, 496x426, qpoVd3X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if homer was a woman?

That can't be true.


As John Green taught us in The Odyssey's Crash Course Literature, the story isn't very progressive. If a woman wrote it, it would be. Its full of slut-shaming and the slut/stud double standard. Some of the monsters are women too. That is not good.

>> No.10226464

people say penelope is such a strong character but umm hello she's a slave to her husband because of """"love""""
penelope should have had a fully on orgy with the suitors for twenty years then cut Odysseus' balls off

>> No.10226474

I was considering leaving this a s a comment
>Odyssey is sexist apparently even though it shows an empowered Penelope that goes against tradition and doesn't hit it up with one of the suitors, a witch that owns the battle hardened veterans and 2 appearances from literal goddesses , one even pretty much solving the conflict in the hero's stead. I mean yea man empowering women is totally sexist.

>> No.10226484

kek, you don't even have a rebuttal. When confronted with evidence you spout nothing but sexist drivel.

>> No.10226496

Point out 5 examples of women doing what you said. Show us proof. I didn't sa anything sexist, what's the matter, run out of arguements sweetie?

>> No.10226506

You want five examples of women writing about ships?

>> No.10226507

I want 5 examples of women going autistic details about many different groups of soldiers on many different ships

>> No.10226508

>an Athenian who fought in the Peloponnesian War
I know this is bait, but you're still retarded in your selection.

>> No.10226511

That other idiot fell for it.

>> No.10226516

>I-I was just pretending to think that the other party was serious, but I wasn't, in order to make a great strategy to humiliate him on the chans! hon hon

>> No.10226528

How boring life must be if you always need the stories hero to be a good example for society instead of a human.

>> No.10226539

Without myths and stories to guide us, humans would be shit. Our natural state is not very nice.

>> No.10226568
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A 9 minute video about the Odyssey and they still find a way to waste time on framing it in 21st century social progressivism terms

>> No.10226602

To be fair Odisseus IS the embodiment the ideal of kalogatia

>> No.10226657


>> No.10226797

So stupid. He could have at least talked about Artemisia, but then in combat she behaved atrociously (ramming and sinking an allied ship to get away from pursuing enemies).

>> No.10227859

Also Odysseus isn't a 'player' at all anyway...Kalypso and Kirce essentially kidnap and rape him.

>> No.10228085

honestly, who gives a shit. Maybe it was a group of people ?

>> No.10228089

That one

>> No.10228101

what if homer was a homo? lol

>> No.10228116

u n d e r r a t e d

>> No.10228800

ugh you disgust me. Could you be anymore of a man of your age. you have no reason to assume that if not for your brain washing.

>> No.10229338

[ghostbusters theme plays]

>> No.10229384

>If a woman wrote it, it would be
Do people actually think a female writer in Ancient Greece would be a "feminist"?

>> No.10229407

it's almost like thinking that they had lesbians back then!

>> No.10229411

>being a lesbian makes you a feminist, especially 3000 years ago
Really makes me think

>> No.10229427

um if you're a woman you are a feminist unless you have internalized misogyny, then you are a latent feminist.

>> No.10229433


>> No.10229440

flashback to 2014, holy shit

>> No.10229519
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>> No.10229535

not really, Anderson was a total sperger and used write a lot of homo letters to his friends which they ignored. he's basically a more sociable emily dickinson. he went to see his hero Dickens once and bored the pants off him and his family so much that they said his few weeks stay was filled with hints to leave and felt like years. Anderson used write letters to male friends with shit like "i yearn for you like a young girl" so, no, he's just a sperger. if he were alive now he'd be writing princess points greentexts on /r9k/.

>> No.10229649

Just a hoplite, one of us

>> No.10230409

Another pilgrim at the shrine
Or metic in a marble mine..

>> No.10230572

I laughed at the part where he was retelling his adventures to Penelope and left out the part where he fugged Circe

>> No.10232629

Why not?