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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 1004x818, mfwpeopletellmegodexists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10221370 No.10221370 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw instead of slaying the dragon you become him

>> No.10221420
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>yfw slaying the dragon is an obligation born out of an abstraction that is absolutely nothing to you

>> No.10221425

>assuming the dragon's gender

>> No.10221432

I heard peterson was gonna see stephen king's it but he kept telling the ticket office he wanted to see "him" and they didn't understand what film he was looking for

>> No.10221439


>> No.10221496

what the fuck

>> No.10221617

I know this is an epic meme, but what is the point of gendering anyone or anything? It always seems like a fallacious thing to do: assigning gender qualities to things. All German philosophy, with its gendered words, is fucked

>> No.10221628

If you don't understand the massive biological(mental, physical, resulting social) differences you are still a little child.

There is a massive difference between fucking someone and being fucked by someone.

>> No.10221683

If you don't believe in God you don't know anything. You have no insight or wisdom. Your opinion on everything is worthless. You are not a source of moral authority or instruction. If I find out someone is an atheist I immediately and completely write off everything they have ever said or ever could say. Belief in God is square one for knowledge. If you don't even have that you have nothing to offer anyone. You don't know how to live.

>> No.10221708

Gender and biological sex are two different things you inbred troglodyte.

>> No.10221716


Peterson is all about advocating a "satisfying existence" for the average and above average man. Not average in terms of intelligence, but in terms of aims.

There's people out there who will get nothing of value for themselves out of his advice, because their path is a crooked path. Very creative people cannot handle that sort of gig and they indeed have to become the dragon.

At least Joseph Campbell was aware of this. But Peterson's all about the right hand path.

>> No.10221718


>> No.10221726

>I'm a very creative person
>I follow the Left Hand Path

Wow you have completly exploded any categories anyone has ever tried to set for you. You are truly a free spirit, strong and independent. So quirky and wonderful. Thank you for sharing your light with us, the light that is you.

>> No.10221731
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>tfw when not creative
actually this all seems kind of spooky

>> No.10221732
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not bad

>> No.10221737
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Is this the counter fedora movement?

>> No.10221749

The more Hegel btfos me the more I'm inclined to believe this

>> No.10221836

>right hand path\
>left hand path/
>not picking the middle path and slaughtering the rest in your wake
jajaja, faggots fallen from the tree.

>> No.10221862
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>> No.10221866

I'm glad some people like this exist. It reminds me irrationalism is still current.

>> No.10221871

>God knows how humans should live
>sitting in the almighty castle in the sky, way on up, stage left of cloud nine

oh, the faggotry on this site.
the only reason humanity ever into deities and morals/ethics, especially moral absolutism, was to ensure the average majority would comply and not kill each other. most basic strategy to get people to do your bidding, make 'em think you're on their side, empower their side, and let 'em run beneath you while you "manage" from the top. cull as necessary, reap rewards until death, do it all again the next life.

>> No.10221873

>rejects the existence of the Logos
>claims to have a monopoly of reason
You are intellectually bankrupt

>> No.10221901

pretty spooky stuff


>> No.10221903

Peterson doesn't believe in God either.

>> No.10221950

Well that was the most awkward thing I've ever seen

>> No.10221956
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>> No.10221957

looks like someone hasn't read Hobbes

>> No.10221960
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>implying all religion is medieval Christendom

>> No.10221966

>dude it was all invented to manipulate the sheeple xD
Woah...so this is the power.. of atheistic enlightenment

>> No.10221967

fellas... why the fuck he give them dicks

>> No.10221968
File: 61 KB, 670x503, 1509644766645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out my dude, soon the people here will get fed up with the deist-contra-contrarians and shit like this will be conjured up as falseflags. Mark my oldfag words, the cycle keeps turning.

>> No.10222004

does this pseud fucking hack smoke le weed? reddit spotted

>> No.10222155


well done laddie :')

>> No.10222240

If Kafka ever had written a ghost/horror story that is exactly what it would have been like.

>> No.10222366

I've been Christposting since 2007.

>> No.10222372

Kill yourself immediately

>> No.10222383

†braise jesus nibba†

>> No.10222390

He did write some horror stories, they're found in his diaries. I remember one in particular where two kids (a boy and a girl) get tricked into entering a strange man's apartment and only the boy escapes

>> No.10222391


>> No.10222392

You're right, but you don't make a good argument for why

t. plato

>> No.10222394

>All German philosophy, with its gendered words, is fucked
Wow, this may be one of the most retarded things I've ever read on /lit/

>> No.10222400

Fuck you

>> No.10222401

whoa so he genderswapped hansel and gretel, impressive

>> No.10222404

It's just a grammatical oddity. There are no qualities assigned to words in regard to how they are gendered. Stop being a brainlet

>> No.10222408

It's quite different, but I cant find it right now. It was one of the later diaries for sure, post-WW1

>> No.10222409

I'm not here to argue but to be entertained.

>> No.10222416

Darger had probably never seen a vagina

>> No.10222421

Yes there are qualities assigned to words but the system is too convoluted to be consistent, not race do they have anything to do with human male and female gender stereotypes.

>> No.10222423

Are you german? I am, and I absolutely and totally assure you that you overrate that particular feature of the german language (like most foreigners do)

>> No.10222525

So? lol go back to your shit 9-5 and masturbate to hentai you fucking nerd.

>> No.10222573

this is a beaverton article

>> No.10222604

No I don't overrate it. I just said that it exists.

>> No.10222610

It makes literally no difference for philosophy that a term has grammatical gender

>> No.10222618

In English, the masculine (man, him, he, his, etc) is also a neutered gender when talking about genderless objects and concepts. It's just a convention of the language that doesn't imply anything, despite what a subset of butthurt feminists might tell you.

>> No.10222622

subconsciously it might

>> No.10222809

Stop posting.

>> No.10222828

Semantic priming. Philosophy, philosophia, sophia, "supposing truth be a woman"

>> No.10222835

Yes, but in the case of "philosophy" it's buried under several layers.

>> No.10222923

The concept of grammatical genders masculine feminine and neuter do not equate social gender. The term which references grammar predates the terms you are thinking of.

>> No.10222987

When is the full episode coming to YouTube?

>> No.10223164
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>> No.10223270

Based 420 post

>> No.10223350

>tfw I wanted to make this exact post earlier but procrastinated
did I just get SORTED

>> No.10223634

I was defending the divine truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in yahoo chat rooms in 2002.

>> No.10223740
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I agree with this

>And the Logos was made flesh
>and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory
>the glory as of the only begotten of the Father
>full of grace and truth.

>> No.10223744

he's cutting his hair like a wannabe hitler youth alt right faggot now? where did my professor jp go?

>> No.10223761
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so this is why people call this place /lit/eddit now

>> No.10223772

Literally a meme.

>> No.10223801

Full episode

>> No.10223840
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>> No.10223864
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Is that so?

>> No.10224176
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>> No.10224196

I don't know why the left-liberals chose transsexualism as their hill to die on.

>> No.10224231


contain yourselves and go clean your rooms

>> No.10224261



>> No.10224282

post Clinton (Bill) liberals and conservatives couldnt find a substantive issue they disagreed on.

>> No.10224321

things like genders or race suddenly become irrelevant when you alter your own genes on the fly, the left will win simply because queer friendly folk are better prepared for transhumanism while conservatives become the next Amish in regards to body modification, disembodied consciousness, and neural linking

>> No.10224544

It is female. It laid eggs and shit.

>> No.10224551

>that is absolutely nothing to you
That would only tell me your position; voluntary opposition to it.

>> No.10224593

You only believe that because the "people" in power aim at destroying the current situation for one reason or another. Rootless, ahistorical people are easier to manipulate with markets. Feminism is mostly due to women spending 80-85% of first world capital; consumerism. There is also an element of labor capital with around half the population not working. We shall ignore the revolution glorification myth in the west for now.
Women being closer to the average on Bell curve makes them far more vulnerable to statistical analysis and structures founded on it. Atheism makes sure the schooling and media are your only guides in this world, so you want what is profitable to want. Atheism prevents grouping up on large scale. Ideologies proved simpler than any religion, and far more limited without the rich multi-generational tradition that religion and ethnic identities have in most places in the world (aside from North America, really).

We can't discuss anything with its real names, because one of us gets syntax error. Religion is language of thought. There is a Christian root to our thinking, but industrial evolution has shattered modernity from life.

>> No.10224613

>tfw there are so many Peterson shilling threads that I forgot which one I posted in and I want to check if my post got Yous but literally can't find my post because there are so many Peterson threads and I'm not even sure whether or not the thread it was in was deleted or not.

>> No.10224620

Your fault if you opened them all. You could check out your page history. Ctrl + H or Alt + H

>> No.10224657

imagine living in a world where this actually happohhhhhhh noooooooooooo...........

>> No.10224799

this but unironically

>> No.10224801

so they had him vape for the viewers out of some greasy tube so the communists think he isnt that bad?

>> No.10224817


>> No.10224819


>> No.10224951

Supposedly the vape had no weed. But he also joked about it having weed before he said it had no weed. *x-files music plays*

>> No.10225608

I thought this was a shop.

The madman actually did it.

>> No.10225757

I thought Evola was the dragon guy

>> No.10225802

No that was Siegfried.

>> No.10225804

explain pls

>> No.10225806


>> No.10225809

Canadian humour

>> No.10225905
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>> No.10226116

I wasn't being ironic.

>> No.10227139

Peterson has >6000 patrons, last I saw before it went private, he was making something like $50,000 a month from it

that's well over HALF A MILLION A YEAR

>> No.10227984

Peterson is (((cucked)))

>> No.10228119
File: 159 KB, 620x827, 1509311087878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right I understand the arrogance that can come from being part of the niche of Creative individuals but I am 20 in Uni and want to try my hand at the creative path as I feel openness is my dominant trait. How do I go about setting an aim/goal when my aspirations lack the structure of a typical career plan? Seriously looking for advice here /lit/ as I'm 20 and feel this I am in my shining years of opportunity.

>> No.10228591

I skipped through the podcast. At some point it seemed like he was just shilling his online self help courses or something, did i misunderstand?

>> No.10228599

I want to see a crime miniseries starring the man in your picture

>> No.10228616

Getting sent to some sort of tolerance camp is not an irrational fear in Canada

>> No.10228628

Create. Just make shit. Try everything and anything. Don't judge yourself too hard for your failures. Just go hogwild and spray your creative hose all over life. Life's a bitch. Stay in school and try to get a decent job. Don't plan on making money off your art. Do it for love. For passion. If you truly love. And are truly creative. You will make money but not in the ways you originally expected.


>> No.10228704

it's an irrational fear if you can avoid that fate by just sucking up and using pronouns instead of being a flamboyant pussy about it

>> No.10228804

Think about it this way, it could be "fucked" that english doesn't have gendered words.

>> No.10228876

desu I lost some respect for Peterson when his research funding was denied and he asked for fans to help pay for it.
nigger you're making a gorillion from your patreon alone, fund it yourself. iirc they only needed to raise like 10k. baka

>> No.10228974

In his defense, he didn't. Rebel Media set that entire thing up

>> No.10230248


>> No.10230306

To be honest that was a really cool vape toke

>> No.10230337
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did this retard actually believe?

>> No.10230367


Was Einstein an atheist?

>> No.10230438

>conflating technical expertise with wisdom

>> No.10231134

How do I get a thicc neck like this?

>> No.10231144

>I was right about thing x so I am definitely right about thing y

start with the Greeks my friend and then come back

>> No.10231382

get some extra chromosomes

>> No.10231430

fantastic comedy friend

>> No.10231625

Einstein wasn't an atheist though, learn to put more effort into your shitposts.
"I am not an atheist" -Einstein

>> No.10231647
File: 82 KB, 500x348, save it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, look at this naive motherfucker.