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/lit/ - Literature

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10216542 No.10216542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Despite it being discussed by many philosophers throughout history and even by the Jews themselves, /lit/ continually shies away from the oldest question in history; the Jewish Question.

Why is that?

>> No.10216545

I smell sage and thyme, do you?

>> No.10216581
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But what is the Jewish Question?

>> No.10216589

Every discussion on this topic is doomed to be shit up by memeing preteen retards, so there's no point.

>> No.10216592

Who are the Jews? How do they affect the world? How have they affected history? Why are they so often persecuted? Is this persecution justified or not?

>> No.10216595

Just ignore their posts. They soon run away when not given attention.

>> No.10216598

I'm not /pol/ actually but it seems like at least half of my favorite historical intellectuals and writers have been antisemites :/

>> No.10216602

stop posting this thread you nolife manchildren

>> No.10216603

Actually there are loads of threads here dedicated to this every day.

>> No.10216607

You need to cool your jets, is asking questions wrong or something?

>> No.10216616
File: 17 KB, 189x266, easyonthecreambugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps we can find an answer in the oeuvre of /lit/'s resident Jew, Otto Weininger, who killed himself because he was a virgin Semite?

>> No.10216627

An ethnic and religious group. By offering a religious alternative to other groups and counting for their right to exist as they wish. By having political fights with other ethnic and religious groups and contributing to literature and philosophy from the stance of their faith. All ethnic and religious groups are prosecuted, Jews doubly so because they are ethnic AND religious groupings, and because they felt religiously and ethnically entitled to contested land that was strategically useful. No more or less than any other persecution based on blind hatred of ethnicity or religious belief, that is to say, you have a right to fight for your right to party but otherwise live and let live.

Why are you so interested in this topic?

>> No.10216632

>counting for their right to exist as they wish.
Oh ze poor jews

>> No.10216634

Watch them crawl out of their cage. Looks like you were right, friend ;)

>> No.10216635

Oh, I thought you wanted to have a discussion.

>> No.10216640

Your post contains a lot of assumptions very much embedded within modernity.

For example, that death is wrong or hatred is wrong or that people should be left to do what they want as individuals.

>> No.10216641
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maybe they'd not shy away from the Jewish Question if retarded OPs like yourself actually stated the question itself.

>> No.10216642

Don't you like Jews like Weininger, anon? What did poor Schlomo Weininger do to you?

>> No.10216644

I am interested in this topic because Jews have had a tremendous influence on history and the world today, despite being such a small group. They are the forerunners of the world's largest religions: Islam and Christianity.

Is it not natural for any person curious about the world to investigate the character of such a stock of people?

>> No.10216645

Brainlet can't even use Google lol


>> No.10216647

Come back to me when you can convince humanity that those assumptions are wrong. Otherwise you're irrelevant, like your Chinese cartoons.

>> No.10216649

>>Is it not natural for any person curious about the world to investigate the character of such a stock of people?
All you need to know about us, goy, is that we are superior.

>> No.10216651

Give it up, loser. You've been shitposting in these threads for some time. I enjoy making you sperg out and waste your time attacking far more intelligent men (Weininger) than you.

Also, I know you're a dirty kike. I can smell you a mile away. ;)

>> No.10216653
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Why the fuck would I waste my time doing that? Retard OP should be explicit in his post if he expects answers. Fucking retard.

>> No.10216654

Yes, they are my opinions and I am a man of modernity.

True, but you realise that the jewish beliefs and practices that were the evolutionary launchpad of those other religions are no more a reflection of modern Jewish character as ancient Christian practices are with modern Christian characters right? It's like saying we are the same as bonobos because we evolved from a common ancestor to them. Things change.

That is to say, Jewish history and religious studies is not a study of the personality traits of Jewish people these days.

>> No.10216655


>> No.10216656

If there is a Jewish conspiracy why am I still not in on it? I want millions of dollary doos and the ability to rape everyone in my vicinity.

>> No.10216659

What do you think about Jewish stereotypes? Do you believe there is truth to be found in any of them? What is your opinion on Jews dominating industries such as Hollywood or the media? Do you think that by having such a large presence in said industries, they have a lot of power? Do you think that maybe they'd use this power for the interests of their people, as any other would?

>> No.10216660

Modernist cucks. Accept the fact you live in the period of the Kali Yuga.

>> No.10216665

Finally, an OP brace enough to just ask questions.

>> No.10216671

Learn to use Google, pleb. No one said Jewish conspiracy. We who discuss the Jewish Question are discussing a tendency of the mind that is particularly prevalent among the Jews themselves.


>> No.10216673

But so far I made mods delete about three or four of your threads, while all you did was provide me with free entertainment and a moment of rest between posting in actual literary discussions. You will go away like the radfems who spammed us with Andrea Dworkin and we'll go back to memeing about DFW and Pynchon. It's just a matter of time. You lack the mental faculties to understand the idiosyncrasies of this website.

>> No.10216676

Yep, I am aware of this.

Why is it that you think you are superior? Is it because of being the chosen people of YHWH, or because of biological reasons (i.e Ashkenazim are noted for having high IQ)?

>> No.10216679

Thanks for outing yourself for all to see. One individual at a time is all it takes and you do the work for me by admitting that the dumbing down of this board to DFW threads is orchestrated by posters like you.

Oh and thanks for not denying being a Jew. That helps a lot too. Again, thanks for doing my work for me. One person at a time ;)

>> No.10216681
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anti Jewish"christians" use the same logic that Muslims use to persecute Christians in the middle east. In fact Stormfags would be the first to kill Jesus if he ever did return to earth and not tell anyone.

>> No.10216682

They are true in the same way Ned Flanders is a Christian. By dominating, you mean having a large presence in those industries? I think Jewish people worshipped study and education LONG before other cultures places much value in them, and they gained a foothold in certain industries and then preferences their own buddies with job security the same way any ingroup does. Yes, they have power but Jewish people are as much consumers of that culture too so they are not using that power in service of their own peoples psyche - if they are undermining Christian values then they undermine Jewish ones as well for they are largely the same if not MORE conservative and strict. They would use the power to make money and security for their family and friends, which is what anyone would do.

>> No.10216689

>Haha, if I shitpost about Weininger committing suicide that makes me win

Good you're pathetic

>> No.10216695

Do you really expect serious replies? 2 out of 3 people here roleplay Jews to make you grind your teeth and pretend like your fortress is, indeed, besieged. You maintain this somewhat serious tone, as if anybody cared, as if you could carve a piece of 4chan for yourself. Because you fell for the "free speech" meme. I will state that again: you do not understand this website. Read Angela Nagle and lurk more, faggot.

>> No.10216704

It doesn't matter whether I'm pathetic or not. Maybe I'm a Slav huddled in front of a CRT, I could be a thirsty Jew posting from a studio apartment in Manhattan, or I could be your neighbour. Consider the following, though: you're trying to feign a grassroots trend and you will fail.

>> No.10216706

Whos this regal qt

>> No.10216709

What is your opinion on the persecution of Jews in Germany during WWII? What do you think they were persecuted for?

>> No.10216718

I'm just asking questions, I don't know where you are getting all these assumptions from. Relax.

>> No.10216724

Thanks for outing yourself again

one person at a time ;)

>> No.10216730


We don't. The answer is that Jewish people are smart and do everything right, are an exemplary tribe and a valuable ally to Western nations.

>> No.10216734
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Oy vey, they're discussing something I don't like, better shut it down quick!

>> No.10216736

Why don't you fucking google it smartypants

>> No.10216739

t. Modernity cuck

>> No.10216740
File: 49 KB, 850x400, DMQetDaXcAAX586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jewish question boils down to how do we gentiles/christians properly relate to a tribal-group whose main values revolve around nepotism, accumulation of wealth, and promoting talmudic values and/or degeneracy cloaked in secular humanist jargon.

And the answer can't be expelling them from your nation, because that was tried over 140 times in history and it didn't work. The answer can't be Luther's response either.

We don't need to reform society or shun them, we need to reform individuals so they become aware and vaccinated against progressive subversion, bad propaganda, pornography, worship of money, materialism, freudian psychobabble, resentiment, frankfurt school dialectics etc

tl;dr we need to go back and read the greeks, specially Cicero, and then the early Patristics

>> No.10216742

I think there were financial pressures that the country was under after fines from the first world war, which were nearly impossible to deal with in a short term. Nevertheless, politicians being what they are made promises about short term solutions and used the equivalent of market research to get a sense of how they could latch that promise onto a psychological motive in the people. They chose a Christian nationalist fascism, and this spiralled out of control to the point where the people and the leaders were caught in a feedback loop blaming all the countries economic and social problems onto minority groups (not just Jews). They couldn't back down without looking like they had lied in the first place (similar to Western leaders sticking to their guns about medical marijuana, because after jailing that many people they could not reneg on their position.

Jewish people had a history of standing up for themselves against persecution so rather than lay low, they spoke out against this and it created a cultural dichotomy that the leaders went apeshit into. My hunch is that the leaders cared as much about this as bush cared about bringing democracy to Iraq (protip, it was about an excuse to gain economic and land advantages). It all went horribly wrong for everyone involved, and nobody has felt the same way about politics ever since.

>> No.10216746

See, you're obsessed with an idea and that's why you won't make a career out of posting here. You don't have original content, you don't have funny /pol/ memes, you're not transgressive in any way. You're trying to translate a real life mode of communication into posts on 4chan. Hell, you can't even use memes properly and in context. You're either well over 30 or a newfag. Or both. At least /pol/ understands what this website used to stand for, you clearly don't.

>> No.10216748

Sperg post lol

>> No.10216754

Why don't you idiots keep to your containment board?

>> No.10216756

Enjoy your samefags and archived threads, I guess.

>> No.10216763
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>Martin the cuck

>> No.10216789

this thread is a fucking failure boi

>> No.10216817


>> No.10216832


the jewish question is 'what do we do with these parasites?'

>> No.10216842
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>moving the goalposts after you lost the game

>> No.10216851
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I'm a full blown /pol/lack and I think this thread is cancer. Not literature related and all you're doing is giving people ammo against us. Stop being obnoxiously retarded.

>> No.10216853

t. brainlet

>> No.10216863
File: 2.60 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170724-215808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like full blown ballsack desu.

>> No.10216869
File: 35 KB, 600x600, adonbilivit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn why is scott eastwood so good looking. Prob the best looking dude ive ever seen.

>> No.10216870

Should be discussed on /his/ or /pol/. Ideally /lit/ would be a board where we rarely discuss jews but it seems like every day there are threads that devolve into talking about this shit

>> No.10216871

What makes YOU think that I (OP) am a /pol/ack?

/pol/ doesn't understand the Jewish Question. Not like geniuses such as Weininger or Heidegger.

>> No.10216873

oi vey, we could discuss the Torah and its teachings in /lit/ my goy.

>> No.10216879

Categorisation = Modernity

>> No.10216883

Because we aren't an echo chamber and don't need to repeat the same shit over and over to feel better about being absolute losers who contribute nothing to society
Go back to your containment board please

>> No.10216885

Why can't we just talk about actual literature? No need to be so obsessed with politics that you have to bring it to every board. Like i said, i wouldn't mind if every so often someone brought up the JQ but at this point it's just repetitive trash where neither side will ever convince the other. It only serves to shit up the board

>> No.10216891

It's really obvious you have read very little in your life seeing as you so easily toss the Jewish Question aside when so many great men before you were willing to discuss it.

>> No.10216902

Theres no reason to discuss it
Anyone with half a brain already knows. What is accomplished by circle jerking about it? Absolutely nothing.
Find something better to do with your time otherwise you just fall into a trap of being a bitter hateful loser, and they win :^)

Now fuck off back your containment board. I said please once so I'm not gonna say it again, cunt.

>> No.10216906

I know I was meming in that post you replied to but yeah, I actually did think that talking about the Torah would be interesting. Making comparisons between the Torah, Bible, and Quran would be quite interesting

>> No.10216923

Oy vey, stop being so spiteful, just don't be hateful, haha, like, have sex lol haha

>> No.10216934

Considering Weininger a genius puts you below the 14 year old polacks, friendo.

>> No.10216938

How can you browse this board and be this illiterate?
nearly every significant thinker in history has said something on the matter

>> No.10216945

There's a lot of shit to read out there. Think for a second, would ya?

>> No.10216952

I know who you are ;)

>> No.10216954

>he thinks it's acceptable to have not read Marx in this day and age

>> No.10216961
File: 206 KB, 800x800, Knowledge is Power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get over yourself

>> No.10216966

Le seething roastie or le ebil merchant? Don't slide too far from the charade of "I want an actual discussion". You did pretty bad in that regard last week in your frogthreads.

>> No.10216971

>evolutionary launchpad

Imagine only being able to think in scientistic terms. What a nightmare.

>> No.10216974

name one notable philosopher that has spewed your stupid racist irrational conspiracies

just one. then I'll concede that Jews are a subversive parasite race.

>> No.10216977

One thread at a time ;)

>> No.10216979


>> No.10216983
File: 57 KB, 672x372, heidegger-sitting-672x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“One of the most secret forms of the gigantic, and perhaps the oldest, is the tenacious skillfulness in calculating, hustling, and intermingling through which the worldlessness of Jewry is grounded”GA 95: 97 (Überlegungen VIII, 5).

>> No.10216988

Imagine jumping into your own unfounded assumptions based on virtually no evidence. How lonesome.

>> No.10217006

>That is to say, Jewish history and religious studies is not a study of the personality traits of Jewish people these days.
That's quite the facile argument. I'm pretty sure Jews are reading the same Torah now as they were 1000 years ago. And keep in mind, you're talking about an extremely closed off group of people who chiefly associate with their own kind. I mean, this is a religious group that's become their own ethnicity due to inbreeding.

>> No.10217009

>But so far I made mods delete about three or four of your threads

Wtf is wrong with Jews lmao

>> No.10217037

>becoming their own ethnicity
They always WERE an ethnic as well as religious group. This is nothing new, and you clearly don't know much about Judaism to talk that way. Christians are reading the same bible, but if someone went to sacrifice their son with a knife we'd lock him up. Times have changed, psychology has changed, you're a fucking idiot if you think a Jewish person has the same mind and culture as 1000 years ago. Judaism is trying to be relevant same way other religions are.

>chiefly associate with their own kind
Kek, they still have to do a job of work, man, go to the shops, live in the world with other people. If anything, minority groups spend MORE time with "the other" than majority groups.

>> No.10217047

Uh, that's five questions, bub.

>> No.10217053

>Kek, they still have to do a job of work, man, go to the shops, live in the world with other people. If anything, minority groups spend MORE time with "the other" than majority groups.
You're telling me I don't know about Jews? I live in New York, dude. Hasidic Jews are downright tribal, they live in their own neighborhoods, go to their shops, their own schools, and so forth.


Look at this shit. They all collect welfare because they don't formally report income because they all shop at one another's stores, they are on their own barter system. At the same time their quality of life is MASSIVELY higher than actual poor people who need welfare. You're telling me these people are regular fucking citizens, mingling with the rest of us? Respecting our norms? Our laws? Fuck off. While this is an extreme example, it's purely so because of concentration alone, there are smaller clusters of Jews all over doing all they can in the same vein.

>> No.10217070

>They always WERE an ethnic as well as religious group. This is nothing new, and you clearly don't know much about Judaism to talk that way. Christians are reading the same bible, but if someone went to sacrifice their son with a knife we'd lock him up. Times have changed, psychology has changed, you're a fucking idiot if you think a Jewish person has the same mind and culture as 1000 years ago. Judaism is trying to be relevant same way other religions are.
>HURR DURR I'm going to interpret allegory LITERALLY won't that make him look SO SILLY
Ok retard anon. And no-one here is talking about Jews in Babylon or whatever, Jews in Europe came from all kinds of bloodlines and intermingled with Europeans where they could for opportunistic reasons, that isn't to say over the years they've created a whole new limited and self producing gene pool. The inbreeding isn't even important, it's the readiness to do so that is, the norms encouraged and propagated by the Jewish faith (not the blood). It's not a coincidence they've been persecuted as they have been, it's because they absolutely refuse to assimilate.