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File: 10 KB, 298x448, Terry_OQuinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1021459 No.1021459 [Reply] [Original]

...in an adaptation for the movie!
(please no "buk r betar" etc...)

I'll start: Judge Holden in an adaptation of Blood Meridian

>> No.1021509
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search your hearts
you know it to be true

>> No.1021540
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just one more:


>> No.1021548
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>> No.1021557
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Probably can't act, but he was always Raskolnikov in my mental-casting of Crime and Punishment to keep the characters straight. They were all musicians I liked.

Meg ended up being Dounia.

Sting was Arkady.

>> No.1021562


That's actually not the worst idea I've ever heard.

>> No.1021565
File: 17 KB, 274x400, steve_buscemi_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Buscemi as Humbert Humbert

>> No.1021567

for the casting of Judge Holden, or in general?
if the former:
what was the awful casting that you had been told?

>> No.1021575
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Gulliver's travels... oh wait

>> No.1021579


Actually, both! I liked Terry O'Quinn back when he was General Santiago in Harsh Realm.

As for the other suggestion I've heard, it was Andrew Zimmern: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Zimmern

>> No.1021587
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The bible

>> No.1021590
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Norm Macdonald as Humbert Humbert

>> No.1021596
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a challenger appears

>> No.1021605

That's the worst fucking idea ever.

Humbert is supposed to be attractive.

>> No.1021611

Now this I like

>> No.1021617
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I always pictured Humbert Humbert as Carey Grant

>> No.1021624
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>> No.1021625

I think you need to read lolita again

1. Humbert is an unreliable narrator, so who are you to tell?
2. At times he describes his bad teeth behind his boyish smile

>> No.1021626
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clyde griffiths from an american tragedy

>> No.1021627
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for The Kid.

I like him. I think despite the pretty faggy roles he's been put in, put some blood and dirt on him and he could act pretty damn well.

>> No.1021628
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quentin compson

>> No.1021635
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dorian gray

>> No.1021637
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josef K

>> No.1021639


Stop this.

>> No.1021640
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>> No.1021643

and Stagolee ruins yet another thread...

... not that it was any good in the first place

>> No.1021646
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sydney carton

>> No.1021651
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stephen dedalus
only read 13 or 14 pages of portrait but w/e

>> No.1021655
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Playing the role of Faustus

>> No.1021656

I don't know, man, Gordon-Levitt could probably pull those off.

>> No.1021659
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Ignatius J. Reilly

>> No.1021662
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all roles in every movie ever

>> No.1021664

I always saw Paul Giamatti as Falstaff.
Probably because I saw a production of the opera Falstaff and the person playing Falstaff looked a lot like Giamatti.

>> No.1021668
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>> No.1021671

Julia, 1984

>> No.1021673
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forgot pic

>> No.1021681
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no way is jim carrey meursault no way

>> No.1021686
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or cillian too he could be meursault too if that's ok with leo

>> No.1021702


Too old.

>> No.1021706

The only person who could have possibly played The Judge was Marlon Brando.

>> No.1021709
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Oh hey guys... Did I tell you I got the role for Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.1021711
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King Lear

> not that it was any good in the first place
fuck you

Giamatti might be good, but I think that its his cynicism, his seeming frustratedness that feels like he might not have the jollyness, or even the peace with life that Falstaff has

>cooking show host
>Judge Holden

yeah, I agree with it being awful casting
some of the stuff I've seen of him, he's just WAY too fucking smug

>> No.1021740
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Howard Roark

>> No.1021745


Oh God I fucked came in my pants

>> No.1021751
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Captain Francis Crozier from The Terror

>> No.1021764
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John Galt

>> No.1021759
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Dagny Taggart


I'm thinking Eva Mendes (MAYBE--only maybe) for Dominique, but nobody else comes to mind

>> No.1021790
File: 29 KB, 430x511, 22075368_Eva-Green-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was thinking Eva Green for Dominique, I always assumed she was French.

>> No.1021802


(against possibly Ciaran Hinds's Antony)

I always pictured it like the President appointing a general: they're all old men. Same idea applied to Othello passing over Iago for Cassio.

I think Brando would be too melodramatic for Judge Holden; this could just be me, but I always thought there was a high stoicism there, an understatement, a diminishing of physicality (which heightens the impact of his physical brutality)

>> No.1021807
File: 148 KB, 450x589, Sicko_4_Michael_Moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


perfect Falstaff right here

>> No.1021811
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confirmed for Moriarty?

>> No.1021815
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fuck, I meant to attach

however, in context to
makes me wonder that it'd be kinda interesting to look at how similar Dominique and Cleopatra are as characters

I mean, for Dominique, Green does have that force, that masculinity (a meanness, almost) Dominique has

re. Dominique as French
I can't recall a lineage that Rand ever told us about, though I might just not be recalling it

>> No.1021817

Benicio Del Toro as Meurseault

>> No.1021827
File: 58 KB, 750x925, Christian-Bale-christian-bale-42312_750_925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edmund Dantes

>> No.1021844


yeah, all true, I was more just thinking about how she'd play off Mr. Draper. He had great chemistry with the Jewish heiress in the first season, and I could see Eva playing that kind of role even better

>> No.1021849
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>> No.1021853


Jim Caviezel was here. Christian Bale is a faggot.

>> No.1021863

Johnny Depp as Woland, in an adaptation of The Master and Margarita.

>> No.1021864
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sherlock holmes

>> No.1021891
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does make me wonder about Othello...

>> No.1021906

I wouldn't argue that.

>> No.1021907


That movie was made of dicks and cocks.
Willing to see Bale's Dantès.

>> No.1021919
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There is only one man fit to play such a role

>> No.1021918
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>> No.1021922


Dicks AND cocks, you say? I believe you are mistaken, sir.

That movie was great and Christian Bale is a hack.

>> No.1021926

You shut your mouth, he's a good actor.

>> No.1021940
File: 668 KB, 896x1439, Chiwetel_Ejiofor_at_the_2008_Tribeca_Film_Festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah, I'd skew younger. Laurence Fishburne is tough to beat, tho

>> No.1021942
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woah woah woah...

>> No.1021947
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>> No.1021964


too weak
too passive

>> No.1021965


The only way for me to continue to subscribe to a rational world is to believe that you have never read the original.

If you have, and still believe that the movie was good, then I can do naught else but pray for your soul which seems otherwise doomed to be cast unceremoniously into the circle of hell reserved for heretics.

>> No.1021975


No, I haven't read the original. Having said that, movie is still great and Bale is still terrible.

>> No.1022018
File: 13 KB, 272x340, charlize-theron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather see Charlize as Dagny

well, at least compared to Hilary Swank
Swank's way too mannish

>> No.1022017


Speaking as a great fan of the book, I find the plot of the movie differs too greatly from the original text to the point that it seems an awkward pastiche of Dumas' style.

Then again, as we appear to disagree on the subject of Mr. Bale's acting abilities, perhaps we must simply agree to disagree on the subject.

Enjoy the movie in good health.

>> No.1022180
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Dmitri Karamazov

>> No.1022204

oh man

go to bed bert

>> No.1022211
File: 93 KB, 333x500, David_Morse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Holden. The cunt's like eight foot ten.

>> No.1022221
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Just about wanted to post that he would be a great Nick Carraway. JGL isn't manly enough to be Gatsby.

>> No.1022290
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Sammy Clay pictured at right

>> No.1022299
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Edward Cullen from Twilight.

>> No.1022300
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Alyosha Karamazov; ridiculous "nuclear wessels" accent optional.

>> No.1022352

Harry Flashman

>> No.1022354
File: 20 KB, 340x425, christian-bale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Derp forgot the pic

>> No.1022355

No, because I can't take Chekov seriously.