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/lit/ - Literature

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10213710 No.10213710 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books set or written in 1780-1860 Germany? I will be bumping with cute grls at least twice

>> No.10213714

Goethe, Wilhelm Meister - Schopenhauer put the first book in his 4 best books he had ever written
Holderlin, Hyperion - Holderlin was one of the best poets of the age and his novel has very touching sentiments

>> No.10213718

read, sorry

>> No.10213727

>Goethe, Wilhelm Meister
Nice, thanks. What do you think about Sorrows of Young Wherther? Already ordered Hyperion, looks incredible

>> No.10213732

Oh shit it looks like Thomas Caryle did a translation of it

>> No.10214460

Goethe isn't romanticism you faggot

>> No.10214475

>I will be bumping with cute grls at least twice

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her.

>> No.10214492
File: 110 KB, 445x464, 1422319661091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on par with saying "Plato isn't platonism"

>> No.10214514
File: 121 KB, 514x600, ETA_Hoffmann_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try E. T. A. Hoffmann.

>> No.10214522

>Goethe, Wilhelm Meister - Schopenhauer put the first book in his 4 best books he had ever written
skip these
>holderlin hyperion
read this

>> No.10214628

Goethe is part of the Sturm und Drang and Weimarer Klassik movements. He has nothing to do with German Romanticism (which blossomed during the later years of his life) and opposed it multiple times while he was alive.

>> No.10214657

Right, but Sturm und Drang is unanimously considered proto-romantic or early romantic, and Goethe was the touchstone for 1.5 centuries of self-styledly romantic German idealist-expressivist philosophy, science, and poetics, that explicitly took Goethe's poetry and morphological science as the first axiom of all such thinking

Goethe himself repudiating parvenus who were more inspired by the French Rev than his own youthful influences, in his old age, doesn't make him not romantic

>> No.10214687

>skip these
y i thought Goethe was the infallible chad scholar

>> No.10214692

he was degenerate and mean spirited

>> No.10214720

>Right, but Sturm und Drang is unanimously considered proto-romantic or early romantic
It's more of a sub-movement of the Aufklarung (though in opposition to it) than anything else.

>> No.10214896


Tieck - William Lovell
Tieck - Phantasus
ETA Hpffmann - Sandmann / Fräulein Sculderi / the golden pot
ETA Hoffmann - The elixiers of the devil
Novalis - Heinrich von Ofterdingen
Eichendorff - from the life of a good for nothing
Eichendorff - the marble statue
Hölderlin - Hyperion

>> No.10214948

Heinrich von Ofterdingen is very good, Hoffman is accessible. Even though he was a later writer, Hesse was very influenced by German Romanticism and his early Fairy Tales like "Lulu" read much like Hoffman.

If you want a fantastic long read go for Green Henry, however be forewarned the second part is very inferior to the first, with the author becoming the mid 19th century equivalent of a fedora atheist. The first part of the novel however is perfect.

>> No.10214954

Kleist is also a great read, particularly his revenge novela, Michael Kohlhaas