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/lit/ - Literature

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1021221 No.1021221 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, I want to get in on the Modern Fantasy genra. What would you suggest?

And I said MODERN. No Lord of the Rings please...

>> No.1021225

A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.

>> No.1021224

wicked lovely i hear good things about it

>> No.1021229
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Anyways, Give J.V. Jones a try. Start with "A Cavern of Black Ice"

>> No.1021236

Read it. Shallow but interesting enough to hold your attention.

>> No.1021244
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>>modern fantasy

>> No.1021245
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>From Wikipedia Page

>Wicked Lovely is a young adult/urban fantasy novel....

>Heard good things about it.


>> No.1021253

Just stick with Tolkien my friend.

>> No.1021258
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Yeah it's terrible. My little sister, a goth who is INTO THOSE KIND OF BOOKS, hated it. And she LIKES Twilight! It makes me wonder how bad wicked lovely is.

>> No.1021267

i'm reading American Gods right now
good read so far

>> No.1021274
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Neil can suck my dick. After he got out of Comics, it was all down hill from there.

I mean, come on! One of the monsters is a VAGINA THAT EATS PEOPLE!!!!

>> No.1021279

whats that pic from?

>> No.1021283


Oh, come on. You didn't like the part where the guy sucks off a genie? That made the whole book for me.

>> No.1021284


OP here.

I don't know. I got it from /tg/.

>> No.1021292
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Why did you make me remember....

As I read it, I was like "It HAS to get better, I mean, it's Neil fucking Gaimen!"

....It didn't get better, to say the least.

>> No.1021364


....Anyways...OP why not try a little know Fanfic writer! He's written many books! Give his "Eragon" a try!

>> No.1021377
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>> No.1021384

I quite enjoyed the Sword of Truth series.

>> No.1021386

What's modern fantasy?

>> No.1021389


Basically any novel with elves in it after 1970....

>> No.1021412
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What? NO!

Fantasy is defined as:

>a genre that uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting.

>> No.1021474

Then get disappointed when you realise nothing is as good afterwards

>> No.1021478

i would have though modern fantasy was magic, sword fights, and mythic creatures in modern day settings.

>> No.1021482

Otherland series by Tad Williams. Combines sci-fi, general fiction, magical realism, and fantasy through the use of different settings in real-world political/corporate intrigue and Internet/Virtual Reality gaming.
You're welcome.

>> No.1021487


>Otherland series by Tad Williams

>Combines sci-fi, general fiction, magical realism, and fantasy through the use of different settings in real-world political/corporate intrigue
Oh, really? Sounds pretty cool

>and Internet/Virtual Reality gaming.

>You're welcome.

>> No.1021803

If by modern you mean it has nothing to do with farm boys growing up and saving the world from almost invincible bad guys, Then i would read A game of thrones by george rr martin.

>> No.1021840


Why is that knight wearing hockey pads? Does he dress up as batman on the weekends?

>> No.1021845


He IS Batman

>> No.1021851

The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.

It has all the brutal screwing over of the protagonists that Song of Fire and Ice has, but it has magic AND its actually finished. Which Song of Fire and Ice will never be.

>> No.1021935

What modern fantasy are we talking about here? Recent fantasy, or fantasy set in recent times (i.e. often urban fantasy)? Because the 'modern' in modern fantasy is the word that separates the current genre from stuff like the Odyssey, and LotR is quite firmly ensconced in it.