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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 1080x720, 1463693761962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10213810 No.10213810 [Reply] [Original]

What books would your ideal partner be into?

>> No.10213813

my diary desu

>> No.10213823

The Bible.

>> No.10213830

The Bible.

>> No.10213832
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>> No.10213835
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>> No.10213836
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>> No.10213837

The Bible.

>> No.10213846
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ignore this pls

>> No.10213853
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>> No.10213854

An entire generation believes that love is indulgence and the highest form of indulgence is cum. Lonely men desire true friends. But between true friends is love, and, if love, then cum. What then? No friends, but a girlfriend. One whose qualities sit well with me, how I think, how I feel--I feel that I could be that one. And after all I make me cum.

>> No.10213856



Whatever she likes as long as there is some crossover in what we read

>> No.10213863

philosophy and lit theory shit because im not very familiar with that

>> No.10213870

I don't want a partner. What I want is to be rich.

>> No.10213873
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Nabokov, Proust, Rimbaud

>> No.10213877

I dated a girl that had read the entire oeuvre of Vonnegut. She was OK. Dated another girl that enjoyed young adult fiction. She was shit.

>> No.10213882

I wonder if a girl like that exists :\

>> No.10213937

Some cooking books
European and Near Eastern Myth books
Some Gardening Stuff
Books about child care

>> No.10213943

Magic realism, surrealism, Russian classics, post modern and sharing my weakness of fantasy literature.

>> No.10213952
File: 219 KB, 666x1000, the-kama-sutra-colouring-book.jpg.pagespeed.ce.ezktmPnfbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd rate jared leto reverse trap
No thanks.

And pic related.

>> No.10213953

>weakness of fantasy literature
Stop being pretentious.

>> No.10213961

Hesse, Rilke, Hemingway, Tolstoy, and the sweet-but-melancholy Japanese bunch.

It'd be nice if she listened to Grouper as well.

I can be demanding and childish because I'm not planning on even sparking conversation with a girl any time in the next five years. Brooding over exes provides me all the affection I need.

>> No.10213966

Mein Kampf

>> No.10213968

ooh some English lit like... by those ladies. Fuck I forgot what they're called Pride and Prejudice ya. Also stuff like Jane Eyre. It'd be cute to be with a girl who liked that kinda stuff...social, feminine. Good counterpoint to the autistically masculine stuff I like

>> No.10213969

it sounds like your interested in a man

>> No.10213970
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>can't stop if you haven't started

>> No.10213971

>he hasn't understood that homosexuality is the ideal

>> No.10213973

not them but nah senpai there is nothing more attractive than a woman with brains. she doesn't need to be watched or repeated to or helped, and she can hold up her end of a conversation. you can keep your instathots from miami, anon. give me a 6/10 who is smarter than me.

>> No.10213975

>he is a faggot

>> No.10213978

What? That has nothing to do with my post

>> No.10213993

At this point, anything. It's hard to meet girls who read when you're not in college; most girls I meet at bars/parties just end up boring me after I realize they don't have any interesting thoughts/we share no common interests.
can you sense my virginity yet?

>> No.10213998

Whatever I'm into, minus a few pieces, and then some material that I haven't read.

>> No.10214006
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yesterday i met a cute bespectacled 18 year old who was really excited about the basis of morality and in conversation said "that's what's great about Jazz" like a complete dork and i don't even listen to jazz but i t thought it was adorable and now I can't stop thinking about her
unfortunately I'm an awkward sperg who would disappoint her

>> No.10214011
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>> No.10214013

I almost wish I was a faggot.

>> No.10214065

no shit you are an awkward sperg who disappointed her; you can't look past all her flaws and rescue her from her loneliness.

she's over there right now thinking she's an awkward sperg who would disappoint you with her pseudiness.


>> No.10214071

It doesn't really matter what books she's into, it's more important in which way she like them. I want a girl who actually reads because she likes reading, and can appreciate the books and have interested conversations about them. Not a phony who pretends to like something so she can fit in some imaginary social clique.

>> No.10214078

It seems like it would make life simpler in a lot of ways.

>> No.10214122

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ®

>> No.10214129

Literally or next to none, OP.

I feel for you.

>> No.10214133

Winnie the Pooh and Nancy Drew

>> No.10214140


That's absolutely disgusting. Kill yourself, scum.

>> No.10214165

Fyodor Dostoevsky
Victor Hugo
Herman Melville
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Raymond Carver
Marilynne Robinson
Flannery O’Connor
Ernest Hemingway
William Shakespeare
George Eliot
Dante Alighieri
John Milton
Geoffrey Chaucer

>> No.10214172


>> No.10214173
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>> No.10214186


>> No.10214187
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>> No.10214208


>> No.10214210
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suit me up

>> No.10214219

anya taylor joy

>> No.10214221
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>> No.10214224

None. She should be there to look pretty, be a good wife, and not have any thoughts of her own.

>> No.10214273

roll :^))

>> No.10214288

you got yourself your girl right here hmu

>> No.10214295
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>> No.10214296


>> No.10214299

That's clearly a guy.

Preferably Aristophanes, but I guess I'd take Sophocles as well if they're not light-hearted enough.

>> No.10214300

She ever heard of lip balm? Is she constantly sucking on salt rocks or something?

>> No.10214338
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>dat dry hair
>dry skin
>dry lips

white people need to learn about lotions

>> No.10214344

>Serious Love
Top tier.

>> No.10214357

Most white people don't need to dip themselves in a barrel of Vaseline twice a day to avoid taking their skin apart. This leads us to forget about it, out of sight out of mind I guess.

>> No.10214360
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>> No.10214361

That's why white people age so poorly. Black don't crack!

>> No.10214391

Then explain why hispanics age faster than whites and asians slower than blacks

>> No.10214393
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>> No.10214395

I am loved

>> No.10214404
File: 155 KB, 1000x1348, salma-hayek-in-gq-magazine-mexico-november-2016_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't know what you're talking about. Salma is 49 in this pic.

>> No.10214406


>> No.10214408


>> No.10214409

>what is shitloads of facial reconstruction surgery and make-up

I'm talking about the average latinx

>> No.10214410

she'd be illiterate

>> No.10214415
File: 52 KB, 1080x896, 16228834_368811666845109_4365088766025531392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science fiction, fantasy, comicbooks, a bit of literature here and there

>> No.10214427

>those chapped lips

>> No.10214433

You also seem to be forgetting the large amounts of Black people who get murdered doing dumb hoodrat shit. That definitely helps keep the average population younger.

>> No.10214457

Unironically this

>> No.10214459

whats the deal with girls and Lovecraft

>> No.10214461

They secretly desire the redpill

>> No.10214469


>> No.10214485


>> No.10214494

hegel, marx, joyce, sade, sacher-masoch, old testament, new testament, zizek, deleuze, kafka, any number of obscure novelists, whomever

>> No.10214503


>> No.10214512

>>2nd rate jared leto reverse trap
So, I have finally discovered what pure, undilluted autism is, and it was literally this post.

>> No.10214517
File: 407 KB, 968x1280, Audreyaudreyhepburn79525449681280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A word of advice: If your potential girlfriend is into Plath, you need to fucking make like a tree and fuck off immediately.

>> No.10214524

This isn't doubles tennis, you fag.

>> No.10214531

Proust, Eliot, Hardy. She wouldn't look anything like that girl, though. Never been fond of girls who try to look bookish.

>> No.10214534

I must know

>> No.10214536

ey rollin

>> No.10214538

bro you are harshing my vibe

Love Audrey. Good choice my man. Now get away from my waifu.

>> No.10214540


>> No.10214553

>im a boy and Im into those three heavily

Am I girl?

>> No.10214602


>> No.10214617

>bro you are harshing my vibe
I am going to make your ass vibrate

>> No.10214622

notes from the underground

>> No.10214632


>> No.10214671


>> No.10214690

I can't imagine you not being a pedophile.

>> No.10214703
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>> No.10214707
File: 274 KB, 500x722, thetrial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this elfen-capped nothingburger considered a qt? she's an id-pol brute and a brainlet. /lit/ taste has failed again.

don't threaten me with a good time anon

>> No.10214717

Would ya still smooch her

>> No.10214723
File: 681 KB, 567x752, 1509467637467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is this elfen-capped nothingburger considered a qt?

She is a qt faggot

>> No.10214727

Got a harsh slav jaw though but thats UNIQUE

>> No.10214740


>> No.10214741


>> No.10214745

Some great ones I haven't read or even heard about.

>> No.10214751


>> No.10214754

Nabokov wrote stuff other than Lolita you know

>> No.10214761


>> No.10214763

my future bitch better don't read, i don't want to hear her say anything.
i like my woman stupid

>> No.10214764
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come to Miami, I'll show you a good time

>> No.10214767

because it's nerdy
just show them he was a bigot and had a cat named nigger ans see them cringed

>> No.10214803
File: 50 KB, 450x451, sylvia-plath-e1444395971213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't relate to Sylvia Plath in some way you aren't human. Plus liking something doesn't mean you have to be like the author.

>> No.10214851

>could you fucking not .jpg

>> No.10214858


>> No.10214862


>> No.10214944

And whoever it was that wrote my diary desu

>> No.10214976
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That she would be "into books" generally, provided by "books" she does not mean "YA garbage," would be enough for me. If she had read "The Ego and Its Own," and didn't merely claim to have read it, I would consider that an overwhelmingly positive characteristic, but if she hadn't I wouldn't hold it against her.

Although I find that the specter of an "ideal partner" only serves one function, and that is to stop one from procuring a material partner.

>> No.10214990

let us see

>> No.10215010
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I've had three girlfriends that each had Plath on their top 5 lists: One hang herself; the other ran away from home and me, presumably to Bermuda; and the last was interred not too long ago into a loony bin.

There's something fucky with Plath's work, and I can attest to that fact, after having read The Bell Jar myself.

>> No.10215012


>> No.10215065

We can always dream

>> No.10215078

hoes need dusty, not palth

>> No.10215087

Is this an attempt at irony?

>> No.10215178


>> No.10215195


>> No.10215197

It's less about what she reads than what she gets out of the books she reads. I could hate all the shit she likes to read but if it gives her context for great discussion, then that's fine.

>> No.10215227

Everything we fuckers say on /lit/ is practically copypasta fodder.

>> No.10215255

who dat

>> No.10215259

I just wanna meet someone who fucking at least tries to look interested on what I have to say about Morrowind and Murakami.

>> No.10215266

50 Shades of Gray and cookbooks. a bitch who wants to get slapped around and then make some good meals

>> No.10215277


>> No.10215286

last time i responded to these I got b&

>> No.10215289

Let's do this

>> No.10215325

If she can read Tropic of Cancer without getting annoyed and actually finds it funny, then she can be my qt gf. Hendersen the Rain King by Saul Bellow maybe.

>> No.10215341


>> No.10215405

Roll from my phone

>> No.10215429

Can you stop posting pictures of whores for hire, please?

>> No.10215465


>> No.10215470

who the fuck is Hengel?

>> No.10215471

Your ideal ho is too good for you. Except for the Deleuze and Lacan, sure signs of a poser.

>> No.10215489

What makes you think that my ideal partner has the same interests as me? I chose some of these writers simply because it would be in interesting contrast to me. Barring some ex. Jung, Gogol, Mccullers, Cortazar, Hegel

>> No.10215497

He's the oldest author that appears in the normie mind. If you pretend you read and enjoy lovecraft then you might attract a smart sensitive guy unlike your ex who was such a fucking idiot piece of shit.

>> No.10215501


>> No.10215506


>> No.10215513

Damn b what is this

>> No.10215517

Sounds like everyone in this thread wants gf's that are 75+ years old

>> No.10215524


>> No.10215536
File: 64 KB, 599x976, 1509298276570-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- "Fanny Hill" Cleland
- "The Feynman Lectures" Feynman et al
- "Essays in Humanism" Einstein

>> No.10215541

whose qt is that

>> No.10215554

Yeah, pretty much. I would actually date a 70 year old just because they read Hegel

>> No.10215563

Audrey Hepburn

>> No.10215602
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The Quran

>> No.10215610

hello roll

>> No.10215626

Rick rollerino

>> No.10215733


>> No.10215741


>> No.10215766

I refuse

>> No.10215851

I'm above this.

>> No.10215859

You can't be serious

>> No.10215879
File: 36 KB, 287x360, Christ Enthroned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this to be honest family

>> No.10215884


>> No.10215889


>> No.10215945


>> No.10215963

my gf enjoys dumb stuff like bukowski, but shes also a photographer and an artist and intelligent in her own right, and I would rather have complimentary asymmetry in a relationship than perfect symmetry. she likes visual art, I play instruments, we both only dabble in literature, I enjoy philosophy and classics, she likes poetry and novels I suppose. it works

>> No.10215969

roll. hoping for bee wizard desu

>> No.10215978


>> No.10215979

how is that clearly a guy

>> No.10215989

HP Lovecraft is the "OG spooky evil Cthulhu author" and feigning interest in Lovecraft helps them maintain their self-perception of being esoteric and interesting, and thus desirable.

I fell for this meme, and because my girlfriend said she liked Lovecraft in highschool I bought her a pretty nice leather bound Lovecraft Collection. I've seen her open it once, and she sure as hell didn't read all 1200 pages or however much it was. Not upset, but it showed me how surface level her, and by extension, many peoples interests are in books (which is fine I guess, there are plenty of things I have only a passing casual interest/knowledge of).

>> No.10216712

sounds like your not interested in grammar

>> No.10216737
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>> No.10216738


>> No.10216757

You must be new here

>> No.10216823
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>> No.10216827

rolling +3

>> No.10216829

Are you kidding me? This would be a fucking nightmare desu.

>> No.10216843

1) are u grill?
2) If so, where have you been all my life?

>> No.10216868

But pussies are cool. They self lubricate. Not like an asshole.

>> No.10216884
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what makes you think my ideal partner would be into books?

>> No.10216950
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>Cute /lit/ girl at my uni
>Shes being orbited by 100 guys

Not even worth it

>> No.10216962

Esta es una argentina trola. Está lleno.

>> No.10216964

This. Every time.

>> No.10216970

good shit

>> No.10216975

The chances of her literary aspirations being sincere are as abysmally low as the chances of any Chad's literary aspirations exhibiting a like quality. Her "passion" is likely a mere lukewarm interest she has adapted as a sexual ploy.

You will look back on your decision as an excellent one.

>> No.10216976
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>she only responds to chads

>> No.10216989
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At face value, she seems like a smart and interesting person. She reads and plays the piano, but I don't find it attractive when she just hangs out with a bunch of guys and cockteases all of them. With every passing day I realize more and more that Schopenhauer was right.

>> No.10216994

It's so depressing how do you have to be a turbo Chad to manage to get even the 6 or 7/10 cute girls.

>> No.10217000

Well, my point was more that both sexes use apparent literary interest as a means to display "intellectual depth" in a shamelessly materialistic manner. In my experience, men are more guilty of this than women. But the effect of this in a woman is certainly magnified when she acquires many "orbiters."

>> No.10217003
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>she just hangs out with a bunch of guys and cockteases all of them


>> No.10217011


>> No.10217051



>> No.10217082
File: 16 KB, 360x360, 1HY6O03_023_lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes

>> No.10217190

Non-philosophical, non-fiction. Highly cognitive fiction (classics, poetics, dfw and pynchon and hesse style (post)modernists).
Not Harry Potter. Not Fifty Shades of Grey. Not Ready Player One. No cutcopypaste romance novels and other such babble bullshit

>> No.10217191

Why is her consumption of "non-philosophical non-fiction" paramount, and what exactly do you mean by this phrase?

>> No.10217192

the confessions of saint augustine

>> No.10217206 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 500x333, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw and pynchon and hesse
ahahah those aren't even good writers, you can't even be pseud right. That. Terse. Definitive. Period placement isn't enough, should of known from the

>> No.10217214
File: 64 KB, 500x333, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw and pynchon and hesse
ahahah those aren't good writers, you can't even be pseud right. That. Terse. Definitive. Period placement isn't enough, should of known from the

>> No.10217224

No Nietzsche, no Plato, no etc., you only need the gist of certain philosophies which pertain to your self, not to be well read in them

If you can tell me when I said they're good writers I'll agree to whatever point it is you're trying to make. I'm reading ishiguro right now and he's much smoother than them to read, yet I didn't state him. So was Melville, but yet he's contained within the classics. It's my preference, go tickle your own ass and stop trying to poke at mine

>> No.10217235
File: 72 KB, 657x720, fuckouttahere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Nietzsche, no Plato, no etc., you only need the gist of certain philosophies which pertain to your self, not to be well read in them

>> No.10217252

You're right, I'll get so wrapped up in philosophy that the only other people I can even remotely discuss my psyche and personality with are other people utterly wrapped in philosophical blankets.

Anon, it's why aphorisms exist. All lives are rinse wash repeat, no need to literally walk the line of another thoughts when I can generalize my agreement with them. Have fun being -patrician-

>> No.10217263

confirmed: fiction is for children

>> No.10217270

>Anon, it's why aphorisms exist. All lives are rinse wash repeat

The truism to end all truisms: all truisms are true. This is actually a brilliantly perverse line of thinking. Have you considered writing a self-help book?

>> No.10217274
File: 240 KB, 1080x1080, willow.hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so lonely lads

>> No.10217275

>No Nietzsche, no Plato, no etc., you only need the gist of certain philosophies which pertain to your self
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.10217277

judging from your taste you are almost gay anyway, so just get a bf its easier

>> No.10217279
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 21577152_956657627823276_2222400371702104064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have shit taste

>> No.10217283
File: 90 KB, 1080x1220, 19228152_121137545070535_3021363566927151104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tastes vary from tall skinny model type girls to thicc jewish girls like pic related, lad. don't judge me based on one pic

>> No.10217287
File: 336 KB, 1280x1093, tumblr_nwn3dfAMTk1srqwsoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whips and chains excite me

>> No.10217289
File: 146 KB, 1080x1349, sienacrawford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ideal woman reads whatever she's into

>> No.10217290

Ishiguro is contemporary garbage and Melville is an overrated American who doesn't make it near the top 15 of the western canon. Poets are considered writers anon, and they embarrass most novelists

>> No.10217295
File: 20 KB, 480x360, mcmahon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dose eyes
>dose hips
>dat manly chin that would be passed to my male progeny

>> No.10217302

You'd better be tall if you're gonna post some giraffe lady

>> No.10217309

Rollololol hahahehe

>> No.10217315
File: 264 KB, 693x1170, hermaphroditus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are millions of skinny tall twinks that would fit your bill

>> No.10217316
File: 205 KB, 1080x1080, 20582366_1713471865614189_6339857902014038016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'0 which isn't exactly tall but not short either and have hooked up with a girls who were 5'11" as well as a girl who was 6'1 who was skinny af. Thank god for all the tall hot chicks in NYC.

Her insta is @clairegeist shes so damn hot. It's funny I actually have seen her in person a while ago at a Mac Demarco concert

>> No.10217321
File: 206 KB, 1080x1080, 18251444_1517005141708258_4330924745022242816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like men/twinks. You do you nigga

>> No.10217324


>> No.10217326
File: 170 KB, 1280x834, 1509404989796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no athletic aryan gf to BLACK.

>> No.10217331
File: 164 KB, 1080x1010, 1466953811106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I like women who look like women

>> No.10217333

>fake ass
>fake tits
>dyed hair
actually it looks like you like women who look like realdolls

>> No.10217336
File: 56 KB, 640x640, persian princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops I posted one with a fucked up face, this one is better

>> No.10217343

You never seen a big ass and titties before anon? Those are only medium sized anyway.

I feel sorry for you senpai

>> No.10217349

>didn't even confront the fact that they're fake
you're plugged into the simulacra
no hope for you senpai

>> No.10217350

How's your life going?

>> No.10217355

only athletic men can be attractive. it is literally impossible for a man to be attracted to an athletic woman

>> No.10217358

Only for the clinically depressed to not commit suicide and instead spend their lives helping others

>> No.10217359
File: 81 KB, 1080x1350, 18809457_371200456610036_4851476774162268160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


k den.

>> No.10217360
File: 171 KB, 810x1280, yummm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake butts arent even a thing, are you one of those 4chan schizoids?

You think these are fake too?

And these >>10217336 ?

>> No.10217362

cool very wrong opinion. Not my fault you're a weak bitch who can't handle an athletic female

>> No.10217364

That thing literally looks like a trap on its first round of hormones

>> No.10217370
File: 92 KB, 1080x1080, 15625512_1143463225768703_265509135867445248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool opinion. Not my fault you have shit taste in women and books.

>> No.10217376

Very nice lips

>> No.10217377

I can tell you are upset lol

>> No.10217383

Wow, it's like, I don't fucking care what you think; and you're still objectively wrong considering /pol/ is the infowars of lesser social media

>> No.10217385

my ideal woman. it's too bad i'm too ugly and too much of a loser to ever be with someone like that.

>> No.10217386

no you are the fag here. let me give you a rundown:
>athletic males have literally perfect bodies (not gay, it's just the objective truth.) perfect jawlines, perfect abs, perfect ass. everything about them signals a healthy mate. it's still gay to like them if you're a dude, but at least you're not sexually confused.
>unathletic males have subpar bodies. no one is attracted to them unless they're a pedo or mentally ill. literally everything about them, from their pale skin to their weak backs, is naturally unattractive to humans.
>unathletic females have perfect bodies. males are naturally attracted to underweight females because it means their babies won't have to travel through a lot of fat in pregnancy.
>athletic females are a mishmash of male characteristics and female characteristics. dudes who like them are probably gay and don't know it

>> No.10217388

Im the total opposite. Im in laying bed listening to a podcast shitposting on /lit/ with my peers.

>> No.10217396
File: 457 KB, 936x1338, 682256532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading at
>no you

I ain't reading all that shit nigga. Im attracted to athletic girls.

Suck my dick from the back bitch boy

>> No.10217398

The devil take the serious character of these people! That they understand no more of IRONY, than this-

>> No.10217405

lol okay bro I'm going LOCAD

>> No.10217413

why are niggers so aggressively stupid? Unlike the aboriginal australian, philipino and indian the negroe is proud of his own idiocy

or maybe you are a wigger which is even worse

>> No.10217418

>stop reading at
>>no you

A wise decision, I read it and it's just a lengthy projection of his own physical insecurities. He is, indeed, "probably the gay one."

>> No.10217422

>males are naturally attracted to underweight females because it means their babies won't have to travel through a lot of fat in pregnancy.

>> No.10217424
File: 104 KB, 639x640, my life as liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wypipo get so easily butthurt on this website. yall lil niggas are so autistic lmao. Adam Lanza headass.

come get ur chicken tendies faggot

>> No.10217427
File: 253 KB, 1600x1200, 1497855202798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we posting qts now

>> No.10217428

It's a known fact. Fat chicks also have fattier milk and it's harder to suck through the fat nipples.

>> No.10217430

yep its a wigger

Dont you feel ashamed, you should know that pretending to be a nigger online is actually very bad for your psyche and not worth a few laughs

>> No.10217435
File: 93 KB, 736x736, ff1f334c7c7c6a8b868c402791a96455--number--pretty-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Goethe's writing I was a little disappointed

>> No.10217436

see you a real nigga thats why. That nigga is so upset I enjoy a slightly different version of female form LMAo

>> No.10217439
File: 74 KB, 691x1000, 3d37abfdad065ad50acdf3cde6882026--greek-history-roman-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to ethiopia to pick up some malnourished women

you like neotenized girls? Pleb

>> No.10217440
File: 100 KB, 1080x1080, 1491038028784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems to be more of a historical figure than good novelist or poet

>> No.10217441

I would be easy to amongst all that BBC. It's well known women subconsciously hate big penis because the sperms have to travel through all that cock to reach the bagina.

>> No.10217442


>> No.10217444
File: 112 KB, 640x719, 3de58e03cd9b81f4c9bd516a2614dd5a--jade-weber-spiritual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Holderlin and Schiller were better poets no doubt, and Goethe is completely outmatched relative to the philosophy of his era

>> No.10217449

I have goons in Bayridge faggot, where you live @ you flyover state ass nerd.

You probably read John Green you melt

>> No.10217450
File: 56 KB, 736x831, ac6186b4b8d8e03b645f09bc9e835ed7--easy-drawings-drawing-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you like neotenized girls?
Keep your biology words to yourself would you

>> No.10217457
File: 79 KB, 530x655, Aphrodite sculpture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really expect us to believe that a "gangsta" browses a literature board on 4chan at 1am?

Its pleb tier, could create good peasant stock for my kids to command though

actually, some of your pics look like legit 13 year olds....

>> No.10217474

bruh, we in 2017 fuck you mean. I'll fuck you til you love me faggot

>> No.10217478

The new irony is being genuine

>> No.10217493
File: 86 KB, 736x736, 616a936fc10afce93c646f5d03ddcf80--strawberry-art-illustration-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually, some of your pics look like legit 13 year olds
Oh no- you know girls these days with their makeup and what have you, besides it's an idealized aesthetic, what's there to phenomenal representation really. That's why 2d is better than three, more freedom of form, you just lose a human component that grounds the figure, but that can be a good thing if it abstracts it even more, like distilling the beauty

>> No.10217500


>> No.10217502

Dude, you are too far gone. Put down your books, get away from your screens, spend a year living out of your comfort zone. Then try and come back. I'd say you'd laugh at yourself, but at this point you'd probably just be embarrassed

>> No.10217511
File: 45 KB, 800x508, cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks I like it here, comfy all tucked away

>> No.10217523

Time turns all minds against themselves or inside out. In an odd way the discomfort of a life filled with chance grows to comfort through a sense of progression whereas your regression will calcify your bones to a painful dysfunction of lock-joint stillness

>> No.10217540

The Greeks. Nabokov. The Tale of Genji. Dostoevsky. Cervantes.
Basically anything that's not YA or magazines or James Patterson tier. Unfortunately, I live in Australia and all the men who read are SJWs, and even they are an extreme minority in a anti-intellectual shit hole country.

>> No.10217542

Sylvia Plath

>> No.10217642
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x1200, mammal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya how's the litracy goin' mate? Heard ya hoverin' at 48%. Can't read a medicine bottl. Bad, innit mate?

My ideal partner would be interested in economics, intelligence theory, augmented reality, and ethics with regard to human augmentation in the workplace. Previous partners were interested in: 1) Yaoi and 2) Lonely Planet and veganism and 3) Queer/women's lit. Only 2 was marriage material.

>> No.10217650

>Heya how's the litracy goin' mate? Heard ya hoverin' at 48%. Can't read a medicine bottl. Bad, innit mate?
Close, but you should definitely say 'G'day' if you want to really twist the knife.

>> No.10217689


>> No.10217703
File: 17 KB, 398x370, smuglevels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife? G'Day ain't a knoife...?


>> No.10217709

Give it to me mommy

>> No.10217715

Schopenhauer and Turgenev

>> No.10217716

>She reads and plays the piano

I've honestly never met a remotely attractive white girl who can play the piano well

You can learn to read sheet music and play fur elise in a fortnight, that's a meme

>> No.10217717

None honestly. Id hate for my sex demon to read

I would despise her for saying “who?” when i say Stirner. I would hate the fact she only has heard of The Stranger (“by that Cam Us guy right”) because her friend was forced to read it in english lit.

Women have shit taste in books 9/10 times, id rather her focus on things that matter like how little she fights when i choke her rather than omg Fifty Shades of Gray was hot babe we should totally do this

Bitch what the fuck do you think I do when you’re getting choked and beaten?

>> No.10217728

That's a wee bit edgy lad.

>> No.10217729


>> No.10217732

I kek'd hard.

>> No.10217733


>> No.10217765


>> No.10217784


>> No.10217953


I want her to be smart, but not to make me feel like a complete th king idiot. A good book recommendation every so often would be great

>> No.10217964


>> No.10217990
File: 2.72 MB, 4526x5100, Monika-Jagaciak-for-HM-lookbook-Spring-Summer-2014-photo-shoot-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical poetry and graduate level texts on proof theory.

>> No.10218042

This seems like one of the more realistic ones in this thread. Why are people saying it's unlikely? My gf likes 2 of the 3.

>> No.10218100

Why would your gf need to share your taste in lit? That sounds narcissistic, like you want to fuck yourself in a pretty dress. I only care that she reads and reads stuff written before the 20th century.

>> No.10218112

im a sucker for these

>> No.10218131

i'm normally into emaciated white girls but god damn

>> No.10218134
File: 42 KB, 480x542, 1501496917002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get thee behind me, temptress.

>> No.10218138
File: 59 KB, 736x540, DHrqGxVUMAAOeMY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ. Orthodoxy. Bible. Chastity. Motherhood. Veils.

>> No.10218167
File: 697 KB, 1988x3056, 8gBvYYy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harry potter

>> No.10218185
File: 364 KB, 1200x1200, 2094648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10218192


>> No.10218198


>> No.10218206


>> No.10218210


>> No.10218273

better not be cat

>> No.10218293

I know too many /lit/ girls but nobody enjoys books about christian mysticism or obscure futurist writers.

>> No.10218361

Fake butts are real you idiot

>> No.10218381


>> No.10218388


>> No.10218392

Sometimes I wish I was a faggot.

>> No.10218397

By definition they are not.

>> No.10218429

analytic philosophy
epistemology books
math textbooks
physics textbooks
chemistry and engineering textbooks
russian lit

>> No.10218485
File: 84 KB, 597x767, -JJAw1zWRUxvQe5i0SHkbg51pXKq04FUN1yez12DPjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly give me a woman that hasn't indulged in the perversion, exhibitionist and degeneracy that this generation encourages and taints the human soul with

>> No.10218963


>> No.10218976

Sweet Mary, Mother of God, Conceived Immaculate: I am so glad I have ceased interacting with any persons in my own, or in the younger, generation. This is the kind of thing that I have nightmares about

>> No.10218998

Why are you fuckers always into little girls or, at best, childlike women? Genuine question, why is this such a prevalent preference for 'intellectuals' and for 4chan types?

>> No.10219002


>> No.10219011

How the fuck should we know? Do you know why you're attracted to who you are? No, it's an innate part of you. Anyway, ask /tv/, they're full on pedos.

>> No.10219013


>> No.10219026

I like older women, but they themselves prefer older men.

>> No.10219034

Female beauty peaks at 18

>> No.10219037

this ones for the butter

>> No.10219051


If you're the kind of uber-faggot who would send those texts, you'd 100% deserve it.

>> No.10219078

you 'n' me both m8

>> No.10219089
File: 2.47 MB, 1888x2649, rrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childlike women
What do you even mean?

I don't like whales or old hags, that's for sure.

>> No.10219136

rolling lol

>> No.10219164


>> No.10219190


>> No.10219291


>> No.10219369

Something with large dense pages so she doesn't have to move too much while I'm using her back as a table for reading lewd comics.

>> No.10219524

minus 3

>> No.10219694


>> No.10219887


>> No.10219975


>> No.10220137

roll 4 fun

>> No.10220150
File: 75 KB, 736x736, 526df31f5b36e618a08db2a6f708010d--illustration-techniques-behance-net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the perfect feminine aesthetic anon I wouldn't expect some mongrel dictated by sensuous lust to understand what it means to appreciate such a delicate and transient form

>> No.10220259

obscure shit I don't know about but would be interesting to discover thanks to her, and would lend me a little hand into her innermost self.

>> No.10220468


>> No.10220654


>> No.10220674
File: 226 KB, 877x889, persian gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Persian princess
Are all Iranians/Persians really fucking hot? Went to school with pic related, she grew massive tits after school, which I barely knew of til now.

>> No.10220679

>nose ring
DROPPED. bitch you ain't xerxes

>> No.10220686

Thanks for reminding me of that ahistorical soft gay porn

>> No.10220688

no problem my free greek