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/lit/ - Literature

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10213630 No.10213630 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it mostly women and fags who like poetry?
is poetry inherently feminine?

>> No.10213633

No, asshole

>> No.10213638
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Poetry requires effort and intellect, the author doesn't spoon feed you narrative and meaning like prose. Women like it because as a medium it can easily be "deep" and the rhyming quality appeals to their feminine sensibilities. But the best poetry usually doesn't rhyme, and can be quite dense.

>> No.10213639

Actually top tier alpha. How do you think Donne and Marvell got all the pussy?

>> No.10213646

A bit of femininity is needed to live. Anyone who gets all masculine or all feminine is doomed to destruction (this is why super girly airheaded weak feminine selfabsorbed histrionic girls and super chauvinistic meatheaded stupid burly guys are both hated). What's really needed is a reconciling force between the two, a sort of balance. I think all artists throughout history have pointed out there is an element of the feminine in things like love, beauty, art, softness, and compassion, yes. Ironically, as >>10213639 says though, women often fucking dig poets/artists who have this soft feminine side to them (in fact, male artists often abreact to cover up their feminine nature by becoming extremely masculine, so that's even more alluring)

See Homer and Goethe for instance. Extreme emotional import tempered by a masculine coolness.

>> No.10213648

No, you are.

>> No.10213650

do you think thats why /fit fags are all gay?

>> No.10213664

Yeah. Masculinity and femininity is generally a really fucked up thing amongst people. It's really fucking hard to actually find anyone secure in their masculinity or femininity. Pretty sad, honestly. In my own opinion of gender roles, men should have a touch of the feminine to them so they're not complete assholes, and women should have a touch of the masculine to them so they're not completely ineffectual and histrionic. But sometimes men go too far being feminine and women go too far being masculine and you just feel really bad for them and feel really bad at the idea of criticizing them because of your inward feelings of pity and not wanting to offend :/

>> No.10213699

girls have told me that I'm feminine.
how do I be masculine enough?

>> No.10213712

Gender is a social construct. There is no such thing as "masculine" and "feminine". There are only physical attributes like height, weight, dick size, bones, proportions, facial features, etc., that are indicators of relative hormonal levels. Poetry, as a linguistic construct, cannot be inherently feminine or masculine.

>> No.10213717

Masturbating less will increase testosterone levels because the testosterone in the semen gets reincorporated into the bloodstream. Looking at porn less. Basically, try sexual abstinence. Also try reading Nietzsche.

>> No.10213720

are you saying short height can't be masculine?

>> No.10213723

read the post carefully

>> No.10213730

>poetry usually doesn't rhyme
Absolutely wrong

>> No.10213736

*good poetry

>> No.10213742
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Go back to /sci/, Yang Zhu.

>> No.10213748

Thats part of the reason i dislike poetry, so much of it is ambiguous for no other reason than to feign a deeper meaning.

>> No.10213754

Why am I not suprised?

>> No.10213768

Poetry touches me, it just gets to me. It satisfies me. It pleases me.

>> No.10213775

>feign a deeper meaning.
That's where you are wrong brainlet

>> No.10214241

Being a social construct doesn't mean not existing you dingus. Poetry is a social construct too.

>> No.10214444

Can I touch you instead?

>> No.10214549

It's because poetry is a dead art form where no standards exist and praise is given solely due to fashions that are derived from academia and regular social conventions (give women attention and never criticise them)

>> No.10214558

peotry is lazy.
making using the most concise verbiage to portray an idea
however there is very little explanation, or justification in said poems

>> No.10214572

Is everyone here absolutely out of their minds?

Poetry is evidently superior to prose.

>> No.10214579

Vintage Vegeta right there

>> No.10214612

Prose can be used in poetic compositions you retard.

>> No.10214650

I write poetry and I'm super manly tho

>> No.10215056
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>Basically, try sexual abstinence. Also try reading Nietzsche.
This is how you become a school shooter.

>> No.10215070

Not the person you're responding to, but he is mostly correct. You will feel quicker and stronger both physically and mentally if you cut out masturbation and pornography. Cutting out porn will also help to undermine your psychopathologies, which likely arose from watching porn, if you have any. As to coitus it must be said that afterward every creature is dejected.

>> No.10215088

Yeah, not gonna lie, you may become a more angry person in the short-run. But in the long-run you'll balance out and just realize you need to chill. In my opinion (if it wasn't clear before), everyone who has never already changed their personality significantly could benefit from doing stuff and ingesting perceptions which are totally antithetical to their personalities. A conservative should read liberal stuff, a liberal read conservative stuff, etc. How can you claim to truly be who you are if you've never gone outside your boundaries?

>> No.10215285

Virtually every single great poet has been a straight male. Some were gay. Only one or two were women. Dickinson and Sappho.... Women are better are prose fiction than poetry. But femininity and masculinity are inherently vague. You can't pin them down precisely. Female/male typical behaviors/attitudes/interests etc are impossible to discuss properly. This is how feminists are able to dominate the discussion with threats, abuse, and irrationality. The terms of the discussion are not stable or well defined. Ultimately their intention is to dominate and control other people (their beliefs, attitudes, interests, etc.). So women not studying STEM requires correction from this vicious cult of social engineers. Fact is nobody even knows what gender is precisely, much less its origin. This is why I hate discussions centered round gender. You do not have to do or be anything at all. People need to stop telling other people to be more or less of anything. Just do/be whatever you fucking want. It's really fucking simple. This wouldn't even be necessary if it weren't for feminist making a problem out of nothing. If the world thinks you're a pussy for crying (and it's by no means certain it does...) well too bad. You don't get to control other people's responses to you crying. That's what feminists want. It pisses me off because why not just tell people to stop killing each other while you're at it. The only people that have gender trouble are extremely feminine homosexuals or their female counterparts. Everybody else is more or less in the in the clearing.

>> No.10215293

Poetry can be great but a lot of the time it toes the line into tedious. I'd be wary of someone who doesn't at least have a favourite poet or books of poems because there are good works out there, but it just feels like in a modern context poetry has been overshadowed by other art mediums. I have never read a modern poet I thought approached the level of those poets prior to the "beat generation" poets, who were the beginning of the end.

>> No.10215309

women and gays don't read poetry in real life, this is a hollywood meme with zero basis in reality

>> No.10215320

The greatest poetry is about sentiment and sensuality. Men care less about the subjectivity of emotions and more about the objectivity of systems. That's not true of all men, but in general that's the case.

>> No.10215326

>Ezra Pound that pucci

>> No.10215678

False premise.