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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 421x187, i write like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10213156 No.10213156 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a great writer?
Or if you're just pleb trash?

Find out once and for all with this site.
Post a sample of your own writing and it analyzes to see which writer you most resemble.

>> No.10213158


>> No.10213160

Here's the link.


(I know that link looks shady as fuck but it's fine. IWL stands for I Write Like)

>> No.10213165

i got margaret atwood

>> No.10213172

Apparently I write like Agatha Christie. I've never read anything by her, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.10213176

Well she's the biggest selling author of all time, so it means you have a writing style that is profitable and appeals to the masses. I wouldn't say that's a bad thing.

>> No.10213179

I would

>> No.10213184

Okay, I tried it the first time with a short sample of serious work, and got Agatha Christie. Fine.

Second time, I tried with a longer sample of bad erotica. I got Agatha Christie again.

Uncertain what to make of these results.

>> No.10213185

I got James Joyce

>> No.10213187

I got Leo Tolstoy. Do I let this get to my head?

>> No.10213189

Maybe Agatha Christie is the default result for not knowing what the hell to make of you.

>> No.10213193
File: 62 KB, 511x498, Hp lovcraft iwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Lovecraft

>> No.10213194
File: 43 KB, 720x359, IMG_20171101_015630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, didn't think I'd get Stoker! I fucking love him I'm not gonna complain

>> No.10213203

That does seem to be the case

>> No.10213207

i pasted this and god DFW

rodney tine and i think theres something just banal about that. we are all addicted and i think that it is up to all of us to make a decision and choose what we want to bea ddicted torodney tine and i think theres something just banal about that. we are all addicted and i think that it is up to all of us to make a decision and choose what we want to bea ddicted torodney tine and i think theres something just banal about that. we are all addicted and i think that it is up to all of us to make a decision and choose what we want to bea ddicted to

>> No.10213208

I got Anne Rice... sure

>> No.10213209

Wtf I got George Orwell, although I did read his guide on writing.

>> No.10213210

I got H.G. Wells, which is irritating, because I despise his work, as well as most writers of that era.

>> No.10213214

>Copy out several paragraphs of the Fellowship of the Ring
>Get Charles Dickens.

>Do the same with some copypasta from Zelazny
>Get Arthur Conan Doyle.

I think their program might need a little work.

>> No.10213215

Edgar Allan Poe

>> No.10213217

I wrote 'Wardine be cry' 128 times and got DFW

>> No.10213218

Yh it's bullshit, probably randomly assigns famous writers. You'll always think positively about the outcome.

>> No.10213225

I got Raymond Chandler and have never read anything by him
Any suggestion?

>> No.10213231

How does it assess one's writing style?

>> No.10213238

I entered the rick and morty copypasta and got DFW

"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid "

>> No.10213241

I think sentence structure mostly. Like, if you find a sentence to be pleasing written in a certain way, you will match with X author.

Obviously the algorithm is a bit messed up, but it's still fun.

>> No.10213242


>> No.10213243

I put in my javascript code and I got James Joyce. this site is garbage lmao

>> No.10213249

Mary Shelley
b-but I'm a boy :_;

>> No.10213279

Looking at the source code, the problem is that they use bayes, if they used something like cosine similarity it would probably be more accurate. This is because a bayesian classifier is better when the test object (in this case 'your writing') was created by a member of the data set (the authors they have listed).
Because none of them wrote what you're submitting, it'd be better off working with cosine similarity which compares word choice/usage/tendencies between two groups more accurately.

>> No.10213287

Pleb triggered that he got JK Rowling detected.

>> No.10213293
File: 24 KB, 437x182, iwl me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second sample of Writing got Nabokov.
But, I hate Nabokov.

>> No.10213301

Got Oscar Wilde by inserting Borges.

Got JK Rowling by inserting Hegel

>> No.10213303

make a new one. I got Palahniuk.

>> No.10213304
File: 42 KB, 756x228, Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 9.42.47 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you, I got this old homosexual!

>> No.10213306

oops this was meant for

I would but I don't have the money to host it. I've already made something pretty similar that uses 2000+ texts from the project gutenberg corpus

>> No.10213307

muh spinning gravity

>> No.10213312

also the other problem with making my own is that I'd have to get a ton of well formatted texts from relevant authors not just whatever junk is in the open source, which is more than I have time for right now

>> No.10213384

Boo! You whore...

>> No.10213435
File: 164 KB, 1858x584, IMG_6294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rather happy with this.

>> No.10213441

4 different texts submitted:

>> No.10213443

Lmao that sounds like the biggest scam of the century. Don't give your writing to the site unless you want to see it published under someone else's name.

>> No.10213456

Navy Seal Copypasta
>Cory Doctorow

>> No.10213458


>> No.10213563
File: 20 KB, 428x147, Hitler iwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in the first page of Mein Kampf. . .

>> No.10213579

>Das Kapital
>George Orwell

>> No.10213806

I pasted in an entire chapter of Moby-Dick and got Anne Rice. Literal buzzfeed quiz tier.

>> No.10213816

I pasted in the first page of a short story I’m working on and got Nabokov. Pasted in the second page and got Stephen King. Do I kill myself or no?

>> No.10213820

Cathedral. He’s good. Like an American Chekhov.

>> No.10213851

Keep the first page. Edit the second page.

>> No.10213879

Not anymore

>> No.10213923

Nabokov, Orwell, Dickens. Got Dickens and Nabokov twice. The last one was too embarrassing to share.

>> No.10213927

Got Orwell. I'm not even sure if that's a good thing.

>> No.10213941
File: 13 KB, 525x219, Screenshot_20171101_023959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe I am better suited for Sci-Fi genre trash than "realistic" fiction
when I put in something else I'd written I got Anne Rice, maybe I use too much purple prose and other gay shit

>> No.10213987
File: 28 KB, 657x527, 14797550_10202174706887189_302232448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get Stephen King
>Check Bank account
>not multi-billionaire

This website's a scam.

>> No.10213989

it's almost certainly 100% random. props to the anons that now think they are james joyce.
i posted your comment in there and got "cory doctorow", who i also got for a poem of mine.
then i got DFW. then anne rice, arthur clarke, agatha christie. james joyce...
dfw again..

>> No.10213990 [DELETED] 

I just posted in the Navy Seal copypasta and got Cory Doctrow, too.

>> No.10214016

I think the algorithm is based on word frequency. Try to write the following text: carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots
Also, I write like Dan Brown

>> No.10214028

I won't laugh, anon. I promise.

>> No.10214052
File: 31 KB, 455x245, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 4.03.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copypasta from a reddit /r/incest post, enter it

get nabokov.
not even joking

>> No.10214053

Anne Rice

>> No.10214054

>then i wrote suicide 100 times, got palahniuk
> dumb machine's got a sense of humor

>> No.10214056

I typed bram stoker 100 times, guess what result did I get?

>> No.10214093

bram stoker?

>> No.10214258

Mine came up with Ursula K. Le Guin, which was nice, considering I was reading her at the time of the piece's creation.

>> No.10214285

"life is incomprehensible to human minds and the universe is fundamentally inimical to the interests of humankind"

so basically absurdism with space monsters

>> No.10214289

I got Dan Brown. This site is no good

>> No.10214293

>wrote the 5'9ft anon while furiosly typing on his keyboard like a salmon against the current.

>> No.10214310

I don't use or understand your metric system so I didn't get the joke. But yeah, salmons

>> No.10214312


>> No.10214336


>> No.10214504
File: 9 KB, 402x182, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had three excerpts analyzed, each from the same novel I'm working on. First it said I write like David Foster Wallace, then it said Arthur Clarke, and somehow the last time I got Daniel Defoe.

>> No.10214526

>Robert Louis Stevenson
>Gertrude Stein

ok lmfao

>> No.10214604

That’s Carver.

>> No.10214655

I got Agatha Christie, but I intentionally emulate Flaubert, so idk.

>> No.10214748

I got P. G. Woodhouse.

>> No.10214750

i got Robert Louis Stevenson,i don't know how to feel about it.

>> No.10214770
File: 8 KB, 294x171, 1506070919157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>J.K. Rowling.

Time... to die...

>> No.10214940

i got james joyce with this:

Screaming frenzy and wicked death, upon the silent apartment penetrated I, naked pain highlighted by the lack of penis to the apartment tenant's sleepened eye. Blood, blood, blood; ghastly. What a disgusting sight.
'Good god,' stereotypical fucking splish-splash, Christ Almighty, 'What happened to you?' Oh really, really now? Tralala, fair is foul fuckery.
'Get eholda yourself, what the fuck happened?' So at great lengths and in meticulous detail explained, I went about the task. She understood, thank good.
''Ur an actual retard, hoyechrist. How could you manage tha'at work?' I wished nothing of her but to comfort me. What degree must one go to, I wondered, to acknowledge the problem before sight. 'Did you run all the way here.' Jag of teeth and flash of eye, a splurt of blood squawked left. My body had been quick to relieve itself. A curse she screamed most pained, animal was her body in its fleshly restraint that now lay slack, spirit vanished. Her face had melted off.
My blood is boiling, no amount of aloof contempt and disdain for society woos, coos and has-at-yous it. I rushed out, screaming bloody rampage.
Door to door had I knocked, screaming upon slap of beheaded shaft sounding upon my thigh. Sprawling, holy god! The occurring blood trail looked straight out of a Chinese Horror B-Movie, though the speckled semen haphazardly scatted about was unseemly in the vein of an underground Japanese horror movie. Avant-cinema was enough to drive its directors crazy.
'Is anyone out there?' Slack-jawed dumwit! Who the fuck screams at this hour for a doctor? Make up your mind!
'Oh hello there-', he noticed, 'oh my-'. Fainted.

>> No.10214949

I wrote complete gibberish and got Mark Twain

>> No.10214992

'There I was, spitting into the Mediterranean while sitting on the boardwalk of the boat, my saliva collapsing into a double helix, a strand of DNA, before dissolving into the limpid, sapphire saltwater. Mom whined 'stop it!' and I did immediately - not at all like me. For some reason it is this which stands out among all memories of that day.'

I got H.G. Wells.

Not really a fan of his work or his prose.

>> No.10215032

I got George Orwell...shit eh. Maybe I should finally getting around to read his work.

>> No.10215043

Should be noted in the paragraph I posted I was talking about society and using words like herd, animal, chain, slave, master, worker, class etc.

I'm pretty sure this just sorts through arrays of author's most used words and matches them up.

Possibly a slight decompiling of clauses into some functional ranking of syntax.

Either way, not very accurate, but I like the idea

>> No.10215086
File: 11 KB, 423x127, iwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10215094

I can visualize anything in my mind, scenes and shit you know. But I "can't" put it into words.

>> No.10215105

>H.G. Wells
Yeah that's fine. I can work with this.

>> No.10215113
File: 39 KB, 359x540, clarice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prone to fits of a raging sexual anger and greedy lusts shifting bright red and white in the night of his mind like the crazing and fractured coals of an abandoned fire still slowly roasting to black ashes the bones of his last meal, slowly he reached down and grabbed the very small girl around her neck. Lucky for her, she wasn’t real.

>> No.10215115
File: 15 KB, 516x250, i write loik jimmy joyce!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10215225

>it's almost certainly 100% random. props to the anons that now think they are james joyce.
i posted your comment in there and got "cory doctorow", who i also got for a poem of mine.
then i got DFW. then anne rice, arthur clarke, agatha christie. james joyce...
dfw again..
You write like Stephenie Meyer.
Looks accurate to me.

>> No.10215233

I posted the same text but removed some sentences, like 30% and still got same result.
Another I could add a whole new paragraph and get same name.
But if you change vocabulary (but same "meaning"), it can change name.

>> No.10215251

Put some Pac lyrics into it and got Margaret Atwood. No wonder women love black cocks.

>> No.10215268

Lol this is bullshit I posted two of my poems and an essay and got Nabokov, Gertrude stein and James joyce. This is another one of those websites that nerdy white kids like you fucks use to congratulate each other on being muh patrician

>> No.10215351



>> No.10215362

I know for a fact that I write on a 3rd grade level and I got Stephen King.

Is that accurate?

>> No.10215547

Same for me; I copy pasted Tay Tay's Shake it Off lyrics.

>> No.10215629

I literally put in something written by an 11 year old with down syndrome and got Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.10215832
File: 49 KB, 571x369, conan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sperged out and wrote some edgy shit. Got Arthur Conan Doyle. I haven't really read anything by him although I know what books he has written. Is the lad any good?

>> No.10215854

Anne Rice and some Science Blogger guy

>> No.10215905

I got James Joyce. This is what I posted:


>> No.10216686


>> No.10216717
File: 13 KB, 412x220, dfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10216733

You at least slightly believe this to be funny or clever.

Think about this for a minute.

>> No.10216750

i did this once and i got sir arthur conan doyle which was pretty embarrassing to be quite honest

>> No.10216759


I plugged this into it and got Douglas Adams...

"Elon Musk thinks we're all living in a simulation like the Matrix. Would you like an even more horrifying version of reality?

Reality, as you understand it, as you presently perceive it... isn't reality at all.

What you perceive as reality isn't even a simulation, your perception is created when a multidimensional INANIMATE OBJECT is forced into a limited dimensional construct.

To put that in a way you can understand, think of your life like a book... and you're reading through that book one page at a time. Now, the book is already written, you can't change the outcome of the book, you can't rewrite the book, you ARE the book and your "life" is only created through a temporal construct which limits your existence to one page of the book at a time.

If you REMOVE that temporal construct, if you REMOVE TIME... you become a 4th dimensional INANIMATE OBJECT... to put that another way... you humans... you're just a bunch of stupid meandering little rocks!"

>> No.10216769
File: 29 KB, 544x251, Fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10216782


I plugged in this and got James Fenimore Cooper...

"The allure of alliteration is alarmingly abundant, amassing abhorrent abandon, awaiting abusive action, acquiesced accordingly across ass faced actors acting affectionately at adulterated articulation."

Then I plugged in this and got HP Lovecraft...

"One would not expect a philistine such as yourself to truly appreciate the finer points of using purple prose so potently poignant it paints a pristine picture of poetic perfection and preening precision upon people's opposing posts of piddling platitude, preached priggishly from their piss poor posteriors."

>> No.10216794
File: 136 KB, 1046x652, psaofj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.10216797


Okay I plugged in this bit I wrote after I ingested 40mg of THC and it came up with Stephen King...

"Okay so anyway... so, what if nonexistence as we perceive it... what if THAT actually ~is~ real existence? And we're presently trapped in actual nonexistence, which doesn't seem like nonexistence to us because we're going through a flow of "time", our sense of self. But if you look at that flow of "time" through a higher dimension then it's actually STATIC, your entire life's "flow of time" would seem like a giant stack of instances of life just smashed together into a smaller dimensional inanimate object.

And so what we define as "nonexistence" actually is real existence because it's not stuck or limited to that smaller dimensional object we perceive as reality. We are scared though inherently of nonexistence because it wouldn't be safe. That is, the nonexistence, which is real existence, is so horrifying that we fear not becoming it. We're like a higher dimensional life form in a forced coma. That is their version of reality is so perceivably horrifying that they would force themselves into their version of a coma just to try and escape from it,

So that's what you can expect, when you die and suddenly not exist. You will awaken from that "coma" and the real reality will be experienced, which will be beyond any worst imaginable fear of hell you can fathom.

So you can both fear nonexistence because you perceive it as oblivion and you can also fear it on an extra dimensional level as what you know it to actually be. And now... now you reading this... you do actually know. So it's time to WAKE UP TO HELL BECAUSE YOU'RE DEAD!"

>> No.10216801

Got HP Lovecraft with a journal entry. Got Cory Doctorow with my creative writing. I don't even know who he is desu.

>> No.10216804

I put in some essays I wrote and got Sir Arthur Clarke and then Vonnegut. Could be worse.

>> No.10216826
File: 2 KB, 100x160, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill me please.

>> No.10216838


I plugged this bit in (which was a response to someone who posted the Ezekiel 25:17 Bible verse) and got Bram Stoker...

"As if a God would have any want for petty human vengeance. You will never know my name is the lord as you work your way into dust, scattered into oblivion in the raging wind of the past, your perceptions and opinions forever lost among the ever crumbling leaves, humanity's descendants, dying all over each other for some small speck of sanctimonious superiority, a taste of transient triumph, fleeting fame festering within the wanton desires of your rotting hearts. Disrupting your emotions to forge energy from the fire of your delusional desires is the only real purpose you soulless little clockwork puppets serve. God is not something you humans have, God is something you WISH you had to try and justify and explain yourselves in a way to make you feel important. To try and bring some measure of minuscule meaning to the gaping hole left in the wake of your self-destructive sentience."

>> No.10216850

I just came up with some rando creative writing to put in along with my other stuff and got Stephenie Meyer. You can put the rope away now.

>> No.10216956

I pasted in My Immortal and it told me I wrote like Vladimir Nabokov.

>> No.10217039
File: 39 KB, 437x512, tiffany-trump-eating-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chuck Palahniuk
>use same passage but remove any profanity/curse words

what does it mean, lads?

>> No.10217043

I didn't come up with it, it's pasta. Just tossed some pasta in the pot and thought the result was amusing, no need to bully friend. =)

>> No.10217057

You get Hemingway with that text, you liar

>> No.10217069

hmmm....just checked it out. It's really strange, if you put it in with the quotation marks then you get Hemingway, if you put it in without the quotation marks at the end then you get Joyce.

>> No.10217195

>Show my work to my professor
>Tells me to read Douglass Adams
>Post first two chapters of my book on iwl.me
>Agatha Christie
>Post each chapter separately, since the first is in first person and not really connected
>Agatha Christie, Agatha Christie
>Start posting pages of the second chapter independently, rounded to the nearest paragraph
>Stephen King, Stephen King, Stephen King, Stephen King


FACE at least I didn't get J.K. Rowling

>> No.10217348

Fuck you word robot I ain't got time to figure out how arbitrarily long my shit has to be before you stop returning an error about my text being too short. You come around my neighborhood and I'm clapping my hands like a pigeon's wings so as to agitate the alighted birds on the street and let everybody know that that crazy clapping motherfucker got into another fight on the Internet.

I write like Cory Doctorow

>> No.10217567

First I got Dan Brown. Then I got Poe. Then I got James Fenimore Cooper. Then I got Oscar Wilde. Then I got Anne Rice. Then I got DFW. Then I got Nabokov.

>> No.10217586

The inane ramblings of stoners are the best anti-drug propaganda

>> No.10217639
File: 121 KB, 1439x816, 20171102_005749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Joyce three consecutive times. I guess I'm happy because why the fuck not, but I do think that my writing is mostly shit.

>> No.10217652
File: 8 KB, 393x123, kurtvonguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this guy and does this mean I'm mentally ill?

>> No.10217720

r u a wizard? :O

>> No.10217730

Wrote down some incoherent shit, got Joyce.
This is how u make gud art bois. Praise dada.

>> No.10217776

>Bram Stoker

Is that any good ?

>> No.10217823

I feel you anon. I feel you.

>> No.10217914

Has anyone tried a Mein Kampf excerpt?

>> No.10219642

Yeah it got Anne Rice. >>10213563

>> No.10219708
File: 440 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-02-17-07-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.10219722

I copied and pasted an old lab report of mine and got Isaac Asimov, who was a professor of biochemistry and sci-fi author, lmao

>> No.10219732

He wrote Last of the Mohicans. Twain made fun of him

>> No.10219740

I put in my Alex Ferguson gay fanfiction and it said I write like Daniel Defoe

>> No.10219746
File: 11 KB, 413x188, ScreenCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in that text about the Juliette Society from the other thread.

>> No.10219758
File: 19 KB, 633x313, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord

>> No.10219901

I got Arthur Clarke? I've never actually read him, and I don't know his style, so does that make me a pleb or not?

>> No.10220563

its the best novel of its type and pretty much canonical in western culture...everybody should read it

(Darcula, that is obvs)

>> No.10220585
File: 120 KB, 750x1334, 9CE8C754-BDF4-4CE4-939D-D42E9EBC6ED1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I’m not a pleb

>> No.10220599

his style is pretty pleb yeh but he wrote some good SF

>> No.10220611

My diary is Shakespearean, apparently. This makes sense to me: reading Lear and Hamlet I always feel like I'm thinking in the same 'rhythm' as the author. When others found it 'hard' it always seemed to me so natural and easy. I definitely believe in 'kindred spirits', especially among artists.

>> No.10220615

I entered three different paragraphs of original prose and got HG Wells, Nabokov, and Mary Shelley
Program needs to git gud

>> No.10220616
File: 11 KB, 447x226, wr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jelly?

>> No.10220629
File: 13 KB, 460x232, IWriteLike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never read Wallace.

>> No.10220645

down in the chicken coop i get the chicken soup, the dog likes to wag the tail. why doesn't he wag the tail in a better way? is the tail broken? i tried to eat the watermelon but the seeds kept getting stuck in my teeth and my floor is too dusty but we don't own a mop, my aunt says they carry bacteria and it will kill us all. i think my immune system is fine but i don't really know it's been a while since i've left the house.

>you write like margaret atwood

>> No.10220650
File: 8 KB, 394x122, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an interesting coincidence, as I am going to read 1984 for the first time soon.

>> No.10220670

what the fuck
First I got Stephen King, then Arthur Conan Doyle, and then Raymond Chandler

>> No.10220729

I'll try some bits from the recent articles I've written on ED...

"In New York a manlet brandishing a paintball gun and a pellet gun wanted to join ISIS but was laughed out of their ranks, after which he set out to prove himself by renting a dumpy pickup truck from Home Depot and went bicycle bowling in Lower Manhattan; ultimately killing eight people and injuring others before he got owned by a school bus and was later shot in the groin by police who took the little wannabe terrorist into custody.

Now you may be asking, what could have driven such a nice young Muslim man to wanting to become an asshat for ISIS? Well, aside from the extensive religious doctrine specifically calling for the deaths of all non-Muslims... but we'll just pretend to be CNN or the The Young Turks and completely ignore all that. No, obviously our victimized immigrant was pushed on over the edge by a lack of white guilt and not enough privilege checking on college campuses. It's very clear at this point that there was obviously a severe lack of "safe spaces" that drove this marginalized manlet over dozens of people... oh, wait, no it was a Home Depot truck, sorry."

That gets me Dan Brown, the guy who wrote The Da Vinci Code.

>> No.10220737

Now let's try this bit from the Halloween article...

"Halloween or CHILD PURGE DAY is that special time of year we run over children at twice the rate of any other day of the year. This is largely done as a means of population control dressed up as a fun filled, candy scarfing, spooky festival of giggles and laughter... at least up until the point at which your child winds up permanently plastered across the pavement like a bright red jelly stain. Every day for the rest of your life, whenever you get behind the wheel of a car and look at the road... you'll see their squashed little faces, heads popped open like a grape, their brains smeared all over the roadway. You can take comfort though in your ritual sacrifice to Satan himself, knowing your dead children will help bring forth a bountiful harvest and keep demons from eating your goats or... some crazy assed Pagan shit.

Don't worry about taking any responsibility for your dead children either, because the media, the police, hell even the government has got you covered! Throughout the whole month of October they'll constantly cram into your little head every irrational, nonsensical, completely improbable, statistically irrelevant danger and urban legend they can think of to completely distract you from the fact that having your sperg ground into the asphalt is the leading cause of death amongst the ankle biter population.

From razors and glass embedded into candy, to poisoned treats, to horrifically dangerous marijuana edibles that will do... absolutely nothing actually; but apparently law enforcement agencies across the country feel inclined to waste millions of dollars in tax payer money trying to warn you of the completely nonexistent danger of getting high on a totally non-addictive substance that's completely impossible to overdose on.

For anyone not under the age of 16 Halloween is a time to revel in extensive debauchery. It is highly encouraged you get absolutely shitfaced, wear next to nothing, and vomit on hot sluts before attempting to drive home drunk, alone and empty inside. With any luck you'll inadvertently go crotch biscuit bowling with your car and purge at least six or eight of the snot faced little hellspawns."

That gets me... David Foster Wallace... never even heard of the guy.

>> No.10220749

I tried to emulate our ol' boy DFW, but apparently I write like Charles Dickens according to this little piece of fiction:

D. Dwane Johnson from the regional STEM club had gone from one side of the cramped room to another, pacing in a MEGA Energy drink (illegal in three states, including his hometown of Massachusetts) laden frenzy befit of a amphetamine addict, to his friends and frequent onlookers this was banal, nothing so characteristic of STEM club was the energy-drink induced pacing.
'Give it a rest, david. The idiomatic obtuse gait you exhibit is impeding my deliberation' cried Jim, upon meeting eye to eye with david's bloodshot eyes.
'Did you learn those words in a thesaurus?' replied david -- when infact he had known Jim learned those words in a thesaurus, he sighed, a deep frustrated sigh known to all the males of his family.
'You're doing it too!' huffed Carl Matterson, upon donning his 'Burger King' crown-shaped cardboard hat.

>> No.10220756

This one really matches up; the cadence, shapelessness of style. Writing and thinking are very closely related concepts. This is quite cool.

>> No.10220775


You guys should get together and write a 'manifesto' or a guide to modern women. Some fine minds on display here, Good Lord

>> No.10220780
File: 13 KB, 469x255, well damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i pass the test

>> No.10220793
File: 39 KB, 600x568, 1500634195004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw your diary looks like something Nabokov wrote in Lolita.

>> No.10220799

i wish my diary would look like stuff i write or lolita

>> No.10220854


Does this count?


>> No.10220897

Okay I plugged this bit in from the Wage Gap article...

Dumbfuck dads that just can't stop doting on their overly dependent, dipshit daughters. It's a pervasive social disease that breeds womanly weakness and eventual unhealthy subservient relationships (see the section below). These types of women often rely on their fathers for financial support well past their teens and on into adulthood. Whether it's buying them a car, paying their rent, covering the cost of plastic surgeries, fitting the bill for their worthless college degrees or setting them up with a cushy job, this nepotistic nature is innately nailed in at the neonatal level and can't normally be negated. Unless daddy winds up dying many female failures are forever finagling into their fathers financial affairs for familial favors.

This reliant behavior makes women lazy, inept and ineffectual on the work level. As they've been raised since birth to demand everything whilst giving back next to nothing, they know little else and they come to expect that that same line of coddling at every level in life. It's the primary driving force behind why so many women demand 100% equal pay while putting in exponentially less effort and work into their jobs.

At its illogical extreme you have overly self-entitled women screeching on about how unfair it is that their women's studies degree gets them laughed on out of an interview. In their minds they actually believe that a social sciences fluff degree should hold just as much weight as a doctorate degree in math or science and can't understand at all why anyone would think otherwise. From their warped perspective it's some kind of grave social injustice that they aren't given everything and anything they want at the snap of a fucking finger.

And, as stated, this malignant impression stems almost entirely from the way their fathers forcibly fucked their intellect from infancy on.

...and I got David Foster Wallace again.

So then I tried another section of the article... and again I got David Foster Wallace.

So then I tried another section.. and another... and another... and they all come up as David Foster Wallace... weirdness.

>> No.10220925
File: 2.66 MB, 100x100, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wish my diary would look like stuff i write

>> No.10220977
File: 144 KB, 257x319, Thomas_Pynchon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plugged in the first page of Gravity's Rainbow
>got James Joyce

Pinecone would probably love that

>> No.10221042
File: 9 KB, 380x111, To be fair....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paste that one Rick and Morty copypasta and get this

What did it mean by this?

>> No.10221166

>pasted some joke I wrote for 4chan
>got Stephenie Meyer
>pasted something serious I wrote
>got DFW
i guess it's ok

>> No.10221433

I got Agatha Christie twice with two different 3k word things, but this seems mostly bullshit because it doesn't give any explanation for where your writing is similar, if that's even possible to do.
At least Textalyzer gives you some stats.

>> No.10221440

>put in 6 paragraphs of my work and get Charles Dickens
>put in only 1st paragraph, H.P. Lovecraft
>only 2nd, James Joyce
>only 3rd, William Faulkner
>only 4th, Edgar Allan Poe
>only 5th, Margaret fucking Atwood
>only 6th, James Joyce again
by their powers combined I am Charles Dickens

>> No.10221525

hahaha good one

>> No.10221678

I write like Bram Stoker :D

>> No.10221756
File: 13 KB, 560x286, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey hey

>> No.10221769
File: 141 KB, 1317x661, swisher-sweets-summer-twist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.10222139
File: 56 KB, 990x460, 1d69c046-73fe-4a12-aae6-af1d40a5b731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn I like this

>> No.10222144

Anne Rice... never read her. Anyone who has, thoughts?

>> No.10222151

Time to get some cute clothes and makeup

>> No.10222154

I got "You're absolute shit, please stop writing"

>> No.10223281
File: 5 KB, 189x189, 1494266946023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Harrison

>> No.10224009

Georges Orwell...

>> No.10224025
File: 5 KB, 404x134, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I write like Cory Doctorow

Damn. I haven't read any of his stuff, except the exerpt from Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom that was being shilled on Slashdot like 17 years ago. I don't feel like this is a compliment.

>> No.10224032

Does this mean I have good prose? sentence structure?

>> No.10224215

I put in 4 articles I wrote; 3 were like Clarke, the other was like Nabokov

>> No.10224325

>i wish my diary would look like stuff i write

>> No.10225263
File: 48 KB, 550x550, 1505880847153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did multiple things, a few word be different chapters from the same series and got Agatha Christie pretty often.

What does this mean? I've never read her stuff.

>> No.10225498
File: 43 KB, 620x325, his smile and optimism - gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Nabofag reporting in. Thanks for ruining it for me.

>> No.10227180


From what I can tell it seems to largely look at a restrictive set of compositional elements in the writing with some limited word comparisons.

I know it's not very accurate though, because comparatively speaking my writing is closer to D. H. Lawrence than anyone.

I know this, largely by accident, because I started plugging in a lot of particular phrases I commonly use into Google to see how original they were and it oddly kept crapping out D. H. Lawrence book snippets.

Apparently he enjoyed using alliteration and emotional jabs as much as I do.

Instead this wonky little shit box has churned out...
David Foster Wallace
Dan Brown
Bram Stoker
Stephen King
James Fenimore Cooper
Douglas Adams

...none of which are particularly close to my style of writing. David Foster Wallace is probably the closest of the bunch.

>> No.10227186

I am a researcher and pasted some text from a manuscript: James Joyce. Kind of funny.

>> No.10227220
File: 10 KB, 410x175, iwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I fuck up?