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10210224 No.10210224 [Reply] [Original]

Did he really not give a shit about anything?

>> No.10210254
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hell yeah

>> No.10210282

I think it was more about the realization that the lack of making a choice is still a choice in its own right. Even if he feels disconnected and aloof, the world will still hold him accountable to his actions. We are "condemned to freedom", so to speak.

>> No.10210292

In other words we are condemned to the freedom of choice?

>> No.10210323

It's like his Sisyphus analogy. Even if we have no physical ability to make a choice, we have the subjective ability to chose how we relate to that predestined choice. Even Sisyphus has the choice to be happy if he wants to view his situation that way. To shrug and say 'Sisyphus has no choice' would be an act of bad faith (to borrow a phrase from Sartre).

>> No.10210377

No matter the situation we find ourselves in we can still have a choice to find happiness in some way?

>> No.10210420


Sisyphus has 2 choices, which is to roll or not to roll the boulder. Rolling the boulder is preferable as it keeps him busy with a task. Not rolling the boulder would mean ruminating on how pointless the task of rolling the boulder is.

>> No.10210423

Yeah. I think Camus would put it more like, 'we all have the ability to create our own meaning out of the meaningless (the absurd)'. That's just my 2 cents though, I'm no Camus scholar.

>> No.10210435

I was simply suggesting these caricatures of idealized women, who through a stroke of luck, or use of magic, unwittingly become the hero of their journey; that it is in a more subtle, but very real way, quite misogynist. That this has become a debate suggests if I was wrong about anything, it was the time frame with which this will be accepted.

>> No.10210450

Wait, did Sisyphus have a choice in rolling the boulder?

>> No.10210460

No he didn't.
It was his burden for trying to cheat death.

>> No.10210468


There are no details written about it, but in the Greek myths, there is a case in which he does stop to listen to a beautiful song, and sits on his boulder for a brief moment.

>> No.10210628
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I thought the point of Sisyphus was that we must imagine him happy at having an infinite task to struggle at.

The boulder is a metaphor for life. There's no way to succeed at life, and we all die in the end, but we must struggle in spite of the absurdity of it all.

>> No.10210658

Soon that bitch at the pharmacy is going to have to go. The way she says, “Next! Come on! Come on!” makes me want to get up, look her dead in the eye and fucking wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze.... right up until her windpipe is about to snap in half. Then I'll let go and let her gasp for air just for my amusement. When that wares itself out I'll finish her off with a 360 twist of her old cunty neck. The fluttering sensation I'll feel go down my spine once I see her eyes roll in the back of her head, whilst froffying white foam bubbles up in the corner of her mouth. If I'm lucky enough the whole thing might make me hard. What? What the fuck are you looking at? Oh I guess this is my fault? It always is, right? I'm sick right? Well I guess you better treat me. Perhaps it’s better if I just do it and get it over with. Probably have to blame it on the pills again when they throw my ass in prison. Fucking shit. Why am I at the god damn pharmacy all the fucking time? Maybe if my doctor didn’t give me 40 antidepressants I wouldn’t have to be here so often and contemplate strangling the shit at out of that cunt. I do my fucking part. I go out. I try to be social. None of it fucking works. Why should I have to control my inner impulses? I’ve done all I’ve could. Why don’t they do their fucking job? Give me something that works. Don’t just give me bullshit platitudes for me to complete and pump me full of god damn magic pills when your “advice” doesn’t work. Fuck it, I’ll probably just do my evening walks til she starts running then call it a night

>> No.10210668

The infinite task was not the point, it was the absurdity of it. He's not simply talking about hardship and stuggle, but specifically meaningless hardship and struggle. To say there is no way to succeed in life seems anti-absurdist to me. Absurdity provides the very potential for you to create "success" in your life.

It's not life is weird let's do our best, rather that the weirdness of life itself provides the very ground for our own meaning to be built.

>> No.10210722

>meaningless hardship and struggle

A huge point in absurdism is that there is no inherent meaning, and that to rebel and struggle against the pointlessness of it all is a good way to live.

>> No.10210746

Maybe they would not be so hung up on that shit if they just got a fucking job - tilled the earth, labored in the fields. Tolstoy knew what was what.
Idleness really is the devil's playground.

>> No.10210751

No. That would result in absolute stillness. Maybe occasional spasm.
Movement occurs by curiosity or relief from discomfort.