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10205741 No.10205741 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most important organization of thought in the history of the species.

>> No.10206189
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>tfw Nietzsche also shitposted insanely self-congratulatory assessments of his work back in the day
>tfw Nietzsche gained most of his colossal stature after death
>tfw the exact same thing will happen to G00nan (including dying of syphillis)
>tfw Nietzsche is literally the 19th-century G00nan

>> No.10206197

Hey Sean long time no see

>> No.10206619

fuck off goonan!

>> No.10207735

Why is this so special?

>> No.10207868

He understands human nature better than anyone I have ever read. His philosophy is not abstract. It explains what we go through every day in dealing with powerlessness and our seeking of power, illuminating the two paths, which are now blatantly obvious to me, of destructiveness and building (constructiveness) given our free will to act in any way we choose. These first thirty pages would be enough to be recognized as an incredible leap in understanding and furthering of knowledge, unheard of in the past century, yet he continues on in "Section 3" to explain another level of existence- the animalistic/artificial duality in the social and sexual realm. Here he lets loose and explains, at the deepest core of understanding, how power relates to social and socio-sexual structures, the importance of striving for a polar masculine/feminine balance between men and women, curbing sexual degeneracy, the family unit, and so on. He uses a framework of an animalistic-society vs an artificial-society, which may be present at the same time in a society. In an animalistic society people are imbalanced and act more like animals, in an artificial society, people reject our inherent animalisitc nature completely and all that it helps to structure and guide our behaviors and social structures. If this incredible analysis wasn't enough to cement this book as a monumental achievement, he goes on in the last 50 pages of the book to analyze every area of society, their incredible destructiveness and harm to every person, and rebuilds them to create "a society in which people feel the most power, connection with one another, and connection with the universe." The section on economics makes all other economic thought in history look like child's play. His "Conscious Capitalism" IS THE economic system we must all strive for, and what we have all been waiting for. His other sections are icing on the cake, and can stand alone as revolutionary- on how we are shaped by our environments, how we are influenced by what we intake through various mediums of other people's creations, how we need a balanced use of technology, how we need to reverse the industrialization of the world and pave the way for a better more agrarian society, with many others, ending in a call to explore and colonize the universe- a necessity.

>> No.10207885 [DELETED] 

No one cares, Sean.

>> No.10208999

Sounds a little all over the place.

>> No.10209019

i happen to see nothing wrong with behaving like an animal. how does he respond?

>> No.10209203

The sections are connected by the concept of power. It doesn't feel disjointed. It starts off with the deepest philosophy, then adds further layers to form a complete analysis of people and society.

>> No.10209218

This is at the start of Section 3

"Excessive animalistic behavior means selfishness, an excessive drive to pursue sex, a drive for unnecessary violence, an
antagonistic mentality, and a survival of the fittest mentality. Animalistic behavior is very similar to excessive power-seeking
behavior, but there is a distinction in that animalistic behavior is more of an unconscious base desire and bodily drive (like an
animal) rather than power-seeking which may involve a broader scope and higher thinking. The two are heavily intertwined though.

Animalistic nature is not limited to violence- it applies to sexuality. A society comprised of people that follow a completely
animalistic sexual nature is destructive. The consequences of following this nature are far-reaching. A hedonistic nature and an
animalistic sexual nature are intertwined, although are not the same thing.

Complete animalistic sexual behavior in men is characterized by the pursuance of having sex with many women with disregard for
choosing a single mate to create a family with."

>> No.10209267

I very rarely throw away books, but I tossed this one right into the trash. This man claims a lot and delivers what a smart 14 y/o could write. No finesse, lots of holes, too ambitious. I felt disgusted, like I was rickrolled or some shit.

>> No.10209296

Provide an example.