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10188549 No.10188549 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that can help me stop hating hot women for not being attracted to me?

>> No.10188562

Most books with information directly on that topic, like "Is There Anything Good About Men?" by Roy Baumeister, will make your resentment worse by giving you more information about how bad it really is. All the things that irritate you about the power imbalance are true, and much worse than you are even aware of now.

So you have to curb the underlying resentment by changing your attitudes at a different level. You should try to get a more big picture view of life, and realize that women are as much victims of their own sexual capital as possessors of it. You can't just hate, because most of what they're doing doesn't involve their own agency.

Personally, I have settled on a mixture of disgust and pity for women, tempered by some good experiences I've had with some more self-aware ones, who were either already involved in deconstructing their own unagentful role as a sexual selection fury, or were eager to start doing so once they were reasonably convinced that it was the case. Most of them you can safely see as big dumb children who are victims of forces they didn't ask to be a part of. Like Plato says, if they had true knowledge of good and evil, they wouldn't be evil any more. It's simply very hard for them to see the evil of their own animal existence from inside it.

>> No.10188565

the ego and its own

>> No.10188567
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If you stop wanting something from them you will no longer suffer from it being withheld from you.

Uproot your desires.

>> No.10188569


>> No.10188575

Everything you hate about women is innate to them and they are either not consciously aware of it or struggle to change it if they have the desire to do so. Like a poster above already suggested they are themselves victims of forces they can't control.

In essence, changing what you hate about women would turn them into not-women. It's like asking yourself to stop being attracted to attractive women.

Realize it's not personal.

>> No.10188576
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>> No.10188577

just listen dat shit mor


>> No.10188583

Not bad, frog buddha. But I still want to bang hot women

>> No.10188589

thats your problem

>> No.10188593

you're my problem

>> No.10188594

problem my're you

>> No.10188595

Not everyone is meant to date hot women. But everyone is meant to reproduce senpai. Find someone equally as attractive to you, with similar values and interests.
I know it's hard to understand, but banging hot chicks never made anyone happy. But I know not banging any hot chicks definitely frustrates men. Don't let it effect you man. Find someone that makes you genuinely happy, not someone who is an unobtainable object of desire.
I get it. I eventually banged a 10 in college and thought that I had made it. But I realized very quickly I was much happier when I moved on to my 8/10 gf who also appreciated culture, art, etc. we've been dating for two years, and I would never give that up to bang any amount of hot broads

>> No.10188613

i really hate how many threads on /lit/ are about getting girls to like you and all the associated bullshit.

>> No.10188614

i wanna cum in her. i wanna lick her wet pussy. i wanna touch her elastic tits and trifle her body like helicopter. she have perfect legs and perfect ass. how can you hate her? you are stupid.

>> No.10188616

>But everyone is meant to reproduce
actually less than half of men reproduced historically

>> No.10188617


>talking like settling with a cultured 8 is a difficult sacrifice that took maturity on your part

Is this a subtle humble brag or are you completely oblivious to how fundamentally detached your "problems" are from the average guy here?

>> No.10188619

do you have a source on that?

>> No.10188625

>But everyone is meant to reproduce senpai
that's literally the opposite of what is "meant"
Natural selection works because not everyone has offspring.

>> No.10188628
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This is the essence of Buddhism. Your attachments to pleasure and pain are what causes suffering. Let go of your attachments and you will be just as happy with a cockpunch as a sweet, sloppy, legal teen blowjob where your nut juice drips down into the tight folds of her cleavage.

>> No.10188633

Sublimate your rage with hope for the future that genetic engineering or robotics and AI can develop attractive sex philosophy zombies

And read science fiction.

>> No.10188637


That's not buddhism, that's taoism. Buddhism is where you don't do anything ever.

>> No.10188652

Okay then either become desirable to society or genetically get btfo. Whining isn't going to do the trick.
I'm a cultured 8/10, I'm dating a cultured 8/10. We're a great fit. If you're 2, try to find interesting 1-5's with decent hygiene and bmi

>> No.10188655

This just made me racist :/

>> No.10188657

The point of genetics is that it doesn't change when you lift, "bro"

>> No.10188661

Wow very wise man, just date a cultured 8/10 who enjoys art, oh shit that's all I had to do

>> No.10188663

Learn to be funny and make girls laugh. That's the only hope for an ugly self loathing faggot.

>> No.10188667

u ain't wanna fuck black women? why so? man that shit is crazy

>> No.10188673

What if my fetish is getting punched in the cock? Check mate, buddhists.

>> No.10188678

It's not all about 'genetics.' There's definitely stuff you can change about yourself. Think Hugh Hefner got laid because he had superior genes? No it was his personality and what he made of himself.
No all you have to do is find someone who makes you happy, and a better version of yourself. In turn, you should be making them happy and a better version of themselves. That's what chemistry is. There's 7 billion ppl on earth. Somebody that's at about your level of attractive and intelligence exists who can be in a mutually beneficial relationship with you. The odds are in your favor.

>> No.10188682

>It's not all about 'genetics'
you were talking about things you are "meant" to do
assuming you do apply meaning to biological process, then yes, what you are "meant" to do is 100% exclusively about genetics, and literally nothing else
evolution doesn't give a single fuck about how swole your granpa was

>> No.10188683

try harder

>> No.10188706
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stop trying to give motivational pep talks to guys that you don't even relate to. it is embarrassing for all concerned.

>> No.10188708

Is there a book that can stop me from acting like I know everything about Asian culture/history because I watched Pokeman once?

>> No.10188713

Maybe instead you should stop placing so much value on physical appearance.

Just because a person is beautiful on the outside, that doesn't mean their inside matches. Sometimes, it does, but more often, you'll find beautiful people are corrupted within...because they are such juicy targets for corruption.

>> No.10188723

In my perfect society you would be in a cozy camp to concentrate on work. Thanks for spreading degenerate values just so you can stick your dick in a she boon

>> No.10188734

Evolution also doesn't care about literally anything besides how many descendants you end up having. You can be Danny Devito levels of ugly and still reproduce if you're a successful professional or very charismatic.

>> No.10188735

realize the profound weight of the fact that you just want to fuck them and then move on

the reality is that if you're posting on a 4chan imageboard the woman in your op, as genetically delicious as she may be, probably has nothing in common with you.

>> No.10188739

That's cliche as fuck. And I just want to insert my pipi into a pretty pussy.

>> No.10188740

How do I fukc someone when I'm only 6 inches? (Meaning 3" when not erect)

>> No.10188743

Holy shit you really are a virgin

>> No.10188745

in my perfect society ya d be sexin wit some hot chicks


>> No.10188749


>I'm a cultured 8/10

Like it even fucking matters what you think then. You're like those Hollywood champagne socialists who lecture people on food stamps about global warming. You can't even relate to that daily life on the most basic of levels.

>> No.10188751

Good post.

>> No.10188779

lol nice oppression olympics bro. You sounds just like a black lesbian ranting about how regular blacks don't understand muh suffering. I'm a dude on 4chan, I have the same sexual anxieties and insecurities as you. Maybe not as bad, though

>> No.10188788

I've heard money is a fool proof way to attract scorching punani

>> No.10188806


>lol nice oppression olympics bro.

Kek I'm not a hater of your situation in life and I wish you well, but that doesn't mean that your """problems""" were ever close to being the same.

But pat yourself on the back if you want bro you are really helping.

>> No.10188807

But then it’s still not a struggle for you. That’s the issue. You really think that telling people you’re fallback option of a 8/10 cultured gf is the path, when we have people here worried about having 6 inch dicks.
Cmon bro. It’s nice that you’re trying to help people here, but goddamn if it is t a more abstract version of the sorority girl going to Africa and posting how Mukluk inspired her.

>> No.10188812

>tfw started with the Greeks
>no longer attracted to ugly female physiques a la OP's pic related
Thank you based Charmides, Lysis, and Symposium

>> No.10188824

Then what is the problem you have? I'm sorry I don't understand. 4chan has a tendency to ridicule and marginalize oppressed groups like women and minorities, so it's hard for me to take your oppression seriously considering how much the rest of the worlds 'injustices' are marginalized here. My apologies. I am trying to take your problems seriously.
Do you feel comfortable talking to women? Do you feel pressure to have sex? What questions should I be asking to not be a supercilious dick?

>> No.10188831


>What questions should I be asking to not be a supercilious dick?

None. Stop trying to be captain save a sperg and just fuck off already.

>> No.10188842

I dated a girl who was as (un)attractive as me. Shit, I might have been more attractive than her. Sex was awful. Wasn't attracted to her. Broke up after six months

At the end of the day I have never blamed women for not being attracted to me, because I'm fucking ugly. I don't think it's hypocrisy to not want to bang girls on a similar level.
Gonna kill myself in a couple years I reckon

>> No.10188847

What is unattractive about you? I think very few people are truly "ugly". Try eating a more healthy diet, exercising, dressing nicely, having better hygiene, etc. Most people can be at least 7/10

>> No.10188851

Contrary to the other poster I don't think you should fuck off. I think the whole argument of "people have it worse" is kinda silly as you're proving people have it better. Whatever, I think you're trying to help and it should be appreciated.
To answer your questions, no I don't feel comfortable, yes I do feel pressure. That's the spirit of this thread, a bunch of 18-35s who are not adjusting their sexual ideal to reality. Whilst other's seemingly glide naturally though this process.
Overall, it's people who think their unlovable because they are measuring the value to how close their dick is to a girl imo.

>> No.10188854
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The thousand injuries of the roasties I had borne as I best could, but when they ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.

>> No.10188855

>most people can be above the mean

.............oh ok.

>> No.10188860

The mean is the mean in the case of looks because most people are unwilling to do the things I mentioned.

>> No.10188867

The operative word being "most".
There needs to be ugly people, anon. If no one was ugly, no one would be attractive. Every generation has genetic trash.
That's why I've never understood why guys "like" me hate women for not fucking them. They're correct to be repulsed by us.

>> No.10188874
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>shilling for zero books

>> No.10188877

Your last sentence: do you think this falls under the umbrella of 'toxic masculinity'? It's so ingrained in our culture, but you don't really see the people who it negatively effects try to deconstruct and/or change the status quo. Maybe it's because that sort of thing is in the wheelhouse of SJW's, but I think there's a massive critique to be made of how mans self worth is connected to sex.
I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. Sorry.

>> No.10188884

Castration might work but it's pretty drastic.

>> No.10188887
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read Soapandshower

>> No.10188888

If only the physiological and hormonal effects weren't so extreme

>> No.10188895

Hmmmmm. Yeah, I’d hate to use that phrase, because it feels like a buzzword, but nonetheless true. It’s hilariously absurd, we all want to be Frank Sinatra, but we’re more like Gleason. It’s such a hot button issue, every thread here gets 100+ replies.

>> No.10188909

Women have it worse tho, if theyre ugly theyre fucked
If Dudes are ugly they just work out or become president

>> No.10188930

women are bred to fuck and suck, stop worrying and hating them. it's like hating a wild animal or a plant. stop wasting your life time and mental energy on this nonsense, boy

>> No.10188936

>I know it's hard to understand, but banging hot chicks never made anyone happy

spoken like a true virgin. stop stating your opinions because they are just plain wrong

>> No.10188939
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how has this not been posted?

>> No.10188944

Honestly her face is fucked, and I have been with prettier women (though never with a cartoon butt like that). I’m not even a chad either. Her ass is huge though so I guess that means she is hot.

>> No.10188950

How's your relationship to your mother?

>> No.10188951

Because the author disowned it and wrote a whole new book explaining why he was wrong.

>> No.10188952

She is arching her back in each photo to exaggerate the size of her posterior. Anyone with with a lick of sense can see that, alongside the fact there's like 5 lbs of makeup on her face without which she'd look like your regular doughy hispanic.

>> No.10188956
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>toxic masculinity
That's just masculinity anon, I'd be interested to hear what "toxic feminity" would be

>> No.10188973

Even ugly women can find someone willing to romance them. They have innate sexual value.

Ugly men should console themselves with the fact that if they work incredibly hard they can then find a woman who has rode the cock carousel all her life to eventually settle down for them? What fortune.

>> No.10188979

You won't even get that, loser

>> No.10188993

Wait til ur 30 lul

>> No.10188994

Whenever I feel down I simply remember that I beat odds of 600 million to one that I was the winner of the race against all the other spermatozoa to reach a mature egg and then I feel happy for the rest of the day

>> No.10188995

then you will die alone

>> No.10188996

Why was he wrong? Is it wrong to present value and try to be interesting? I don't think The Game is an invitation into the PUA community but rather feels like a snapshot of what life could be like, good or bad.

>> No.10188999

Thanks reddit

>> No.10189004

You and 6 billion others

How aboutthe fact that you live in the West and have basic necessities?

>> No.10189007
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I know.

>> No.10189018


>> No.10189024
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Fyi I'm an intellectual go on Reddit and I am White

thus Asian girls will love my peepe

>> No.10189031

>Whenever I feel down I simply remember that I beat odds of 600 million to one that I was the winner of the race against all the other spermatozoa to reach a mature egg and then I feel happy for the rest of the day
Sounds like you don't understand probability.

The fact you're alive to think that means your being born was a deterministic certainty. There's only a 1 in 600 million chance when you're actually the sperm. After the fact it means nothing. It's like saying you're fortunate for everything that is, are you going to console yourself for all kinds of mundane shit? Your birth is just as mundane by virtue of both existing.

>> No.10189060

White girls love me too

>> No.10189132

i highly doubt you are ugly, you are more likely a terrible dresser with a bad diet who does no exercise.

>> No.10189144

god made ugly people so things could get done

>> No.10189156
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It can fix the negative patterns of your thinking.

>> No.10189165

I think I'd feel worse about myself if I came to feel better because of CBT. Am I really the equal of Pavlov's dog?