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10188011 No.10188011 [Reply] [Original]

Does literature need decolonization?

>> No.10188023

No. We're not sorry.

>> No.10188035

As if in any of the life's work of authors in the canon ever cared about this kind of nonsense. A true future talent would see it as an opportunity to make their own mark. But not being able to see why these writers from the past are held in such high regard is to be a failure. It's admitting their knowledge of the canon's authors is only skin deep.

>> No.10188038

Yes and no.

Yes in that there is a global literary canon that is occasionally ignored. Not Toni Morrison or some new age ghost-written black author, but people like Rabindranath Tagore or Thiongo or CLR James, who stand as lions ahead of billions of people, but do not fall within western brackets of "great".

No in that quality should still be the metric to decide what is being taught, and choosing someone for the color of their skin simply to fufilly a political demand is disgusting (and cowardly).

>> No.10188039

The writes of the past are held in such a high regard, because they were white, and as such they were in a position of power, thus beeing able to spread their ideas. Meanwhile, better writers with darker skin remained unheard

>> No.10188041

So what about asian writers? Arab Writers? Latin American writers? Fuck them?

>> No.10188042

>t. nu-male

>> No.10188044

caveat: if literature is being taught outside 100 level courses as art, it should be up to the professor to structure their class, especially seminars.

>> No.10188045

>t. unable to argue

>> No.10188046

And the jewish bolshevikization of white culture rages on.

>> No.10188056

if youre not just being le ebic troll and these are your actual opinions you are nu-male scum. Literally kill yourself the world would be better if you and everyone like you had never been born. Fuck you.

>> No.10188065

So if you're serious you admit to not knowing the long tradition of writers such as Dante, Milton, and Shakespeare?

>> No.10188070

if you find arguments that contradict your opinions hurtful, maybe you should go back to your safe space

>> No.10188073

Since Cambridge is such a large institution I'm sure they have multiple courses dedicated to those specifics. Where the freak out is coming from I don't know. As if they could wave a magic wand and the canon is changed on the spot.

>> No.10188079

Decolonization is just Victorian-era noble savagery updated by pomo discourse. It's crypto white supremacy, as the same white male rapist theorists that control much of other left politics, e.g. Sam Kriss, seek control of literature by gatekeeping.

You can bet behind closed doors they -- and much of white male literature majors on /lit/ -- think of black females as ass jiggling cattle who shouldn't be so loud in public.

>> No.10188081

I sincerely hate non-whites.

>> No.10188085

It's not that these writers are deliberately ignored, it's just that far better ones existed and they get all the praise. If you want to study Mozambican poetry, go ahead, don't whine about the rest of us not caring.

>> No.10188088

YASS clap QUEEN clap SLAY clap

>> No.10188093

How would you know that Mozambican poetry is inferior if you never studied it?

>> No.10188097

Why this need to replace? Can't you just add to what's already there?

>> No.10188098


>> No.10188102

>You can bet behind closed doors they -- and much of white male literature majors on /lit/ -- think of black females as ass jiggling cattle who shouldn't be so loud in public.

Literally me

>> No.10188107

I actually kind of enjoy seeing this, it pleases me to think that these extremely privelged people, with access to the best education money can buy, are ruining it for themselves. Mitigates my jealousy.

>> No.10188109

Wow, racist and sexist much

>> No.10188115

That is a funny way of looking at it actually. If they want to waste their time and money filling their minds with guff, have at it.

>> No.10188124


This. Best to accelerate academia into a non-stop ID-pol shitfest until all knowledge production is politically constrained to a very narrow set of left thought that eats itself.

The project: a new lysenkoism that destroys academia. Let a thousand University of Missouris bloom, until no one wants to go to college anymore.

>> No.10188132

I just like jiggling asses

>> No.10188138

Wtf I love Marxism now

>> No.10188141

College has become so feminized as to become repugnant
you're better off learning a trade, and reading and writing in your spare time
the whole Ox-Bridge tweed and ivy and pipe tobacco days are dead
it's all purple haired dykes getting triggered nowadays
best to let it die

>> No.10188145


Yep. It needs to get far worse before it gets better.

I've stopped getting annoyed and now I actively welcome it.

>> No.10188188

>professionals cave in to student pressure

How fucking embarrassing

>> No.10188195

>Left wing racism

>> No.10188206

I still can't read BME as anything other than Body Modification Ezine.

>> No.10188217

The actually open letter, for those who are interested

>> No.10188219

this post change my views

>> No.10188238


>Diversity training for supervisors
>Diversity training


>> No.10188243

The concept of decolonization needs decolonization.

>> No.10188245
File: 79 KB, 1200x762, WMe3obG[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the wh*Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull?

Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh*Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic wh*Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the wh*Te women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.

The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.

>> No.10188263

>We believe that literature and the act of studying literature is not apolitical.
What the fuck? I find it sad that someone can be such an automaton they don't notice how stupid they're being by not only overtly politicizing literature, but making it seem as if literature has to fit their leftist politics too, and there is nothing wrong or overly subjective with this.

>> No.10188267

so are they throwing books out all together and reverting back to a strictly oral tradition?

>> No.10188285

Because every person requires a filtering process, given the billions of writers throughout history, and trillions of works of literature, and the fact that even the most avid reader will only get through ~25,000 books in their lifetime.

For the most post, the filtering process is an emotional reaction to peer's recommendation "You gotta check this out; you'll love it." If nobody has ever recommended Mozambican poetry, I can quantitatively assess it's not that good, or not up my ally.

Now I also think a good curious mind should go off on its own, find things out of their comfort zone, and give them a try. But this, again, requires some kind of spirited introduction. If I am reading Mozambican poetry simply to check it off a list, I'm unlikely to engage with it on a meaningful level.

>> No.10188296

Hopefully this PC disease doesn't spread to Germany, France, Italy and the rest of the world.

>> No.10188314


These people don't actually care about literature. They only care about what it can do for them politically. Theirs is a conditional appreciation.

For them it's politics first, art second. Never forget that this is who we're dealing with behind all the rhetoric.

>> No.10188318

It frustrates me more than anything else to realize I missed the boat on a comfy humanities education. I now have to settle for a stem degree to learn anything worthwhile for my undergrad.
Furthermore, Fecal gravity will impact places you didn't think possible. When the ivory tower academics idolize these leftist political trends, future generations suffer exponentially.

>> No.10188322

I hope they will burn all the books by those white colonist nazi's and make way for diversity!

>> No.10188334
File: 108 KB, 513x597, Amelia Bassano the REAL William Shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely 100%, whites abused their position of power to a tyrannical extent. We need to decolonize ASAP to restore truth and balance in this world.

>> No.10188337

Saying English lit needs to be decolonized is like emigrating to England and then claiming that you've been colonized.

This kind of stuff must be reaching it's apex at this point. It's tiresome and dull and no one cares really. We'll keep doing what we can to appease the vocal minority groups.

>> No.10188341

>Implying the PC tumor hasn't already assimilated German and French

>> No.10188342

I agree with this. Wouldn't it be nice to just have more stuff to read rather than arguing about what's best?>>10188097

>> No.10188348

Has it? Idk I'm from Italy and here we're pretty resistant to that kind of nonsense.

>> No.10188359

Probably because you never colonized on a massive scale?

>> No.10188370

If she wants to read black authors why doesn't she go back to her own fucking country

>> No.10188378

Probably. Also we're too busy jerking off to Dante.

>> No.10188394


this decolonization is actualy rasist. they are demandind that BME literature should be judged not on the bases if quality like the rest but on the basis of being BME. Why BME is not part of "white literature" already is based on intertextuality. Literature in europe is connected, it can and sometimes must be interpreted from other texts. Some random 16. century Nigerian poem has limited intertextual value to corresponding european literature.

With this sperging they only show that "white literature" is superior to BME. Why else would they want BME to be part of it?

>> No.10188511

Except the whole "brightly colored hair sjw" thing is mostly in America, where fraternity houses also dominate campus life. And Greek Life expands every year.

>> No.10188521

This isn't decolonizing, it's colonizing.

>> No.10188527

Here's what I don't get:
/lit/ and generally 4chan anons hate Chads, presumably because they bang all the hot chicks. SJW's on college campuses hate Chads, because institutional and systematic oppression. Anons hate SJW's because...they identify as Chads w/r/t identity politics? And SJW's hate anons because likewise they don't distinguish between Chads and virgins.
What is the end goal of any of these groups?

>> No.10188532

nobody cares about what a blackie, from the bronx or other latitudes, has to say
it's going to be the same victim complex and how racism it is so rampant in every white country

>> No.10188533



>> No.10188538

Well, it's the same thing as "Jews trying to turn their most valuable European allies into muslim caliphates" I suppose.
Different scapegoats for different problems in their lives

>> No.10188543


Write in your own native language and quit appropriating mine.

They want our readers, is what it comes down to, because their own culture is mostly illiterate or doesn't value reading for pleasure.

>> No.10188547
File: 34 KB, 1330x546, british.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10188551

black people are fucking retarded

>> No.10188557

Black authors want white readers, because relatively few blacks read.

Proportion of white Americans who teach their kids to read before entering school is roughly half while for black Americans it is close to zero.

But instead of increasing literacy rates to grow their audience, they instead are demanding a share of ours. Of course, even the worst virtue-signaller will buy their copy of Ta Nahesi Coates and then to back to the usual that they actually like to enjoy.

>> No.10188564

wow you are pathetic. i read one para.

>> No.10188571

Jesus Christ that is the most moronic rant I've ever heard. Boo hoo. Britain single handedly fucked Africa, the Middle East, and S Asia by installing artificial boundaries, nations, and regimes. Nigeria, Iraq, S Africa etc never existed as entities until the Brits figured out it would make these areas easily to extract resources from. An Igbo person, whose family had been Igbo for millennial, suddenly gets told one day that they're a) a British subject and b) Nigerian. What about THAT disenfranchisement and hypocrisy?
It's the chickens coming home to roost. You base your country on universal enlightenment principles, people are going to take you up on them. Especially those who have been exploited and fucked by your country in the past. It's making the country live up to its values, and that's a good thing.

>> No.10188572
File: 49 KB, 560x650, culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read English and French.

Why the hell should I read anything that doesn't interest me and whose culture is totally alien to me just to score virtue points?

Prove it's of value beyond that first.

>> No.10188584


I've always been a bit in easy about the decolonization movement. I don't agree that colonialism is unversally bad. I'm from a literal desert island and my family would be far worse off economically if our dutch masters left

>> No.10188590

The English (white people) invented the English language, as well as the novel.

The Greeks (sort of white people) invented what we now know of as the modern play, which the English then developed to the next level.

Other cultures are free to do what they want in their own languages in their own countries and universities and nobody will stop them.

That is where decolonization should be, not these entitled brats coming to the west and making demands on us.

>> No.10188597

What website do you think you're on?

>> No.10188599

Oh dear, you've never even heard of the Arab slave trade, have you.

Britain controlled a handful of ports, ruled the seas (after winning a war against the Dutch) along with Spain and Berbers.

The African nobles in the Io/Yoruba empire were the ones rounding up slaves to sell to Arab, Berber, Spanish, Portuguese and British traders.

So those same Nigerians you claim to be victims were the perpetrators themselves!

Learn some history, you mong.

>> No.10188601

300+ replies thread incoming grab your popcorns lads

>> No.10188603

>black females as ass jiggling cattle
Wait, you're telling me black women are good for something besides sex?

>> No.10188609

>Why the hell should I read anything that doesn't interest me and whose culture is totally alien

To learn? Or are you done doing that?

>> No.10188642

>Arab slave trade
>So those same Nigerians you claim to be victims were the perpetrators themselves!
Ffs your response is >b-but blacks did it too!
Yeah I'll grant you complicity. But you have to grant imperialism and racism were twin pillars of violent exploitation and the pseudo-scientific defense thereof. This is all coming from a people who, at home, are preaching Enlightenment values. They weasel their way out of treating their imperial subjects with such dignity by playing the race card back home. They dehumanize and subjugate vast swaths of the world for economic benefit.
Do I think it's morally reprehensible? Maybe. Colonized people did end up with the English language, knowledge of the enlightenment principles their culture did not produce, and a chance at economic prosperity. But to suggest that it wasn't a traumatizing violent experience, and that colonized people shouldn't be resentful is absurd. The moment they became British subjects, they had every right to live in England. To make the argument that Britain should have colonized and subjugated, but kept these people of our the country they were subject to is patently stupid and absurd and racist.

>> No.10188672
File: 82 KB, 384x313, eQ20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black females as ass jiggling cattle who shouldn't be so loud in public.
It'd help if that wasn't how they portrayed themselves and the principle they spread through music

>> No.10188696

Kek so is immigration is a punishment? Wouldn't that make it inherently bad?

>> No.10188701

>to make the argument that Britain should have colonized and subjugated, but kept these people of our the country they were subject to is patently stupid and absurd and racist
Not him but can you explain what is absurd or racist about wanting your country to be mostly made of the long-established populations that built it up to begin with?

>> No.10188730

You're basically just saying that people should be punished for the sins of their ancestors, which they themselves had no hand in.

>> No.10188787

>english is a language of colonial oppression itself
>try to re-envision the english language as if it weren't

it's great if they elevate non-white english authors but man they're in for a rude awakening.

people blaming pomo for this is hilarious considering all postmodern writers emphasized the western tradition as a necessity.

>> No.10188794

i actually read the letter. op's article is pretty much clickbait.

the letter asks for postcolonial study to be incorporated into the degree, which is how it should be. if britain didn't want to own up for its history when it was time to maybe it shouldn't have colonized half of the world.

>> No.10188795

Going back to Socrates we've had the argument that punishment isn't bad. And it's not 'punishment' in the Foucaultian sense. It's just the natural reaction to the phenomenon of imperialism.
Because you didn't play by those rules with other countries. That Europe can asymmetrically uproot long-established populations in other parts of the world, and not accept the reverse is absurd or at least hypocritical.
No, and the fallacy of that argument is the assumption that it's people, exempt from culture, that do these things. Slave-owners might not have existed after 1865, but their culture didn't die. The Klan, Jim Crow, today's racism, I mean look at an Alabama football game. Rich whites watching blacks act like mandingos.

>> No.10188805

>That Europe can asymmetrically uproot long-established populations in other parts of the world, and not accept the reverse is absurd or at least hypocritical.
It's not absurd or hypocritical. Conquering someone else does not mean that you should accept being conquered. That's fucking ridiculous.
>No, and the fallacy of that argument is the assumption that it's people, exempt from culture, that do these things.
This is just an excuse to pin actions on entire races of people, so that you can justify your political actions.

>> No.10188811

>I mean look at an Alabama football game. Rich whites watching blacks act like mandingos.
Lol. Whites make a sport and play it on their own, so it's racist. Whites then allow blacks into their institutions and let them play the sport too and this is racist.

>> No.10188814

The foundational principles upon which Britain was governed made the treatment of colonized people's hypocritical. But regardless, if they're British subjects, they should be allowed in Britain, no? Roman citizens--from a conquered colony of Britain, I might add--were allowed in Rome and were active in its politics. Don't see the Brits or the Italians making a fuss over that now do we?

>> No.10188819

Why are amerilards, both from the left and the right, so fucking retarded?

>> No.10188821
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nigga suck my dick from the back

>> No.10188826
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its part of our culture


>> No.10188829

>haha it's ok because the entire world is getting worse, everyone is suffering not just me!
crab mentality

>> No.10188832

Are the residents of previously colonized areas currently British subjects to whom these rights extend? If so, are you fine with limiting immigration to only these colonized subjects and excluding those who have no relation? I assume the answer to the second question is "no", which means your entire argument is disingenuous.

>> No.10188835

>that punishment isn't bad. And it's not 'punishment
>That Europe can asymmetrically uproot long-established populations in other parts of the world, and not accept the reverse is absurd or at least hypocritical.

So >asymmetrically uproot long-established populations isn't bad..?

>> No.10188836

>We don't want to be colonized anymore but we want the rights which come from being colonial subjects

>> No.10188838

>Roman citizens--from a conquered colony of Britain, I might add--were allowed in Rome
Lol great example, they we

>> No.10188841

what would nick land say?

>> No.10188844

-ren't seperated by an extremely identitarian religion like Islam either

>> No.10188848

>until no one wants to go to college anymore.
Except people will continue to go regardless of what's offered and instead the demented and the mediocre will be institutionalized.


>> No.10188850

Are you European? Why do you hate your culture so much? Hasn't studying western canon given you some appreciation?

>> No.10188856

literally the same thing happens at football games at Michigan and USC, this is completely moronic

>> No.10188865

I think there's definitely the argument to be made they're more 'british' than the rest, and as such have more right to be in Britain than unrelated peoples. But that's still a rather discriminatory policy, and adverse to a lot of people.
*want rights for having been colonized subjects. Yes, I think that's fair.
I'm American. I love western culture with all my heart and am against putting Shakespeare on the same pedestal as Chinua Achebe or Derek Walcott. But we have to realize that the ethnostate mentality is damaging, and that colonized people really just want a fair shake to live prosperous and happy lives. Diversity never killed an empire. Only the demagogic reaction of scapegoating and discrimination against diversity. Although if I'm wrong on that score lmk

>> No.10188871

>I think there's definitely the argument to be made they're more 'british' than the rest, and as such have more right to be in Britain than unrelated peoples.
>*want rights for having been colonized subjects. Yes, I think that's fair.
If they aren't British subjects then they don't have the right to enter Britain. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.
>But that's still a rather discriminatory policy, and adverse to a lot of people.
And? Tough shit.

>> No.10188881

Just so we're clear, then. You would impose the same restrictions on Americans and Frenchmen? Or is it only brown people you want to keep out?

>> No.10188882
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>makes zero mention of the works being replaced
>makes zero mention of the works replacing them
congrats on shilling for jewish psy-ops clickbait garbage

>> No.10188890

A nation should decide for itself who to let it. It doesn't have any obligation to foreigners unless it places it upon itself. I'm not British so it's not my place to decide for them. If they want to keep out American or Frenchmen, that's their right.

>> No.10188896
File: 28 KB, 480x492, 1506077282321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A zero-tolerance policy on the dismissal of race as a subject worthy of discussion/enquiry in essays

Translation: "You, professors, should not be allowed to make me rethink my ideology."

>> No.10188897

>That Europe can asymmetrically uproot long-established populations in other parts of the world, and not accept the reverse is absurd or at least hypocritical.
The European culture is more valuable though.

>> No.10188902

>I'm American.
Then talk about America you cunt. England is no longer an empire it's an island the size of a state who's culture and population isn't just 250yrs old and doesn't need to be "diversified" ie fundamentally changed

>> No.10188918
File: 388 KB, 989x576, 1476593129530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this sort of thing is happening in universities all across the western world
>tfw it happened at my school
>tfw I just kept my head down and didn't read any of the material but parroted the sentiment of how hard it must be to be non-white and so oppressed
>tfw got through all those courses with As and all my classmates thought well of me, called my contributions to the discussion very 'woke' since they thought I was volunteering to be a cuck or something
I switched my major to comp sci a little after a year of that shit. I'm much happier now, no women in my classes either.

>> No.10188940

>same restrictions on Americans and Frenchmen
Am I the only one who thinks this is obvious, despite them being much closer linked culturally, genetically, linguistically, you're the one who just sees brown and white people

>> No.10188947

These people want to tear apart all of the normal bonds between humans and atomize us into interchangeable, global economic units. Things like culture and language mean nothing to them.

>> No.10188997

Stupid niggers being played by the jews

>> No.10189001

>Brittan invaded and colonized half the world
>G-Get out of my country!

>> No.10189016

That's how it works, friend.

>> No.10189021

Brits actually improved those backwards "countries," whereas shitskins only make white countries like England worse.

>> No.10189025

>I hate these horrid evil racist oppressors :(
>I want to go live in their country

>> No.10189032

ITT: Intellectual titans that will save the Western Civilization from the hordes of migrants.

>> No.10189038

>Hate colonialism for ruining other countries
>Equate it with immigration

>> No.10189043 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 500x391, greece-2500-years-ago-rome-2000-years-ago-china-1800-7087767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes me think

>> No.10189065
File: 652 KB, 4562x2974, 1508513094358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying *nglos and g*rmans weren't basically niggers before the glorious Mediterranean masterrace conquered them.

>> No.10189073


Doesnt change the fact that Britan and other empires invaded and exploited every uncivilized and basically defenseless country they could get their hands on and still hold authority over, even today (while not even being in the mainland) but the Anon was using the "muh ancesturrs were here first!" horseshit.

>> No.10189086

Ah, he fucking deleted his post! Once again the *nglo weakling bows before the glorious Mediterranean masterrace.

>> No.10189097

So? I don't see any reason why England conquering weak foreign countries means that they have some obligation to let hordes of foreigners into their own country.

>> No.10189104

The difference is that Britain overpowered those peoples, while today it is being overpowered not by its former subjects beating their former masters at their own game, but by (some of) the masters themselves who have decided to fold and unlock the gates willingly. I'd be ultimately happy to be conquered and colonized by a civilization that towers above today's Britain the way the British empire stood over its colonies. Our best bet is probably aliens.

>> No.10189108

Because at one time conquering countries made a lot of money for the elite but now bringing in cheap labor makes a lot of money for the elite.
The rest is just pure pretense

>> No.10189123


Are yall pretending to be dense? The irony of a British person complaining about immigrants should be punishable by castration.

>I'd be ultimately happy to be conquered and colonized by a civilization that towers above today's Britain the way the British empire stood over its colonies

What a fucking edge master.

>> No.10189128

Where's the irony?

>> No.10189161

where's the civilization that towers over modern Britain?