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10181427 No.10181427 [Reply] [Original]

tips on how to not crack or crease a spine?

>> No.10181441

read ebooks

>> No.10181449
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Hardcovers pleb. If you haven't gotten through the western canon via leatherbound classics with translations atleast 60 years old than you have absolutely no reason to be reading paperback fiction.

>> No.10181454

How do people have an issue with this? Just don't open the book so far that it puts pressure on the stitching of the spine.

>> No.10181457

Go for the clitoris m8

>> No.10181458

I borrowed a book from somebody who told me to leave the spine spotless, which I never give a fuck about.

>> No.10181464


>> No.10181466

stop being a faggot and just crack the spines

>> No.10181473

I'm reckless. If I get into a book I want to treat like shit. It endears me to the book.

>> No.10181834


>> No.10181837

Read hardcovers
The only way to keep a paperback from closing without holding it 2-handed is to bend the spine
People who worry about their books looking beat up are retards

>> No.10181844

Welp guess you're not allowed to open it then

>> No.10181847

Then don't spill anything on it or mark it with anything. Creases =/= spots.

>> No.10181881
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this is my amazing technique OP. if you are reading on a table, leave the cover under the page you are reading on the table and the other cover leave it 90º. as you advance a page, you flip the whole book and repeat the process.

or, if you are holding the book on your hands just don't open it all the way through, go as far as like 120º

thats my copy of IJ, it was even called 'unread' by some retards here

>> No.10181892

Oh man that's the most autistic thing i've seen here all day and i've been in the 'oxbridge pasta' thread and the 'oxbridge pasta thread' thread

>> No.10181900
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>> No.10181901

Why would you do this with run of the mill paperbacks? It boggles the mind. I can understand it if you're examining the original Doomsday book or something.

>> No.10181916

was Carli the one who said she would read books like a retard to not crack the spine? I can't remember. It also might have been Agatha but I don't think she actually reads books

>> No.10181917
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idk guys, I've always found those ways comfortable to read and have always read it like that, mostly the holding the book, not on a table. it was just unconsciouss, its not like I was trying not to fuck with the book, it just happened that the way I like to read preserves the book

im not that autist come on

>> No.10182116

Step 1) Only buy books that are really going to stretch you intellectually.

Step 2) Never get past the first 10 pages, leaving the spina very much intacta.

>> No.10182142

You should have just said fuck your book then and given it back to him.

But then again I barely ever manages to crack the spine of books unless they're really thick like The Count of Monte Cristo or something

>> No.10182168

WOW, another great fucking thread. How to store books...How to not crease spine...How to arrange by genre...How to stay focused.

You guys will makes threads about everything book related except for actually discussing the content...

>> No.10182177
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Yes it was her, and about it was about an Austen novel, so cute huh...

>> No.10182185

welcome to /lit/

>> No.10182215

>laying on couch reading book still being careful not to crease the spine, 600+ pages in
>g/f walks over and straddles me
>I continue reading
>g/f takes book from me and lays it on my chest, spread open
>audibly hear something that sounds like glue separating
>see the spine is creased and get pissed off, pointing it out to her
>'oh anon, that's been there for days' and walks away

>> No.10182232
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>tips on how to not crack or crease a spine?
Stop reading books.

>> No.10182254

I do this too anon, glued spines just aren't the same as sewn ones and you can just feel that you shouldn't open it all the way like you can do with better bound books

>> No.10182263

soak the entire book in vegetable oil

>> No.10182290

Just do what the rest of this board does and not read it at all.

>> No.10182954
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>> No.10182982

Unless you're a fucking ape, there no reason to crack the spine unwillingly, especially if the book doesn't belong to you. So be a gentle giant there, big guy, and treat it like somebody else's property, which it is, and isn't your to drool over, k?

>> No.10183002


>> No.10183003

My daddy taught me how not to crack the spine by using someone else's mouth instead of your hands.

>> No.10183012

Really depends on how thick the book is.

>> No.10183027

Who gives a fuck about the spine or condition if it's a mass-produced book? Just read it.

>> No.10183881

its the count of monte cristo.....

>> No.10183963

I've noticed some spines get creased after the first read, and some don't even after few reads (not depending on thickness). Depends on the publisher. The mass produced ones like all of Penguin's publishers and subpublishers get creased easly. Wordsworth too. I have yet to discover a goos English publisher.

>> No.10183975


Almost any mass market sized book will. Trade paperbacks because of the way they fold open from their increased size, prevent spine damage.

>> No.10183976

Dip the entire book in wax and never give it back.

>> No.10185493

this is pure bullshit

>> No.10185533

Tell me about the rabbits George...

>> No.10185568

> it was even called 'unread' by some retards here
if your book is not falling apart and borderline illegible from notes then it might as well be unread

>> No.10185584

>writing in books
hat's fucking disgusting

>> No.10185807
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>> No.10185846

Just give it back and get your own copy. Way too thick and just begging for an argument. Just buy your own copy and do as you please. I recommend the Penguin Buss translation. These mass produced books are going to age, yellow, and brittle anyway so your friend is being too anal about it.

>> No.10185880

thats the one I borrowed. Yeah going to give it back and tell him its too much of a hassle. I don't always crack books but with penguins I'm batting 1000

>> No.10185971
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Don't read duh