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10180568 No.10180568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can fashies claim to draw from Nietzsche when they advocate for what he considered most decadent? Especially nationalism and collectivism. 'Devoting yourself to your nation/race', the basis of any fascist regime, seems like the ultimate altruistic morality, not to mention the sublimation of an abstract idol, which is exactly the kind of idealism he criticized in Socrates and Christ. If anything, Nietzsche seemed to view any politics as being beneath him, and that great power primarily arises in individuals, not societies.

Any books on Nietzsche's connection to fascism? Preferably by non-fashies.

>> No.10180585

iirc it was his sister rearranging some of his nachlass and mostly relies on cutting out his harsh criticism of altruism/ leaving only the bits that blame Christianity specifically (especially the ones where he mentions Jewishness to that behaviour).

I guess it could rely on an urban misinterpretation of overman as well. Then the overman could be something like an idol rather than a sherpa. It would be a bizarre way to read it, but then some of them treat their cross fit trainers like that and then Plato just wanted to be good friends with Socrates in the same way. Helps that they suppressed Freud if that is the case.


>> No.10180588

>like that and then Plato
like that and [think] Plato

>> No.10180610

I heard about the sister story but don't know exactly how she altered his work.
But still, even today, people seem to read what they want into Nietzsche. The leftists ignore the sexist and borderline racist parts, and the rightists ignore everything that critiques their tradition. I mean, if Memerson can claim to be Nietzschean while still defending Christian ethics and opposing a view of the world based on power relations (which was Foucault's Nietzchean heritage), then anyone can do it.

>> No.10180625

He seemed to advocate for hierarchy in society, although for different reasons than the fascists.
It's also the fact he was a staunch anti-communist which meant that the fascists also had that in common with him, among other things.

>> No.10180628

I don't think Nietzsche is sexist or racist. Most of what he says of women and cultures is dependent on mores that are more than obvious, and pretending those don't exist is about as good as pretending that god exists and wants us to kill them. I think rightists read a severely edited version, which explains why they don't know what Nietzsche said about people who are afraid of Jews or love Germany, but I think leftists are more likely to see racist and sexist content, especially with negative connotations, where often its praise from Nietzsche's perspective.

And Memerson couldn't read a dictionary if you got Jung to hold his hand and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. I think he's just going through a Lucy Jordan phase of life and is going to wind up jacking it in San Diego before long tbqph.

>> No.10180636
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How can Marx draw from Hegel's philosophy while also denouncing him for his mysticism and religiosity?
How can dumb atheists borrow from the Christian worldview without realizing it?

>> No.10180637

Nietzsche was ok with hierarchy which the nazi's took and ran with

>> No.10180639

>How can Marx draw from Hegel's philosophy while also denouncing him for his mysticism and religiosity?
Well he does openly say he intends to turn Hegel on his head. Besides, you know Hegel only produces scribblers.
>How can dumb atheists borrow from the Christian worldview without realizing it?
Were you expecting the Americans to be smart?

>> No.10180655

>How can Marx draw from Hegel's philosophy while also denouncing him for his mysticism and religiosity?
But Marx was specifically a dissident, revisionist Hegelian. There seems to be no consensus on what's the orthodox interpretation of Nietzsche.

>> No.10180656

>. If anything, Nietzsche seemed to view any politics as being beneath him
Nietzsche was concerned with higher 'values', he was also an elitist aristocrat in his political views, disavowing any sense of egalitarian community...also he was very opposed to democratic principles, or to any form of politics which aims towards equality. Often denigraded the masses for their plebness and idiocy and herd mentality, etc. Fascists see a natural hierarchy in the world so they could relate to this sort of critique, also the will to power was appealing to them

>> No.10180661
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>> No.10180667


>> No.10180732
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What was Nietzsche's opinion on Brazilian instagram sluts?

>> No.10180753

it goes back to hitler misinterpreting nietzsche. its obvious brainlet right wingers would jump on nietzsche because of his critic of weakness, jews and equality when they dont even understand his definition of the weak and strong.
Nietzsches perfect aristocratic society would be more like a mix of mussolinis fascism without one populist at the top, evolas race theories and my diary desu

>> No.10180756

They're stupid, that's how

>> No.10180782

We more often meet with crossed
races, among whom, together with the defects in the harmony
of the bodily forms (for example when the eyes do not accord
with the mouth) we necessarily always find defects of harmony
in habits and appreciations. (Livingstone heard some one say,
“God created white and black men, but the devil created the
Crossed races are always at the same time crossed cultures
and crossed moralities: they are, as a rule, more evil, cruel, and

>> No.10180825
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>Purity is the final result of countless adaptations, absorptions and secretions, and progress towards purity is evidenced in the fact that the energy available to a race is increasingly restricted to individual selected functions, while previously it was applied to too many and often contradictory things: such a restriction will always seem to be an impoverishment and should be assessed with consideration and caution. In the end, however, if the process of purification is successful, all that energy formerly expended in the struggle of the dissonant qualities with one another will stand at the command of the total organism: which is why races that have become pure have always also become stronger and more beautiful.
Integralismo confirmed as the ultimate Nietzschean ideology.

Did he write that early in his career? It sounds awfully similar to the final chapters of The Birth of Tragedy, in a bad way.

>look at how disharmonious she is!

>> No.10180897

I hope she marries badly and has an unhappy life so she can suffer like this picture of her has made me suffer.

>> No.10180966

>Not realizing her beauty means she's naturally superior to you
How's that slave morality going for you?

>> No.10180975
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>he doesn't bring a whip when going to a women's side

jeez louise!

>> No.10180984


women are as roses whose fair flower
being once displayed doth fall that very hour
and so they are alas that they are so
to die even when they to perfection grow

>> No.10180990

Ha ha! Yes!

Will age like milk... the beginning of her tears.

>> No.10180992

>Man is the sterile animal.

>> No.10180995

Ressentiment is just an expression of will to power. He wants to overpower that qt but he can't, so he tries to gain power over her through indirect means, namely promoting a misogynistic morality, making her feel guilty for her sluttiness, creating bad conscience and shaming her for the advantage she has over him. Thus sexual appeal, beauty and physiological superiority cease to mean good and strength to the eyes of the masses, and instead becomes framed as immoral and evil. It really is slave morality.

>> No.10181029

The fox who longed for grapes, beholds with pain
The tempting clusters were too high to gain;
Grieved in his heart he forced a careless smile, And cried, ‘They’re sharp and hardly worth my while.

>> No.10181066

Nietzsche was an ancap

>> No.10181089
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>> No.10181143

>so he tries to gain power over her through indirect means, namely promoting a misogynistic morality, making her feel guilty for her sluttiness, creating bad conscience and shaming her for the advantage she has over him.

None of those things are true, nor the next two sentences in your post.

It's very simple. All I want is the schadenfreude, as in a Poe revenge story, where the revenge is out of all proportion to the offense, admittedly. This is not 'slave morality'. This is as old as Abel's highhanded insult to Cain, and Cain's proportionate response to that insult.

>The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man.

>> No.10181169

>implying you have to adhere to the entire complete philosophy of someone in order to draw from it
>implying you cant just pick and choose
>implying this isnt what people always do

Listen here fuckboi the only system you will ever completely agree with is the sad little shitfest you are concocting in your own brain.

>> No.10181187
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That's realistic but I have an urge to follow a concrete value system like Islam for just a month or so as a exercise in dsicpline

>> No.10181205

Well then pick any. The choice is arbitrary anyway. Hell, pick the one benefitting YOU the most. You probably want to do that anyway. Just stop thinking about it. Accept god and sheit. But seriously, been there, done that. Taking the first step isn't easy, but once you get going it's actually pretty easy to keep the train rolling. Never quite left the station for me though, or I guess I wouldn't be here right now. I guess giving yourself over fully is immensely difficult and I actually somewhat admire that.

>> No.10181262
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Every mass ideology since at least the French Revolution, which unleashed nationalism (the original meaning of left-wing), could be considered decadence of some kind. This would include liberal democracy, communism, anarchism, fascism and so much else. There were still distinctions based on race before the materialist conceptions of the 19th C and later Nazism, though.

Fascism was more or less thrown together to combat communism, when it was quite effective at stirring up the masses. For many it was simply a preferable alternative, a tool to be used. Older traditionalists included. Quite a few ex-communists simply used their tactics against them (Mussolini, Goebbels...).

Oswald Spengler expressed some preference for right-wing dictatorship, but would have preferred many of the mass appeal elements to be dropped eventually at least. Both fascism and communism largely exist today in a meme sort of way.

The closest thing to Nietzsche's ubermensch has historically been exceptionally gifted men, often in times of chaos (Napoleon, Caesar). The likes of Shakespeare or Goethe could also be considered. Master morality would be that which is aristocratic. Slave morality: ascetic. Last man = uniform plebian.

Unless Spengler's prediction comes true (the rise of despotism to replace money power) then any powerful man, or even woman, is going to have to use some plebian-tinged ideology or another. Even if they seem relatively bland (generic capitalism, social democracy). Sorry if this is a mess by the way. Threw it together amidst a lot of background noise.

>> No.10181508
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I'd commit a Raskolnikov tier murder if I could win that girls eternal love

>> No.10181879
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Ressentiment is just a drive for revenge.

That made sense. How do you align, anon?

>> No.10182243

In all seriousness, Nietzsche probably would have liked Hitler just as he liked Shakespeare's Caesar and Napoleon. What he wouldn't have liked was the continued persecution of Jews for various reasons depicted in his works, most notably because he considered it a mistreatment of them, and we know how much of a hard-ass Nietzsche was when it came to social reciprocation.

How much of an anti-Semite was Hitler even? I've read that Hitler wasn't very aware of some of the things done to Jews in Germany, and that he was a vegan and many other things. All things considered if he even had a modicum of passion for art and respect for Nietzsche he couldn't have been as simple as just a single-minded anti-Semite revolutionist.