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10179395 No.10179395 [Reply] [Original]

We have to accept reason by faith. We can't have a reason for accepting reason.

Any philosophers that touch on this area?

>> No.10179399

Me desu

>> No.10179405

>women will defend this image

>> No.10179420

But they cant defend themselves from the rape though

>> No.10179432

if only her armpits were really hairy, then it would be instant boner image

>> No.10179439

This is as good a summation of Aquinas as any

>> No.10179446

Anyone have the shop with homers face when he eats the sour candy

>> No.10179452

Reason asks questions, Faith claims to accept an answer. Whatever one's stated position, neither just ceases once answers are given. What does it mean when a talented rationalist calls reason bogus? About as much as it does as when some dumbfuck claims to 'follow reason'.

>> No.10179467

Like it or not, this is peak performance.

>> No.10179480

we dont have to accept anything


>> No.10179488


>> No.10179493
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what a stupid slut, bet her parents are proud

>We have to accept reason by faith. We can't have a reason for accepting reason

ehh, they aren't opposed, they should work together; basically faith is necessary for understanding and reason is necessary for coherence.

>> No.10179502

do you think that girl would mind a rape

>> No.10179544
File: 6 KB, 275x183, Lucky man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an instant boner picture. But hair is good, of course. Only real man like this. Thou shalt grow hair. This is a lost law from moses.

>> No.10179561

I wish Katy Loves Classic Books would look at me like this in that kind of outfit

>> No.10179566

correction: "Katie"

>> No.10179895


you could check "pantheism controversy" any Jacobi

>> No.10179919

Don't find her attractive tbqh. Face is average at best and she's old and chubby.

>> No.10179951

"knowledge" in any strict sense is not possible...instead, read Hegel, and see knowledge as a mere mental process.

>> No.10179996

If I spend the rest of my life with this weird lack of libido, I'm gonna be really disappointed

>> No.10180009

Look to After Virtue and Whose Justice Which Rationality by Alsadair MacIntyre for this.

>> No.10180163

i want to sniff her armpits

>> No.10180169

Wish exactly is there to defend?

>> No.10180171

why do pseuds throw around Godel so often? His incompleteness theorem does not say this at all so unless he's referring to a proof I've never heard of he's just namedropping for its own sake

>> No.10180177

It does if you take mathematics in terms of its mapping onto reality and providing metaphysical implications for how any way of knowing reality can be represented in models. If you don't accept this, then it's just a mathematical treatise with no philosophical ramifications to you, but you'd be at odds with many classical thinkers by taking that reductionist position.

>> No.10180184

>b-but his proof only works on numeric logical systems, not linguistic logical systems

>> No.10180219

>The first incompleteness theorem states that noconsistent systemof axioms whose theorems can be listed by aneffective procedure(i.e., analgorithm) is capable of proving all truths about the arithmetic of thenatural numbers. For any such formal system, there will always be statements about the natural numbers that are true, but that are unprovable within the system
>The second incompleteness theorem, an extension of the first, shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency
Neither of these support memerson's argument or statement

>> No.10180228

they both do, you just can't understand logical implications branching out into multiple fields

>> No.10180232

True, but this >>10180177 dude is right, even if Peterson is not regarding faith in god as a requisite for proof.

>> No.10180233

Iirc Anscombe called C.S. Lewis out when he tried to say the same thing as Peterson.

>> No.10180238

Is it trendy to hate him now or are you just trying to be ahead of the curve? The dude has a shitton of published papers and his lectures are great.

>> No.10180248

>there exist properties within any axiomatic system that can't be proven
>therefore proof is impossible without an axiom lol!
that's one hell of a logical jump buddy, want to explain how you did it?

>> No.10180252

the cross-field implications are alluded to in the very link you provided, just read it all and check references, no point to argue something you aren't aware of, i can't spoon feed you all the details


>> No.10180266

the incompleteness theorem isn't the only thing Gödel ever did in his live. Peterson is clearly referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_ontological_proof

To clarify for you guys: Gödel didn't want to prove God exists or anything, he was just a fanboy of Leibnitz. The important thing about the ontological proof isn't whether God exists or not, it shows you can prove anything from the right axioms. Whether those axioms are appropriate or not is a whole other question.

>> No.10180268

nowhere does it state that from the incompleteness theorems one can conclude that proof is impossible without an axiom

>> No.10180272

While this article is interesting it hardly supports Peterson's first statement, since it's an argument in favour of God's existence and not that proof requires an axiom

>> No.10180278

Mere Christianity - CS Lewis

>> No.10180283

yeah, i forgot to say, what Peterson wrote is total bullshit. Gödel didn't prove that you have to have axioms for proof, that's just how logic works. if he had written "Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof [of God]" I could agree, don't know about the context of the discussion.

>open a thread because the pic is hot
>end up arguing about Gödel

>> No.10180331



>> No.10180348

it's not about you, sperg. women dress for themselves

>> No.10180372


CS Lewis, Mere Christianity / Weight of Glory

and just about any Protestant theologians during the reformation trying to take the Church out of an Aristotelian box.

>> No.10180386

justifying reason via reason is begging the question
the idea of "begging a question", however, is a rational construct
all you need to accept is A=A, A∨¬A and ¬(A∧¬A)
do that and the foundations of logic, thus reason, are laid out for you

>> No.10180418

Can you explain the Aristotelian box part? Im not sure I understand what you mean.. is it a logic trap?

>> No.10180426

>Any philosophers that touch on this area?

The earliest philosopher I can remember who brings this up as an actual form of skepticism as opposed to an excuse for DUDE GOD LMAO shitposting is Hume

>> No.10180434

literally every conservative thinker. read the suicide of the west.

>> No.10180458


Have you read the Updike story A&P? Good story.

good post

>> No.10180549

Stanley Rosen and Stephen Toulmin are worth a look. Rosen's project is concerned in part with the philosophical problems that arise from Descartes' framing of reason along the lines of mathematized logic (rationality).
Toulmin has a pretty good introduction to the relationship of reason-rationality and the differing scepticism they give rise too.

>> No.10180574

t. thot

>> No.10180943

There's been a well-deserved backlash ever since teenagers started shitposting with him here like he's a classic author. He has published papers in psychology, which is his fucking field, not literature.

>> No.10181091

> no cameltoe


>> No.10181105
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>> No.10181106
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Pic related

>> No.10181156

There is no need for a reason to accept reason. Before reason there is nothing. Therefore only what comes after reason needs reasoning. A quasi big bang of logic. But even if you deny that: Reason is needed to prove we are indeed in a reasonable universe. It could all be a lie. It could all be shifted just a little to the left. Every color could be a bit different in reality. You get the point. But what does that matter? Can you prove it? Can you EVER prove, really prove, that you are NOT living in a lie? That you aren't residing within a fabrication? Ultimately no. So what you really need to do is look at the world AS IS. Then you work WITHIN the parameters it presents to YOU, you specifically, as an individual. If, by working within these parameters, you seem to find the world lacking, either try to change the parameters, or go on a search for "truth". A "truth" layered above to what immediately presents itself to you. Continue until satisfied. But what if I never find satisfaction??? Well then obviously in some sick and twisted sense you derive justification and satisfaction for your own being by that very search. Either way, you cannot escape what is, you cannot know what really is and you cannot ascend to a higher "truth" without first adhering to the constraints of your current reality.

>> No.10181248

So OP is right then

>> No.10181268

Depends on how you look at it I guess. You can say you need faith to accept that reason exists because you can't prove it. Or you can say, I can prove reason within the parameteres of MY world and therefore it exists. This is a different statement than just faith alone if you take into account that you CAN know that nothing can be known. Because to prove something you need to find something to which nothing can be imagined which contradicts it. But to disprove something all you have to do is imagine a single thing which does contradict it. Not being able to obtain ultimate knowledge can thereby be imagined and is thus proven. Which results in being unable to ever prove anything ultimately, therefore it really doesnt matter what "really" is and you just go with what seems right. I guess you can call that faith without actually believing in something.

>> No.10181282

You automatically accept the meaning of language whenever you write or talk.

>> No.10181416

even if truth were absolute, an absolute truth would forever be inaccessible. to maintain that what you believe is grounded in "reason" is no less pompous and ridiculous than pledging obedience to the wise man hidden in the sky.

but hey that's just me

>> No.10181487

>>10181268 this is a messy train of thought but if I could follow it I would say its wrong
>>10181282 not quite my tempo

>>10181416 too true, I think it was kierkegaard who challenged the german idealists trying to prove faith reasonably

Something like, if you have faith to begin with and your faith is in your perpetually flawed understanding why are you trying to understand...

makes sense to me

>> No.10181576
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>if you accept reason you can use reason to use reason to accept reason

>> No.10182181

This is filled with assumptions. To even make the statement "i can know x if y" presupposes knowledge of the conditions of knowledge. It leads to an infinite regress.

Socrates: "all I know is that I know nothing". <<that statement is a contradiction and therefore not possible. <<even that statement is impossible, because to know that would require knowledge <<but even that statement is impos...are you seeing the pattern?

It's literally absurd to talk of knowing in this way...which is why "knowledge" is best understood as a phenomenological process. But people are not keen on that approach. There's a feeling of objective knowledge that they just can't shake, and they feel compelled to justify it. Maybe they're afraid of solipsism syndrome.

>> No.10182241

i think that compulsion is rooted in that "I think therefore I am" bullshit, "cmon guys isnt it OBVIOUS? Im HERE"

Solipsism is a meme though, to be fair.

Its the beginning and the end