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10179192 No.10179192 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done with life. I work a boring 9-5 job. And when i'm not working i'm alone in my room with my cat. I'm only 24 and I feel like if this is all life has to offer I don't even want to try. Are there any books that will get me excited about life(even if it ultimately doesn't end well)? Or maybe one where I can at least relate to the protagonist? I wanna live vicariously through the protagonist - doesn't matter if it has a happy ending or not as long as there are brief moments of happiness or joy throughout.

Last novel I read was Stoner and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.10179197

you need to do something with your own hands. create something. or else you'll go crazy slaving away at a job (if you dont enjoy it, at least, youre implying that)

>> No.10179211
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anon don't you want to go to Greece or get good at your hobby or laugh with people or love girls or something?

>> No.10179213

Thanks, op, never heard of Stoner
sounds great
I wish I could help you

>> No.10179220

books in general will help you... just get the will to knowledge and stop your aspiring to be a bureaucrat. it may be too late to go to college and become STEM (the only dignified area of work now besides artist)

>> No.10179236
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start stealing from work

>> No.10179308

>do weightlifting
>do MMA - most legit MMA gyms have good strength training programs, make those your lifting
>read Dostoevsky (TBK especially), marcus aurelius, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
>create something, whether art/lit/business/blog, whatever, just begin putting creations of your mind and hands into reality and enjoy yourself. hard work, toward something you enjoy, and then not wanting to take a break b/c you're having a great time (even though you're tired) is the best feeling in the world

>> No.10179541

study things and work on projects

>> No.10179555

>if this is all life is I don't want to try
Is really
>I don't want to try so this is all life is

Get over yourself and give it a real go you scared little chicken.

>> No.10179563
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seek God, no matter what you do you'll be miserable without God.
But with God you'll be able to handle any misery that befalls you. And if you develop yourself spiritually you'll attain a peace that surpasses all understanding, as Paul said.

>> No.10179574
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>build muscles
>learn to punch stuff
>make pretty pictures
this is still self-centered vanity without God and without an objective purpose that transcends the contingent and encounters the eternal.

>> No.10179577

What if you believe your own personality and strength of character exceeds that of any mythical bearded dude in the clouds. What if I believe I am my own God and capable of what I desire and I follow my own ethics(granted that most if not all came from religion)

>> No.10179590

Your expectation that there might be a "book" that'll make you "excited about life" explains why there isn't currently anything exciting about your life.

You've been conditioned by all the media you've ever consumed to expect packaged experiences. What you should be doing is forming your own experiences based on how you actually feel, and what you actually think. You're too young to be looking for books to live through vicariously. That's old man, bedridden final years bullshit. You're 24. Lots of people would love to be 24 again. You have a job. You presumably have a disposable income. You have free time. Go out and meet people, go out and do things. Go on unexpected adventures. It's easy to do, all you need to do is be able to talk to people and be in some way relateable and interesting.

If you're not relateable and interesting, then look for ways to work on that.

>> No.10179640
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>What if I believe I am my own God and capable of what I desire
then you deceive yourself, for what man believes he created himself or the world? can you will yourself to be taller, can you move the sun and moon? can you will yourself to not die? can you make something out of nothing?
you're a contingent being, finite, subject to age and decay, you have been given certain powers and abilities by your creator, your body is on loan, it does not belong to you. Your experiences here are fleeting and your possessions will be eaten by moths. Your actual destiny and home is eternity, you will encounter God eventually. This world is his school, his testing ground, we all pass through it momentarily.
Read metaphysics, read the bible. Read theology.
The atheists and materialists have been deceiving you and themselves. Don't believe their lies.

>> No.10179840

i have a bad feeling that this nigger is serious

>> No.10179850
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Most people believe God out of fear of burning in a lake. It's kind of an obligation at that point. Who the fuck in their right mind says that you have to burn in a fucking lake eternally, all because of one thing you think differently? Literally nothing changes when you go from believing in God, to not believing. Not a SINGLE FUCKING THING, and you're supposed to believe that this tiny shift in ideology that has no impact on day to day habits is supposed to be the difference between eternal bliss and eternal agony? You people are fucking hacks, worse than anti-semites honestly

>> No.10180051

Look, people like that might exist, but that's not the perspective that you're responding to. Your version of why "most people" believe is not backed up by any data and is basically a simplistic strawman.