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/lit/ - Literature

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10178270 No.10178270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people who are not well read tend to be left wing?

>> No.10178273

>actually believing this

>> No.10178276

why are frogposters such underage niggers

>> No.10178294

>if I phrase it as a question they'll assume the postulate is true!
We have these threads everyday.

>> No.10178302

>babby discovers loaded questions
go away frogshit

>> No.10178324

/lit/ is a right wing board.

>> No.10178325
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>> No.10178326

back to ye safe space
you can't handle reality

>> No.10178327

frogposters are rapefugees from reddit

>> No.10178333
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>> No.10178342

w i d e superbman

>> No.10178364

So thats why 95% of the world's intellectual's are left wing.

>> No.10178369

This is true. Just look at the the people they most influence: impressionable college students who haven't learned to think or read for themselves yet. Luckily most of them grow up once they get into the real world, and those who get most sucked into the cult end up becoming academics themselves.

>> No.10178371
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I am also left winged, but that statistic came right our of your ass.

>> No.10178375

/leftypol/ is always reading though

>> No.10178377

But this isn't true.

>> No.10178388
File: 409 KB, 500x814, det-norske-arbeiderparti Nielson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw widely read in literature, philosophy and history
>tfw widely read in all types of economics
>tfw have a masters degree in STEM
>tfw unrepentant communist

>> No.10178390

frick off OP

>> No.10178395

Read the Gulag Archipelago

>> No.10178396
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>Education is a trap, they're just brainwashing you! Don't fall for it, be a blue-collar worker instead!
And even after a post like this you will continue wondering why universities are run by people who lean left

>> No.10178398

Because almost all the great writers were conservative Christian men. Maupassant is a notable liberal exception but would probably be considered conservative today. If you've read all the great 19th century works it will mold you into a Christian conservative.

>> No.10178402

there are perhaps five or six people in the entire world who can be described as being well-read

>> No.10178409

Name them

>> No.10178410


>> No.10178412


>> No.10178416

Stop watching (<-lol) Peterson

>> No.10178420

>they say lit isnt right wing
>every day theres a jesus thread

>> No.10178421

Have you ever worked an actual physical labor job? I'm willing to bet you, and at least 90% of so-called "communists", haven't. In fact I'm willing to bet a significant majority of communists are unemployed students, academics, or moochers that live with their parents.

>> No.10178423


>> No.10178424

christschizos from 8gag are the only posters in those threads

>> No.10178426

>Christianity is right wing

>> No.10178433

>Completely ignoring the fact that university educated people (who almost always read more than non educated people) overwhelmingly voted Hillary this election.

Your statement is factually incorrect

>> No.10178436

his statement was about the left wing though

>> No.10178437

no one voted for hillary, they voted against the other one

>> No.10178438

Oh please, Christianity is just the current contrarianism. Yesterday it was Marxism and tomorrow it'll be something else. Early-20s-fags will always have ennui.

>> No.10178439

Socialism began with christianity

>> No.10178441


>> No.10178442


>> No.10178446

Betty O'Grady
Mark Wiemer
Gary Rogers
Raphael Rogers (not related to Gary)
Joseph Rogers( related to Gary)

>> No.10178451

Ive worked construction. My dad did too, and he doesn't want any of his kids to end up there. Your body gets shot by 45 and you have no retirement plan to show for it. You work 10 hour days and have no interior life. Its always about the hustle. Blue collar work is a miserable way to spend your youth. I lean left for unrelated reasons.

>> No.10178452

>no Donald Trump

>> No.10178461
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Post your political alignment and your ten favorite authors. Sure it doesn't solve anything, but it could be fun. I'm theist/unaligned (did vote for Trump). In high school I was a liberal and militant atheist. For a few years after I turned agnostic/democrat.

>Sam Hyde

>> No.10178467

ive worked minimum wage jobs for years at a time. That experience has merely strengthened my belief in the iniquity of private property and all productionist systems including the failed socialist experiments of the 20th century

>> No.10178477

I am a Greek Orthodox Maoist and my ten favorite authors are the nine heteronyms I used to write my diary and Rabelais.

>> No.10178480

Only 5% of people are "well read"

>> No.10178488
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What a convenient way to brush aside any opposing argument, by just automatically assuming those who disagree with you are sheltered children. Just as simple as /pol/ deriding everybody who doesn't buy into their shit is a shill.
Not everybody who sympathizes with communism is some purple-haired fatass tumblr trans abomination. A lot of us are just acutely aware of the irreparable damage that capitalism has wrought on the west. The right talks a big game about preserving western civilization, but their hero is a KFC-eating, Diet Coke-swilling reality tv star who proudly boasts about how he has no time for books.

>> No.10178493

You mean He Whose Name We Do Not Speak?

>> No.10178498

no, i mean president trump

>> No.10178501


Because leftists have been in in power of mass media and entertainment for a while now so the received unthinking opinion is to believe the things that are represented to you on the flashing screen.

Being right wing in this environment takes activity, thought, energy, intelligence, and courage.

>> No.10178506

do you really think this

>> No.10178507

That picture is so stupid I hope you are a teenager

>> No.10178522


Honorable mentions who couldn't have been included for obvious reasons: Heraclitus and Diogenes.

>> No.10178525
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>activity, thought, energy, intelligence, and courage