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/lit/ - Literature

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10169080 No.10169080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10169081 [DELETED] 

>top 3 data >mining>threads

>> No.10169082

>a frolic of his own
>beautiful losers

>> No.10169103
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>The book of Chad (from the apocrypha)
>The Chad Chronicle (the proto-Human epic)
>**Insert theoretical Ayn Rand novel**


>Chadian Studies

>> No.10169104

>As I Lay Dying (Faulkner)
>Complete Stories (O'Connor)
>Blood Meridian (McCarthy)
I'd tie any of those with Twain, whom I revisit often

>Assistant English teacher in Japan

>English (min. comparative literature)
>Classics (min. Latin poetry)

>> No.10169107

>The Decline of the West
>The Culture of Critique
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>forklift operator
>implying I'd voluntarily join leftist indoctriantion program

>> No.10169108

>The Vegetarian
>The Stranger
>The Sun Also Rises

>> No.10169109

>Likes bokack = pleb

>> No.10169113


>> No.10169114 [DELETED] 

Yes, mining the invaluable data about socially reclusive teenagers' reading preferences.

>> No.10169131

The Sound and the Fury
The Name of the Rose

Supermarket night crew

English (dropped out, no degree)

>> No.10169149


>As I Lay Dying
>The Winter of Our Discontent
>Flowers for Algernon

>Freelance copywriter (Corporate film)

>English major, Linguistics minor

>> No.10169154 [DELETED] 
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How wrong is it that I can't think of a single book I'd list as my favorite? I guess I'll go with The Peloponnesian War, Crime and Punishment, and A History of Ethics by MacIntyre.

I can certainly tell you that the worst book I ever fucking read in my life was The Name of the Wind. And this is coming from a person that's gone through a lot of bad fantasy. Smut on literotica and hentai-foundry is better than that stinking pile of shit. And I read that over six years ago. Palpatine was right: hate really is stronger than love.

>> No.10169161

>In Search of Lost Time
>The Brothers Karamazov
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>marketing - content writing, search engine, social media, analytics, and i want to write short stories and distribute them as one distributes a blog

>> No.10169185

Harry Potter
Ready Player One
The Confederacy of Dunces
Majoring in math, $400k entry level job already lined up

>> No.10169186
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>> No.10169187

>Capitalist Realism
>The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
>Journey to the End of the Night
>CSO for a small meat-producing company
>never went

>> No.10169191

Spotted the b8

>My Immortal
>Finnegans Wake
>The Stranger

>> No.10169270

>War and Peace
>Anna Karenina
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Finance, starting law school next year.

>> No.10169286

>botns, lotr, crime and punishment
>recently unemployed (was an exterminator)
>computer science

>> No.10169300

Voyage au bout de la nuit
Doktor Faustus
Security guard
Biblical studies

>> No.10169364

Harry Potter
Captain Underpants
The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.10169402

>The Deeps of Deliverance
>The Angel Maker

>> No.10169462

>computer science

Literally what the fuck are you doing

CS is booming

>> No.10169470

>The Castle
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Moby Dick

>Philosophy and English Lit

>> No.10169477

>The Communist Manifesto
>Das Kapital
>The God Delusion

>professional CSGO player

>> No.10169507

>A man without qualities
>Moby Dick
>Seiobo there below

>> No.10169508

>>professional CSGO player
The meme potential

>> No.10169512

>The Fall
>The Castle

>> No.10169545

I'm a canadacuck. It's not booming here.

Also, I got shitty grades.

>> No.10169565
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I enjoyed this thank you

>> No.10169568



>> No.10169589

karamazov brothers, crying lot of 49, Kafka's Metamorphises. Student. Mathematics.

>> No.10169610

We work together

>either/or, galatic pot healer, trout fishing in america
>one year of studied Phil up to the early moderns for one year

>> No.10169619

>he watches bojack and morty

>> No.10169623


Thus Spoke Zarathustra, In the First Circle, and the Iliad > no job > philosophy/linguistics,

>> No.10169627

>The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

>> No.10169630

>>In Search of Lost Time
>>The Brothers Karamazov
>>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The real meme trilogy?

>> No.10169631

>Economist/business admin

>> No.10169633

>>The Communist Manifesto
>>Das Kapital
>>The God Delusion

top zozzle

>> No.10169749

>Gulliver's Travels
>The Screwrape Letters
>Man's Search for Meaning
>Management Consulting

>> No.10169774

>The Phantom Tollbooth
>Death of Ivan Illych
>Sculpting in Time
>Advertising Copywriter

>> No.10169983

>The Recognitions
>Under the Volcano

>Lab slave

>> No.10169993
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>the New Testament
>don quixote
>Count of Monte Cristo
>writer, oddly enough
>Mechanical Engineer, even more fucked up

>> No.10169994

Kinda related (the name is taken from it), but it's this:


I actually think it's a brilliant subversion/commentary on "alternate" teen subcultures.

>> No.10169996

>an ME who's not a rabid rick-and-morty-quoting living meme
You are a rare breed, anon

>> No.10170003

cool person

>> No.10170018

> Moby Dick
> Augustine's Confessions
> The Iliad
classics major

>> No.10170117
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>The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
>The World as Will and Representation
>Civilization and It's Discontents
>Student/Student worker

>> No.10170147

>short stories with lewd dragons
>finnegan's wake

>> No.10170149

Chasm City
Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.10170157

>He can't find work in non-boom industries
>He got a degree in something he sucks at

>> No.10170186

>Flowers for Algernon
>Our Mathematical Universe

>HVAC Controls Programmer


>> No.10170271

I can't agree more, NotW is hot garbage

>> No.10170331

(In chronological order)
>catcher in the rye
>paradise lost
>beyond good and evil
>dog walker

>> No.10170334

Seiobo There Below
Rings of Saturn

>> No.10170348

>Sculpting in Time


>> No.10170372

th-thanks anon

>> No.10170388

>2001: A Space Oddessy
>The Beach

Work as a geotechnical engineer

>> No.10170424

what do americans mean by "major"

serious question

>> No.10170427

1. 2666
2. The Plague
3. Demian
> Cryostat Operator
> Psychology

>> No.10170431

Why do yuros pretend to be obtuse regarding American custom when they spend every minute obsessing over it?

>> No.10170437

muthafucka you sound like a character in voyage au bout de la nuit

>> No.10170441

>120 Days of Sodom
>Naked Lunch
>Middle School Teacher

>> No.10170447

ur like lenny in the simpsons when he says plz dont tell anyone how i live

>> No.10170459

>this insecure

i'm genuinely curious. is it equal to a bachelors degree? why do you spend 4 years on it then?

>> No.10170464


>> No.10170471

You need to burn.

>> No.10170477

>the Gay Science
>Notes from Underground

>mobile technology sales
>cognitive science

>> No.10170485
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forgot pic

>> No.10170498

yes, it is the subject in which you receive your degree

>> No.10170504

A major is a path to a degree
Like I have a history B.A. now but two years ago I was just a history major

>> No.10170515

thanks i thought maybe minor=ba and major=ma

>> No.10170523

Blood Meridian
War and Peace
Majored in English and now I work as a panhandler under an overpass.

>> No.10170526

>The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
>Technological Slavery

>Work at energy start-up kind of a mix of consulting and data science

>Applied Math/Statistics

I am still in the pleb stages.

>> No.10170547

No, that's wrong. You're retarded.

>> No.10170553

Fellow ME here, although I'm 2 years in and will be changing my major to math education next semester.

Favorite books:

The Iliad
The Symposium
Watership Down

I run a supplemental instruction session for my university for $9/hour

>> No.10170695

That's super accurate actually. I made my gf stop talking to her friend cuz he told people how I lived. Unforgivable. Only because people are such judgmental cunts tho. The insanity of apes laughing at each other over circumstance, sentient atoms endlessly sorting, better worse, bottom top and on and on and on. But I'm the biggest joke of all, that sentient ape aware of the absurdity, and somehow doubling down on inequality insecurity. What a punchline.

Just out of curiosity, how exactly did you arrive at your perception, what was it about the combination of books and dog walker that made my emotional-mental state so obvious to you? Is it because someone who at least has pretentious to intelligence and a shit job must be insecure? Humor me.

>> No.10170729

Nicer than Nice. Brought tears to my eyes.

>> No.10170836


>spending 4 years and paying 70k for a bachelors degree
>expects everyone to know the details of this """major education"""
>not retarded

>> No.10170849

>Invisible Cities
>The Iliad
>Miss Lonelyhearts

>just finished high school
>no idea what i'm going to study

pls dont hate i am new

>> No.10170894

i have a feeling that this is gonna be me in a few years. any advice?

>> No.10170946

>just finished school
>no idea what to do
youre not alone anon, Im here too

>> No.10170962

yo senpai picked up that same faulkner novel the other day

and what's your favorite o'connor story

>> No.10170991

Tender is the Night
Dead Souls
Old Man and the Sea

destitute neet

honours english

>> No.10171005
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>To The Lighthouse
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>coffee barista because living the meme

just getting into literature. i'm having a lot of fun so far. y'all are cool. currently reading inferno--much more bizarre and morbid than i expected for the time. the history behind the text is super neat too. the guy who wrote the Penguin Edition introduction really helped me contextualize the material, which i typically neglect. i just like the story. the "impact" doesn't usually garner my attention but Dante's significance in lit was pretty fun to read about.
can anyone recc essential /depressive/ lit? not something too modern pls. or long.

>> No.10171012

Just bought tender is the night off eBay, looking forward to it...how was it? I'm currently in the middle of his short stories, f Scott's great. Did you read the crack up? Poor guy was tortured inside.

>> No.10171014

>a portrait of the artist
>post office
>web dev

>> No.10171139

I like it more than Gatsby
the first act gives me warm, happy feelings like no other novel

>> No.10171153

the unconsoled
the waves
admin drone

>> No.10171622

>front line Stalingrad
>Storm of Steel
>Tours of Duty

>Dropped out of college

>> No.10172009

>House of Leaves
>Slaughterhouse V
>As I Lay Dying
>Kitchen Manager

>> No.10172079

My expectations are perfectly reasonable, and if you weren't blind and deaf to reason (as all the retarded are) you would agree :)

>> No.10172093

>House of Leaves
>>Slaughterhouse V
>>As I Lay Dying
One of these things is not like the other

>> No.10172103

you're new, young, and have good taste. Turn around and never look back.

>> No.10172118
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>The Trial
>Blood Meridian
>Mao II
>work in a mail room during the summer
>Math but probably going to change to English.

>> No.10172174
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Short History of Decay by Emil Cioran.
Peace by Gene Wolfe.
Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde.

>> No.10172194

>The Crusades by Thomas Asbridge
>The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
>Wild by Cheryl Strayed

>Assistant Community Director (Residence Life) at a major university
>English BA, currently in MA

>> No.10172214

>>Assistant Community Director (Residence Life) at a major university
You must be a massive douchebag

>> No.10172219

>The Crusades by Thomas Asbridge
Been thinking about reading this. Why do you like it so much?

>> No.10172241
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>Waiting for Godot
>The Book of Strange New Things
>Translator and part-time bookseller

>> No.10172275


>> No.10172392

>Notes From Underground
>Fear and Trembling
>Dead Souls


>> No.10172403

>milk and honey
>what happened
>7 habits of highly effective people
>project coordinator at the center for diversity and inclusion for minorities, lgbtq, females, gender neutrals, non binaries, refugees & conjoined twins (CDIMLGBTQFGNNBRCT) at Vassar College
>film studies

>> No.10172407

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Brother's K

Yes I am a meme

>> No.10172627
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>hunchback of notre dame
>confederacy of dunces
>charles beaumont's chance to dream or stephen king's pet semetary

>animation major

>> No.10172632

harry potter


Dropped out

>> No.10172635
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>Memoirs found in a Bathtub, Stanislaw Lem.
>End of the Game, Julio Cortázar.
>Brave new World, Aldous Huxley.
>in college, CS.

If I was being completely honest, I would probably fill my top 3 with 3 different stanislaw lem titles, like The Cyberiad and The Star Diaries.

>> No.10172680

>Crime and Punishment, Brideshead Revisited, The Waste Land

>> No.10172684

I assume you're still in college. This is all cliche advice but it's all stuff I wish I did differently. Make sure to take econometrics, that will be the most valuable class for both academia and industry. (Consider a CS or math minor if you are in the US, but I'm in the UK so I wouldn't know) Don't sperg out like I did and actually apply/network to internships. If you want to work IN economics you will need a decent MA for industry/government and a good PhD for academia. But economics is a pretty good degree for "data" (if you know some stats/CS) or the more traditional finance route, so I wouldn't change it. If you struggle to get friends in college make sure that at least any secondary school friendships don't fall apart (I made the mistake of deliberately distancing myself to force myself to make new friends, didn't work) and join SOMETHING in college that meets weekly or so that you are genuinely interested in (you can sperg out to the other members because they should be interested too).

>> No.10172756

>Gravity's Rainbow, Middle C, East of Eden
>none, on neetbux
>none, haven't gone yet

am 22 and published tho (literary magazine from a prize judged by a known novelist, not that self-published nonsense)... so that's what i tell my mom, that i want to be a writer.

>> No.10172840

Thank you. :^)

>> No.10172852

Crime and Punishment
The True Believer
Manson in his own words

Amateur writer/unemployed, but I have a job interview on Monday and 8 pages of my first novel written

No college yet

>> No.10172994

Butchers Crossing
Lab technician at a fetal clinic
Was creative writing with pre dental reqs. Two best classes I ever had was critical theory and organic chemistry

>> No.10172999

The Gay Science
Modern man in search of a soul
Maps of meaning

Software developer
Computer Science

>> No.10173023

Don Quixote
American psycho
King Lear
Investment Analyst
English lit

>> No.10173028

>top 3 books
The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
The Trial - Franz Kafka
1984 - George Orwell



>> No.10173030

the secret history
can't think of a third one


studying criminology currently

kinda scared about my future career prospects but trying not to think about it too much

>> No.10173046


The Judge and His Hangman
The Mysterious Island

Biomed Engineering student

>> No.10173061

>The Gay Science
>Modern man in search of a soul

what kind of faggot are you?

>> No.10173350

Dental clinic, fucking auto correct

>> No.10173370

>treasure island
>the sun also rises
>dropped out of college

>> No.10173371

"Student" is not an occupation.

>> No.10173539

It’s paying for my masters.

It’s really not a douche thing. I mostly spend my time doing Administration tasks and meeting with students who almost die from drinking.

It is one of the best narrative histories on the time period. That alone is strong. Even better, however, is that it is not only from the Latin perspective but also tells readers the Muslim contemporary perspective as well. You get a lot of great insight into motivations and negotiations.

>> No.10173682

I live in the city that novel’s based on. One of the bars here is actually called Suttree’s High Gravity Tavern.

>> No.10173959

>The Dinosauria, Weishampel et al.
>Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish et al.
>Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien
>Biotechnology B.A.

>> No.10173981

Hallo Klaus!

>> No.10173983

Ur mum

>> No.10173997

>The Culture of Critique
>Mein Kampf
>The Art of the Deal
>dropped out of high school

>> No.10174004

>The Count of Monte Cristo
>The Complete Short Stories of Earnest Hemingway (Specifically the Nick Adams stories)
I'm in the military and have no major, though I plan on finishing my pilot's license and trying to go back to college at some point.

>> No.10174013

I also really really liked Timequake, but I wouldn't call it my top 3

>> No.10174014

The Brothers Karamazov
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Odyssey
Civil Engineering

>> No.10174075

>Roadside Picnic
>Doom novels
>no third favourite book because all the books I read are shite

>no job

>medical uni

>> No.10174107

>on the heights of despair
>peter camenzind
>the world as will and representation
>i teach english and german
>english and german

>> No.10174132
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>Shogun by James Clavell, Tai Pan by James Clavell, The Children of Hurin, by JRR Tolkien
>Software Consultant
>BA graduate, majored in English, minor in Creative Writing

>> No.10174143

That's two for dead souls so far...worth reading and not just the projected grievances of a repressed homosexual?

>> No.10174171

Noble House
Sot-Weed Factor
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
Art dealer
BSc and MSc Economics

>> No.10174189

>The Count of Monte Cristo
>Pride and Prejudice
>In the Camp of the Saints
>Hardware sales, fertilizer truck driving, autographed sports memorabilia sales.
>English lit and education

>> No.10174190

>The Stranger
>Speaker for the Dead
>Heart of Darkness
Still reading 2666: Probably going to bump one of these off the list
>Sold knives over the phone
>Computer Engineering

>lewd dragon stories
Any recommendations anon?

>> No.10174196

Meant to mention >>10170147
Pardon my phoneposting

>> No.10174209
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>God Emperor of Dune
>Death of Ivan Ilyich
>Western Civ

>> No.10174458

>Noble House
>BSc and MSc Economics
I believe it

>> No.10174517

Inherent Vice
The Corrections

>> No.10174523

How did you get into successful art collecting? I can see why an economics major would do well in the business but I've always had the impression it was difficult to start successfully without extensive art history knowledge, connections and large starting budget.

>> No.10174646

How are you a NEET with an Economics degree? Did you just graduate? I'm not at all judging, but am genuinely curious as to what has happened between your graduation and now. I was in the same boat - studied Econ and couldn't find a job for months (minoring in math ruined my GPA). But it can't be all because of marketing and not having taken Econometrics, right? Sorry if that sounds mean. Promise me, I am not any better. My job is boring and I hardly do anything related to Economics (some basic Excel shit every now and then).

On another note, unless you are absolutely set on going into academia, graduating with an MBA is a better investment than with an MA in Economics. If you plan to work in industry, you will make more money along the way with an MBA. And an MBA-style job doesn't necessarily have to be some life-denying investment banking job, there are both interesting and boring roles for both degrees.

>> No.10174664

im russian so for me a large appeal was just reading about what older pop culture of the time was like. I don't know if its as enjoyable with that appeal aside.

>> No.10174680

>Heliogabalus or the crowned anarchist
>Amsterdam stories


love you

>> No.10174766

>Don Quixote
No job (student)
Chinese and History joint honours. Gonna make a load of money when I graduate!
>Assistant English teacher in Japan

>> No.10174790

>White Noise
>Dharma Bums
>The Things They Carried
>High school Language Arts Teacher
>English w/ secondary education, masters in American Studies and a masters in youth literacy

>> No.10174864

>Dantes Inferno or the Aeneid, I can't choose
>Latro in the Mist
>Currently a tutor/archival assitant
>History with an emphasis on Military History

>> No.10174880
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>an emphasis on Military History

>> No.10174895

Animal Farm
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Stranger

>> No.10174900

Don Quijote
Crime and punishment
Hardly Ever of Daniel Sada

>> No.10174903

>masters in youth literacy
yeah you seem to be really familiar with books for youths
given you have the literary taste of a fourteen year old

>> No.10174907

>Brothers Karamazov
>Road to Serfdom
>Time and the Wind

>Junior Assistant Researcher
>Mechanical Engineering

>> No.10174917

>fourteen years old
>reading delillo
actually I teach seniors dipshit

>> No.10175101

>the man and it's symbols
>The October country
>Book of the disquiet

> still on med school

>> No.10175468


>> No.10175491

The Fall
Notes From Underground

Librarian Page

Some cs/programming didnt graduate

>> No.10175515

>A History of Religious Ideas vol. 1
>The Origins and History of Consciousness
>The Basic Writings of C.G. Jung
>Grocery store
>High-school dropout

>> No.10175708

>until about 15 be mostly happy
>be socially retarded and weird, but have friends that don't judge me for that
>this group gradually falls apart from one guy
>we both start reading pop econ books, take economics and several maths a levels
>both of us us to work hard to try to beat the other
>both of us apply to cambridge
>I get in
>he doesn't
>have to take a year out due to poor physical health, eventually work as a cashier in a gas station
>because of that, my friendship with this guy deteriorates
>do well in first year academically, but don't really make any social connections in uni
>become socially isolated
>literally for 1.5 years don't go anywhere but supervisions (classes) and occasionally tescos to buy food
>gradually get more lazy
>physical health declines again, also start seeing shit
>think I can scrape it through, don't tell anyone
>get a low 2:2 (pass but not very well respected)
>wish I could at least got a 3rd so I could reasonably argue it was because of illness and let me retake (although a lot of it was just me being lazy)
>apply to typical white-collar excel/finance jobs
>get rejected cause 2:2 and little internship experience
>apply to typical blue-collar jobs that I could enjoy doing even if they don't make much money
>get rejected cause "posh" and "overqualified" (they just think I'll use it as a stopgap until better jobs emerge)
>graduated 3 months ago
>starting to think the only job I could reasonably do is work at the gas station

My brother was reasonably successful with the 4 years working as an analyst => MBA => management route, I should have mentioned it.
However, your MBA will be much more valuable if you have some experience first.

>> No.10175745

>white fang
>part-time cleaner
>nursing. in school. want to practice in mental health.


>> No.10175824

> GR
> IJ
> invisible cities
> engineering manager
> B.A., CS

>> No.10175914

hopefully he's at a military school or something

>> No.10176070

>The Sun Also Rises
>Catch 22
>The New Testament

Working at my uni starting soon, studying Industrial Organizational Psychology

>> No.10176135

Damn anon sorry to hear that. That really sucks.

>starting to think the only job I could reasonably do is work at the gas station

C'mon man, don't think of yourself that way. I can't really think of any advice here and I clearly don't know what you've been through, but at the end of the day you're a college graduate. I've heard the phrase that you have to treat applying to jobs as a full-time job itself. I applied to so many fucking jobs, sent out so many cold-emails, etc. It sucks, especially after a while when you get no responses and start to wonder if it's even worth the effort. But it is.

One thing I should have considered was not even putting my GPA on my resume. That way they just see the college and can perhaps be impressed by that alone, without even thinking of your grades. And since Cambridge is such a great school, who knows. Regardless, the longer you wait around working at a gas station the harder it'll be to explain the giant gap on your resume to white-collar employers. Could you get some help from your brother, since he's known people in the industry for some years now? Then again, if you're happy to work a blue-collar job then disregard this entire post and more power to ya.

I dunno. If it makes you feel any better, I lament ever studying Economics. I moved to LA a month ago so I can write a screenplay and ditch office work for the rest of my life. Typical 20-something pipe dream but fuck it.

>> No.10176248

>moby dick
>lord of the flies
>english teacher
>ba in education, ma in english litetature

>> No.10176286

>The Aleph and Other Stories
>The Fall
>Under The Volcano
>civil servant

>> No.10176309

>The Recognitions
>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
>Omensetter's Luck
>never completed a degree, might finish law next year if i can rustle up the funds

>> No.10176314

>Brave new world
>H.P Lovecraft - The dreams in the witch house
>Crown and country

>> No.10176476

Thanks for the advice anon.

>I made the mistake of deliberately distancing myself to force myself to make new friends, didn't work

I feel like this is my future self writing, scary.

I'm sure MBA is a better investment but I'm more into the theoretical side of econ, I initially wanted to study philosophy or psychology but econ (especially game theory and behavioural econ) has interested me more. Pretty sure that i'll be miserable when doing an MBA.

>> No.10176479


Oh, and about the econometrics thing, I'm doing BSc Econ, so there's already a shitload of econometrics. It's feeling more like a math degree tbqh but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.10176907

It's kind of frightening that an econ grad from cambridge is a NEET. How did your friend turn out?

>> No.10176931

>Data mining, the thread

>> No.10176972
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>wuthering heights
>do androids dream of electric sheep
>sons and lovers
>software developer
>english literature

>> No.10176973


>> No.10176974

charls caroll

>> No.10176979

>the recognitions
> V
> The Pale King

Civil Engineering

>> No.10176995

>civil engineer

>> No.10176999


That said, whats your research in?

>> No.10177070

Also my current job is as a salesperson.

>> No.10177320


>Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial, Religio Medici, Garden of Cyrus, Thomas Browne
>War & Peace, Tolstoy
>Iliad, Homer

>Masters in Aerospace Engineering

>Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering

>> No.10177341
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>The Holy Bible
>Neurosis and Human Growth
>Why Nations Fail?
>College student
>Chemistry BS

>> No.10177360
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Actually, giving this more thought, I revise my top 3 books
>Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Toward Self-Realization
>The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
>Divine Fury: A History of Genius

>> No.10177614

Yeah Econ is more interesting. I just meant if you were planning to go into industry, an MBA on your resume looks better than a Masters in Econ. And if two people are hired for the same job, one with an MBA and the other with an MA, the MBA fag will have an easier time moving up, that's all. Doesn't mean it's better by any measure, though.

Game theory and behavioral econ are awesome. But to actually do work in those subjects you need a PhD. Knowing theoretical economics is great, but that does nothing for you job-wise if you only have a Master's. On top of that, PhD programs and professorships are incredibly competitive. I had a professor with a PhD in Econ from Harvard. He didn't get tenure (this was at a top 30 US school). He became a consultant at some firm (this particular position requiring a PhD), made good money, then came back to the school to work as a part-time assistant professor. He told me directly that the return of getting an MBA is better. Getting a PhD is 100x more noble, but if a Harvard PhD suggests for you to take the practical route, it changes the way you think about things. That's all.

>> No.10177623

>Sirens of Titan
>The Godfather
>Iliad and the Odyssey
>College student (though I work parttime at a retirement home)
>Business and Administration

>> No.10179054

>working lol

>Conquest of Bread (Kropotkin)
>Mason & Dixon (Pynchon)
>God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (Pynchon)

>PPE (Politics, Philosophy, Economics)

>> No.10179057

*(Vonnegut) fuck

>> No.10179099

>Sot Weed Factor
>Confederacy of Dunces
>Nine Stories

>shitty freelance reporter/photographer for shitty county newspaper

>journalism (don't do it, folks. it's deader than dead. it's so dead it isn't even funny.)

>> No.10179100

>Los detectives salvajes.
>Estas ruinas que ves.
>A confederacy of dunces.

>«freelance designer» (aka NEET)

I'm trying to get into semiotics any recommendations lads?

>> No.10179107

>Crime and Punishment
>Brave New World
>Health Insurance "Researcher" (just a job while I finish college)

>> No.10179119
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>Cien años de soledad
>The name of the rose
>Kulturgeschichte als Kultursoziologie

>> No.10179132
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>>software developer
>>english literature

>> No.10179147
File: 464 KB, 970x1417, LastTrain2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suttree, Number9Dream, The Forgotten Soldier

>Police officer

>> No.10179159

yeah i suck at mechanical engineering and i have a degree in it and am also NEET. How do i solve this

>> No.10179169

>Sentimental Education
>Mrs Dalloway
>Brideshead Revisited/Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge/Book of Disquiet
>Bank Teller, because I've been too lazy to look for something better
>English major

>> No.10179180

My guess is he got scooped up by one of those onshore outsourcing consultancies that trains its employees from scratch. They screen applicants with an aptitude test, train them for a few months, then hire them under a contract for a year or two so the company can recoup the cost of training them. You don't need any kind of STEM background or CS education to pass one of those aptitude tests, what they look for is a programmer mindset, an aptitude for learning, and also an overall fit for the corporate culture.

>> No.10179238
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>top 3 books
The Blind Owl
Tale of Genji
The Raging Reporter
Doughnut Artist
History / Language

pic unrelated

>> No.10179249
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>Moby Dick
>Brothers Karamazov
>Book of the New Sun
>Full time student, part time restaurant server
>Double BS Neurobiology + Philosophy

>> No.10179258

>stranger (sue me), city of god, tristram shandy
>unemployed, was at panera bread
>marketing, most likely double major in philosophy

>> No.10179260

>>The Origins and History of Consciousness
man, what a disappointing book

>> No.10179289
File: 431 KB, 503x4357, oedipus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In no particular order
>The Illuminatus! Trilogy
>The Metamorphosis

>Project improvement manager
(cross between developer and IT)

>Applied Mathematics B.S./Economics B.A.

You guys seem cool
have a funny picture

>not educating yourself on both sides of a discussion
brainlet detected

>> No.10179316

It was just a better, far more elaborated (however less diversified in general scope) Man and His Symbols. I loved it, at least part one. But perhaps you thought M&HS was trash-truck juice too.