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/lit/ - Literature

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10171274 No.10171274 [Reply] [Original]

>he reads physical books

>> No.10171287

As a big ebook guy, I have no standing, but books also provide better opportunity for writing notes in.

If you read a la "How to Read a Book", you basically need something physical to mark up

>> No.10171297

physical books are better under natural light

>> No.10171300

Looking at a screen for over an hour hurts my eyes.

>> No.10171302


>> No.10171304

>he cares how other people read

>> No.10171317

When will this meme fucking die. An ereader screen is more like a calculator display than a tablet one.

>> No.10171324

>books also provide better opportunity for writing notes in.

absolutely disgusting

>> No.10171336

Boring thread kys

>> No.10171370

People retain more information by reading physical books.

>> No.10171403

This isn't the case with e-ink displays.

But yes, reading on phones/tablets is fucking trash.

True, the contrast has been improving though. I don't mind reading my Paperwhite outside at all.

Has anyone ever compared physical books to ereaders specifically?

>> No.10171425

A physical book never runs out of battery ;)

>> No.10171441

yeah, unless you're reading for entertainment a physical copy is a requirement to write notes, an outline, underlining passages etc.

>> No.10171444

>Has anyone ever compared physical books to ereaders specifically?
Yes, plenty. While some were shilling by publishers before the ebook price bump, more than a few were actually sound methodologically. All of them found that physical books are associated with increased retention, particularly when studying and reading denser material.

>> No.10171465

that odd lemon smell from the crusty yellow pages is absolutely a positive

>> No.10171475

E-readers aren't always limited to reading. They often are hooked up to the internet, which risks fragmenting attention.

The internet has totally ravaged my ability to read anything on a computer. I have to print the material out and isolate myself with it.

>> No.10171480

Using internet on e-readers for anything other than looking up an odd word is like masturbating with sandpaper. You're being too paranoid here I think.

>> No.10171482

Hello non-academic!

>> No.10171502

They haven't been since ereaders shipped with 300dpi and backlight.

>> No.10171911
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>That guy who doesn't take notes and forgets what the book was about 4 days later

>> No.10171920

You can't annotate an e-reader

>> No.10172066
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>but books also provide better opportunity for writing notes in
not true, many dedicated applications for reading ebooks will let you make notes, and you don't even have to worry about running out of margin space or needing a pencil or highlighter to mark the book up with

>> No.10172069

Not on an e-reader though. Plus >>10171444

>> No.10172076

ebooks don't have to be read on an e-reader
that is part of their beauty

>> No.10172078

Thread is literally about e-readers, autist.

>> No.10172080

>reading on ereaders is just as good as physical books
>but not for taking notes
>lmao just use a different device which aren't as good as ereaders for anything but taking notes

>> No.10172114

I don't have an ereader or money so im reading infinite jest on my phone. anyone else read on phones?

>> No.10172127

You can get a used Paperwhite for $15-25.

>> No.10172129

Any book worth reading isn't available online

>> No.10172133

nice reading comprehension you got there. I said I don't have money.

>> No.10172152

That's literally worth less than two hours of work flipping burgers. Unless you're a starving child in the jungles of Central Africa you should be able to make it, poorfag.

>> No.10172202

>hurr u r noat smart n u cant undrstand complex things if u doant scribble in ur book omg wht is evenloose leaf paper u mean on smthjng separate jenius fuk omg

>> No.10172220

I've underestimated you, you're obviously an academic. Please forgive me.

>> No.10172227

as a wristlet, ebook wins every time

>> No.10172249
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>> No.10172266

>that'll teach'em heh

>> No.10172288

I don't really care about efficiency or the environment, I just like the feel of having a physical book in my hands. Maybe some people prefer the e readers and that's fine, but I prefer physical copies.

>> No.10172354


This is actually very true, unfortunately

I speak from woeful personal experience.

>> No.10172356

Redditors confirmed for liking ebooks?

>> No.10172370

you're a big ebook guy

>> No.10172385

For you

>> No.10172519

op never mentioned ereaders

>> No.10172543
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>Not just remembering what you read

damn son are you retarded?

>> No.10172562

>He reads or buys e-books
I only read things online if I have to, and that's when I am downloading pdf's to read because I can't find physical copies of books.

Daily Reminder to read a physical book to reduce screen time, especially if you have problems sleeping at night.

>> No.10172590
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>day two past the target delivery date waiting on my Kobo Glo HD to come in the mail

>> No.10172669

E-Readers are for the kind of person that advocates for civil law and says stuff like "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear", thinks Magna Carta is just a boring, irrelevant thing they use to torture kids with in school, wholeheartedly supports European integration, doesn't want kids but would gladly give them to the state if they did, etc., in short: Horses who have convinced themselves that life is better with blinkers.
The feeling of liberty that comes with having two books open at once or being able to flip through a book will always be alien to those under the oppression of the refresh rate.

>> No.10172694

>he reads published books

>> No.10172705

>the feeling of liberty that comes with having thousands of books at your fingertips on a device smaller that a trade paperback will always be alien to those under the opression of MUH TANGIBLE MEDIUM

>> No.10172717

>I think having a soft bed is a liberty, and that is my highest value
Proves my point.

>> No.10172730

We're all going to die.

>> No.10172764

Not soon enough. This board is garbage. It should have been deleted years ago.

>> No.10172806

>reading printed books instead of parchment scrolls
Pleb detected.

>> No.10172834

you can do that with an e reader

>> No.10172869

Physical books leave an imprint in my memory where the text physically exists in the written pages.

>reading ebooks when you can listen audiobooks

>> No.10172894


>> No.10172896

I was a rabid paper fanboy until I realized I could pirate all the ebooks I wanted. Now I only read paper when I can't pirate.

>> No.10172909
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>We can have stuff in heaven(hell)

>> No.10172911

>listening to audiobooks when you can read instead
I will never understand people like you. I read far fucking faster than the pace of an audiobook, and even if I didn't my eyes would hijack my attention away from my ears anyway, which doesn't happen the other way around.
Audiobooks are pretty much non-viable for me.

>> No.10172922

I find physical books to be superior because e-books suck at formatting textbooks and the illustrations come crappy. It's also much more of a pain in the ass for quick reference.

E-readers are superior when one has to travel about a lot.

>> No.10172954

I prefer e-readers for note taking. Mark a bunch of words, click "note", type it in. Easy.

Then you can go to an index of all your notes and look through each one and go to the specified section where you took it if you so wish, without 1000 bookmarks turning your physical copy into a rainbow.

>> No.10173002

delete this

>> No.10173089

/ t h r e a d

>> No.10173142

>not pirating everything
Kindle user detected
I proofread my writing sometimes on my Kindle, make notes, and sit it by my computer later and make corrections.

>> No.10173145

I believe that but I'd think it only applies to educational books, where you get the benefit of thumbing back and forth, looking at nice coloured diagrams and just having a better overview of the whole page.

>> No.10173293

I believe that person meant with sticky notes, I may be wrong though

>> No.10173310

>being a slave to the acidic jew
sorry no, I think i'll stick with my physical books

>> No.10173313
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>> No.10173317
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>don't get whatever material item i want for my birthday
>still going to die one day

>> No.10173319

Audiobooks are for brainlets who need everything read to them. Sad!

>> No.10173321

He should have ended with "who cares if you had, you're gonna die anyway"

>> No.10173326

>implying your musty old tomes full of lonely scribbles are going to impress post-millennial Ph.D.s with annotated libraries in their smartphones linking cross-referenced personal notes from all their colleagues who read the same whatever

Sorry, bookos. You had a nice, long run as the apex of intellectual media, but clinging to the past doesn't help the future.

>> No.10173335

phenomenology of paper > phenomenology of screen

>> No.10173340

Funny this thread pops up two months before xmas.

My bet is that they add an annotations feature to the nook

>> No.10173359

Never in my whole life have I defaced a book by writing notes in it, and I think people who do that ought to have their hands chopped off.

>> No.10173361
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I've actually never learned how to read. I buy the books and bring them to a bright and public place and I flip through the pages as if I were reading them.

For each supposed "level of difficulty" that a book is at, I will time my page turns accordingly to give the impression of comprehension.

For example, I breezed through The Great Gatsby in one afternoon. Now that I'm "reading" The Brothers Karamazov, I find myself sloughing through it at a much slower pace.

It has gotten the attention of some English students from the local university though, which is nice. It's been fun to talk about the books I have "read" with them, because their enthusiasm is usually a good disguise for my lack of ability. I just nod my head and smile when they light up over a certain passage or charter. They do all the talking, I do all the listening. This has helped when I need to reference things. For example, I have started calling people "old sport" like Jay Gatsby does. I assume Jay Gatsby is some kind of baseball player or something.

Mostly though, when I'm sitting at the coffee shop staring at the strange squiggles on the page, I think of pornography.

>> No.10173365


>> No.10173368

So you're saying Harry would have failed potions if he had gotten your book?

Why do you want Voldemort to win?

>> No.10173385

You're supposed to pretend you're better and call other people names you fucking autist

>> No.10173418

I prefer e-readers when I'm reading things like Lolita or erotica.
Actually I'm self-conscious about almost everything. I haven't finished Interview with the Vampire because I don't want to take it with me in public.

>> No.10173428

anyone read this ?


>> No.10173466

>Not listening to audiobooks

>> No.10173495

what does it say?

>> No.10173496
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>he goes to an art gallery to see paintings
>doesn't just google them

>> No.10173498

Are you gay? why do you have this saved?

>> No.10173500

>he doesn't read the authors original manuscript

>> No.10173501

Without them checking out the security footage of the art gallery it's harder for them to figure out how much time you're spending looking at naked little boys.
Then again it's trickier to jerk off to them in public.

>> No.10173522


I can tell from the thumbnail that this is the gayest work that exists on the planet

bloody europeans

>> No.10173536

hot desu

>> No.10173574
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I wouldn't mind cluttering my space with books, have a cozy personal library and all that but they're expensive. I can get .pdfs for free.

That being said I prefer audiobooks since I mostly want to go through books while on the move, and walking around with a physical book or reading in public is for hipster fags.

>tfw smartphone can store over 100 GB in micro SD and accessible keyring USB
Does not get enough appreciation desu.

>> No.10173704
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>use ebooks for mass reading and accessibility
>use physical for your favorites or random finds

>> No.10173984

tablet guy should also say "i reduce comprehension with prolonged use"

>> No.10173990

>amerilard uncomfortable with nude bodies
What is it with you people and this puritan bullshit?

>> No.10174044

I never understood why people would go out and buy a separate device just to read on.
Having any book I want on my phone is the best.

>> No.10174069

Because reading on your phone is garbage.

>> No.10174073

So let's buy another phone-like device to read on

>> No.10174137


>> No.10174155

It's not a phone-like device at all. It uses e-ink. It is no different than paper. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10174666

I prefer actual books for the same reason why I prefer buying physical copies of video games, movies, and albums. I like the experience of going into a store and browsing the selection, actually looking through the selections in the hopes of finding something I've never heard of, holding the weight of the book, seeing the physical amount of pages it has, staring at the covers, and just having someone's work in my hands.

Definitely the highlight of physically shopping for physical books is having to actually browse a selection, and find a hidden gem on your own. You go on Amazon, click on a genre, and it instantly brings up what's popular, and it tries to dictate what you will read based on that.

Plus, if I don't like something I can pass it on to someone else. You're basically stuck with digital versions.

>> No.10174730

How do I delete Kindle books from the cloud, or are they there forever once I buy them? I'm giving mind to my mother and keeping the same account linked, but don't want her to eventually find the erotica I've bought.

>> No.10174799


>> No.10174800

I really want an ereader but damn nothing supports epub

>> No.10174839

Just use Calibre, bro.

>> No.10175355

Nevermind, found out how to do it.

>> No.10175362

e-reading is for idiots

>> No.10175444


>> No.10175472
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Never in my whole life have I seen a person as newfag to reading as you.

>> No.10175478
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>> No.10175585

or instead you could just pay attention

>> No.10175590
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You just gotta look for them many writers use digital stores to avoid dealing with publishers.

>> No.10175613
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>tfw this comes true

>> No.10175885
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>Caring about what other people do
>Being such a insecure hipster faggot, deep down he knows e-books will always be naturally inferior but he keeps shitposting his point of view out
>Like how a rapist with a flacid dick and no strength tries to force some action with a fine lady
>''b-but t-technically speaking, e-e-e-ebooks are waaay s-superior!!''

>> No.10175890
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>Tries to defend pleb-tier opinion with tumbrl-tier comic
Hello reddo

>> No.10176395

I mostly keep a copy of my favorite books as physical goods, while most scientific articles/books are stored digitally for easy access.

>> No.10176898

Have you ever used these note features? They're cancerous.

>> No.10176978

You misused à la

>> No.10176987

>thinks a buzzword salad, calling someone reddit and a frogpicture is an argument
Hello, underage.

>> No.10177516

They're really not though. Even my Paperwhite has a note taking function where I can highlight, annotate, and then run though a list of my notes in specific locations. It's literally perfect in every regard.

>> No.10177657

A book is used for one specific task, e-readers and tablets for many; enjoy never being able to concentrate on or learn from your reading ever again.

>> No.10177677

You can't really use e-readers for anything other than reading books or listening to audiobooks on some models. Also:
>implying everyone is suffering from ADHD like you

>> No.10177907

I use mine often. No problem. What's the deal?

>> No.10177921

pls don't bait this my man

>> No.10177985

non physical books do not exist by definition . non-physical = dosnt interact with any of the 4 fundamental forces = cant interact with us in any way = dosnt exist.

>> No.10178010

The codex is a perfect form. You will never be able to flip around an e-book as easily as you can a codex. Dog-earing and flipping cannot be improved upon.

>> No.10178030

Hyperlinks are vastly superior.

>> No.10178038

You know that's not an argument, right?