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10174672 No.10174672 [Reply] [Original]

>the only unforgivable sin is to believe that you are beyond redemption
Why does this make me cry lads? Why is Christianity so beautiful?

>> No.10174688


>> No.10174692

Because it's reassuring and merciful, which are qualities that we need in a world as chaotic and senseless as ours. Both of them can be derived from sources other than religion, but they are still needed lest we despair or go insane.

>> No.10174929

Don't you people realize they say that precisely to proselytize you? It might as well be...
>things are never so bad you can't join our cult, then you're gonna be ok!

>> No.10174943

>you people
t. thricely gilded reddit peruser

>> No.10174981

>new testament shit
Fucking gay

>> No.10175160

The older I get the less I value forgiveness. I feel like justice is a far more important virtue

>> No.10175163

>people will go insane unless they cling to delusions

>> No.10175180

Actually, yes. And I'm not speaking in favor of delusions. I guess I'm just already insane.

>> No.10175194

I want the source of this quote.

>> No.10175196

If someone is contrite and actually unironically is going to try and make a change for the better and fix their wicked ways forgivenes is justice

>> No.10175203

Bled dead redemption

>> No.10175209

It depends on the transgression. I could never forgive someone for murder or torture, no matter how hard I try. The sorts of lunatics you sometimes read about in the news who claim to forgive the convicts who shot their sons disgust me in my deepest and more primal sense.

>> No.10175215
File: 54 KB, 477x600, St-augustine-of-hippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel very well, Anon. As I've grown older I've grown harsher and more exacting. It feels more and more inescapable that God is so transcendent and magnificent that the only logical thing to do is bow before him, and try to follow his commands, those commands he administers through his instrument on earth, which is the Church.

At the same time, >>10175196 is very correct. God's mercy isn't a license for all to do as they please. God's mercy doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. But God's mercy is a light in the darkness, and those who follow the light really and truly will indeed receive absolution. And, moreover, God's mercy is a light that shines upon those of us who have a tendency to be harsh and cruel, and in this case it's a clarifying light. It's a reminder that however much we try, and however much we strive to be saintly, we, too, are sinners, and we, too, need absolution. And if WE need God's mercy, how much more does everyone else need God's mercy?

So if we are striving to be just and holy, we should be vessels of God's mercy. Not a false mercy--not a mercy that gives license--but a mercy that calls to repentance. We should be merciful so that sinners can become saints.

>> No.10175218

I think it's beautiful too lad

>> No.10175235

I suppose you consider science a delusion too.

>> No.10175246

Science is clearly not a delusion. And very few people cling to scientific theories to get through life.

>> No.10175250

Still there's hope in this life.

>> No.10175260

>God is so transcendent and magnificent that the only logical thing to do is bow before him, and try to follow his command
moral obligations don't follow from matters of fact
even if god exists as defined by christians there would still be nothing logical about bowing before him (there would be nothing logical about not bowing, for that matter).

>> No.10175267
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>hurr durr christianity is a tool to control people reee

>> No.10175269
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I would say there is something very logical (albeit in an unworldly sense) about heeding the call of metaphysical necessity.

>> No.10175275 [DELETED] 

presupposing there is metaphysical necessity is begging the question
through what method do you determine that you have an obligation to do something

>> No.10175301
File: 15 KB, 480x387, what the fuck bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people have a need for religion, therefore any religious belief is simply personal wish-fulfilment

>> No.10175306

Brilliant reading comprehension, dumbasses.

>> No.10175313

Being an atheist isn't contrarian anymore, so they will reflexively spurn your arguments.

>> No.10175323

found the pseud

>> No.10175325

what did I read wrong?

>> No.10175330

you're a pagan

>> No.10175335

>But God's mercy is a light in the darkness, and those who follow the light really and truly will indeed receive absolution.
Made me cry senpai
It's comforting to know that no matter how far we fall and how hard our hearts come, no matter how much we doubt, if we want there is always a light that shineth in the darkness to lead us back on the path of righteousness

>> No.10175338

You don't have to forgive them but god surely forgives them if they are TRULY contrite

>> No.10175922

lol, right? Can you just imagine a world full of poor, delusional assholes learning to forgive themselves and others. That's rich!

>> No.10175950

>16) Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

>17) For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

>18) So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

>> No.10175970

>Being an atheist
Stay spooked my friends

>> No.10175977

who is paying for these threads

>> No.10175982

So would God forgive me if I sin my whole life planning to repent on my death bed and then genuinely repent on my deathbed? Cause I feel like I could really muster up some true repentance when the moment comes, but I still want to be a shit until then.

>> No.10176027

Your soul would be in an absolutely shocking state though. So while you might not go to Hell, you would serve the longest possible sentence in Purgatory. Hardly something you'd wish upon yourself

>> No.10176044
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>So would God forgive me if I sin my whole life planning to repent on my death bed and then genuinely repent on my deathbed?

Do not despair: one of the thieves was saved.

Do not presume: one of the thieves was damned.

t. Augustine

>> No.10176046

The spirit of the Lord, my friend.

>> No.10176129

idk, sounds worth it to me. Purgatory's not that bad, right?

>> No.10176137

Tell god you don't believe in purgatory and you'll go straight to heaven. Why would you be a retard and spill the beans? Just lie and enjoy heaven.

If heaven is paradise, does that mean I got to fuck angels that are thousands of years old but have the perfect body of a 16 year old blue eyed, blond angel? What if I'm into nasty stuff? Will I no longer have those desires? Will I be castrated once I'm in heaven and have no more sexual desires because dats evil?
I'm genuinely curios how Christians think heaven works. Everything nice is naughty and evil, so how will we be happy up there?
Will a gay couple no longer love each other because dats evil? I guess they have to follow the right strain of Christianity to even get into heaven, but what then?

tl;dr: I will never do sodomy with angels cause I'm fedora.

>> No.10176138

If you have it so planned out and organized, would it really be a true repentance? Such an organization seems that it might not represent authentic feeling.

>> No.10176154

The only difference between Hell and Purgatory is that in Purgatory you consent to your punishment and eventually, once you're purified, you get to go to Heaven. In terms of pain levels, it probably isn't that much different from Hell. The theology of Purgatory is pretty messy, and the best we got is mystic testimonials like Catherine of Sienna's description of it.

>> No.10176155

Retribution is not justice

>> No.10176158

No, the old hags are in hell.
fucking tel scum

>> No.10176170
File: 54 KB, 550x410, 25645867912607f9c778f4bbcff148b1--limassol-cyprus-christian-church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came back from Church and a beautiful liturgy. Although I didn't understand all of it since half was in russian, it still sounded great, the priest has an amazing voice with big range, he can go very high and very low, gave me goosebumps.

Christianity really is the most beautiful religion because it has the fullness of truth within it; truth and beauty seem to be related.

>Why does this make me cry lads? Why is Christianity so beautiful?
Becauses God loves us more than satan hates us. Because God became like us and suffered among us and knows us intimately. Only a suffering God could redeem us.

>> No.10176175

They look as old as you want them to look like. If god made you a pedo then you'll enjoy your little kids in heaven all day every day. God acts in mysterious ways, my fried. Deus vult.

>> No.10176192

I'll post the same answer I gave you on 8ch/christian.

If God wills it, all things are possible for him. But you'd be taking a giant risk because if your conversion is not genuine and your repentance not authentic then you'd just be mumbling empty words.

If you started now then you might have time to cultivate genuine, saving faith that bears good fruit.
But if you leave it to the last moment chances are you won't be prepared, your words won't be authentic, and you'll lose everything. If you don't believe and love God now, why would you believe and love him then??

Remember you can lie to girls and to business partners, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to God, he knows you, you can't "scheme" him like you do others.

>> No.10176193

>being a pedo in heaven
That's not heaven, that's Jannah for the Muslims.

>> No.10176196

I could never explain to someone how or why I believe, but I know from countless intimations that this is precisely where I need to be.


>> No.10176203

Still old hags, tel.

>> No.10176207

>there are no pedophile Christians
You really want to fight the entire Catholic Church? Last time the war lasted for 30 years.

>> No.10176216

>you'll get to enjoy kids in heaven as a pedo ;)
That's not heaven, that's Jannah for the Muslims

>> No.10176253

It makes sense that there are some very beautiful works of literature out there that sprung from the Christian tradition since it dominated Western life for a solid millenium and a half. That's shouldn't make you want to convert, though, since theism is still the less likely scenario.

>> No.10176264
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> theism is still the less likely scenario.
>an orderly-world, life, and you coming out of nothingness, for no rhyme or reason, is more probable than a creator making the world.

>> No.10176316
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>(albeit in an unworldy sense)

>> No.10176327

That's exactly right though

>t. Not a Christian

What an obviously wrong post

Well yes, what's unseen cam be whatever you want it to be so you can say it's eternal, you can say it's ephemeral, nobody knows bevause there's no evidence for it, and that makes it pretty worthless

>the best we got is [not the Bible]
Really mks me think

Muslims are just more warlike Christians with more overt pedophilic tendencies

>> No.10176328

>unironically too stupid to understand how that works

>> No.10176330

>That's exactly right though
Only during Christendom. When Christianity remains unpolitical, as it should, it is the definition of freedom.

>> No.10176332

Ok, explain it to me plz

>> No.10176333

>a giant organisation telling people what to do, what to think, what to say and demanding money and obeisance and what to eat is the definition of freedom

>when Christianity remains apolitical, as it should
How do you know it should?

>> No.10176335

>divine law is random number generation

This is what Christians actually believe.

>> No.10176337

>a giant organisation telling people what to do, what to think, what to say and demanding money and obeisance and what to eat is the definition of freedom

When that organisation is the embodiment of Good, then yes.

>> No.10176340

How do you know they are?