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10125807 No.10125807 [Reply] [Original]

Where did this "podcast intellectual" subculture come on? I seriously would never have heard of Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, or Joe Rogan if not for /lit/ or /pol/.

>> No.10125999

I think it's because there's a group of people who are bored with the low-tier entertainment on TV and most of the internet, or at least want to act like they are, but aren't as motivated or intelligent to read and ponder about whatever subject they're interested in on their own. That's why they often attach themselves to speakers who address topical political issues because it's at their "level".
It's also no wonder that the people who address these topical issues are also heavily interested in very generalist subjects like (non-biological) psychology, (meme) political science, and (non-theological) spirituality.

>> No.10126027

liberals love to care about their opinions and love the idea of enlightening the masses, because they love to think that people who do not share their views lack ''education''

plus liberals love to receive entertainment and they try to mix this with ''being educated''

>> No.10126041

Here's an example of what meme political science is.

>> No.10126054

>they love to think that people who do not share their views lack ''education''
i thought we were talking about liberals and not anti-semites for a second

>> No.10126084

It's a just a new and novel form of communication taken advantage of by everyone from comedians to academics. Not much to explain.

>> No.10126092

Pop intellectuals have always been a thing. Even Plato talks about them

>> No.10126096

Plato would know, being one of them

>> No.10126106

You're half right. The incorrect assumption is that by replacing low-brow TV kardashian bullshit with peterson et al., these people also abandon "high-brow" lit and other activities. JP is something for down time, doesn't mean I don't have up time.

>> No.10126113

No chill

>> No.10126122

One can be at least somewhat aware of the JQ merely from observation. There are plenty of comments out there by non-Jews/goyim in the music industry which have been called "anti-semitic".

I think he means the tendency of certain liberals to look down on "rednecks", because they lack a meme brainwashing degree.

>> No.10126142

Non-educated people are objectively dumber.

>> No.10126161

Jordy B Memerson is a pretty good psychologist and actually very good at helping people improve their lives.

He's sub-par as a philosopher, however. His Arguments are just "Jung said nietzsche said this, and that's just SO DAMN SMART"

>> No.10126164

It was though. You can tell he's a uni teacher because 90% of that job is basically trying to get the students to fucking read the texts.

>> No.10126166

As a group no doubt, but there are ways of becoming educated outside of university as it is understood in the West today.

And let's face it, the typical person with a degree isn't going to be a genius either. They will just tend to have enough knowledge geared towards a specific role, and whatever propaganda they were indoctrinated with.

>> No.10126175

That's why peterson in OP is so disgusted with state of humanities, because those degrees were meant to be about getting people up to date at a deep level with the breadth of human culture. Now they are becoming horribly niche. I think he does falsely attribute a lot of that to ideological battles as opposed to the exponential difficulty of staying up to date across the board.

>> No.10126186

>his critics say he's a priveliged trans- phobic bigot who must be stopped

Kek leave the poor professor alone

>> No.10126486

>JP is something for down time, doesn't mean I don't have up time.
yes it does

>> No.10126501
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>podcast intellectual
>Joe Rogan

>> No.10126502

Literal delusion. But oh well, seems like you need it.

>> No.10126503

>Jordy B Memerson is a pretty good psychologist and actually very good at helping people improve their lives.
there's no such thing as a good psychotherapist, Peterson fanboys are a case in point of why it's a failed enterprise

>those degrees were meant to be about getting people up to date at a deep level with the breadth of human culture
whatever the formal meaning is claimed it doesn't matter because its historically always boiled down to elites smelling their own farts to impress others :^)

>> No.10127840

>people like him so he's stupid
>nothing good has ever come from humanities education
Fucking hell, I can smell the sweaty bitterness from here, anon.

>> No.10127876
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Before he started his podcast Sam Harris was already a best-selling philosopher and neuroscientist.

>> No.10127930

That image is laughable. They make it sound like his life was threatened or something and he's some kind of martyr for free speech. All that happened was that the university sent him a letter after he refused to use someone's preferred pronouns. They didn't even fire him.

>> No.10127931

>'Torturing people is a-okay in my book' -Sam Harris

>> No.10127967

His liberty was threatened. A fate worse than death. Don't treat on me. Okay with fire... You're goanna get burned.

>> No.10128320

I don't know if Joe Rogan fits in. He is keenly aware of his own ignorance. Listening to his podcast is like smoking weed and shooting the breeze with your college roommate

>> No.10128357

At some point the one-on-one, conversational style became the default way to podcast. It makes sense if you're a comedian or somebody with an impressive enough network as one good guest can triple your numbers over night. Consistently get famous guests and subscriptions will skyrocket. I'm hoping a sea-change will occur soon, Cum Town's interesting as it's one of the few podcasts out there that relies on the personalities on the hosts rather than a high-profile get. Hoping we see more diversity as what essentially is radio can do more than interviews.

>> No.10128419

I discovered them through Youtube, and regularly watch Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux videos. The first Peterson video I'd seen was, predictably, the one during the free speech protest at the University of Toronto. The one where Smuggly Puff came to light. A very short-lived meme that didn't have quite as much impact as Triggly Puff.

>> No.10129310

i actually figured it out. it's church. the dude is running an internet church but is too much of a pussy to come out and say it. His most popular lectures are literally on the bible and how his interpretation is the "right" one, which is why he hates postmodernism-- it's jeopardizes his religion.

>> No.10129333


Joe knows he's not an intellectual, he'll even say so when a topic is going right over his head. I respect him because of that, and also because he tries his hardest to understand and talk about the things that interest him. His podcast is as you described, pretty much just him and whoever he invites on shooting the shit for a few hours and talking about random stuff.

>> No.10129358

>someone's preferred pronouns
i just want to be free from those blue haired PC freaks and their 7 sets of made up pronouns that change according to their whims.

>> No.10129473

Yes that's clearly the most important world issue anon, clearly Peterson is literally the modern day Socrates who displayed his bravery by saying SJWs are dumb.

What a joke. He was not oppressed, just mildly annoyed. There are people who died and suffered for their beliefs, and for ideals that went beyond gender pronouns, yet we have Peterson here greatly profiting off it simply because it's the newest, hottest internet trend. Saying "no" when someone asks you to use pronouns is not brave or even noteworthy.

>> No.10129501
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this is Catman. pronouns Cat/Cats/Catself. this is the future leftists want for our children.

>> No.10129516

Nice strawman. Thank you for contributing nothing.

>> No.10129523

this is some /pol/-tier debating

>> No.10129582
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t. the last men of the west standing by while their society is literally debased out of existence by postmodern leftoids

>> No.10129590

Milquetoast middlebrow mental chewtoys

>> No.10129593

>Saying "no" when someone asks you to use pronouns is not brave or even noteworthy.
It is in a society where the most powerful organizations demand it. I now you're capable of only viewing social relations in terms of officially sanctioned "systems of oppression", but try to think for yourself for just a little bit.

>> No.10129596
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>> No.10129613


>There are people who died and suffered for their beliefs, and for ideals that went beyond gender pronouns

Why do liberals have this tiresome obsession with martyrdom? Why don't you go join a church where you properly belong?

>> No.10129618

Progress is their religion. It's even brought them to see history as some sort of secular afterlife.

>> No.10129622
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>> No.10129700

Hey anon what book will explore this further with me?

>> No.10129709

It's just an observation, and it's not meant to be particularly deep. I'm just tired of hearing "history will not be kind to you" as if it were some sort of meaningful threat.

>> No.10129712


>> No.10129725

>Saying "no" when someone asks you to use pronouns is not brave or even noteworthy.
Wow, it's like you have very little idea what you're talking about.
He never refused to use someones pronouns, he has refused to use words that are backed by legislation. There is a difference between things you cannot say, and things you have to say. And things you have to say according to law is compelled speech and a violation of our rights

>> No.10129919

No, it isn't. Peterson was never under the threat of being fired. Peterson was never imprisoned. Peterson never had his life threatened. Peterson was never censored. All that happened was that he was sent a letter, then he whined on it on the internet and received sympathybux because whining about SJWs is the cool, hip thing for teenagers to do now.

Why do the retards who worship Peterson donate massive amounts of money to him simply because he whined about a letter? He is not a martyr for free speech, he just hopped on a bandwagon and profited off it.

>He never refused to use someones pronouns, he has refused to use words that are backed by legislation

Complete and utter horsehit. Peterson was never arrested or fined. He wasn't even fired. He just whined on the internet about receiving a letter, and you autists ate it all up.

>> No.10129927

top kek, if you had an "up time" and read "high-brow lit" you couldn't stomach bullshitters like JP.

Someone who is well-read has an easier time stomaching some TV shit because you turn your mind off in that situation. Whereas with pseuds like JP who actually pretend to say something you remain engaged and so you're just left irritated at his unironic lack of knowledge and banal ways of thinking.

>> No.10129966

>"social justice and id politics aren't even a thing in the real world, leave the house and stop reading tumblr dumb dumb"
>"wow this one moron on youtube is wrong, he's not an intellectual, why are so many people reading him on /lit/, this is an attack on intellectualism itself"

The state of the left wing mind.

>> No.10129971
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here's your (You)

>> No.10129977

>I invented a strawman in my head
>Here's me attacking that strawman

The state of Jordan Peterson cocksuckers

>> No.10129979

>Hey anon what book will explore this further with me?

John Gray or Michael Burleigh's books explore progressive and liberal millennialism.

The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism has a chapter as well titled "Progressive Millennialism" by Ashcraft (google it, 4chan isn't allowing me to post the link).

>> No.10129992


It isn't a strawman. Strawman's are creating weaker version of arguments and knocking them down. There is no argument present, hence no strawman. The greentext is a description of the state of affairs along with the mindset of soyboys that post to /lit/. Descriptions aren't arguments. It's also an accurate description. Pretty much every thread on social justice or id-politics has a bunch of skinny-necked urban soyboys (like yourself) saying something to the effect that identity politics isn't really a thing in real life, and that it is an internet phenomenon. Yet it seems the same ideologically motivated bugmen come into the same threads about some nobody-academic on youtube podcasts, and then act in the same way as their evil /pol/ nemesis.

>> No.10130039

>their whims
It's whers, bigot.

>> No.10130092

oh lord there's going to be so many qt traps for me to fugg in ten years

>> No.10130098

>if you were like me you'd be the REAL intellectual
Kek, you fucking pseud. Just admit you prefer Family Guy to wind down rather than some comfy sermons backed by contemporary neuroscience. Its OK. You're not the most well read person on 4chan and people who don't like you are not that way because they're ignorant. It's because you're annoying and put others down to make yourself feel better. Hopefully you'll get over it one day.

>> No.10130124

>Cum Town
Great. Another podcast I can't recommend to people in real life.

>> No.10130131

I don't know what to make of peterson anymore, fucker is shilling his paid personality programs while making mad money from patreon, RETAINING his tenure. He's got a real cult going on and he seems to really think he's helping these anime goons. He must tear himself up at night.

>> No.10130136

>Plato would know, being one of them
Smarter than Plato
Posting on 4chan

>> No.10130151

You're projecting, but you do have a point: the usual TV is way too disgusting as well.

Personally I usually read newspaper "stories" about some cultural phenomenon or whatever to wind down. That's where I can manage to ignore the usual media propaganda - *if* the meat of the article is the story itself. Obviously finding such articles worth reading requires some effort and is part of the wind down.

But with people like Peterson there's nothing but the usual bullshit, there's no meat. Because that's the whole point of him, innit? He's not a journalist, he's a "thinker". So there's nothing but his own boring thoughts - which you're already bombarded with elsewhere.

>> No.10130153

kys u fuckin pseud

>> No.10130172

Only if that pseud Peterson kills himself first :)

>> No.10130508

>All that happened was that he was sent a letter, then he whined on it on the internet and received sympathybux because whining about SJWs is the cool, hip thing for teenagers to do now.
He is under the risk of being fired because he's crossed a group of people who have made it their mission to render their political opposition unemployable. Anyone who does the same deserves to have money dumped on them, even if they're a hack like Peterson.

>> No.10130532

>Literally the single most famous philosopher of all time.
>Not a pop-intellectual.

>Oh b..but he is smarter then yuuu!
Anti-Peterson posters are fucking pathetic.

>> No.10130570
File: 55 KB, 431x450, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many sad, boring fools, deadening this language, living alone inside their graves, even hoping to never see the undertaker. Here's your shovelful of earth!

'Most ingenious Theuth, one man has the ability to beget arts, but the ability to judge of their usefulness or harmfulness to their users belongs to another; and now you who are the father of letters, have been led by your affection to ascribe to them a power the opposite of that which they really possess. For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise.' (140)

>> No.10130603

That's not what "pop" means you retarded mongoloid

>> No.10130606


>> No.10130607
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>plato is a pop-philosopher
>newton is a pop-scientist
>bach is a pop-musician

>> No.10130609

You can't be pop if you're not fucking alive.

>> No.10130630
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>muh mysticism = meaning analysis.
>muh sophists in the agora = post-modernists in academia.
>muh platonists = rabbid cult following.
Yeah plato was the plebian version of JBP.


Michael Jackson is still the king of pop.

>> No.10130643

7.5/10 almost made me reply seriously

>> No.10130655
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Thanks for the (you) anyway. It wasn't the Michael Jackson bit was it?

>> No.10130805

I unironically believe 'trans' means a democrat SJW with blue hair

>> No.10130891

academic/layman divide

Let's take Tyson/Nye for example (I can put those together for the purposes of discussion here). They're gonna tell you that having people believe in "science shit" etc is important, and it is. "So important," they'll say,"that we can skip over philosophical nuance and Cartesian doubt for the greater good, and just say it's 'correct' just 'because'." The problem is that throwing it out as a dogma ends up letting things like religion compete, thus making the shortcut backfire completely. Same goes for social and ethical issues. The reason why "laymen" look dumb is because they've been underestimated. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, just bite the bullet and let people be pretentious.

Also, just use people's pronouns. People call inanimate dick-and-vagainaless objects "he" and "she" in plenty of other languages all the time; gender is a more or less empty concept. Not worth making a stink about. >>10127930 has it right.

>> No.10131098

Now I have to finally claim that pro-Peterson posters are engaged in parody. Anyone is welcome to prove me otherwise.

>> No.10131436


>> No.10131914


>Also, just use people's pronouns


>> No.10131918

Then they'll just move on and say nah to employing you I guess.

>> No.10131928


>employed anywhere important

Good joke

>> No.10131942

>I'm gonna complain about facing consequences for using different pronouns, because I think that's an issue
>but it's also not an issue

>> No.10131956

>modern muslims

>> No.10131959


>> No.10131965

>modern muslims

>> No.10132005

>issues sweeping threats of impoverishment and deprivation over refusing to kowtow to <0.3% of the population
>thinks he's the good guy

>> No.10132019
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/lit/ doesn't give a single shit about any of those names.

>> No.10132024

This is funny because I work in construction and my boss would actually not bother employing you if you were a tranny enabler lol.
>Dat Make America Great Again bumper sticker on the back of the work truck
Not that it matters to the job but if we're going to politicize everything then my hunch is that the guys chopping their dicks off aren't a big percentage of job creators.

>> No.10132039

>implying people would starve rather than change one letter in a sentence every so often
its their own problem really

I don't think anyone is going to worry too much about those jobs for long

>> No.10132043

Read Moldbug. No, seriously, drop everything and read Moldbug.

>> No.10132044

>I don't think anyone is going to worry too much about those jobs for long
yeah because who needs anything built that would be like absurd or something

>> No.10132056

We won't need human labour for those jobs for much longer.

>> No.10132060

I'm sympathetic to ditch diggers but come on anon, you're just ignoring things on purpose now

>> No.10132062

the notion that progress is only a meme is really common in 20th century philosophy, most of those "evil french postmodernists" (who people like to confuse with centrist liberal progressives) deny the idea of progress for example

>> No.10132110

Thanks anon! Looks interesting.

>> No.10132117

I think the data far outweighs the silly notion that progress doesn't exist. Though I am interested in the danger of transmuting it into an idol and the negative implications that might have for society.

>> No.10132218

The logos is the spark of divinity that can render order from chaos and elicit a renewed state of chaos from pathological order.

Marduk, the Mesopotamian king of gods, had eyes around his head and spoke magic words. He defeated Tiamat, the god of chaos, and split up her body to form the pieces of the world.

Marduk is an embodiment of the logos and is rightly placed at the top of the mythological hierarchy.

On a very different note, the notion of the technological singularity can be conceived one of two ways: technology becomes as intelligent as humans, or humans become as limited as technology.

The smarter the tool, the less that is required on the user's behalf.

I believe both of these topics can shed light on what Socrates is saying.

>> No.10132260

If you actually think retards like peterson or harris are better than joe rogan in any meaningful way you're part of the problem.

>> No.10132294

Trannies are more likely to be autist computer whiz hackers than the general population. Those trucks are getting automated soon, so maybe it's time to ingratiate yourself to your new overlords.

>> No.10132298

>its their own problem really
People might prefer to starve rather than affirm delusions and abject falsehoods.

>> No.10132307

He's not wrong though, modern liberals love to smell their farts. I know this because I'm a liberal.

>> No.10132318
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>> No.10132327

why the fuck would you waste your time listening to people you don't know rambling for hours every week about topics they're in no way actually versed on?

get some fucking friends

>> No.10132334

>why the fuck would you waste your time listening to people you don't know rambling for hours every week about topics they're in no way actually versed on?

>listen to people you know rambling for hours every week about topics they're in no way actually versed on

>> No.10132612

Got ’em.

>> No.10132641

well, not everyone you'll meet is going to be an scholar and having a conversation has way more to it than just "intellectual" discourse

on the other hand, what is binding you to a millionaire that's got no idea what he's talking about and doesn't give a shit about you? might as well listen to a homeless person rants everyday and i'd still probably get more food for thought

>> No.10132964
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>implying this isn't an extremist ideology that's out to debase and subvert society.

4chan might have fooled me into thinking those gay trannies were people. but it's 2017 and i definitely see them as tribal enemies by this point. 2017 is all about identity.

>> No.10133099

can someone redpill me on harris and petterson. honestly never watched a single video of theirs. only ones I've ever watched is that bald dude who is mildly annoying and that cuckold 'no argument' guy (forget his name) who I cannot fucking cannot stand.

>> No.10133132

>condensing an entire nuanced viewpoint down to a bite-sized, memeable catchphrase


>> No.10133161


lol I love that progressives automatically assume the whole world caters to their childlike beliefs and don't see that they've become the EVIL CONSERVATIVE MENACE the ideology has been railing against since before they were born.

Take your exact sentiment and replace "person who doesn't believe in the whole pronoun thing" with "doesn't believe in fags" and see how your world view plays out :^)

>> No.10133199
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Confirmed for not actually having read Plato, the father of good government and Christianity as we know it. And Socrates was a just an average brainlet who wasn't afraid of asking questions.

>> No.10133266

posts like this make me sick to my stomach

>> No.10133284

this time last year i was listening to the daily shoah not realizing that mike enoch was jewish
when if ound out just how depe the deception in the alt right goes (paul gottfired is jewish) i couldn't stop laughing about it
glad i only undertook a phenomenological study of the american right and didn't give money to the trump campaign and only voted for trump because he was better than hillary or bernie
people like this shit becaue it builds a sense of community around an ideology, people agree with each other and get involved in stuff and then have to keep agreeing to remain involved ieven when the provopsoitions involved are either contradictory of one another or false by themselves without reference to other propositions in the ideologicallyh apprpved 'hat' frfom wich political topics are drawn during conversation among ideological peers
it's an old scam, made omnipresent by the internetr. radio personalities and radio-transmitted discourse used to be this way but peop[le notice it more as it's more ubiquitous now.

>> No.10133290

ALSO peterson is a stooge of the bourgeoisise, marx was right about a lot of stuff, the workers are being exploited and all jordan peterson can hear is 'trannies ought to gbe able to use all the bathrooms at the same time' because's he's a fucking diiot with a short attention space who has survived in canadian academia by being just rude enough that people don't just have to accept his existence but have to listen to him talk
his fanbois are the WORST

>> No.10133292


>'Physically attacking, torturing, and gulaging people is a-okay in my book' -Same people that hate Sam Harris.

>> No.10133294

are you saying that everyone who hates am harris is a communits? that's absurd

>> No.10133306

Can you stupid niggers even read the fucking SEP article with the case study he uses that helps inform his opinions re: torture?


You're acting like retarded undergrads who are experiencing a thought that comes from outside your bubble for the first time.

>> No.10133312

joel surnow should be tried before the ICC for encouraging discourse around crimes against humanity, amirite guys? :D

>> No.10133394

>implying people would starve rather than change one letter in a sentence every so often

Main thing is: I don't like those people, and I don't like people such as yourself.

And I do not want to live in the same community as them.

Details like pronouns are ancillary to that main thing.

>> No.10133396

Now this is projection.

>> No.10133421

Podcasts are for people who read slower than they listen.

>> No.10133434

>I won't employ anyone who doesn't follow my trendy social norms
>those idiot workers and their low-class shit jobs are worthy of contempt from me, a literal bourgeoisie
>I'm a progressive who wants to help the poor

really fires up my filberts

>> No.10133435
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>> No.10133466

shitlord bigot parents like that really makes my blood boil *rawr*

they should be shipped off to siberia where they wouldn't be able to abuse their daughter so anymore

>> No.10133511
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>> No.10134055

What is this bugman meme?

>> No.10134562

It's in the word, strawMEN. It doesn't matter if it's an argument or a person you're attacking, the analogy still holds.

>> No.10134600

>wooow, this is insane!

>> No.10134641

>implies separation between trends and material conditions
>calls anyone else bourgeois
Really fires up my dialectics

>> No.10135432

not even that, degrees are so specialized now grads dont even know their own subject. the only difference between college eduacted and everybody else is probably 10-20 IQ points and a wealthier family background

>> No.10135958

I ignored all the Jason Peterson furore, expecting him to be another bottom of the barrel Youtube schmuck like so many of the other schmucks I see thrown around on here. Then I came across an article about him in my paper today, so I watched his first lecture on the Bible earlier and was very, very impressed.

>> No.10136090

man makes money from selling his labour

you are a real dipshit... a 'real cult' that encourages fostering a strong family... yeah nice one pal... and 'shilling his paid personality programmes' alongside 400 or so FREE University-tenured-level lectures


>> No.10136097

dont you retards hate education and students/professors though? until you numpties found peterson backed up your petty bigotries colleges were transgender training schools werent they lol

>> No.10136128

>aren't as motivated or intelligent to read and ponder about whatever subject they're interested in on their own
Jesus christ, you got me there. I've been starting to realise this of late; the only way I can actually understand my interest is to read the books on my shelf. I've even spent a month offline yet didn't pick up a single book. That's probably where a lot of my guilt and feelings of pretense come from.

>> No.10136154

Whats actually wrong, 'bare of meat' as (someone put it), or generic about what Jordan Peterson says? The truth is simple as they say and the simplicity of his ideas really allows you to consider them against your own experience.

>> No.10136177

>Where did this "podcast intellectual".....

the post-Gutenberg mind of millennials

they don't read

>> No.10136700

Its all an act. Rogan has an ego like everyone else. But I guess I agree with the essence of your statement that he indeed lacks pretense that the middle brow Sargon of akkads do, but not for honest reasons.

>> No.10137008

Jesus Christ just use the fucking pronouns. Trans people suffer real discrimination, and he's acting like he's the next Gandi. Personally I think gender neutral pronouns are stupid, and I'm saying that as a trans person. But this shit is laughable. If I had some trans kid in my class requesting zie zir etc or "they" as singular I'd think they were a complete brat. But I wouldn't make a big deal of it. However non binary people have to acknowledge the fact that it's annoying as fuck. And it's better over all to just not do that. Still leave it to people like Peterson et al to martyr themselves over it.

>> No.10137014

hes cashing in on alt rights lack of any 'intellectual' base or background, I'd call him a smart businessman

>> No.10137022

he's stupid
gandi's stupid
the pronouns are stupid
eat your fucking cake

>> No.10137038

Honestly you're right. I knew this shit was going too far, and there was going to be a huge backlash. Smart trans people try to stay discreet and modest. But these crazy kids kept pushing it, so know the alt right now thinks they're the victims because of some admittedly crazy but completely trivial shit like pronouns. I remember this trans kid at University of Chicago wanting to be referred to as "it." I was like wtf?! Just be normal for God's sakes. And a bunch of the "caring sensitive" crowd took it very seriously. I was just laughing my ass off.

>> No.10137373

cum town is only big because of their david cross get tho

>> No.10138548

There's nothing wrong. He's a net positive.

>> No.10138555


Pics of your feminine dingus.

>> No.10138598

fucking kek

>> No.10138707

You get that distanced intellectual feel in his argument. Like he's just going through the motions, he doesn't actually have a dog in the race. If so, why take him seriously?

>> No.10138766

t. n.n. taleb

>> No.10138816

But torture is a really emotional subject, like abortion. If you're trying to convince people, at least sound like you have a heart.

>> No.10139127

>Trans people suffer real discrimination, and he's acting like he's the next Gandi. Personally I think gender neutral pronouns are stupid, and I'm saying that as a trans person.

trannies are in fact the most powerful race on earth, the elders of zion bow before them, the bogdanoffs take their orders from the transexuals. Peterson is the only thing standing between us and total NWO tyranny.

>> No.10139159

I used to be sympathetic towards the trannies, but they turned into a meme somewhere after the whole Bruce Jenner Brouhaha, most of them are definitely just jumping on the bandwagon by this point. Whenever I read something about trans people I just imagine an evil fat blue haired sjw screeching out sjw catchphrases like UR A WHITE MALE and I tune out completely

>> No.10139175

>knows nothing about Peterson
>feels the need to comment on him
The pronouns aren't the point mentally ill anon, it's about legislating them. It's a slippery slope.

>> No.10139200

It's understandable. There is so much hypocrisy on the Left that it just depresses me. I hate the word "privilege." It's just an excuse to scapegoat innocent people. People need to just be kind to each other and respectful. You don't have to shout or dominate the narrative or even "understand." Just chill and take it easy. But Conservatives do this same "I'm the victim cause other people are different" routine.

>> No.10139220

No it isn't. And show respect. If people misgender you at work or school it ought to qualify as harassment. Just show people respect. It's not hard. And it is not a "slippery slope." Gender identity is a real and the condition is well documented. The non binary pronouns are pushing it, but still it is extremely rare. And for most people aren't that big a deal. He's trying to play Gandi over nothing. It's pathetic.

>> No.10139234

lol ok....

>> No.10139292

Zero Books did a great video series on Peterson, send this to the alt-lite memers in your life



>> No.10139536

>Marxist apologists trying to refute /pol/ with /pol/ memes
weak desu

>> No.10139575

Fucking kek, the whole channel is dedicated to providing loaded analyses of e-celebs and alt-right memes, with the same lisping guy narrating each one
I'm not sure if I should be impressed about the dedication of this guy or worry if this is what humanities students do with their lives, either way this is pretty sad

>> No.10139849

Except in Canada, you can go to prison for misgendering. Slope seems pretty slippery to me.
Like, I get the guy is a bit of a blowhard, but going to prison for using the wrong words is worse than offending the feelings of anyone

>> No.10139869


It's the principle of the thing, anon.

>> No.10139934

>Except in Canada, you can go to prison for misgendering.
this is what petersonfags actually believe

>> No.10140093

>implying there's anything wrong with podcast intellectualism
The space got occupied by dabblers because anyone with any genuine background and insight thought they're above podcasts and marketing them.

>> No.10140098

What is some Jordan Peterson-esque anime?

>> No.10140140
File: 25 KB, 380x234, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, it's been years since I've seen anything quoted for truth. Where did the good times go?

>> No.10140329

>Except in Canada, you can go to prison for misgendering.
No you can't stop spreading this bullshit. Fucking Petersonfags have no understanding of Bill C-16.

>> No.10140494

I don't know about podcasts or Harris but I like Peterson because he's a pretty decent speaker and he's down to earth, a quality you don't see many speakers having these days. It's always for the fame.

He also talks a lot about books I've already read. So not much he says is new to me, but I find it pleasant to listen to nonetheless.

>> No.10140506

Every podcast I've ever heard is just boring people droning for two hours over the most prosaic information, with other people who make a living droning for two hours.

But then again, that's probably how most people feel about blogs, and I read blogs all the time.

>> No.10140508


>> No.10140659
File: 16 KB, 345x288, StalkingCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are using this pronoun stuff as a trojan horse in order to destroy the last remnants of western liberal values. soon, refusing to have sex with catman will count as a hatecrime. I believe someone's gotta take a stand against PC totalitarianism before its too late. Want to short circuit the leftist mind? bring up Martina Big, the leftoid chuds will have to choose between their precious gender theory and their aversion to clownish blackface. trust me, it's a laugh riot!


>> No.10140689

gee, looks like trapping a little boy can be a huge cash opportunity. Not only will you be the envy of your progressive yuppie friends, you might even get invited to gender seminars and get your own show on TLC! Most 'trans people' are obviously just in it for the money and the ability to automatically win any discussion via social justice trump cards. blue haired rich kids who 'learned gay in college' were actually training to become the high priests of our secular theocracy. hmmm makes you think, doesn't it?

>Lori Duron is the author of Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son (Random House, September 2013). The first parenting memoir to chronicle the journey of raising a gender nonconforming child, the book is based on her blog of the same name.

>RaisingMyRainbow.com has more than one million readers in 173 countries, including gender studies students and faculty at more than 50 college and universities in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

>Duron and her blog have twice been named one of BlogHer’s Voices of the Year; one of Ignite Social Media’s “100 Women Bloggers You Should be Reading;” one of Circle of Moms “Top 25 SoCal Moms;” and one of Parents Magazine’s blogs that are “Most Likely To…Change The World.”

>Duron is an often-quoted source on parenting gender creative, gender nonconforming, protogay and prehomosexual children. Media interest and coverage includes: Anderson Cooper, The BBC, The Orange County Register, KFI 640 AM, CBS – Los Angeles, MSNBC, Queerty.com, Feast of Fun, The New York Times, One4All Magazine, The Next Family, Bitch Magazine, Newsweek, BlogHer, The Mother Company, OC Weekly, The Globe and Mail, Babble, Jezebel and Amanda de Cadane

>> No.10140859
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>Ex-Harvard professor with decades of clinical experience as well as business experience running a clinical practice, tenured professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto.
>A bunch of sperglords on 4chan calling him mean names because he did a podcast interview.

>> No.10140876

submissive, lost young men looking for father figures ...... who are too lazy to read a buk

>> No.10142023

And the funny thing is, peterson is literally trying to MOTIVATE them to stop being lazy and also read good books.

>> No.10142066

Lmao. Wtf?! Honestly. I got no problem against cat men or those men who go around dressed as little girls. That shit is so funny. But I'm still respectful lol. And trans-species is a real thing. Some guys like having sex with animals. And some guys fantasize about being transformed into animals. So when we have the technology, some guys will opt to grow animal fur etc. And we'll have a whole population of goat men or horse men etc. Personally I'm accepting. Human beings are fucked up. It's just nature. I say live and let live. Besides nobody is going to make you have sex with cat man. I'm sorry but that made me bust up.

>> No.10142076

I already did have sex with cat man because my local representative said that Trump demanded it. So where's your God now, you filthy humanist, and is he powerful enough to put the hymen back in my anus?

>> No.10142088

Lmao I'm pretty sure after a night with cat man you are never getting that hymen back. And on a serious note, girls LOVE cat man. He'll have a whole harem of the most beautiful and depraved girls on the planet. So.... Laws aren't necessary. Man-imals are natural chick magnets.

>> No.10142354
File: 625 KB, 1280x992, 1280px-Brueghel_-_Sieben_Laster_-_Luxuria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future leftists want for our children. just an endless hyeronimus bosch-like 'pride parade' of ever fouler degeneracy. It's like Leftists don't even have a coherent ideology and they only care about promoting stuff i find gross and degenerate smhh

>> No.10142625

>this entire thread


>> No.10142659

Lmao at leftists pretending to be edgy muh stirner meme spoogs egotists and yet freaking out at any instance of wrongthink and any minor infraction of neurotic socjus norms cooked up by HR departments and for profit diversity consultants. Hahaha. Leftism is a secular religion it's sacraments: abortion transgender and getting fucked in the ass. Everything else is a 'spook' and an evil white social construct.

>> No.10143608

I see a lot of well educated and well read leftists where I work, but they are all stupid.

They'll read the entire corpus of physics and mathematics and still come up with something like "gravity is ableist", "magnetism is a social construct", "lambda calculus is transphobic".

>> No.10143730

My experience is the polar opposite of yours, and I've worked in Universities.

Maybe you're lying?

>> No.10143776

If your sexual identity lacks political and social motives as its core, I am sympathetic for you. The power of attention is great. Take a look at Thailand - they have had a third gender forever. It's meant to be normal, or as normal as it can be. Though in the West it's the new tattoo.

>> No.10143852

>"gravity is ableist", "magnetism is a social construct", "lambda calculus is transphobic"
You think? That guy probably doesn't even have a job.

>> No.10145280


>> No.10145347
File: 87 KB, 640x628, D7E96FCA-183C-4D0C-BF8A-EFFA553ECF5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth

>> No.10145365
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>> No.10145370

things that never happened.

>> No.10145661

I work in a public university, been here for 8 years.

>> No.10145665

Something people say about my love life, and yet none the less I have herpeghonnasyphilaids.

>> No.10145975

>The power of attention is great.
Yes I agree. But it only works in a limited way. As far as money making is concerned you are usually limited (with stupid ID laws, bad grades, adolescent behavior problems, etc.) Sometimes you can make a lot. If you're a very talented artist or model or actress etc. But otherwise you have to be a prostitute or work retail or something. Idk. You aren't brought into the social fabric as readily. Which accounts for the the power you have to commend attention. But also forces you into a situation of extreme self-reliance. Not bad I suppose, but very hard. Not everybody can handle it.
Yeah in Thailand it's more or less normal. So the situation there is enviable for that. But they still aren't particularly well respected unless you are very hard working, talented, etc. Idk... Still better than the US. The situation here is way too politically charged for my liking. I think that's a consequence of our not having a long standing or widely recognized social or cultural place in America. So people have no way to think about us except through a political lens. There is no popular "folk" understanding that people grow up with that allows people to "place" us. So it's all politics. And we get mixed up with "Leftists" etc. And seen as somehow being a type of political agent. Really depressing honestly.

>> No.10145986

So you don't even know the difference between psychologists and psychotherapists
Nice, dude

>> No.10146206


>> No.10146208

>pay thousands of dollars for someone to tell you what books to buy for hundreds of dollars

Why didn't someone tell me college was a meme?

>> No.10146226
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so good.

>> No.10146253

Consider the historical context of our civilization.
The Geist of revolution. The French Revolution was pivotal in turning everything upside down. Of course, it is wholly hypocritical, rotten and even based on lies - political prisoners who weren't alive, intentional misunderstanding etc. Well, it brought us quite a few values. Hierarchy got its lethal blow there. Technology and masses began their replacement campaigns, targeting honor and tradition. Human rights and equality? They weren't a thing for every class, even if the propaganda was. How else would you kill monarchs, if they were equal and their life had value?
However, it was realized that humans could change society quite freely. Society and civilization was demystified, although this was fully understood only recently.

Now, regardless of that, technology started its march against the old world, and won everywhere. The rise of technology and knowledge brought us the idea of universal progression, a myth that would live long. The revolutionaries were not in unison, and a multitude of ideas began their life. The French revolution brought with it a mystification and deification of revolution itself. Later expressed fully in Russia, and currently in the West. Although the West has adopted pacifism as a result of technology, consumerism and mass manipulation post-WW2 and cold war, so it is less violent. The progressives were brought to a halt in world wars and after the fall of the Soviet Union. The ideals didn't carry on quite as well as they had hoped. So a clinical, hyper-secular approach to knowledge was produced. Not only to apply the achievements of other ideologies, but to achieve 'greater success' according to ones own. The conflict of ideas, and the devastating wars, psychological horrors, and exchange of ideas (in hopes to attain more points) brought into attention the notion that objective reality was the same across the board. So how would you rate claims or systems? Remember; the hiararchy was the first to go. Every attempt to reclaim it was brutally murdered, no questions asked.

The technology has produced societies that are, by all allowed metrics, heavens on Earth. However, in order to even have functional humans within these societies, they need to be chemically altered so that they bother to stay around, brainwashed to worship the state, or repugnantly lied to so that they would join the societies from abroad. No method seems to work. In the meantime, the revolutionaries go on, eating more of the good that is left around. They don't even have enemies any more, but they have to devour more. They need something to revolt against, so they invent them. It's not hard, first you have to buy yourself from a set of offerings.

>> No.10146279

I don't know why people lump joe rogan in as either intellectual or pseud. He doesn't claim to be particularly smart or insightful on any subject other than martial arts. He knows his job is to ask good questions and let the other guy talk.

>> No.10146292

Kill yourself you uneducated lying faggot

>> No.10146336

Can you really ask good questions if you have very little knowledge on the subject matter though?

>> No.10146608

Don't be that guy. Yes, you can. He's got a foundational knowledge of a lot of subjects bridging the gap between your average american and a specialist in a field. And all you need to ask good questions is a generally critical attitude and a distrust in appeals to authority.

>> No.10147693

It is perfect for a certain time in life to train someone to be able to teach themselves and become an adult. Most people in the world can't do this. If you skip uni or bluff your way through uni it is much harder. Unis should NOT let people bluff their way through, though that is what they are doing more and more.

>> No.10147720

he definitely doesn't pretend to be intellectual himself but his "fascination" with intellectual guests seems exaggerated and pseudy. it's not so much with political talk but with some of the scientists he's had on.

>> No.10147726

you can probe, and you can keep invites exclusive to people who are able to speak for themselves.

>> No.10147774
File: 230 KB, 800x1793, modern life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing r9k
>someone links this Peterson video
>cancel my neetbux subscription
>turn my life around
This man is right about everything. I challenge you to watch his Little Mermaid clip and his reading of Vonnegut's short story followed by his Nietzsche quote (all here) and not have some great truth imparted unto you.

Peterson is the cure to the modern.

>> No.10147778

>he didn't watch Fear Factor after school
fucking lmao m8

>> No.10148228

>implying that modern psychology isn't a shitshow
The jungian concepts that JP rips off of are still hundreds of years ahead of the garbage that passes for psych right now. BRB nigger tier "CBT" is going to cure my ills

>> No.10148238

The thing is, is that JP is actually a really intelligent guy with interesting things to say; but he has a shit fan base, and he’s too involved in the culture wars.

His lectures on meaning and the like are genuinely interesting and he has intelligent things to say on the topic of psychoanalytics; if only he’d just stick to that.

>> No.10148240
File: 43 KB, 357x499, 51m0btkS-nL._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when a pseud acts intellectual b/c of their rogan and podcasts, who do you tell them you read?

for me it's everyone within the marxist tradition of social theory.

>> No.10148242
File: 613 KB, 1800x1261, 56811472_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about a guy who just attached his name to a website that charges 10$ for a personality quiz. He's shilling it on his channel now as a way to "know yourself"l. One look at that and his Patreon makes it clear what his goals are.

>> No.10148243

he is identity politics, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.10148249

He has a good message and that's all. His concepts are all 100% unoriginal, and almost entirely derived from a simplistic reading of Jung. However, he happens to exist at a time where psychology is such an abject, festering pile of shit that his mediocrity is genius in comparison.

>> No.10148264

His series of lectures on biblical meaning was fairly well done; I had watched it when he first became a thing without the stigma of being attached to political ideologies. But I suppose you are right in that it’s purely based on the current state of psychology.

>> No.10148271 [DELETED] 

Peterson is completely idealist, and he has absolutely no dialectics, he does nothing but atomize and repeat the cultural logic of his material conditions and thus the ruling ideology of neoliberalism. the fact that he is tenured only shows how bourgeois and conservative the university is. When he talks he has a corpse of the Real in his mouth.

>> No.10148274

>that short story
Vonnegut is a lot better than he's memed around here to be. I've been conditioned to instantly meet anyone mentioning Slaughterhouse 5 or Cat's Cradle with disdain, but that was a good story.

>> No.10148280

sort yourself out is neoliberal

>> No.10148299

>free speech advocates, viciously defending a man for not saying words

>> No.10149303

this desu
He's not original, but he's right

>> No.10150336

Am I really lying?


Original in portuguese: http://www.ilisp.org/noticias/universidade-federal-cria-disciplina-de-afro-matematica-contra-matematica-racista/

I work in a federal university (not this) and like I said in >>10145661 I've been working here for 8 years.

>> No.10150369
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>> No.10150631
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I don't agree with Althusser's politics, but I respect him for putting his wife on her place #MGTOW

>> No.10150738

Brazil is USA's long lost retarded twin. I'm amazed by some of the cultural similarities, you got ancaps, screeching sjws, the wide open frontier, widespread malignant narcissism, etc. etc.

>> No.10150750
File: 96 KB, 636x822, DMLqiCwWAAElq1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we stop the satanic lgbt movement from indoctrinating children?


>> No.10150826

Praise Slaanesh!

>> No.10151360

Please remember that a majority of the world's population isn't remarkably intelligent.

I take no issue when an accessible form of media introduces the masses to more complex things like the morality of legislation and the legitimacy of moral claims.

Maybe these folks aren't for you, but I give anybody props who can get plebs to consider concepts beyond what's for dinner.

>> No.10151374

This shit lines up so directly with Freud's writing on aim-inhibited love and suppression of the individual that it almost seems like a satirical response to it

>> No.10151484


Some seem to approach Peterson in a short-sighted or self-serving light, only judging him by a metric of literary ingenuity or originality or by measuring academics in their portion of knowledge they hold over others. Like as though the ultimate mark of academic excellence is how much smarter you are than others, and to hold that as the trophy in itself.

Peterson does not profess to be an inventor of any new philosophies, or even to be one of the first to rediscover the figures he praises, he works to turn the authors he preaches from appreciable philosophy into practicable action. Peterson doesn't need to reinvent the wheel because what he does is try to bring what he's learned to common people. Peterson is more commendable for how he tries to affect change in the world than an individual who is a thousand books smart and the only thing he has to show for it is his claim to being a thousand books smart.

>> No.10151716

Sam Harris wrote a shitty book about atheism around the same time a dawkins book came out

>Jordan peterson
>alt right

>> No.10151735

>Peterson literally made a 1 hour video explaining why the disabled don't deserve help
the alt right is retarded

>> No.10151883
File: 397 KB, 548x430, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 10.37.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaahhh! stop them! stop them before it's too late, oh god! nooooo!

>This is Elliott: Gender-nonconforming Halifax kid hopes to educate, break down stigma

>The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.

>While Elliott often used blue (he), pink (she), or yellow (they) bracelets to show Kym which pronoun they preferred before they started school, after a rough first couple months in primary they decided on boy clothing and he pronouns after being teased.


>> No.10151923
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 686UApfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be like, cool with homosexuals and all that, but the sheer degeneracy of the so called 'lgbt community' has turned me into an unironic homophobic, transophobic alt right skinhead. Just watch this video and tell me it doesn't make you feel AT LEAST a little homophobic. And it's sponsored by fucking GOOGLE, known globalist deep state corporation. Gee, maybe there's some sort of shady agenda. Here's myy guy showing you what he thinks of the Gay agenda.


>> No.10151952
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>> No.10151991

Agreed, but desu she's in much less danger of being molested in this situation than in most socially acceptable situations.

>> No.10151992
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>> No.10152019

why do gays do this?

>> No.10152047

why not?
do they look like they care. me neither.

>> No.10152051

I don't know. His parents should be shot. The two scenes aren't comparable though. With the girl the guy's hands mouth and dick are in bondage so he can't do much physically. He'd have to forego his social role as a submissive and break out of his bondage before committing any sort of assault.

>> No.10152060

Why? That looks cool.

>> No.10152064
File: 400 KB, 575x433, Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 8.58.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel horrified to live in a world in which sodomy is the highest of all values and every true conviction is feared and shunned. lgbt rights have become a religion. the corporate world and the governement use sodomy to justify themselves, like the kings of old recurred to the Church to justify their earthly power. I'm an heretic, a renegade white man, taking a stance against the PC dogmas of our age, think Luther, Galileo, that's who I am. to put it in Marxist terms, sodomy has become a fundamental part of the state ideology apparatus.

>> No.10152068

Gays are no longer cool, it's not 2008 anymore, being gay/transgender is about the most normie thing you can do. Straight is the new counterculture.

>> No.10152085

New pasta

>> No.10152090
File: 119 KB, 1200x678, alt right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before this shit thread dies, I just want to say that Jorden Peterson is a dimwit who only talks about countering radical leftists instead of doing something constructive. Antifa and /pol/ are two sides of the same coin of identity politics, which is in of itself a distraction from more pending issues. I wish assholes like Peterson and Milo would just stop and become irrelevant, the average leftist is not the crazy academia type. Just screw trump and all these pot-stirring alt right sjws. OK rant over

>> No.10152092

>this is actually how most of 4chan thinks

>> No.10152096

whats a pronoun?

>> No.10152100

You know whats funny, is that the alt right will cave itself in eventually. I mean just look at that meme. It was made by someone from the alt-right who felt these people weren't puritan enough.
Eventually, after a couple of years of the alt right being mainstream, 4chan in general will begin to hate on it, and it will all come crashing down.

>> No.10152119

This will not work though. The overlap between roganism, alt-right lite and scientism is too big and thus Althusser will be dismissed as a cultural marxist """""cuck"""""

>> No.10152170

My political journey:

generic woke socialist>>>Althusser>>>MAGA! MAGA!>>>Deleuze>>>>Dugin, Nick Land, Junger, Miguel Serrano, Charles Manson, Esoteric Hitler death cult 2018

>> No.10152314

few of them have been in college or university, they just imagine cultural marxism exists there but can't ever give an example, same with films and television, it seems none of them really watch or understand it. the more you ask for examples of cultural marxism the more they realize how stupid they are and that they're just parroting somethng they didn't understand.

>> No.10152340

Yeah, seems like i'm too much of a rube to understand the sophistication of this

>> No.10152352

see you can ask them what the hell that has to do with commodity form, dialectical materialism, relations of production, the job they have to go to every day, their low wage, how rich their ceo is, the global movement of capital, precariatization, proletarianization, class antagonism - and since it doesn't how exactly could it be marxist, isn't it on television to make money for some capitalist anyway?

>> No.10152362

what if the only true 'class conflict' is that which pits the ZOG machine against redpilled white heteros like myself?

>> No.10152365

sorry what you're talking about is identity politics, I hate idpol and wish it never existed, you liberals and conservatives need to knock that shit off and read some marx, and organize as a class, not an identity

>> No.10152434


>You know whats funny, is that the alt right will cave itself in eventually. I mean just look at that meme. It was made by someone from the alt-right who felt these people weren't puritan enough.

We're seeing it now with the left and the "left eating itself". The guy who made this picture is shaping up to ruin the alt right in the exact same way.

Not that I care, though.

>> No.10152435


>> No.10152492

Sam Harris is autistic

>> No.10153195

Bullshit I've heard Joe Rogan deliberately lying and misrepresenting things more than once. He and some of his guests are occasionally worth listening to though.

>> No.10153370

anybody with a misplaced sense of street cred who refuses to put in the hard work it takes to make counter intuitive concepts digestible for the public at large just ends up preaching to the choir

all i'm saying is that if i was a 'thinker' and i was really scared of what people thought of me and i wanted to safely preserve my sense of intellectual superiority then i would disguise my ideas with intentionally inaccessible writing to gatekeep as many people from reading them as possible

>> No.10153402

>People call inanimate dick-and-vagainaless objects "he" and "she" in plenty of other languages all the time; gender is a more or less empty concept.

You don't think someone would do that would you? Just be completely illiterate on the topic of linguistics.
We just refer to grammatical gender as "gender" because it makes it an easier concept to understand because gender is something biologically observable to all people

>> No.10153409

>its their own problem really
Reported you to the police for victim blaming

>> No.10154338

Wtf?! Lmao. Why do you have to martyr yourself? It's just butt sex. Jesus Christ and now your Luther and Galileo!

>> No.10154374

>You know whats funny, is that the alt right will cave itself in eventually.

the alt right is just a preview of the future for whites amidst demographic decline, the first seismic tremor. the people we are importing to replace our 0.8 child families have no particular interest in maintaining our cultural traditions, traditions which we like to affect a pose of ironic indifference or even hostility towards, but to which we are actually highly attached.

politics eventually becomes tribal in all sufficiently multiracial nations. even many of those who hate the 'alt right' right now will join in circling the wagons in 10 or 20 years

>> No.10154441
File: 3.67 MB, 3368x2397, 1506982483779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>podcast intellectual
You mean when did intellectual people begin broadcasting their thoughts?

Earliest I can think if is Ezra Pound, back when Fascist Italy was a thing he actually ran his own radio station where he talked about fascism and shit. Then there was Radio Free Europe which arguably was one of the major factors that lead to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956

>> No.10154448

Is this a pasta from tumblr?

>> No.10154543

>Before this shit thread dies, I just want to say that Jorden Peterson is a dimwit who only talks about countering radical leftists instead of doing something constructive.
Nothing could be falser, 99% of Peterson's content is about the individual helping and improving himself.

>> No.10154939

The problem isn't that he wouldn't use the pronouns because he said he would if a student politely requested that of him. What he objects to is making the usage of them mandatory(!) on someone's request. Look into it more, jesus fuck.

>> No.10154993

that's exactly why you should take him seriously.

>> No.10155001

>i actually figured it out. it's church
this has been pointed out a billion times before you and been acknowledged by peterson, slowpoke