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/lit/ - Literature

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1014734 No.1014734 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1014754

0/10 gtfo.

>> No.1014795

this book changed my life

>> No.1014812

If its anything like The Fountain you'll be lucky to get through ~150 pages. Good luck with the other 800

>> No.1014828
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"Good" book.
Only lefties hate it.

>> No.1014854
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>The Fountain

>> No.1014861



That book is getting to my head.(no pun intended)

>> No.1014866

on a related note
ive noticed this book being sold in places it used to not be sold in
(target, wallmart, walgreens)
does /lit/ have anything to do with it?

>> No.1014867

The fact that you put good in quotation marks makes me question if it truly is.

Having never read it I can't comment on what is good or bad about it, but from the discussions I've read, you seem to be correct about the kind of people who tend to vehemently dislike it.

>> No.1014884


No, the Economy and Obama government has something to do with ti though


>> No.1014894


is beck or someone pushing it?

>> No.1014904
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Dont think so. He's probably more liberal

>> No.1014905

>implying beck or anyone that follows the fool can read

>> No.1014913

Canadian here, I blame this so called "tea party" movement I keep hearing about.

>> No.1014965


I only ever read it because a friend of mine told me to check it out. He knew I was into philosophy. I honestly never finished it because I picked up her non-fiction and couldn't stop reading.

Objectivism is awesome. At least I think so. It seems to be pretty well hated in the philosophical world though.

Also, Rand hated libertarians. Were she alive today she would be disgusted at the TEA movement's love for her books.

>> No.1014968

Can I give you guys some sage advice?

>> No.1014987

One generation after another suddenly discovers Ayn's works, buys the fuck out of them, and then it cools down. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

A lot of philosophers don't have any influence during their lifetime and never do, some influence after death, others have influence during their lifetime but it goes away after death. Right now, we're seeing that Ayn Rand's influence blossomed during her lifetime and is now slowly growing in influence.

I don't know why, but young people tend to be very drawn to the woman's philosophy. Is it her focus on individualism, her certainty, her hard line confidence in being right? Perhaps these kids are tired from bullshit in every other field of life and get attracted to Objectivism, which contrasts with the stuff Nietzsche and Kant wrote.

>> No.1014992

So the two generations you mean?

>> No.1014994

Yeah, what is it?

>> No.1015001


>I don't know why, but young people tend to be very drawn to the woman's philosophy. Is it her focus on individualism, her certainty, her hard line confidence in being right?

I think it's simply the fact that it feeds into(and justifies) their egotism. They haven't yet been humbled by life.

>> No.1015011

Starting with "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged"?

>> No.1015013

i dont' know why /lit/ hates on ayn rand so much
this is her best imo, the only one i liked

>> No.1015018

Cause it's against the rules to talk about her

>> No.1015022

Why is Atlas Shrugged her most popular work? The book is a trainwreck.

Rand wasn't a terrible writer, but Atlas was awful.

Objectivitvism is a joke, regardless.

>> No.1015023

that seems pretty childish

>> No.1015024

I liek how everyone ignores that rule, and it barely starts arguments because the arguments have been done to death.

>> No.1015025

Throughout my course of existence I will make sure that I'm never "humbled".

>> No.1015028

He wasn't just saying that, it actually is

>> No.1015034

You have to give her credit for making philosophy relevant to the mainstream through fiction novels, and for her undying passion to make them recognize the importance of philosophy.

The ivory tower philosophers hated this, however, because such popular philosophy discussion holds them accountable for their bullshit nonsense.

>> No.1015035


Those are famous last words, if I've ever heard them.

>> No.1015040

This is why it's a rule. Posts like this. Come on guys.

>> No.1015042

The only alternative is a lifetime of delusions of grandeur.

>> No.1015043

Sounds like something Ayn Rand would said, considering that throughout her entire life, she never once was humbled by anyone or anything.

>> No.1015045

it hurts

>> No.1015051


link to rule?

And Atlas could have done without the sex scenes.

>> No.1015050




>> No.1015053

I swear to God that if anyone ever tells me that "there are no absolutes", or that "we can't be sure of existence" or "reality is just an invention of our consciousness" I won't hesitate to slap them right in the face, on the spot.

>> No.1015055

You can't just find it yourself?

Here you go faggot: http://www.4chan.org/rules#lit

>> No.1015058

Oh don't mind me.

>> No.1015061

Right. She talked about things THEY don't want you to know!

>> No.1015064


>> No.1015068

there are no absolutes except that consciousness creates reality and we can't be sure of it

>> No.1015069


Rules 1 and 4 contradict.

Ayn Rand would not be pleased

>> No.1015072

It's very sad to see that by current standards, the recognition of objective reality, reason, and rational self-interest are considered "delusions".

>> No.1015075

kind of like The Matrix, right?

>> No.1015076


To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one’s thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one’s mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality.

>> No.1015079
File: 31 KB, 400x400, s_thompson_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just so clever.

>> No.1015083

moot should check his premises

>> No.1015091

>implying thompson is even close to being as good as rand

>> No.1015096


>implying HST wouldn't punch that cunt in the face while tripping mushrooms and then write the greatest novel about it.

>> No.1015097

I'm not the anon who implied that many young people have yet to be "humbled", but I find myself confused as to the point of your post. No one specifically pointed you out, so it's strange that you seem to take offense.

Regardless, if you're on this board, I assume that you're well-read. Even if you're not, nearly everyone is forced to read certain books/plays/poems as they go through school. Plays such as Sophocles' "Oedipus the King", for example, or similar tragedies. If you have read such books, then wouldn't you agree that many things in life aren't necessarily under our control? Do you think Oedipus expected to be humbled?

I don't personally care about your life, and for all I know you will lead a perfect life without being humbled, but history and literature are filled with people who felt similarly to you and were met with the cruelty of the world.

>> No.1015108


That's just fucking stupid. of course contradictions can exist.

>> No.1015112

>That's just fucking stupid.

An apt summary of the thread.

>> No.1015133

I equated "humbled" with "rejection of my philosophy" due to being defeated in some way. As if "life" contained a right which would at some point smack down my wrong, and reduce me to adopting the correct philosophy.

>wouldn't you agree that many things in life aren't necessarily under our control?

Sure, but I reject the view that an individual’s thoughts and actions are the inevitable result of factors (heredity, environment, etc) which aren't under our control. Emphasis on "inevitable".

>> No.1015138

Me again, sorry I forgot to sage.

>> No.1015147

Here's the full quote:

>A contradiction cannot exist. An atom is itself, and so is the universe; neither can contradict its own identity; nor can a part contradict the whole. No concept man forms is valid unless he integrates it without contradiction into the total sum of his knowledge. To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one’s thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one’s mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality.

and another

>The Law of Identity (A is A) is a rational man’s paramount consideration in the process of determining his interests. He knows that the contradictory is the impossible, that a contradiction cannot be achieved in reality and that the attempt to achieve it can lead only to disaster and destruction. Therefore, he does not permit himself to hold contradictory values, to pursue contradictory goals, or to imagine that the pursuit of a contradiction can ever be to his interest.

Could I ask you to draw a square circle, or a round square?

>> No.1015156

The explanation just makes it all a tad less intelligible, unfortunate for everybody that laps it up.

It's still nonsense. It's just packaged in more nonsense.

>> No.1015157

"Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned."

>> No.1015162 [DELETED] 

>implying Ayn Rand wrote literature

In the words of the great Prabhakar Ragde:
"I think I hate any authors. Well, I hate Ayn Rand, but she doesn't count."

>> No.1015166

In other news today, Ayn Rand proven wrong by a cat owned by a man named schrodinger. More news at eleven.

captcha: casually always

>> No.1015168

>implying Ayn Rand wrote literature

In the words of the great Prabhakar Ragde:
"I could never hate an author. Well, I hate Ayn Rand, but she doesn't count."

>> No.1015170
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>> No.1015171

Try reading Aristotle's formulation of "The Law of Non-Contradiction" and see if it comes out as more clear to you.

>> No.1015191


u mad?

>> No.1015206

>In the words of the great Prabhakar Ragde

Who? Is he a magician or something?

>> No.1015231

"The all-encompassing nature of the Randian line may be illustrated by an incident that occurred to a friend of mine who once asked a leading Randian if he disagreed with the movement’s position on any conceivable subject. After several minutes of hard thought, the Randian replied: "Well, I can’t quite understand their position on smoking." Astonished that the Rand cult had any position on smoking, my friend pressed on: "They have a position on smoking? What is it?" The Randian replied that smoking, according to the cult, was a moral obligation. In my own experience, a top Randian once asked me rather sharply, "How is it that you don’t smoke?" When I replied that I had discovered early that I was allergic to smoke, the Randian was mollified: "Oh, that’s OK, then."

The official justification for making smoking a moral obligation was a sentence in Atlas where the heroine refers to a lit cigarette as symbolizing a fire in the mind, the fire of creative ideas. (One would think that simply holding up a lit match could do just as readily for this symbolic function.) One suspects that the actual reason, as in so many other parts of Randian theory, from Rachmaninoff to Victor Hugo to tap dancing, was that Rand simply liked smoking and had the need to cast about for a philosophical system that would make her personal whims not only moral but also a moral obligation incumbent upon everyone who desires to be rational."


>> No.1015234

He operates magic carpets in Persia, I thought everyone knew that

>> No.1015235

You will be, faggot.

>> No.1015236
File: 194 KB, 830x830, trollrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>61 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

it's still effective? I admire this troll

>> No.1015250

>somebody posts picture of atlas shrugged cover
>59 replies

stay classy /lit/