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10145261 No.10145261 [Reply] [Original]

Starting with the most obvious example. If this was written today, it would easily pass for some emo or /r9k/ teenager's ramblings.

>> No.10145268

your diary desu

>> No.10145326

will i am shake is speare

its ageing better now with the emoticons and wpp adaptions

>> No.10145357

Nah, my diary aged well because I only wrote
>what I fap to
>when I fapped to it
in it, every day.

>> No.10145393

I disagree. I think it aged extremely well, for that very same reason.
When I was a teenager, this book really spoke to me, and it should for almost all teens.
Just because its edgy at times doesn't mean the whole message of the book should be written off. I heard another poster say that you need to have lived / understand where Holden is coming from to enjoy the book, or at least still be in touch with your teenage side.

>> No.10145542

Mark Twain books.

Lots of racism in em

>> No.10146754
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>> No.10147275

>still be in touch with your teenage side
i can't even fucking imagine what that must feel like

>> No.10147309
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Absolutely agree OP.
For me, definitely Lord of the flies. Maybe it's because expectations were too high but I found myself barely able to get through it. Garbage

>> No.10147415

Tequila Mockingbird desu. Only remembered because of the time it was released.

>> No.10147426

no fear shakespeare as well - really brought King Lear alive for me and helped me identify with the characters

>> No.10147428

>need to have lived / understand where Holden is coming from

Yea, or Lost fucking Angeles.

>> No.10147435

I read this at age 21 and I realized I still have the mental maturity of Holden Caulfield.

>> No.10147563

Yes because you're still a child just like all 21 year olds and the rest of the collegefags are.

>> No.10147578

I think you are right. College is a social disease.

>> No.10148721

Good point. Lord of the Flies also aged badly because it portrays children acting Alpha as fuck, little 6 year olds building civilization guided by 10 year olds.

If it happened today, all the numale boys would just die within 24 hours.

>> No.10148753

Caulfield's feeling of alienation actually isn't really that of teeenage angst. It would seem that way to a goy, but really it's the feeling of the jew such as (((Salinger))) in a gentile society that that he must assimilate to, yet feels is culturally inferior to that of his own group. Its just another of the many jewish critiques of western culture.

>> No.10148982

the reality is that anyone who doesn't "get" or "empathise" with holden most likely has autism

you don' have to "relate" to him, but if you can't "understand" him, then yeah, you're autistic

>> No.10148991

>the reality is that anyone who doesn't "get" or "empathise" with holden most likely has autism
Holden had aspreger syndrome tho

>> No.10149005

i understand him and i think he's a fucking retarded tween but girls and numales will wet their pants at the mere mention of his name

>> No.10149012

I'm sorry but Lilting Miss Martha Tilton deserved more books to be written about her rendition of Rabbie Burns and confusion caused in young men thereafter.

>> No.10149118


>> No.10149181

Out of Africa

>> No.10149344

Well, what makes CitR "great" instead of just good is it's place in Salinger's entire extended corpus. For instance, Catcher was "really" written by Salinger's character and alter ego Buddy Glass, based on his (Buddy's) own (fictional) childhood. That's pretty cool, and that sort of connection means that Salinger fans tend to have an "inexplicable" like of Catcher.

Even on it's own, Catcher has plenty of merits. I'm not really a fan, but it avoids bloat without being as stripped-down and sterilized as Hemingway. To the extent that you, the reader, "identify" with Holden or hate him for being a snotty little shit, in relatively few pages Salinger's drawn a quite strong character, and one whose existence is pretty fucking far from the author's current experience...while letting the author's actual feelings peek out just a bit around the edges. And there's plenty of great scenery. The "Holden rapes Phoebe" meme didn't just come out of nowhere; that scene (in Phoebe's bedroom) has a real sense of warmth and intimacy in stark contrast to the rest of the novel. That was completely deliberate on Salinger's part. And that sort of control puts it way above some actual teenager's social media shitposting.

>> No.10149368

Sounds like pasta.

>> No.10149415

>stripped-down and sterilized as Hemingway

Oh, child...

>> No.10149537

>not constantly reflecting where you came from
>not analysing your past to draw conclusions about your present
>not looking back in happy memory, either because you were fulfilled or improved
Gnothi yourself my man.

>> No.10149540

No, you'll find that on /lit/ the majority of us are willing to actually express our thoughts in more than phone-posted, one sentence tidbits. I'm sure you're new here, but if you want to stick around you'll get with the program. Otherwise, you'll get the fuck out.

>> No.10149548

>buying into the iceberg theory
Come on. I like Hem, he‘s a great storyteller. But that‘s about it. His works are devoid of any embellishment.

>> No.10149580
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You seem to be butthurt.

>> No.10149583


>> No.10149585

It's more like the other way around

>> No.10149590

Joke's on you kiddo, I'm from /v/. Also, I never read a single book in my life.

>> No.10149601

Ah, yes, that explains a lot about your behavior. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.10149621

Books in general; they all aged badly.

>> No.10149646

I disagree completely. Books are among the few mediums that DON'T age badly.