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/lit/ - Literature

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10148920 No.10148920 [Reply] [Original]

>neechee ackshully hated antisemites go back to /pol/
>the Jews achieved that miracle of inversion of values thanks to which life on earth has for a couple millennia acquired a new and dangerous fascination—their prophets fused ‘rich’, ‘godless’, ‘evil’, ‘violent’, ‘sensual’ into one and were the first to coin the word ‘world’ as a term of infamy. It is this inversion of values (with which is involved the employment of the word for ‘poor’ as a synonym for ‘holy’ and ‘friend’) that the significance of the Jewish people resides: with them there begins the slave revolt in morals.

>> No.10148922

Hating Jews is not 1:1 with thinking Judaism is "slave morality"

>> No.10148926

Maybe I should have written ‘neechee ackshully admired he jews’ for what the Redditfags say. He certainly didn’t admire slave morality, he thought the Jews started slave morality so it stands to reason that he didn’t think highly of the Jews.

>> No.10148933
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Nietzsche was well known for being an anti-anti-semite, but I think he would have been of a different mind if he could see the West today.

Sure, the 19th C had the odd Jewish banking family and subversive ideologues like Marx. And there were questions about assimilation. But look at (((America))) today. I doubt his sceptical attitude would have missed their destructive roles in the media, finance, hollywood, academia and lobbies.

>> No.10148934

The fact that his go-to critique of other philosophers is essentially just to claim that they must be kikes should have tipped them off.

>> No.10148940
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>Maybe I should have written ‘neechee ackshully admired he jews’ for what the Redditfags say

So you admit you are engaging in a strawman. No matter, it was blatant from the get-go.

I'll level with you: Why don't you take this imaginary conceit up with whatever imaginary subreddit it is that universally adheres to this interpretation of Knee-Chi you find so abhorrent, instead of fishing for approval here?

>> No.10148947

Do you really think Rabbis would agree with your post, or disagree with OP over the text containing anti-Semitism?

>> No.10148952

It's not even subtle any more. Anti semitic groups have adapted their recruitment tactics to literary message boards. This is not ironic racism or the organic transformation of an online literary community into anti semites. This is someone being paid to provide the appearance of a Nazi population on a message board in hopes of brute force converting people.

>> No.10148959
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>> No.10148960
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ya hit the nail on the hed

>> No.10148967
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>Both sides think the other is full of shills, and not just trolls.

>> No.10148972

>He certainly didn’t admire slave morality

>the grander, most successful expression of will-to-power in history
>not admirable

>> No.10148985

>will, a concept completely absent in middle-eastern culture

>nepotistic desert rats

>> No.10148990

I see both arguments being used.

>> No.10148996

>t. /leftypol/

>> No.10148999

>will, a concept completely absent in middle-eastern culture
Come back once you've actually read Nietzsche.

>> No.10149000

Already have. Come back when you've read Spengler.

>> No.10149001

are you genuinely trying to make a case that nietzsche was pro-slave morality?

>> No.10149006

Admiring slave morality doesn't mean being a proponent of slave morality. It was Nietzsche's main enemy but definitely admirable.

>> No.10149018
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>The alt-right are misinterpreting Neechee
>The same people: there is no right interpretation of literature or truth in our postmodern world

>> No.10149041

nietzsche wasn't a philosemite, but he wasn't a /pol/-style antisemite, either. he was impressed with individual jews and respected the race for their intelligence and tenacity among other things, but he shared the prejudices of most germans of his day and saw them as vulgar, money-grubbing, etc. the distinction is that the same envy and resentment he saw in jews he also saw in antisemites, and this was a big part of his objection to the antisemites of his day.

he also disliked nationalism, but not for the reasons as the average /lit/ poster. the primary reason he hated nationalism is because he considered it a form of populism. he sort of lumped nationalism, socialism, and anarchism all in the same category. to him, it was all demagoguery, and he didn't want any part of it.

these are things the people who smugly complain about "nazis" appropriating his ideology never mention. ditto the fact that he loathed democracy and universal suffrage, equated increased female influence with civilizational decline, spoke favorably of the laws of manu, described black people as being representative of prehistoric man, etc.

the nazi conception of nietzsche, while not accurate, at least has some basis in truth. the cuddly liberal conception of nietzsche that gets passed around these days is pure fantasy.

>> No.10149049

you are too stuck in your bipartisan bicameral mind to understand nietzsche
sorry anon its terminal unless you stop visiting /pol/, reddit, twitter immediately

>> No.10149051



>> No.10149069

>nietzsche lived to see hitler's rise to power cringe video

>> No.10149070


>> No.10149308

Ugh, another pleb who thinks that slave morality is bad because it has the word "slave" in it.

>> No.10149342

Sorry for having different opinions to you. Your interpretation of Neechee is clearly and objectively the only true interpretation. O learn’d /leftypol/ poster enlighten me, teach me to the ways of the Untermensch.

>> No.10149345

Nietzsche did not assign value to these statements, he was merely describing his observations. At no point Nietzsche says that slave morality is worse than master morality, but in every single one of his books he stated that they had to be overcome. Get a grip and stop letting Nietzsche think for yourself.

>> No.10149385

>reading and coming to different conclusions than me means that you are not thinking for your self
I think you’ve only ever read summaries of Neechee on /leftypol/. ‘At no point Nietzsche says that slave morality is worse than master morality’, this is false. He clearly saw master morality as being preferable for the individual.

>> No.10149422

>I think you’ve only ever read summaries of Neechee on /leftypol/.
/leftypol/? Leftism has nothing to do with what I'm saying. What a tool.

>He clearly saw master morality as being preferable for the individual.
Quite the opposite, he thought that the subjects had to live miserable lives, and who rose on top was more often than not miserable and mentally ill. This is from BGE, but I'm sure you have not really read it, you're just promoting master morality because it has the word "master" in it.

>> No.10149434

Why are you unable to hold 2 thought in your head at the same time

>judaism = slave morality
>jews are smart

Neither of those imply

>joos r bad
>joos r good

They imply exactly what they say, stop trying to dumb ideas down.

>> No.10149462

Don't bother. This isn't about Nietzsche, and is only marginally about jews.

>> No.10149502

Fuck you’re insufferable.

>> No.10149511

t. shlomo goldbergstein

>> No.10149515

>They imply exactly what they say, stop trying to dumb ideas down.

Which is exactly what I've said.


>> No.10150451

>unironically devoting time to discussing Nietzsche

He was a frustrated blubbering idiot who was incapable of developing a coherent philosophical system. Unless you're a 15 yo girl in the throes of babby's first existential crisis, you have absolutely no excuse to read and discuss Nietzsche

>> No.10150520

Zionism is a very Nietzchean philosophy.

>> No.10150618

But Anon, the idea that there is not necessarily one correct interpretation of a given work is not inherently mutually exclusive with the idea that works can definitely be misinterpreted!

>> No.10150636

Retarded frogposter

>> No.10150679

Can someone tell me what site that filename format is from? I've been seeing a lot of shitposters use it and I want to know what website I'm dealing with.

>> No.10150700

It's called your mom's porn site.