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10147334 No.10147334 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any novels that are written from the perspective of a terrorist?

>> No.10147336

Gimme a year

>> No.10147337

I'll give you two

>> No.10147342

Are you writing one?

>> No.10147345

My diary desu

>> No.10147346
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>> No.10147347


>> No.10147350

Just read the biography of Muhammad. Also, I'm pretty sure the Taliban were working on a biography of Mulla Mohammad Omar.

>> No.10147352

My diary desu. Though most of the terrorist-y stuff is happening in the sequel.

I think there is some YA book about a bus full of kids getting hijacked, which has bits from terrorist POV too.

>> No.10147355

Causeing commies to wet their beds in ineffectual rage isn't "terror" anon.

>> No.10147362
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My Twisted World

>> No.10147364

John Fucking Updike wrote one, I think. Called "Terrorist"

>> No.10147373

Thanks, an actual answer.

>> No.10147379

doris lessing - the good terrorist

>> No.10147387
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Within a few months of being in office he approved a drone strike that even Obummer, kang of drone strikes disapproved of, on account of it being too risky. An eight year old girl, an American citizen, died in that strike, along with other civilians.

The truth is drone boy the fat dotard is a sad little pervert terrorist supervillain, no better than Weinstein, epstein, or any of his other perv pals. Sad!

>> No.10147449

youre pathetic dude

>> No.10147471

Did he intend, specifically, the death of that little girl with direct intent to use the terror of such an act to acheive his own ends? No? It was just an accident? Then it doesn't fit the definition.
This concludes anon's class; "How To Not Be A Retard 101"

>> No.10147475

Nelson Mandela's writings.

>> No.10147548

The Reluctant Fundamentalist is the closest I know of.

>> No.10147558


>> No.10147567

You have five minutes

>> No.10147709

Borstal Boy

>> No.10147934

Ted /ourguy/ Kazinsky

>> No.10147945

The Quran

>> No.10147953
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Even better, this book is riveting.

>> No.10147955

You got 5 minutes

>> No.10147970


Negligence can lead to a criminal conviction as well as intent.

>> No.10147976

This, the fucker was a terrorist. Church street car bombing I think killed a kid. The feel goodies and powers that be rewrote nelson Mandela as a hero but he was imprisoned for a reason

>> No.10147990

After the First Death by Robert Cormier

>> No.10148151

Charles Manson
Ted Bundy
John Allen Muhammad

>> No.10148185

Walid Shoebat

>> No.10148213

Here's the description of ATTA by Jarett Nobel.

In the summer of 1999, Mohamed Atta defended a master's thesis that critiqued the introduction of Western-style skyscrapers in the Middle East and called for the return of the -Islamic-Oriental city.- Using this as a departure point, Jarett Kobek's novel ATTA offers a fictionalized psychedelic biography of Mohamed Atta that circles around a simple question: what if 9/11 was as much a matter of architectural criticism as religious terrorism?

>> No.10148218

Dammit, Kobek, not Nobel

>> No.10148855

This but unironically for the old Testament

>> No.10148875

Survive! by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.10148878

Sorry, I meant
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
Survive! is a different book entirely.

>> No.10148939

my dream last night.
what the absolute fuck?
I even left a calling card, which was a single vertical red line spray painted across the front of a museum, if anyone can explain to me what the hell that's supposed to mean.

>> No.10148943

Hopefully your cunt bitch mother will be the next accident.

>> No.10149037


Poles are the best revolutionaries and insurgents, it's a shame that we can't get our shit straight, though.

>> No.10149138


>> No.10149162

A book will probably come out eventually with a title like "Allaoops hackbar, or how the occidental world totally lost"

>> No.10149164

Falling Man.

>> No.10149184

The Stranger - Albert Camus

>> No.10149525
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>> No.10149697
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>what is terrorism

>> No.10151297

The Qu'ran.

>> No.10151719

This. One of the best reads I've had in a while. Second close favourite behind, Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.10151729

yea OP just head over to /pol/ ->

>> No.10151736

reluctant fundamentalist

>> No.10151801

>Did he intend, specifically, the death of that little girl
funny, drunk drivers say the same exact thing. hurf durf nobody could have predicted casualties from a drone strike