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/lit/ - Literature

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10135948 No.10135948 [Reply] [Original]

What's your dissertation on /lit/?

>> No.10135954

>that pic

What the fuck happened to paris

>> No.10135957

Shelley and the Hellenistic ideal

>> No.10135966

>Being un-/fa/
Neck yourself

Sounds interesting, how's it going?

>> No.10135979

I wrote my dissertation on real time X-Ray scattering studies of organic semiconductor heterostructure formation.

That was over three years ago. What have I been doing with my life?

>> No.10136061

I assume lecturing while looking for an assistant professor gig

>> No.10136155

Representation of the eternal feminine in Nathanael Hawthornes Scarlet Letter.

>> No.10136165

I wrote one on pensions

>> No.10136169

Another idea mining thread.

Quit now OP

>> No.10136233

Nah I'm pretty set on what I'm doing.

>> No.10136240


The Effect of Laudanum on the Dream Imagery of Samuel Taylor Coleridge

>> No.10136249

Higher dimensional category theory and topos theory and homotopy type theory

>> No.10136260

Getting any traction with that?

>> No.10136264

alphonso lingis

>> No.10136270

And what will you do , @non?

>> No.10136277

I wish. I've been working a shitty industry job unrelated to my research, while comparing postdoc and faculty job postings to my CV and contemplating suicide.

Also sending out applications which are always ignored. And wishing I were a writer.

>> No.10136279

Focusing on linking existential nihilism of the west to east asian thought. Primarily using confessions of a mask, no longer human, and things down that vein.

>> No.10136325


I have my Master's Degree so ... it worked?

>> No.10136335

No longer human sux

>> No.10136357


>> No.10136371
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i prefer dessert!

>> No.10136418

So you should be working on smthing bettered

>> No.10136423

The poetics of mutism in King Lear.

Writing it atm, just started with the introduction. Many people have told me it *sounds* very interesting, but let's see how it actually develops.

>> No.10136436

I'll take your word for it.

>> No.10136444
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You passed!

>> No.10136446

The Preservation of Art and Architecture during the Siege of Leningrad (1941-1944)

>> No.10136449

You won't regret. I expect so much of people here so when I see you wasting time on shit like that, it makes me sad

>> No.10136451

not a dissertation, pleb


>> No.10136465

Doing a treatment on how war is portrayed at different points in literature as some kind of fragmentary, mass hallucination

Doing treatments of three texts

Michael Herr - Dispatches

Brian Turner - Here Bullet

William S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch (for larger, overall cold war stuff)

>> No.10136479


>> No.10136545

Sounds interesting. Expand.

>> No.10136577

>Harold Bloom is misogynistic
>Women get offered lower paying positions
>Anti-tea party rhetoric
Its like a different age

>> No.10136606

that's how college professors talk

>> No.10136607

the alterity of land(scapes) in literature of the long-eighteenth century

>> No.10136647

lingis. dope. I've heard some lingis stories--hes a legend.

>> No.10136654

Schopenhauer much?

>> No.10136656

How is that going? Sounds interesting but not sure what way you're approaching it.


>> No.10136682

Slow and unsteady but I've just begun. Basically looking at how land (particularly land-forms) resist techniques of nationalization through aestheticization in poetry and elsewhere

>> No.10137288


>> No.10137397


>> No.10137400

I would write it on cloud computing or maybe orbital monitoring systems, but I'm not there yet.
And I doubt I'll go to PhD, but maybe I could write it for my Engineering qualification tests or something.

>> No.10137420

The comparative cognitive foundations and well-being impacts of people's worldviews, specifically spirituality, naturalism, and agnosticism.

>> No.10137446

Some poor bastard asked me for a link so hopefully this one still works
A 36k word dissertation about hentai doujins. Not my doing but I almost wish it were.

>> No.10137457

"Living In The Age of The Gross."

>> No.10137926

marxist intellectuals desu

>> No.10138174
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And what's the next step in you masterplan?

>> No.10138212

Cool, my grandpa was stationed a couple kilometers away from the city on the Karelian isthmus when the germans laid siege

>> No.10139881

Didn't write one, went to vocational school for commercial diving. Make $90/hr plus benefits. Have fun with your debt

>> No.10140263

t. brainlet

>> No.10140315

Did near the same for undergrad thesis except concerned 10 or so Shaw plays, from Mrs. Warren's Profession to St. Joan and Heartbreak House. It 'evolves' because in this period Shaw's art does, palpably.

>> No.10140335

>swells to 300 pounds
>works for 12 hours a day
>pisses in a bottle and sleeps in a truck
>develops sleep apnea
>dies in an insomnia-induced car crash
>shortly after your funeral, your family receives a letter in the mail
>it's a pink slip signed by Elon Musk
Have fun with your shit life

>> No.10140395

The aesthetic value of my wife getting stuffed with dark meat

>> No.10140694

Minus the truck and the car crash it sounds like your average 4chan user.

>> No.10140757

Probably to go into a paper arguing that we should use nihilism as the base case for analysis instead of as a general lens.

>> No.10140805

Mine Ba dissertation isn't for two years, but I'm thinking Eastern Orthodoxy and Ecophenomenology.

>> No.10140810

Have you ever read any of the literature on land and alterity in Gilgamesh? It's quite promising and far less obvious than what is present in Romantic literature. Consider what this literature in Gilgamesh could inform you of landscape in 18th century literature.

>> No.10140932

Commercial DIVING, not driving. Of course /lit/ of all places has users who don't know how to read.

>> No.10140956

Silent comedies about the Civil War and the Lost Cause.

>> No.10142185

Why would someone be upset about a post-mortem pink slip? Dead workers don't need wages

>> No.10142255

Really interesting. What have you been reading?

>> No.10142259

don't fuck up the seminar, anon.

>> No.10143433

Is it required to do a masters before you apply for phd? Do you have to already have funding before you apply or do schools in the US figure the finance stuff out for you?

>> No.10143442

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people earn their masters when pursuing a doctorate.

>tfw don't even have my bachelors yet and my drive is almost gone

>> No.10143602

nice. My references were mainly Guénon, Frithjof Schuon and Jung. What were yours?

>> No.10143695

At least for science, a masters is not required for a PhD, though many schools will require you to take less classes during your PhD if you come in with a masters. There are some PhD programs that allow you to earn a masters while working toward a PhD, but this isn't universal. Most schools pay for tuition and a small stipend for up to 5 years during a PhD, though they might require you to teach. Masters programs are usually not funded, even if you teach, unless you have a grant that you or your advisor were awarded. If you aren't sure about a PhD after undergrad I would recommend talking to counselors, undegrads and professors from the fields you are interested for information on fully funded masters programs since professors with find will sometimes advertise a position in their lab provided you work on a predetermined project.

t. A biology M.S. student in a lot of debt.

>> No.10143770

Well the problem is I want to move from a finance BS to English Lit. After going out into the field I feel like I just went with Fin over lit because everyone kept telling me to for the money.

>> No.10143869

Never got the chance to write one but I'd love to do a survey of post-apocalyptic American fiction from 1945 to the present.

I've written up a mock syllabus in a couple /lit/ threads that went nowhere. Still think I might write it one day, just for myself.

>> No.10143899

It's too easy to search so I don't want to say

Any Shavian scholarship recommendations? I know some people are obsessed with him as a forgotten genius and I've always been curious. Also in your thesis topic.

You cited them in a mainstream academic paper? Any recommendations on where they mention the primeval feminine?

>> No.10144732

you should definitely read the electronic revolution (by Burruoughs) if you haven't.
It's an essay about god knows what, but the book takes you from voodoo guerrilla warfare through recording and modifying audio and visual footage, to dianetics and orgon shit, to the ancient mayans and human sacrifice as a means of propaganda and control of masses. It's a fucking romp.

>> No.10144736


>> No.10144749

on Wittgenstein and why I thought everyone was basically dumb with their interpretation of the Tractatus

Now in last year of med school. I feel better than everyone else, but have yet to meet a single person who knows who Wittgenstein is, including other med students who were apparently philosophy majors. Mostly just keep my lit and philosophy power level hidden along with my anime power level nowadays. Whene ver a convo with bros gets good about anything more abstract, if you so much as mention a philosopher name or "classic literature" book everyone just starts screaming how pretentious you are. tfw literally impossible to ever talk about philosophy or good literature again because their mere mention is considered pretentious and you dont want to seem like a cunt, and at most you can say "oh yeah I read that too, i thought it was gud" whereupon any further comment is not appreciated and flatly offensive


>> No.10145135

he isn't effay at all you faggot hipster

>le cigarette
>le tired idc face
>a fucking face tattoo being anything other than a mini swastika underneath the eyelid
kill yourself

>> No.10145180

How the populist rise made the Swedish right wing alliance switch from "The old swedish is pure barbary" to "Swedish values are under attack", basically

>> No.10145194

wow you're so woke

>> No.10145316

I really wish someone would have asked him if the old sami was pure barbary too.

>> No.10145346


>> No.10145367

I'm from Brazil. In here it is obligatory to have a Masters before pursuing a PhD. It took me from 2007 to 2014 to earn my masters and Phd. Masters was a strictu sensu program, took me 3 years of research to get it, had a very difficult subject and many experimental issues, my dissertation is over 200 pages long and got published in 7 different journals (3 international).
My PhD started in 2010 and ended in 2014, had a much easier time with methodology after the tour de force that was my masters. 4 years is the generally accepted normal for PhD level research in here. Also had a stint in an university in Canada for a year to get some international traction for publications and networking.
An in all, the government paid for my undergrad (through research grants), my masters (giving me 2 whole years of scholarship) and PhD (1 year of scholarship, 1 year paid to be in Canada doing research in a different lab, then got a job as a prof in Brazil and came back to do both a PhD and teach). Zero debt and a nice paying job. Not so bad.

>> No.10145619

"Nostalgia for the Never-Was: First Post-Soviet Generation's Memories of the Time Before its Birth".

>> No.10146771

What are you focusing on for this?

>> No.10147063
File: 27 KB, 500x266, Asa+akira+has+the+best+twitter+_e094ebd211a11efc96034ea2fe7a93b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is there porn about that?

>> No.10147076

Multiculturalism as the new Pantheism

>> No.10147083

In what sense?

>> No.10147710

Thanks anon, I'm nearing the end of my four years and there's no way I'd have made it through unless I took this route, which was to be much more renegade than my peers and work mostly solo in an area I'm passionate about.

It's situated within a clinical psych postgraduate, so I've been reading a shitton of psychometric and empirical research findings in the areas.

In terms of its philosophical underpinnings I've had to become very familiar with the meaning-making literature in psychology, such as Yalom, Frankl, Jung, etc., the developmental cognitive foundations for meaning and religion such as Piaget, Shermer, Barrett, etc., and the bridges between these areas into personality psychology and trait theory such as Peterson, Nilsson, Costa and McCrae etc. I've also had to become familiar with the historical roots of the worldview concept so I've read a number of books on that and it's use among Christians in the 20th century such as Naugle, Sire, etc.

One recent book I really enjoyed was Worldview and Mind, which is too expensive but pretty cool in its integration of many of the areas I've just listed.

Secretly, all if this is inspired mainly by Robert Anton Wilson, but I'll never let any of my colleagues know that.

Its been fun but I'm not on a scholarship so I've been raising kids and working three jobs, and doing clinical placements at the same time. Been the hardest four years of my life by far.

>> No.10147736

applying to grad schools currently, but I'm contemplating the macabre modernism of Hedayat's Tehran. and yes, i am persian so there's no fake assing around here.

>> No.10147801

Wittgensteinian language-games in the works of DFW lol

>> No.10147807

Nice. Thoughts on the Stalin rehabilitation?

>> No.10148439

Your diary desu

>> No.10148462

riverrun, my asshole snapped forward with a sickening squelch. from it, a glistening, crimson, fleshy pipe oozing a brownish-green liquid, like watery sewage-paste, highlighted by the scarletness of my prolapsed rectum. my gay friend Rascario's tongue flicked up and down the floppy appendage, circling around the descended hole and lightly pushing the pink organ inside the extraordinarily loose orifice, sucking it with a slurping echo the salty runaway juices.

>> No.10148560
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My guess is in the multiplicities, pantheism - many gods, multiculturalism = many cultures, therefore in the same way that a pantheist culture can have many ideals without worshipping any to the exclusion of the others multiculturalism can have many lifeways without moralizing one over the others

>I don't buy it tho, multiculturalism is many fractured micro cultures in the same city not connecting in any meaningful sense - not an authentic megotiaited connection between meanings

>> No.10148563

>fuck spelling

>> No.10149161

zizek is not a centrist. but he is right. basically describing hegelian dialectics.

>> No.10149327

My thesis became more about how female characters (the principle ones) evolved in Shaw- they become more interesting through the years as Shaw becomes more adequate at their portrayal. As he goes along he improves, palpably. So the focus shifted more towards Shaw's emerging art using his portrayal of women as a reference. The ideal feminine was of course the aim.

>> No.10149362

That paper (undergrad thesis- c. 30pp) was researched hunting MLA manuals for relevant and quasi-relevant articles because of the research minimum. Though I like Shaw, and even became obsessed with his Prefaces for a brief period when a kid, he isn't really one of my more enduring literary interests. If I ever had the opportunity to visit Toronto while the annual Shaw festival was going on, I would definitely attempt to hit a few plays, however! He really is a capable, spare, interesting dramatist.

>> No.10149363

>Studies psychology
>Completely uninterested in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, or phenomenology.
>Not even interested in continental heremeutics or pragmatics
>Only interested in really soft, metaphorical, unscientific psychology, and pseud-tier RAN (WOW man when I take this acid, I liiiiike totally understand quantum mechanics, even though I can't even do basic undergrad math or physics)
>Has no interest in neuroscience, generative grammar, cognitive science, and other more scientific approaches to the human mind

>> No.10149394

How do you even fit all of those assumptions inside such a tiny brain?

>> No.10149429

Yeah man, Carl Jung, Ernest Becker, Rollo May, and Robert Anton Wilson are so deep and insightful. I mean human psychology is cool, but who wants to rigorously study empirical data and construct, and logically dissect, rigorous, coherent arguments? No, fuck that, and fuck that Noam Chomsky guy. Fuck that cognitive psychology bullshit. Fuck Stephen Kosslyn. Fuck Wittgenstein. Fuck neuroscience. Fuck Ned Block. Fuck all that shit.

Shit that involves math, biology, or rigorous philosophical thinking (e.g. Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Hilary Putnam, etc.) is bullshit, amiright?

>> No.10149448

Yeah man, Carl Jung, Ernest Becker, Rollo May, and Robert Anton Wilson are so deep and insightful. I mean human psychology is cool, but who wants to rigorously study empirical data and construct, and logically dissect, rigorous, coherent arguments? No, fuck that, and fuck that Noam Chomsky guy. Fuck that cognitive psychology bullshit. Fuck Stephen Kosslyn. Fuck Wittgenstein. Fuck neuroscience. Fuck Ned Block. Fuck all that shit.

Shit that involves math, biology, or rigorous philosophical thinking (e.g. Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Hilary Putnam, etc.) is bullshit, amiright?

>> No.10149456

No your strawman is not right, obviously, and in no way represented my position, which is immediately clear on reading my post. How drunk are you right now?

>> No.10149478
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>Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.10149490

Where did he touch you, anon?

>> No.10149539

Pretty sure that guy is just /pol/-baiting

>> No.10150006
