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/lit/ - Literature

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1014309 No.1014309 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ hookup thread (but not with romantic intentions)

-post age, gender, whatever else you want to mention about yourself.
-some of your favorite books
-book(s) you are currently reading
-AIM/MSN/whatever other chatting accounts you have.

Instead of finding someone to hookup with we find someone with similar interests in literature!


Favorite books/things to read:
What I am currently reading/interested in:
(AIM, etc.)

>> No.1014318
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>> No.1014319

You won't post yours until somebody else does-- if you do at all.

>> No.1014326

This is killing /lit/.

>> No.1014328


That was my original plan :) But I'll start it off I suppose!

Myself: Female, 19, currently in college, avid reader.
Favorite books/things to read: Anna Karenina, Catcher in the Rye (inb4 highschool lit 101), James Joyce, lots of poetry, Raymond Chandler, Virginia Woolf, Nabokov, the list goes on.
What I am currently reading/interested in: Some Bukowski, rereading some of my favorites by James Joyce, Edgar Allan Poe, Hemingway's short stories.

I'll post my AIM if anyone is interested.

>> No.1014334

Girls don't read books.

>> No.1014338

-19, Male, French as a first language, can write in English also.
-The Brothers Karamazov, L'étranger, L'homme Révolté (The Rebel), Les Bienveillantes (Littell), Ivan Denissovitch's Day (Soljenitsyn), Kreutzer Sonata
-Voyage au bout de la nuit

Will post a fake email adress if asked.

>> No.1014339

-24/m/i'm schizophrenic
-first as tragedy, then as farce by zizek; les chants de maldoror my isidore ducasse; story of the eye
-major works of ludwig wittgenstein
-aim is retouralanormale--i might be on later if i get a response

>> No.1014340


> the list goes on

Now I'm SURE I won't like you.

>> No.1014344

No, this is not your dating site.

This is how the decay of /r9k/ started. I can't let this happen again.

>> No.1014349
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I would like to talk to you, trust me im not a creeper. But if you post your aim anyone can get it.

>> No.1014351
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pics already

>> No.1014357

-16, highschool (inb4 underageb&)
-Brothers Karamoz, Eden, Blindness
-The Turner Diaries and Johnny Got His Gun

>> No.1014359


Post yours?

>> No.1014363

>He thinks he's a special snowflake meant to only get the girl's AIM

>> No.1014365

Why would I trust a man who ate his own wife's leg?

>> No.1014368

Whoa, we have like the same tastes.

>> No.1014369
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What a loser!

>> No.1014372

Why not.

Favorite Book: Pale Fire
Currently Reading: Parrot and Olivier in America

I like literature, but tea and art history are my real passions. I'm also up for music/film discussion, and I read plays from time to time, too. (I wish I could get out to actually watch them more.)

Will post e-mail if asked.

>> No.1014373



>> No.1014374

Yeah, what a surprise, she listed every author that's popular on this website.

>> No.1014380

Shut the fuck up about that special snowflake thing. Jesus fucking christ you 15 year old european fuck, go watch fight club and masturbate to child porn you fucking fuck fuck

Special snowflake....I cringe everytime i hear that retarded cliche.

>> No.1014386

You sound much more mature than he does, don't worry.

>> No.1014388
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>> No.1014390

I am dissapointed, /lit/. Truly dissapointed.

>> No.1014391
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18 male
Ive read almost everything
Its hard to find a girl to talk to about serious matters such as books. I know lots of girls, and even have close friendships with some, but they are all only semi-literate. If you are just interested in talking about books and each other in general, my email is manningk92759@aim.com and I have aim and msn.

>> No.1014398

10/10 I laughed so hard.

>> No.1014399
File: 54 KB, 515x366, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years old, male, living in an exotic land, far far away. I am a journalist and published author of smut. I wear a hat.
>Favorite books/things to read:
BOOKS: House of Leaves (inb4 haet), Watership Down, Mole People: Life Under The Tunnels Of New York, The Epic of Gilgamesh.
THINGS: Brochures, street signs, posters and Facebook profiles.
>What I am currently reading/interested in:
I've got a ton of books I bought but haven't read/finished. Right now, I'm on 2666 by Roberto Bolano. I also have Comrades In Miami by Jose Latour. I'm desperately trying to find my copy of If On A Winter's Night A Traveler by Italo Calvino. I lost it but I really, really want it back.
>(AIM, etc.)
AIM: ciarandohertywod
MSN: superanomalous@hotmail.com

>> No.1014400

16, male
Crime and Punishment, Lolita (For the excellent prose, not the subject matter), The Picture of Dorian Gray
Currently reading: Herland and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

>> No.1014405

i used to work at a place called tealuxe, so i know a little about it, but really i never became passionate about it(maybe i missed something?). anyway this is me >>1014339

>> No.1014409

that book mole people is all lies but if you liked it read a book called ''grand central winter'' written by one of the supposed mole people

>> No.1014410

>Yeah, what a surprise, she listed every author that's popular on this website.

It's because she doesn't actually read for herself. She most likely came to /lit/, studied what was popular and probably read some sparknotes about them.
All to get some attention at least somewhere. Sad, if you think about it.

>> No.1014413

No sir, you are the 15 year old fuck, desperate enough to post your loser comments here

and then erupt in raeg

Erupted in RAGE

>vanishing impotence

>> No.1014417

Jesus christ, if people want to have a hook up thread, let them. Who fucking cares? You faggots complaining about it are far more annoying than someone wanting to chat with another human that may have similar interests.

>> No.1014419


Or maybe it's because she's only 19 and is starting with the basis?

Anyways, I'm that guy >>1014338

Still looking for a correspondance, male or female, I truly don't care.

How I'd like to proceed: we talk about what we read, why we liked it, the thoughts we had, etc. and the other gives its point of view on the first thoughts, so we ''progress'' together.

>> No.1014426 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the suggestion! Sounds like I'd like that a lot.

Oh, and yeah, I know Mole People is a crock of shit. There are plenty of holes in that story. Loved Toth's storytelling, though.

>> No.1014423


dawwww did someone's girlfriend dump their ass? or did mommy never pay enough attention to you? because clearly misogyny really helps attract the ladies.

>> No.1014424

Anybody want to talk about IJ with me?

>> No.1014429

I'm not gonna email you but you sound like an alright dude. I'd like more details about the published smut.

>> No.1014430


>> No.1014431

Thanks for the suggestion! Sounds like I'd like that a lot.

Oh, and yeah, I know Mole People is a crock of shit. There are plenty of holes in that story. Loved Toth's storytelling, though.

>> No.1014432


The reality of this is that the thinks that most girls are fools, and so he wishes to meet this girl (Probably with hopes of marriage or dating) because he has never experienced a woman with good taste in literature.

But it will never happen because he is socially inept, and despite all the reading he may (or may not) do, he is intellectually boring, and has no ideas of his own.

Captcha: Flying Polanski.

>> No.1014435

Everyone in this thread should shove a dynamite up their anus, fuck you people, also PHILIP ROTH IS OVERRATED.

>> No.1014437

Dear god. I could rant on and on how it was an infinite waste of time if you really want me to.

>> No.1014439

Why not go to the lit tinychat and discuss books there?

tinychat com/lit2

>> No.1014440

After you're done calling him a misogynist how about calling him pretentious, ignorant, and a hipster? It'd complete the thread.

>> No.1014442

Oooh, Infinite Jest.


>> No.1014443


He thinks*

>> No.1014444

My erotica has been published in compilation volumes worldwide. I brand my real name on them so I won't hawk them on 4chan, though. ;X

But the bulk of my smut is private commission work for gentlemen and ladies who seek customized stories tailored for their turn-ons.

>> No.1014445

I just laughed so hard. What the fuck is that?

>> No.1014448


>> No.1014449

That's so dope, do you make bank on that? You've got balls to use your given name.

>> No.1014450


He hasn't gotten the Nobel yet, so no he is not

in b4 some mediocre Eastern European minority woman writer of angry feminist screeds gets it next year

>> No.1014454

lit 2! i'm in there now every ronery person itt should get in here

>> No.1014455

Hookup thread.
Someone states the forum is not for that.
He's called a loser.
He retaliates.
People join up on the arguement.
Forum becomes /r9k/.

So please, no hookup threads.

>> No.1014456

It's just how I laugh...

Way to make me feel bad, man.

>> No.1014457


>> No.1014459

It's a springboard to future success, hopefully. I mean, the more published work you have, the better, at least in my opinion.

I just happen to write about HARD, THROBBING PENISES entering QUIVERING, VELVET VAGINAS instead of serious themes like DIASPORA.

>> No.1014462
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No I thought it was the most fantastic thing I've read all day.

>> No.1014463



>> No.1014465
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yep, that pretty much sums me up, except I'm not interested in meeting the girl. She just asked if anyone wanted to talk to her. And I replied I would. Besides that, this was almost a spot on description of me. Good Job, my friend.

>> No.1014468

Roth isn't even better than Jelinek, so no, he does not deserve a nobel even though the mainstream propaganda machine are slander the prize because of it.

>> No.1014471

oh you~

way to backtrack, you desperate virgin

>> No.1014472


>Roth isn't even better than Jelinek


>> No.1014474

/lit/ sure is lamer than usual today.

>> No.1014476

20 m canada bisexual

I love cocks

Will fuck for collars

hit me up guise ;) ;) ;3

>> No.1014482

Ah, okay. I feel much better now.

You should read a good short story or something so I'm in a close, hotly-debated second.

>> No.1014483
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Where in Canada?

>> No.1014484

Books, not dating.

>> No.1014486

I actually was reading IJ all day so I already lied to make you feel better.

>> No.1014487
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>> No.1014489

Laugh all you want, but have you actually read something she has written?

>> No.1014493


Come all the way to NB and I'll let you suck my cock

>> No.1014495
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well that's good, because THE GIRL IS MINE.

>> No.1014496


Victoriafag here, sadly not fag.

>> No.1014498


Last call

>> No.1014501


I went through a period of picking new authors from the Nobel Prize list, so I read Women as Lovers and The Piano Teacher (the only books of hers my library has)

>> No.1014502

Not enough new friends here. Post more profiles.

>> No.1014503
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No thanks, I'm handsome enough that it comes to me

>> No.1014504


Last call?

>> No.1014506

brb, killing self in shame

>> No.1014510

>22 kilometres out of new york city
>favourite book - crime and punishment
>current read - the brief and wondrous life of oscar wao

>> No.1014511

well, that wasn't daft of me or anything, i seemed to have misplaced my contact information.
>aim - bromosex
>msn - dirtysexyknightsinparis@live.com

>> No.1014514


I am leaving in a few minutes, so if someone's interested, ask quickly.

Profile : >>1014338
Details : >>1014419

>> No.1014535

That sounds really good. You live in France?

>> No.1014541


Canada (Montreal)

>> No.1014548

Member of the AFR?

>> No.1014551

No shit? Me too.

>> No.1014563


What's that?


No shit. Feel like exchanging emails (I'll give you a fake one)? If so, dare to post a profile of yourself?

>> No.1014566

Et j'espère que tu aimes ta lecture du Voyage au bout de la nuit, c'est un livre absolument génial, peut-être même mon préféré.

>> No.1014572

Pourquoi pas... Et si par hasard on se connait d'une quelconque manière, ça fera un malaise intéressant.

>> No.1014574


He's not the one reading it.

I'm still at the very first pages, I can't tell if I enjoy it yet.

>> No.1014580

- 23, Male, French, studying English in an university in Paris
- I haven't read a lot of books but I just started thanks to /lit/. I liked '1984', 'King Lear' and 'Les misérables', though
- Currently reading: 'The Art of Fiction' (David Lodge), 'Paradise Lost' (John Milton), for my literature classes

I'll post MSN if anyone's interested

>> No.1014583


Bon bah : jussprrds@hotmail.com

Et pour le malaise, pas sûr qu'il ait lieu, je t'en voudrais seulement de ne pas avoir partagé ta passion avec moi auparavant, les seules personnes avec qui je parle de temps à autre de littérature sont mes profs de Cegep et mon père / mon oncle. C'est chiant à la longue.

Bref, j'attends ton e-mail.

>> No.1014588

-17, female, American, rising college freshman
-Lord of the Flies, Perfume, Brothers Karamazov, Lolita, No Country For Old Men, Dark Water, The Master and Margarita, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Lovecraft's stories, Poe's stories, Jackson's stories
-Fevre Dream, The Man Who Was Thursday, The Idiot
-Not posting my IM accounts right now.

>> No.1014594

Underage b&


>> No.1014598

>favorite books: all the books I've ever read

>> No.1014609

-18, Female, I write and occasionally play Warcraft.
- Ray Bradbury is my favorite author; I've read almost everything he's written. Steinbeck comes in second, by a hair. Genre-wise, I like sci-fi in general, as well as poetry and all types of literature. I used to be bigger on fantasy.
- Right now I'm reading The Two Towers, and I've started Demian by Herman Hesse. I haven't had a lot of gumption to read lately, but I'm hoping that will change this weekend! I also like talking about music (anything but country) and theatre (musical and non). Movies and the vidya are fine too.

Polite sage for delicious, entertaining cancer.

>> No.1014611

Myself: 22, male
Favorite books/things to read: Fantasy, historical fiction. Sadly I only really started reading this past year and until recently stuck heavily to fantasy.
What I am currently reading/interested in: Aubrey-Maturin series(currently Post Captain), The Iliad, interested in picking up some Immanuel Velikovsky soon.
AIM: JaiTerdu
Don't be discouraged if I'm set to away, I'm probably just avoiding someone annoying.

>> No.1014614

If not now, then when?

>> No.1014618
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/lit/ is one of the most arrogant and self-absorbed boards on 4chan I browse, no chance in hell I'm falling for this

>> No.1014620


also- AIM: lithophanerobot

>> No.1014625

I'll anal sex you and accidentally your entire ass

>> No.1014626

Hmm would you either post tits or AIM?

>> No.1014632
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Just started reading this year so yeah :)

>> No.1014633
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>95 posts and 13 image replies omitted.

>> No.1014636

Favorites books and books I'm reading whatever: http://www.shelfari.com/kythis
Throwaway email: styrofoam.cup@gmail.com You're welcome to email whatever, I don't mind. Go for it.

>> No.1014640

/r9k/ has invaded.

>Consequently sullener
Captcha knows the future.

>> No.1014644

Are you *actually* from Brunei?

Kuala Lumpur is a far superior city. Live here instead. We have better bookstores, too!

>> No.1014645

/lit/ has hit rock bottom.

Thank you very much OP.

I hope you make a hasty departure from /lit/.

>> No.1014646

Lets talk>>1014391

>> No.1014656

You were for real with that post?

>> No.1014659

>18 male
>Ive read almost everything
>I know lots of girls, and even have close friendships with some

>> No.1014660


I've been to kuala lumpur before, it was nice but I love it here. It's really safe !

>> No.1014666

20, Male, American
favorite books: You Can't Go Home Again(Thomas Wolfe), The Master And Margarita(Mikhail Bulgakov), and the complete works of Lorca

my aim is acidscratch feel free to troll or maybe chat a little. I've been stuck in bed with an injury and I haven't talked to anyone in a week

>> No.1014677

...and /lit/ has let me down once again.

>> No.1014683

Yo everybody let's meet up and get /lit/! Ya feelme?

>> No.1014696

Added you on shelfari for kicks and giggles. This site is really cool. I've been looking for a good library site thing.

>> No.1014699

You got some pretty shitty friends, then.

Oh wait.


>> No.1014703

You guys really are e/lit/ists.

Face it, 4chan IS a social networking site.

you dun goofed

>> No.1014705

Can we chill out with the spoiler tag?

>> No.1014712

Can you go fuck yourself?

>> No.1014733

what you could use is a ps3hasnogames

>> No.1014741

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Fav books: Mysteries of Udolpho, Book of the New Sun, A Song of Ice and Fire, House of Leaves, Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart, A Hero of Our Time and more recently The Secret History.

Currently reading: Spice and Wolf, Urth of the New Sun, The Princess Bride, and a booklet about laws/regulations on how to become an intern for an investigation firm.

AIM: Geistflug. Hit me up.

>> No.1014743


That wasn't funny, at all. Troll Harder.

>> No.1014744
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>my doubles when the trip who spams off-topic shit complains about off-topic shit

>> No.1014747
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more pics like this

>> No.1014753
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>> No.1014756
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