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/lit/ - Literature

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10142164 No.10142164 [Reply] [Original]

So I was playing Half Life 2 and it made me realize I've never really read a book that describes violence in a satisfying way. How the enemies on screen physically react to being shot is what I'd like to visualize while reading. The only thing I've read that could be comparable is Blood Meridian.

tl;dr recommend some books that have realistic gun violence

>> No.10142168

can't recommend something realistic enough, brother, you need the REAL experience.

>> No.10142209
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I have plenty of real experience with guns but I don't want to go out and kill people because it was fun in a video game. With all the literature written since the invention of the firearm I know there has to be plenty out there to satisfy my morbid craving.

>> No.10142236

So which densely populated area should I be avoiding in the near future, OP?

>> No.10142274

Don't worry, pal, I'm a mountain state dwelling hermit. Although I would still stay out of the cities anyway.

>> No.10142291

You will eventually get tired of literature jus like you are gradually giving up on videogames, they are not doing it for you, they are not real enough. The once disturbing images of murder and gore in the screen mean nothing for you.
You seek something better, something that makes your heart pound just like in the first time
You know where to go from here.

>> No.10142308
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>you will eventually get tired of literature

I'll take the bait. Books are superior to video games in every way. I'm actually playing HL2 because I'm quitting vidya altogether when I finish my backlog. But with books there's an endless amount of knowledge to be gained and it could no one man could ever have it all in his lifetime. Games are entertainment for your mind and practice for your reflexes; books are education for your mind and refinery for your soul.

Truthfully, I'm only asking for book recommendations because I myself want to write something with realistic violence but need to have some good literary reference first.

>> No.10142314

>Blood Meridian.
>good descriptions of violence
it was like an anime

>> No.10142320

I thought Tom Clancy does a good job with violence. Especially Rainbow Six.

>> No.10142333
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Anon, pls...

>> No.10142348

>when I finish my backlog

So you're never really quitting then?

>> No.10142356
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>> No.10142374

I actually have about 15 games left.

>> No.10142377
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Oh shoot dude I havent read this in so long I didnt even think of it. Gotta go find my copy now.

>> No.10142388

>the judge picking up a canon and making gunpowder
>not anime as fuck
I literally cringed while I was reading it.

>> No.10142395

Not sure what's more upsetting to me: you visualize anime while reading or that you actually think a gruesome novel set in the West could ever be related to anime.

>> No.10142407

I only think about anime when I'm reading shitty memecarthy novels about le ebin evil pale giant man and le evil gang of no good baddies and the cringe inducing """dialogue"""
>dude Nietzsche lmao!
he even had the landscape scenes that animes try to hammer in
it's a shitty overrated book.

>> No.10142467
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Oh, you're that guy that always ruins discussion threads then.

>> No.10142482

>someone has an opinion different from your
>ruins discussion
I see you like your discussion reddit style where everyone jerks each other off and there is no dissenting thought in your echo chamber.

maybe fuck off back to r/books then you faggot?

>> No.10142919
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quote your entire backlog here pls need good gaym for reading downtime

>> No.10144254

Blood Meridian