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10139786 No.10139786 [Reply] [Original]

What are essential /comfy/ core books you would want included in a /lit/ comfy book image guide? It's getting cold and I'm getting /comfy/ af senpai

I'd include
>Dubliners by Joyce
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce
>Kafka's selected stories

What would you include?

>> No.10139836

Norwegian wood by H. Murakami.
I am a cat by Souseki.
Romance of the three kingdoms.
Jeeves and Wooster stories by P.G.Wodehouse.
Oblomov by Goncharov.
The magic mountain by Thomas Mann.

>> No.10139851

thanks for the contribution. since i'm a newfag pleb so i haven't heard of most of these but i'll take your word for it, complete stranger

>> No.10140081

>Dubliners by Joyce
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce
>Kafka's selected stories

>Norwegian wood by H. Murakami.
>The magic mountain by Thomas Mann.

This is a thread for comfy books. This makes me think you have never read these books.

>> No.10140083

One Piece is a comfy anime

>> No.10140102

>Kafka's selected stories
Might have been the least comfy thing you could have picked.

>> No.10140182

for me honestly the Redwall series, but maybe im being biased because thats what i used to read once i got in from playing in the snow when i was a wee tot

>> No.10140306

/comfy/ coming through

Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass
Dylan Thomas' Deaths and Entrances

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit
Robert Charles Wilson's Darwinia
Frank Herbert's Dune
Coatrack McMurthy's Blood Meridian

>> No.10140309

Narnia is pretty comfy

>> No.10140317

For me comfy is

The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
A Time of Gifts and anything by Patrick Leigh Fermor
The Lord of the Rings, especially Book I of Fellowship
Gogol's short stories
Yeats's The Celtic Twilight

>> No.10140324
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>The Goshawk by T H White
>White Fang by Jack L O N D O N
>The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories by Gene Wolfe
>Peace by Gene Wolfe
>A Sense of Where You Are by John McPhee

>> No.10140453

>thinking Dubliners, Portrait and Kafka are not comfy.
I found them very comfy but I can't put my finger on why.

any specific works or they're all comfy? I'm actually trying to get into Dickens

>> No.10140491

Borges. Notes from the Underground

>> No.10140498

Wells - The Time Machine. The Big Sleep by Rayomnd Chandler

>> No.10140524

Silas Marner, A Box of Matches, and O Pioneers! are my holy trinity of /comfy/.
Just about everything by Dickens fits in the comfy category, Great Expectations and David Copperfield especially. I've a tradition of reading his Christmas stories each year as well.

>> No.10140531

I agree that they're almost all comfy, but comfy in different ways. Great Expectations is a sort of spooky and dark comfy, but David Copperfield is a warm and cheerful comfy

>> No.10140575
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>Blood Meridian

That's like the polar opposite of Comfy nigga.

>> No.10140630

Moby Dick

>> No.10140632

It's comfy to me. I live in and love the Tex-Mex region.

Also I forgot


>> No.10140657

lots of 19th century classics, is it something about the time period that's so comfy? maybe a still somewhat pure society just being introduced to industrialism?