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File: 95 KB, 309x475, meditations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10136031 No.10136031 [Reply] [Original]

With all these sexual abuse scandals coming out and more and more examples of shitty men, what are some good books for men to read and aspire to. I want some good role models and not feel like everyone is shit.

Meditations comes to mind, what else would you suggest?

>> No.10136057

That's a good start, but if you need a book to be a good person, you probably have issues that books can't solve

>> No.10136064

No so much I need it to be a good person but rather to see how other men have lived lives that they feel fulfilled both internally and externally and see if any of that resonates with me in my current life or could give me a better perspective on how to manage my problems.

>> No.10136074
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>shitty men
What's shitty about Weinstein? Had I been in his position, I too would grope Emma Watson

>> No.10136147

Not what is meant.
Reading books as a male about good men, means to me that not all men are shit. It's the same with how niggers read about Ancient Egypt or Muslims read about pre-islam Mesopotamia. If any human is exposed to a negative self image long enough it does affect the psych of said individual negatively as well.
It's not wrong that the (((privileged))) are exposed to positive self imagery along with negative self imagery. It's only through the combination can any injustice be reconciled.

>> No.10136181

I love how incels and dicklets always try and rationalize sexual prowess and power as a bad thing

>> No.10136197


Have you ever considered just not being a retarded piece of shit? You don't really need an instruction book on that like a child piecing together LEGO.

>> No.10136213
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>> No.10136216

What's wrong with a little self reflection through the experience of greater men? We might not all be able to become the next Alexander the Great but at least we can maybe learn form him and others what goals really matter, how to let the little things go and to be more forgiving of ourselves.

>> No.10136316

Of Mice and Men
Old Man and the Sea
Kitchen Confidential
All Star Superman
Listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger's motivational speeches

>> No.10136332

I think that if you value being a successful producer in one of the most cutting edge fields on the planet less the the ability to not do some shady stuff with your penis than you have a very backwards idea of what a good man is and a are probably a massive faggot.

>> No.10136342



>> No.10136397

If you're going to learn how to shit postt you need to learn how to type.

>> No.10136471
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>> No.10136487

On Women by Schopenhauer

>> No.10136534
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>> No.10136548

>incels and dicklets
How can you take yourself seriously after writing this trash?
Licentiousness is a symptom of weakness, not power.

>> No.10136568

Why does no one ever mention P L U T A R C H

>> No.10136571

>based Harv
>shitty man

>> No.10136775

Who are some good historical figures I should read about to inspire myself?

>> No.10136791

the iliad
the odyssey
the aenied
the bible
the divine comedy

>> No.10136809

Rudyard Kipling's If

>> No.10136818

>Nietzsche and 48 laws.
>Good Person
Im dead lmao

>> No.10136880

>Striving to live by Nietzsche's teachings
>Not resulting in good person
48 laws is more there for examples as teaching of the world, and some other books like Myth of Primitivism, or Heart of Darkness, or Fire in the Minds of Men.

>> No.10136984

unironically this

>> No.10137050

>woman-hater book
go back to pol

>> No.10137088

I found this on the back of my roommate's shampoo bottle and it honest to God saved my life

>> No.10137109

Honestly I hate the media. You need to refuse these stupid narratives. The media wants to manufacture the idea that men are evil oppressive predators and women are poor victimized angels. Rather than treat this as simply a scandal involving ONE man, it morphs into a distorted vision of male brutality and tyranny on a mass scale. But whatever you do refuse victimhood. That is the refuge of the weak and resentful. And I say that as a trans person. But really anybody can fall into that trap. Anyway, my favorite story about manhood is Summer by Edith Wharton. Mr. Royal is a paragon of manhood.

>> No.10137188
File: 221 KB, 1235x475, emp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>role models
>pic related to this list
Eva Kaseutic
Armand Phaner
D'nal Coord
costas Matsugae

you could read the Dresden files with an eye for the recurrent character Michel Carpenter. a better role model you'd be hard-pressed to find.

read Discworld
become the Carrot

>> No.10137233

lol nice.

>> No.10137298
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>With all these sexual abuse scandals coming out and more and more examples of shitty men
You mean glorified prostitutes sleeping their way to the top and the (((media))) throwing one of their own to the wolves as a distraction from the awan story and whatever else

>> No.10137299

Doesn't justify sexual harassment dude

>> No.10137312

Meditations is for delusional children. This is not a 'good role model' you fucking soyboy.
Fuck off you LARPing twatnub

>> No.10137317

is this really what frogtwitter's been reduced to

>> No.10137320

Yes, you are a frogtwitter LARPer. Nobody cares how the Iliad taught you how to be a True Man when you were a morbidly obese 12-year-old. Go back to your shithole and stay there

>> No.10137325

>incoherent autistic screeching
Is this the latest buzzword on /pol/ or what? Everyone I've seen using it sounds like a mentally challenged 13 year old.

>> No.10137347
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>Jung hates women

>> No.10137348

I used to idolise it from when I first discovered it as a kid in one of my dad's notebooks, until my twenties
I read it again recently and found it severely overrated and naive, though it has its good parts.

>> No.10137392

Pretty much this

>> No.10137395

>being this much of an ideologue

>> No.10137409


>> No.10137416

I'm taking it as a yes then. Please, return to your preteen subreddit of a board.

>> No.10137809

haha epic win my guy WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUUUUBBBBBB

>> No.10137864

because Plutarch is a meme

>> No.10138805

What doesn't?

>> No.10138821

>guy holding the tail says it's the reptillians
>in the original allegory he thinks the tail is a snake

>> No.10138832


>> No.10138841

>tfw i read this book
>tfw after I finished reading it i autistically gave it to this cute redheaded chick i was fucking off tinder

>> No.10138901
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>> No.10138930


If you want to divorce yourself from thinkers that either hated or othered women then you won't be left with very much.

>> No.10139106

Are any of Alan Watts books worth reading?

>> No.10139155

orlando furioso

>> No.10139586

Seneca is better than marky aurelius

>> No.10139667
File: 458 KB, 768x1190, Plantinga-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plutarch's life of Lycurgus
Plato's Crito, Phaedo and Apology of Socrates
The Moral Discourses of Epictetus
The Alchemy of Happiness by Imam Al Ghazali
The Parliament of the Birds by Fariduddin Attar

>> No.10139674

Taboo against knowing who you are, since most of his lectures are available on youtube it'd be easier to line a few of those up, see if you like him first

>> No.10139841


>> No.10140078

What's the last book about?

>> No.10140087

His entire surviving ouvre consists of three letters telling friends of his bullshit about physics

>> No.10140126

Eh... Having been in/around Hollywood for about a decade or so before moving on, Harvey was bad, but he was far from unique. The entire town and industry is pretty rough and degenerate in terms of its sexual norms and modes. Sex there really is a commodity. It's not a healthy way to live, regardless of whether you're buying or selling or giving or stealing or whatever else.

OP, I'd also take a look at the life and works of Cicero. He was (to my mind) the noblest Roman of them all.

>> No.10140133

He >>10139841 means the "golden sayings" enchiridion or whatever it's called. If I recall most of it was compiled by his pupil. Another Socrates-Plato situation I believe. Could be wrong though.

>> No.10140137

woops thought he said epictetus. My bad

>> No.10140277

Where did anyone got the idea that it's like that? The media talks about specific kind of men, the oppressive predator kind. As long you're not one of them or the type who tries to justify that behavior, the narrative is completely unrelated to you.

>> No.10140347

HPMOR. If you're going to be an autist, might as well be good at it. In all seriousness, you might want to read The Republic about books 7-8 where Platocrates and his dumb brothers argue about whether literature/plays etc should have perfect Mary Sue characters to serve as examples instead of good but flawed heroes such as Odysseus.

>> No.10140354

I agree. Not healthy. But guys that make it to the top or are born at the top are usually pretty anti-social. That's what it takes to get there if you aren't working from a position of pure talent. I hate the implicit equivalency made by the media between those males and the rest. I'm attracted exclusively to men (and always have been) and I still feel the bite of it. I think it's hard for feminists to blame just Harvey. I feel they are itching for a universal. So one of them started saying all males are POTENTIAL rapists. Yeah they are potential anything and everything. It was just the underhanded emotions behind these reports and opinions that bothered me.

>> No.10140376

A Guide to the Good Life (William B. Irvine)
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)
The Righteous Mind (Jonathan Haidt)
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (Mark Manson)
The Road to Character (David Brooks)
Why Honor Matters (Tamler Sommers)
Various greeks (Plato, Aristotle, etc)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)

>> No.10140628

The Foundation for Exploration is an excellent read. Not as edgy as Nietzsche, not as bland as Aurelius.

>> No.10141161

>if I shill hard enough people will notice it