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/lit/ - Literature

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1013474 No.1013474 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand /lit/. How do bad scripts not get rejected before made into film? Example:

"You will fight. The world will watch. And my legacy will be written with your blood."
--Tekken the movie

Who writes these lines? Who OKs them? Is there a genuine shortage of decent writers?

pic unrelated

>> No.1013482
File: 3 KB, 128x119, i love you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that pic

>> No.1013481

All the good writers are too busy not existing.

>> No.1013488

Usually there is a guy who would check the grammar and sometimes even say if it is historically accurate. But, shitty movies seem to have really lazy people in the film anyways.

>> No.1013489

>ok fantasy

So much troll.

>> No.1013490

>Tekken the movie

there's your answer right there.

Hollywood doesn't care about script quality, they care about marketability and established fanbases. They know that they can make the worst movie ever made, but as long as its called "Tekken" it'll make a profit.

Also, most movie-goers are too stupid to notice how corny that tag line is.

>> No.1013492

When your name, this board, and 4chan are forgotten, those god damn tier lists will remain.

>> No.1013494
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>Tekken the movie

>> No.1013503

I find that line to be pretty awesome. Maybe you guys just are too much of faggot beta hipsters to appreciate a badass Tekken movie with tons of cheesy one liners and mindless brutality for alpha people like me.

>> No.1013505


/r9k/ over -----> there

>> No.1013504
File: 32 KB, 320x500, TyBrax3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get those kind of elaborate fonts Stag? Is it MS Publisher word-art or something?

>> No.1013514

>"You will fight. The world will watch. And my legacy will be written with your blood."
Not terrible on paper, actually. It's just the setting that ruins it. But think about it- if Roy Batty said that on the set of blade runner while chasing deckard, would it be a bad line? Not so much.

Also, this is TEKKEN. The people who come to watch it are not exactly expecting refined entertainment. Hell, they might even dislike refined entertainment if they recieved it.

>> No.1013530

it's photoshop..i can't remember the font right now though. but i've gotten a lot from dafont.com

>> No.1013535

Robert Jordan and Stephen King in Good tier. Seriously?

>> No.1013536

OP, just thought i'd add my 2c.

The Dark tower saga was by far the best work that Steven King ever produced, it has pride of place next to Peter Hamiltons "Night's Dawn Trilogy".

Having said that there is another fellow, Dan Simmons who wrote a novel called "Ilium", one of the more interesting takes on evolutionary science coupled with the premise of super evolved humans playing god. A definite good read if you are into mind-fuck.

That is all. I must go back to trolling the castle post.

>> No.1013542 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 500x375, TyBrax7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say entertainment, but the most entertaining things aren't emotionally rich. If you want entertainment you play a videogame where the story/music doesn't infringe on the gameplay. If you want art/knowledge you read a book, listen to music, visit places, etc.

They're both fun but one is god-tier entertainment the other for emotional depth. I think now that I've personalised/refined my taste in each I can no longer play videogames that aren't purely arcadey, pick up & play or puzzle-like. As for art I really can't be bothered with shallow works anymore that are considered more entertaining than emotional.

>storey writers

>> No.1013554

you're so enlightened bro, thanks for sharing

>> No.1013557

I actually I just realized if I apply that further video games are of no use at all but to children/short attention spans. I haven't even played Sonic in months ;_;

>> No.1013558

You make me feel very bad to be a Peter Hamilton fan.

>> No.1013574


Pleez explain.

Or perhaps suggest someone who is taking the same line on how science will most likely evolve, most of his premises are science-fact, they just haven't happened yet or they are currently being explored, the research and experimentation into immortality/prolonging of life via geneticism is something that is happening in labs around the globe every day.

Go for your life "Castle" fan.

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