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1013330 No.1013330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is really god you should read it

>> No.1013338

better or worse then The Blind Assassin? I'm reading that now.

>> No.1013341

Havent read it. Probably better since it was on Booker shortlist.

>> No.1013343

>this is really god
i herd god was a huge Orson Welles.

>> No.1013370

I wouldn't recommend it.

Flat characters, predictable plot, unfinished ending, and blatant political rehtoric to cap it off

>> No.1013376


Guess the Mann Booker judges got it all wrong.

You should write to them, before they release this year's shortlist, to set them straight about their selections.

>> No.1013396

Are you serious? It sucked, especially the ending. The only good part was the description of the Crakers genetic changes. Terrible ending. Fuck!

>> No.1013398

No, it's quite good. I don't judge plot about predictability, I judge it by the message. If you start to think about what you read, many hidden layers start to come up.

Hidden layers - har har, as if we hadn't had enough of that in high school lit classes, right? But seriously - good book. (Not god book. That would be Morgan Freeman?)

>> No.1013403

The characters were pretty weak but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Not perhaps an eternal classic but definitely OK.

>> No.1013405
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Obligatory meme made.

>> No.1013409


No. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1013411

>forced meme made

Fixed that for you.

>> No.1013412

Man Booker Charity Commission,
4 St. James Square,

>> No.1013417
File: 22 KB, 640x360, Dean_ah_sized2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she didn't win, did she.

I'm not saying it's a downright terrible book, some parts of the middle had promise- But the plot was irritating.

Take the mother character. Her only purpose in the entire novel was to become a martyr with little relation to the actual plot. She was created for the sole purpose of showcasing Atwood's political beliefs in a sympathetic political light

Or, take Oryx Atwood goes off on a multiple-chapter tangent with zero plot relevance in order to highlight third-world child slavery which would be GREAT IF IT WAS GOING TO HAVE SOME REAL IMPACT ON THE PLOT WHICH IT DOES NOT

And then we have Jimmy's university sequence: where Atwood feels compelled to make us read through multiple chapters of irrelevant harlequin romance with no plot value.

And the ending which is not an ending at all but an inconclusive irritation

Refuted. It was not that great

>> No.1013424

I liked it too

>> No.1013426

One of only 5 or 6 fiction books published that year to be shortlisted.

Would hardly have been shortlisted if your (innacurate) synopsis was in any way correct.

So there it is.

Trust a pretentious, angsty tripfaggot, or trust the Man Booker judges; the collective opinion of some of the world's greatest living literary minds.

>> No.1013431


You may not know shit about math, but you sure know how to slam a retarded Atwood book.

>> No.1013433
File: 24 KB, 320x480, 0001qxa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no refutation other than ad homiem
Opposition argument is weak.

>> No.1013434

I don't remember the mother as being a sympathetic character.

>> No.1013442
File: 25 KB, 200x298, Girls_Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad homiem

>> No.1013448

Think you mean Ad Hominem.

Think you don't know what Ad Hominem means.

Also samefag

>> No.1013449


>>1013448, here

I wouldn't have said that, or used that picture. Nice try, though!

>> No.1013460

And your argument is...
Oh wait, you don't have one

Open to interpretation. however, I would like to point out that: A) Jimmy feels remorse over mothers death / that she ran away, B) Mother gave him that irritating racoon-thing which he keeps as a close friend and cherishes C) Mother was arguing on moral grounds with father, D) Mother is killed by a stereotypically oppressive enemy
I'd say that this almost certainly depicts her as a sympathetic character

>> No.1013462

>Trust a pretentious, angsty tripfaggot
Oh really?

>> No.1013470

>A) Jimmy feels remorse over mothers death / that she ran away,
No, he feels none.

>B) Mother gave him that irritating racoon-thing which he keeps as a close friend and cherishes
Father gave him it.

>C) Mother was arguing on moral grounds with father,
Implying any argument can be on anything other than moral grounds; saying nothing.

>D) Mother is killed by a stereotypically oppressive enemy
Mother isn't killed.

Can see those Man Booker judges really missed a trick in not consulting you!

Should I forward them the address of your mother's basement?

>> No.1013476


>Implying most literary prizes aren't political awards.

>> No.1013477

>Mother isn't killed.
Are you gonna make me pull out the book? I think you are... onesec