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/lit/ - Literature

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10134022 No.10134022 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me real reasons why female authors suck?
What are they doing wrong and why is it a gender thing?
Please be as specific as possible since i don't know if i should just give up on writing if i'm not male.

>> No.10134023

because they won't have sex with me

>> No.10134031

Anything that has something to do with what or how they write?
I need to know if females are simply incapable of writing or if the errors are correctable.

>> No.10134035

they are just simply inferior to us white men

>> No.10134038

Artsy response: lack of vigour
Sciencey response: lack of testosterone

>> No.10134045

But how does that show in their writing? Can you give examples?
What are the aspects that make you notice "inferior", "lack of vigour", "lack of testosterone" simply by reading something without knowing the gender of the author first?

>> No.10134050
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You need to have an extremely high verbal intelligence to write a great book. There are relatively few women with that kind of genius compared to men. They're not genetically programmed for it and they're exposed to fewer epigenetic triggers.

Not to mention the fact that all of society exists to pamper and cater to women's every whim so they never really have to cultivate any kind of inner life.

It's possible for a woman to be born with and develop the intelligence needed to be a writer and also to undergo the kind of suffering that produces great artists, but statistically the odds are heavily against it. Men will always vastly outnumber women at that level of intellectual performance.

Even with all the artificial selective pressures imposed on the publishing industry because of political correctness, no woman has produced a great book in decades. The Marxists are on a fool's errand, literally.

>> No.10134051


ctrl+f funny-> literate

>> No.10134054

Sociocultural reasons. Mainly of expectations and interests. Combined with this >>10134038

>> No.10134057

Not all female writers suck. Not all male authors are good.

Given that 90% of literary agents are female, with female friends, that the bar is lower than for male writers.

Also, most women do have a more narrow perspective or world view. They tend to be more self-centered or family centered than men. Not as interested in the wider world or history. Which makes them less interesting.

>> No.10134064

>the artificial selective pressures imposed on the publishing industry

The bulk of those who make it past the slush pile have inside contacts. More talented women are less skilled in the suck-up game.

>> No.10134065

Not all female writers suck, just the straight ones. Same with the faggots having an edge on straight males, except dykes more consistently blow everyone the fuck out of the water.

Good nonfiction writers can be female, but for fiction writing, a straight female writes like a neckbeard.

I'm pretty sure you can diagnose fake lesbian by their writing skills. If you want some straight tail, that might help you.

>> No.10134138

It's similar to how black authors only write about "muh oppression/poverty".

>> No.10134157

>he'd a childhood deprived of dumas
i'm sorry anon. you're never too old to swashbuckle.

>> No.10134162

>cardinal richelieu is oppressing muh musketeers

>> No.10134170

No, that's exactly his point. Dumas' works aren't just "ooga booga white be oppressin me n shieet gnomesayn". When Blacks write things that have more depth than just "I'm black, feel bad for me :(" they do just fine.

>> No.10134177

nigga milady oppressed those musketeers way more than richelieu. she got what was coming. fite me irl i demand satisfaction nao

>> No.10134194
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o no you dit-ten

>> No.10134234
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>> No.10134287
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>stealth mode activated

>> No.10134306

My point was more/also that blacks often only write about their own exaggerated experiences; so do women. They seem unable to write about something they've never experienced themselves (a lack of sympathy). The result being all their books are about the same fucking thing. (Guess that can be used as proof that blacks have pretty shitty lives in general) And for women; extremely shallow stories.

>> No.10134323
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Women are more communal&confotmist than men, so they are on average less creative and passionate in their work.

>> No.10134328

this thead is officially a swashbuckling thread now you'll have to move over with your social commentary, richelieu
pic related, twinned trap card activated

>> No.10134332
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>so stealth i forgot the image
I'm retarded

>> No.10134339

Women gain little to no sexual advantage from being excellent writers. For men it can be the difference between being a weird, creepy virgin and being a sexual god.
Women seem to stop at 'pretty good', or whatever level is just enough to be showered in praise, but not enough to make any sort of cultural mark.

>> No.10134356
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>reincarnates as 19th C poet

>> No.10134369

>sexual advantage

You think men write to get layed?

>> No.10134371

I do not know why women can't paint madam, but they do write good books.

>> No.10134394


So this pressure thing could actually cause the reverse intention increasing the gap?

>> No.10134433


>> No.10134610

They don't suck. The problem is that you can't get laid. Your sexual frustration makes you unable to view women in any way other than sexual, so naturally you are unable to engage with literature written by women.

>> No.10134615

Yes. That's the main reason men do anything.

>> No.10134630

ive been going through recent short story collections and tend to prefer women writers over men but maybe ive just chosen poorly, sample size maybe twenty. at the very least they're less overtly-dismissable, if you get a thrusty, masculine voice, and it's unpleasant, you're just done with the thing. same goes for filler-filled scifi, also likely to be male-authored

if we're talking historically, great works, there's no discussion to be had, obviously

>> No.10134647

If you want to get laid go to a night club or call a hooker. Also try to develop a taste for dick, gay men are easy.

You think Tolkien spend all that time writing vast tomes because he thought it would get him a blow job?

>> No.10134696

There are a lot of good female writers, but a better question is why are most of them English?

>> No.10134698

>Sappho's English
>this is the UK school system
Jerusalem's not going to be rebuilt there either, m80

>> No.10134764

I'm American, actually, but I never implied Sappho is English. England has Aphra Behn, Frances Burney, Jane Austen, The Bronte Sisters, George Eliot, Virginia Woolf. And while her work is far from my favorite, there's also J.K. Rowling who, whether we like it or not, is going to be in the canon.

>> No.10134788

Please get better taste in English women. Most of women's achievements in literature aren't English, and Shelley has a better chance of taking one of those spots off a male. Compared with a powerhouse like Murasaki, those women often pale.
>J.K. Rowling
Please just kill yourself; you're setting literature and women back to c.1200 BC

>> No.10134789

>Denial: The Post

>> No.10134809
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women think they have to prove something instead of just writing from the heart, i don't have respect for someone who wants to demonstrate how she can be as good as a man

there are a lot of good female authors though, pic related is on my top 5 of the best short story writers of all time

>> No.10134904
File: 3.09 MB, 2440x833, The Anglo Canon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not showcasing my taste, lad. My GOAT is pic related. I didn't include Mary Shelley because it's pretty well-known that Percy wrote her novel.

Austen, the Brontes, Eliot, and Woolf are a potent quartet in their own right. Radcliffe was another English authoress I forgot to mention who was very influential in her time but is rarely read today. Even Christina Rossetti ranks high on my list of favorite poets and generally I hate female poets.

I already said Rowling isn't my cup of tea. Her smug smile and stills from the Potter films always make me cringe. But she's still going to be in the anthologies for highbrow 20th and 21st century literature whether we like it or not.

>Most of women's achievements in literature aren't English
Genuinely curious to whom you could be referring. There are no Spanish, Italian, Russian or German authoresses of note. The French have a few and there are a couple Americans, but I think English women have by and large contributed the most works of high seriousness to the canon.

>> No.10134909


Protip: reading these threads will turn you even more toxic than you already are, regardless of your original viewpoints.

>> No.10134936

This is really funny.

>> No.10134998

Percy didn't write her novel bub. There are two editions. The better one has less of his input.

>> No.10135004

White man literally means "superior". It's an ontological construct. You can't change it anymore than you could change the qualia associated with happiness or make death go away.

>> No.10135019

I think Kant should have the final word on black authors here:

"this fellow was quite black from head to foot, a clear proof that what he said was stupid"

>> No.10135027

ive read some god tier female poets, i cant talk about books because im a poorly read sod but seriously some of the best poetry i have read was by women.

>> No.10135058

as far as i can tell women were ahead of men in terms of western esotericism in the medeival times. Anyone know of any books written by women on that subject?

>> No.10135064

>some of the best poetry i have read was by women.
> im a poorly read sod

>> No.10135716

I mentioned Sappho and Murasaki so I probably mean none of the women you mentioned founded western poetry or created the modern novel.

Shelley's novel is considered better without Percy's edits, and it's the founder of a genre. Woolf would get a similar accolade, but she's up against Joyce and Hamsun and doesn't win.

Hildegaard was bigger than any of those throughout the middle ages. The reason why the French have so many is because in the start of the last millennium, Queen Elinor of Aquitaine started the bardic romance tradition, which Shakespeare relies on. You're not even choosing Englishwomen like Lady Montagu who stopped Shakespeare being raped and led the salons that spawned Burke and the kind of sensibility and romantic interest that brings about the Romantics. You have shit taste in women and that's even before we get to the fact you don't know who Marina Tsvetaeva is or anything about foreign lit at all it seems.

Jesus, your taste would be less depressing if you'd said Radclyffe Hall's Well of Loneliness was your favourite novel.

>> No.10135723

Hildegaard of Bingen