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/lit/ - Literature

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10132578 No.10132578 [Reply] [Original]

>Purple prose



>Story starts with character waking up

>> No.10132588
File: 44 KB, 1067x600, coolpepe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the only reason I'd ever pick a book up. Praise Kek

>> No.10132629


>> No.10132697

>>Story starts with character waking up

What's wrong with that?

>> No.10132699
File: 31 KB, 500x500, FeedMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Caucasian male homosapien arose from a deep, etherial slumber, greeting the rising magnificence of Helios' fiery chariot racing across the heavens with a growling, stretching yawn.

>Looking down, he coldly regarded the draped, prone form of his inferior quadroon paramour.

>> No.10132705

Nice. Thank you.

>> No.10132713

epic post

>> No.10132714

Book starts with:
>be me

>> No.10132715

You just fell for OP's bait

>> No.10132720

>Open book
>Limp Bizkit starts playing

>> No.10132725
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>TFW I just started his book for him
What a fool i've been.

>> No.10132730

fpbp fellow gentlepolack

>> No.10132732

Biting a hook ironically draws ire not blood

>> No.10132759
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You're both incredibly dull people.

>> No.10132800
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>hyperrealist ""art""
>capitalizing greentext
>subject field
>numale sensibilities and autismal grievances

>> No.10132805

trolled hard

>> No.10132920

whenever a book or short story starts off with "My name is [insert name] and this is my story"

It drives me up a wall

>> No.10132970

>rayddit obsession
>caring about spacing
>liking what I don't like
>""muh special memeing rules""
>literally not even a thing
>babby poltardian slang
Underage faggot three months off plebbit really overeager to fit in into ""special secret meme club"": the post.

>> No.10132977



I mean I know it's bait but the excellent trend in exhaustively searching works for inherent Misogyny is a great way to identify pseuds

>> No.10132981

>>Story starts with character waking up
So much this. I unironically dropped The Metamorphosis and Gravity's Rainbow because of it.

>> No.10132984

t. OP
fuck off back to whatever subreddit hole you crawled from, vermin

>> No.10132989

>female author

>> No.10132991

>t. OP
>literal special club embryo can't even into IP counter
Just stop, you're already dead.

>> No.10132993
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>Doesn't start with Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

Dropped quicker than a faggot falls off a rooftop.

>> No.10132997

>a redditor's riposte

>> No.10133009
File: 8 KB, 236x300, 1132f9d6121dadab9ac3d0e1d59874e4--projects-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironical LE RAYDDIT

>> No.10133019

>the redditor squirms: "I've been found out"

>> No.10133023


>> No.10133030
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>> No.10133040


>> No.10133314

Wow that's realistic cum.

>> No.10133323

Is it just me, or does that dragon have a genuinely troubled D: look on its face? Like it believed he queen that she was single and now feels kinda shitty?

>> No.10133347

is reddit spacing the hottest meme?
I'm absolutely certain it only came up a couple months ago

>> No.10133349

>author thanks page or dedication
>doesn't acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ

>> No.10133353

I like the Queen's expression. It's like "Yeah, I'm fucking a dragon. How about that, pussy?"

>> No.10133359


Pfft. Thus you arbitrarily eliminate large swaths of excellent literature written lo these past several hundred years.

Thus you constrain and castrate the passion and power of literature and change it into your own personal hug box.


>> No.10133430

Boy I love Lovecraft too

>> No.10133433

Doesn't seem like the worst point in life to be cucked by actual Lucifer.

>> No.10133441
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>> No.10133451

Any book written by an American or Bulgarian.

>> No.10133455

>not thanking your current Patron Saint

>> No.10133500

>promotes backwards world views
>excellent literature
These stories lack merit and are barely applicable for our world sans the technical aspects.

No idea how OP feels about it, and it's probably bait either way but for me it's not the hug box aspect, neither thing ever affected me, it's just like reading a story from a child who thinks thunder is caused by angry clouds and babies are brought by birds. If it's written very well, it can be still entertaining but there isn't much else to gain.

>> No.10133527
File: 41 KB, 690x460, trump_disgust-690x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author is a woman
>book written in the last 50 years
>book is a bestseller
>author's name bigger than title
>reddit likes the book

all these are enough to stop me from picking it up.

>> No.10133537

>has words in it

>> No.10133549


frick off back to r*ddit

>> No.10133584

>getting this triggered over an opinion
It's like you're an oversensitive little faggot.

>> No.10133911
File: 9 KB, 467x315, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the text on the spine is upside down when the book is sitting with the cover facing up

>> No.10133916


Wow, a homophobic slur. That's very. . .backward of you anon. I'll be sure to let the Diversity Officer know about this little chat.

>> No.10133918

>pick up a book
>it's scalding hot
>drop it immediately

>> No.10133923

>*record scratch*
>you're probably wondering how my dick got into this mess

>> No.10134999

/lit/ talks more about not reading than reading

>> No.10135022

If /lit/ tells me I'm a pseud for liking it

>> No.10135029

Never read the Trial

>> No.10135972

You want to know how I know you enjoy BLACKED?

>> No.10136400

>reddit likes the book
>reddit doesn't like the book
>/lit/ likes the book
>it's printed on paper
>it has a title
>it's a book
>it was written by a person

>> No.10137081

a mind I don't respect or care to explore, that's the only reason I'd ever put down a book once I begin. I imagine it as being similar to someone you'd find repulsive to be around, for me Gabriel Garcia Marquez comes to mind: a perverted hack who has absolutely nothing of interest worth noting.

>> No.10137098

Nice post fellow kekistani,
wubba lubba dub dub

>> No.10137176

>Author is Jewish

>> No.10137204


>> No.10137466

no its been around for years
t. not newfag

>> No.10137496

I want to go read some Howard now

>> No.10137510

Under rated.

>> No.10137687

>Inability to detect bait

>> No.10137694
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, 1506588368047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this faggot. Look at him and laugh! Ahahaha!!

>> No.10137726

>author is gay

Mishima is the only gay author I've read that wasn't complete shit

>> No.10137840

>purple prose
Do you mean actual purple prose or do you mean prose more difficult than in an airport novel?

>> No.10137884


>> No.10137886

>he thinks he can apply morality to text

>> No.10137982

fuck I love Howard

>> No.10138250


>> No.10138450
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>main character is a depressed writer

>> No.10138471

I demand photographic evidence of this.

>> No.10139021

>the metamorphasis begins with the main character waking

>> No.10139102
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>> No.10139134
File: 53 KB, 256x256, makesyouthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What actually is purple prose? Is there a better definition than being a tryhard?

>> No.10139168

>es ist schreiben im Englisch