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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 645x773, 1A550A0B-C305-4224-8703-5CDB3FC308CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132283 No.10132283 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>shipping a book to a friend
>post office worker asks “what’s the value of the contents in the box”
>hesitate for a moment
>lump in throat
>think of the intrinsic value of the book
>think of everything i’ve learned from this one book
>think of every character, every flaw they had, each philosophical anecdote that made me pause
>did i learn anything from this book?
>worry if i absorbed the book at all
>worry i didn’t change at all
>”f-five or ten dollars”


>> No.10132386

Stop worrying about your insight and intelligence so much, just try to find genuine interest.

>> No.10132440
File: 30 KB, 600x600, suicide-pepe-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>shipping manuscript to a publisher
>post office worker asks "what's the value of the contents in the box"
>hesitate for a moment
>"Oh it's just the manuscript for the novel I've written. It's a literary fiction piece, rendered in the postmodernist style, a la Pynchon or David Foster Wallace."
>postal worker smiles at me
>"So it's worthless?"
>blink in shock
>"Excuse me?"
>"It has no value, correct?"
>"Y-yeah I g-guess so, monetarily at least."
>He laughs
>"Of course, monetarily."

What the fuck

>> No.10132451

Actually keked.

>> No.10132463


>> No.10132488

>be me
>shitposting on /lit/ with my friends
>decide to add a Pepe image to complete the package
>go to send my shitposting
>Captcha asks me "are you a robot?"
>reflect on the nature of my shitty post
>examine it's non-unique, automated characteristics and evaluate it beside previous shitposts
>begin to see the pattern of robotic, humourless, repetitive spins on unfunny members ranging from Jordan Peterson to pictures of fat bugs bunny
>"...are you a robot?"
>decide that yes, I am an unthinking, impulse-driven device that operates only to perform repetitive tasks
>decide that henceforth I will no longer robotically shitpost and instead endeavour to make all of my contributions to lit creative ones
>choose not to click the captcha, choose not to send my valueless shitpost


>> No.10132493
File: 18 KB, 250x350, 31pmbE-hjnL._UX250_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no discernible value

>> No.10132502


>> No.10132522 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 267x181, portraitofayoungautist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>shipping 76-page letter to my favorite author detailing how much his works have affected my life and writing
>20-something post office worker asks "who are you shipping such a long letter to?"
>stammer, stare at the floor
>"I-it's f-f-f-or my favorite author Gene Wolfe"
>postal worker laughs
>"So you don't even know this guy?"
>voice cracks
>"Uh, h-haha, yeah, but but I love his B-book of the New Sun series"
"That's pretty gay dude, I didn't even know people read paper books anymore."


>> No.10132528
File: 9 KB, 267x181, portraitofayoungautist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>shipping 76-page letter to my favorite author detailing how much his works have affected my life and writing
>20-something post office worker asks "who are you shipping such a long letter to?"
>stammer, stare at the floor
>"I-it's f-f-f-or my favorite author Gene Wolfe"
>postal worker laughs
>"So you don't even know this guy?"
>voice cracks
>"Uh, h-haha, yeah, but but I love his B-book of the New Sun series"
>"That's pretty gay dude, I didn't even know people read paper books anymore."


>> No.10132533

0/10 ruining a nice thread

>> No.10132614

yet here it is

>> No.10132637
File: 829 KB, 1746x2444, 1396941172026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no discernible resolution

>> No.10133866

Is there a book for this feel?

>> No.10133872

anything by paulo coelho

>> No.10133873
File: 16 KB, 620x374, People_are_being_mean_by_making_mashups_of_sad_Ben_Affleck_s_reaction_to_Batman_v_Superman_reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>see qt reading a book
>ask her what books shes reading
>she tells me
>its a book I've never heard of
>tell her that I've never heard of it
>she tells me its good
>i say good bye and leave

>> No.10133883


>> No.10133885

Feels like getting touched by warm fuzzy rays of sunlight early in class and then getting abruptly pulled back into reality by some fat autist shutting the blinds because he gets glare on his SchmuckBook.

>> No.10133928
File: 4 KB, 205x246, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost finished reading dead souls
>more and more missing parts
>slowly acknowledging what I thought would be my favourite novel isn't even finished
>still haven't finished so I can pretend I won't be disappointed

>> No.10133940

>cannot finish a novel on middle-school curriculum in Russia
Is this some other "Dead Souls" you're talking about?

>> No.10133947

shit i laughed at this

>> No.10133954

I don't understand how people with such poor reading comprehension can be so condescending

>> No.10133972

Sorry, I attributed "missing parts" and "not finished" to poor English and personal reading troubles, not literal autism of viewing deliberate authorial intent as "being incomplete and unfinished".

>> No.10134077


>> No.10134435

Yet there it is, stark, frogless, not even slightly similar to what he described and obviously, it pissed (You) off. Back to whichever containment board you slipped out of.

>> No.10134491
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 9832321311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>get to know this college girl who always takes the same bus I do
>find out she's lit major
>ask her for recommendations
>she tells me to read Steinbeck
>tell her I tried once but wasn't my thing
>she starts taking a different bus
>never see her again

Don't judge me, fucking pseuds

>> No.10134554

How kafka-esque

>> No.10134659

no bullying

>> No.10134693

best new meme

>> No.10134900
File: 67 KB, 400x411, comment_3fgob2HzivWl5cB0KlMj263YwRqP0NO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the dead souls we read today is intentionally incomplete

>> No.10134920


>doesn't realize that Steinbeck is code that every functioning literary type with a life that flourishes uses to gauge whether the person they are talking to likes good and beautiful things even though they are simple, such as Steinbeck, or are firmly in the camp of literary frogposters and ressentiment-driven losers who like Houllebecq, Notes from Underground and Celine.

>> No.10134927


>> No.10134937

Steinbeck sucks

>> No.10134940

dumb frogposter.

>> No.10134966

How to spot someone who hasn't read Steinbeck

>> No.10134971

not an argument

>> No.10134975

>be me, socially isolated creep, people avoid me if they can
>never sit on the bus so I don't have to share the seats with strangers
>one time bus is empty so I sit to read 19Q4, just started
>next stop, a guy who is seriously autistic (really looks like it , seen him a few times, has a child's face and just keeps smiling and avoiding eye contact) sits on the seat opposite to mine, so we're face to face
>asks me, smiling like a goof: 'What are you reading?'
>I answer - 'I'm not sure how to pronounce this', and I show him the book
>his smile widens: 'Aha ok', and I'm creeped out
>catch him staring at me in the window reflection a few times

What happened
I've never had people talk to me like that and this one time it's this creepy

>> No.10134997

I grew up in Steinbeck's town so there were many books we had to read for hs. Strangely the ones i enjoyed most weren't mandatory reading.

>> No.10135047

What have you read of his?

You mean IQ84? That story's kinda cute anon.