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10130763 No.10130763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oldfag here. I have squandered my youth. Books for this feel?

>> No.10130794

it will make you realize how you haven't squandered your youth

>> No.10130796

How so? I've read portrait and dubliners, have been waiting on the Ulysses meme for a nice springtime.

>> No.10130818


>> No.10130829

Wtf youth is fucking gay and I'm still pretty young. I'm only 28 but what a waste of time youth is. You are barely alive desu senpai. Everything you do is pointless. I've only started truly living the last 2 years. I finished my cpa and got hired on in Toronto and now I'm moving to Hong Kong. The past 2 years I've traveled the world. Purchased a car (Nissan fairlady(my dream car)) and a condo beside the Rogers center. Youth is gay. I literally can't stand young people. Especially college kids. College kids are so fucking annoying lmao.

>> No.10130836

Amen, I'm twenty six, feel like life has just started. Good job, dating, writing and reading each morning and night, taking random trips with friends. There is a substance to life that you seem to appreciate more in your mid to late twenties.

That said, it has less to do with age than circumstance. There are many twenty year olds far wiser, more well read, and/or better adjusted than I. But still, it seems to get better. "Ages like a fine wine."

>> No.10130877

Any of them because all youths are squandered.

>> No.10130936

Boswell's Johnson. Gibbon's Decline and Fall. Montaigne.
These if not already.

>> No.10131014



>> No.10131087
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>tfw 19 and feel like I'm waiting for everybody around me to grow up

>> No.10131154

To be honest, this
I'm 20, and though life was a lot simpler when I was 16, it seems that the longer you go, the more personal freedom you're able to develop.

>> No.10132403
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This book desu

It changed my thinking, we're not oldfags yet.

>> No.10132784

How did you get anything going in your life? I just started getting interested in books. I'm 23 and I have done absolutely nothing with myself for the past 6 years. All that time completely wasted on nothing. It's hard to think about. I wish I was more disciplined back then. I feel like I need to rush myself to figure out what direction I want to go in or my life will just be fucked at 25.

>> No.10132806


Sup leafbro I live in Maple Leaf Square

>> No.10134010

Im twice your age. Start now at anything and you will have zero regrets later. Just ditch the fear.

>> No.10134029

Life is wasted on the living.

>> No.10134032

This is what you tell yourself after every arbitrary life milestone.

>finally my life has started for real
>first girlfriend
> =||=
> =||=
>first job
> =||=

grow up.

>> No.10134063
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>in three years I'm going to be 30
I hate myself and I want to die

>> No.10134095

Same age here, was seriously thinking about suicide two years ago but my mind has changed since then. Now I just want to focus on photography and reading (and eventually writing).

I am also trying to get rid of friends who want nothing but fapping fucking and working in the rest of their life. I don't have many friends, so that's a tough decision, but I think 10 years later I will appreciate this decision.

>> No.10134134

I'm turning 21 in prison doing life without parole, you haven't wasted anything.

>> No.10134137
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>> No.10134142

i'm about to turn 20 in a few months, and i got fat when i was 12 or 13. i spent my entire teenage years fat. what the fuck

>> No.10134148
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No one could steer me right
But mama tried
Mama tried!
She tried to raise me better,
But her pleading I denied
That leaves only me to blame 'cause mama tried

>> No.10134149

I agree with the anons older than me who says that this "wasted youth" is a meme. Today's average people, in western countries, live until they're 80+, and the line it's just higher.
If we consider ourself old at 30 (I just turned 20 btw) it would make no sense

>> No.10134218
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>> No.10134351
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>tfw have been like this since I was 16

>> No.10134367
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>tfw squandered my youth reading and learning instead of pursuing my one true passion: sex with teenage girls

>> No.10134441

Hey Anon, chin up. I stopped looking for a clear path and committed myself to a path, regardless of its value, for the sake of having any direction at all. For me this meant a 9-5 in my field, for my friends in similar boats it meant teaching in foreign countries, for others it meant law school or grad school or what have you. I'd say stop waiting for the perfect route to present itself, and follow something for the sake of structure.

Also, don't put so much pressure on yourself. You will not be fucked at 25, you are not expected to be secure in your future at 25, you're the only one putting that pressure on yourself. I have a friend who's 37, has a wife and kids, and is quitting his job to make graphic novels and freelance design work for a living. That certainly isn't a direction he'd planned out by 25. He's obviously still searching.

So (a) pick something, anything, to defeat the feeling of aimlessness and for the pragmatic/economic foundation; and (b) know that you have time.

>> No.10134483

I'm a year away. On the one hand, age is arbitrary. On the other hand, I am succumbing to the pressure. Full time job, getting "serious" with a girl, talking about moving in together, then promotion, then kids, then dealing with expenses and childcare and maintaining a relationship with my spouse, cooking, traveling for work, getting more and more responsibility at the office, always a pit in my stomach because I want to be reading and writing but can't, the love for my wife slowly fades, the child keeps us up at night, I have deadlines, I haven't read a book this month, I haven't written a word, sometimes we watch Netflix together, but this month it's her show, maybe we could do a dinner but the babysitter is an additional expense, why aren't you making more money, Rob? the few grays from my twenties have turned into a swarm, I have wrinkles beneath my eyes, the child is older now, public school would be good but my wife wants private, I always wanted to read Tolstoy but with the kid and the marital tension, and my friends are like me now, we used to talk philosophy and art, now we eat chips and root for the eagles, I always wanted to write a novel, but she'd chastise me, a novel won't pay for private school, how can we afford another kid? Another kid, she says, don't I have a say? And now we need a bigger house, and will a novel build a bigger house? With a cul-de-sac? and sometimes at work I read Kafka's Wikipedia page when I should be writing reports, I feel I'm cheating my work family and my family family when I distract myself, when I daydream, since there are bills to pay, and my time is not my own but everyone else's.

>> No.10134521

this, ageing is great, you have control over your destiny that you dont have when younger.

also the annoying dumbfucks and hipsters start to become a laughable irrelevance.

>> No.10134523

this is really good advice, surprisingly for 4chan. i wasted a lot of time when i was younger being indecisive.

>> No.10134544
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I'm 23 and I feel as though I am finally on the cusp of discovering what my right path is, despite it's turmoils and despair. Despite the structure of my environment keeping me from my goals and ideals. I am glad I didn't go to college, I have set out the proper path by trying to forge my way in this cold capitalist world. My life will be one without many companions and partners, and perhaps times without any money and food, but in light of what yearns inside my soul that all matters very little to me right now. I would rather die on the battlefield of trying to live out your dreams with my face in the mud than to die on a bed around my family knowing I never did what my true passion was.

>> No.10134623

Jesus. These are all gigantic first world problems.

And yet this depressed the fuck out of me.

>> No.10134633

thanks for this advice
i´m going to start studying soon, at uni, but i don´t know what the fuck to do. too much choices, too much ´interesting´ subjects that i will probably dread after being forced to spend every day looking and having to deal with them, etc

do i just roll the dice and go for whatever? ought i to look for a study that would give me a job? i dont know mohn

>> No.10134673

Depends. Will this be your first year at Uni? If so, consider studying something pragmatic, particularly in computer science, business, or information management systems, alongside something you're interested in, presumably a humanity. In my experience, you could double major quite easily should you make the choice early on.

If it's not your first year, commit to something practical but do all you can to either minor in or build credits towards the subject of your interest.

I majored in creative writing and only that. It was tough. I had to go to graduate school for an unrelated subject just to have any income whatsoever. All thatdid was add debt.

The harsh reality is you need a job, at least in the beginning. But by having one early and not having to spend money and time on graduate school later on, you will create more time for yourself, and have the means to do what you want.


>> No.10134692

Let's meet up I live near Toronto too.

>> No.10134700

Hit me up bros we can meet at some cafe

>> No.10134707

Let's grab drinks and dinner at Jacob and co. That's my go to spot when I'm with clients.

>> No.10134718


What time?

>> No.10134723

Thread theme

>> No.10134733

Hey you rich fucks I can't afford that! I live a simple life of easy food service management. I am but a simple man who enjoys the stress free life. But with that also comes less money.

>> No.10134739

how about a Tim Horton's then?

>> No.10134763

We could meet at the Tim Horton's near the TIFF

>> No.10134776

I ONLY drink fare trade coffee. How about an ideal coffee instead. Dundas West and ossington?

>> No.10134785

I'll buy your coffee
At the corner or is there a venue called that?

>> No.10134882

>all that whining
Cheer up, buddy. It's actually much worse.

>> No.10134899

Actual old fag here (57). Wasted youth is not a meme.
>Pff, that will never happen to me.
Oh, I'm sorry, friend. You are right, of course. My bad.

>> No.10134970

Sorry your life sucks so bad

>> No.10135068

>No friends
>No education (detest school)
>No Job

I guess I win?

>> No.10135099


>> No.10135106

Kissless, hugless virgin?

>> No.10135110


>> No.10135118

Just start writing. Just a few paragraphs a day or so, a page maybe. Don't stress out over the details and keep going. By the end of 6 months or a year you'll have the first draft of a book ready. Keep at it man and don't give in

>> No.10135124

good luck man

>> No.10135162

This made me laugh out loud, or, LOL-ed.