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10130343 No.10130343 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that people don't want you to read?
Mein Kampf seems like the most obvious one.

>> No.10130351

dianetics has been buried by a bloodthirsty crusade of lies despite being the key text in the single most important work ever performed by humans

>> No.10130366

Troll pls?

>> No.10130374

sex and character

>> No.10130411

Symbols, Sex, and theStars

>> No.10130413

No one cares if you 'read' it. (you haven't and wont)

>> No.10130480

Turner Diaries

>> No.10130515

It's not that they don't want you to read it. It's that it really doesn't have any useful info in it. It doesn't even have a coherent political philosophy in it.

>> No.10130527

I've had high school teachers recommend Mein Kampf. The only people I knew who read it then were edgy pseuds

>> No.10130534

>What are some books that people don't want you to read?
The New Testament.

>> No.10130552

my diary, desu

>> No.10130588
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both edgy and true

>> No.10130831
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>> No.10130871

Actually I just started reading it. And you know very well that you're lying, nobody is indifferent to this book. You wouldn't read it in public places as easy as any other book.

>It doesn't even have a coherent political philosophy in it.
Well maybe you're right. But again you know perfectly well that it isn't a "neutral" book, and that most people would get mad just at its sight.

>> No.10131523

Eh, I read it in high school, and I was a Nazi, then, of course when I read Queer, I was a faggot.

And 95% of people never actually progress socially beyond high school, because it's either the high point of their lives, of the one stopgap they are deadly jealous of.

>> No.10131651


>> No.10132189

Two Hundred Years Together

The Culture of Critique

The Turner Diaries

The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century

The Lightning and the Sun

all very good books that most likely will not be found in your local library.

>> No.10132199

>And 95% of people never actually progress socially beyond high school, because it's either the high point of their lives, of the one stopgap they are deadly jealous of.
Kinda odd you slipped this in there. Was more expecting an explanation of why you so easily adopted the ideology of things you read.

>> No.10132204

The Decline of the West

>> No.10132216
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Lovecraft, R.E. Howard and E.R. Burroughs

>> No.10132221


Anything by Julius Evola.

>> No.10132228

Politae - Plato

... at least in germany.

>> No.10132235

My Little Fish
( hard to find if it is real)

>> No.10132240

Siege by James Mason

>> No.10132431

>You wouldn't read it in public places as easy as any other book.
Speak for yourself, coward.

>> No.10132763
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The Virtue of Selfishness
Anything Ayn Rand really.

>> No.10132885
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Looks hwhite to me.

>> No.10133006

lmao, you remind me of this guy I knew in high school who read Mein Kampf and talked about how he was reading it (not the content, just the fact that he was reading it) like he was just DYING for someone to object, but nobody gave a fuck.

>> No.10133016

This actually. Reading Hitler out of historical interest would be fine, but the left generally want people to forget Rand even existed.

>> No.10133119
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Cultural Marxists are terrified of Ayn Rand as she represents the American Constution completed; a rejection of the primordial evil that is Altruism that the US founding fathers lacked. The ONLY thing (or one of the few things) they lacked; epistemologically validated, metaphysically defined, and ethically expanded. Objectivism is the greatest threat Commie and Nazi Statists have ever encountered which is why they cannot even bear to have it discussed as a philosophy
The dreaded, horrible secret that academic philosophers face (and why they too do not even allow the notion of Objectivism as a philosophy) is that Objectism is not -a- Philosophy but -the- Philosophy. Hers holds the particular distinction of being the first ever formulated META-Philosophy. And psudeo-intellectuals the world over are perpetually butthurt over this incontrovertible fact. Yes fact, I do not exaggerate. Including it among their other disparate half formed, half actualized "philosophies", they find it eats everything it comes into contact with. This disrupts their vested interest in keeping a fanciful salad-esque collection of philosophies to catalog away and do nothing objectively meritous with it on their own terms (notice this is often /lit/'s perogative too). Despite what these sorts of people would have to say it isn't Ayn Rand but academia as it stands that is "the joke".

>> No.10133153
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How Solzhenitsyn of all people has been treated world wide proves this book should be top of the "don't read but secretly read it" list.

Also Ayn Rand has been mentioned.

I think politically modern Conservatives and Progressives really don't want people reading the history of their ideologies that is drenched in eugenics and all sorts of weird shit but I guess only a small portion of these groups even know their own intellectual predecessors.

>> No.10133690

Is this in audiobook? I'd wager not.

>> No.10133693

They give you Mein Kampf to read in any History Undergrad program. It's integral to understanding Hitler's delusions. There's a reason it's still in print.

>> No.10133848

That's right anon, I really need some autists on the internet to acknowledge the fact that I'm reading this book.

>They give you Mein Kampf to read in any History Undergrad program
They surely don't where I live.
Maybe in burger land that's not the case, but here it absolutely subversive, believe it or not.

>> No.10133960

Reading Mein Kampf out of historical/biographical interest is the only valid reason because the book as literature in the belletristic sense is trash.

>> No.10133980

this is what struggling actors in hollywood/baristas actually believe

>> No.10133983

Fallout: Equestria

>> No.10133986

The bell curve

>> No.10134864


>> No.10134874

one dimensional man - marcuse

>> No.10134951
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>wot are u, a pedo?

>> No.10134957
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Other than mein Kampf which you can sort of get away with for being "curious", there is De Sade's Justine, Lolita, anything that is heavily reactionary or leftist, depending on where you are, racist authors like David Duke, books that teach you illegal practices like the Anarchists Cookbook, etc

A lot comes to mind, actually.

>> No.10134967
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I've read and understood a lot of shit, but Jungs work on alchemy as it relates to archetypes still eludes me. Whenever I try to talk about it people tell me it's bullshit tho

>> No.10134969

I read AC in the library when I was a kid. Most of it is bullshit. I'm pretty sure it was just a trap by the feds to track people who were dumb enough to check it out

>> No.10135013

>Mein Kampf seems like the most obvious one.
We read Mein Kampf in school, in Germany.

Why? Because his ramblings are just THAT inane and badly written, in addition to being chock full of even to schoolchildren demonstrable lies such as what, where and when he had been doing something during the war, that anyone that actually reads it with an open mind nowadays would disregard it purely out of its own qualities.

We also read the Politeia in school. I don't know what the fuck you're on about.

>> No.10135035
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>Whenever I try to talk about it people tell me it's bullshit tho
Plebs tend to do that

>> No.10135083
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>Why? Because his ramblings are just THAT inane and badly written, in addition to being chock full of even to schoolchildren demonstrable lies such as what, where and when he had been doing something during the war, that anyone that actually reads it with an open mind nowadays would disregard it purely out of its own qualities.
No, you read it because that was a highly edited/censored version and it's part of your indoctrination to look at history in the most subjective, politicized view possible.

The problem with Mein Kampf is that people go into it thinking it's going to be this ideological masterpiece explaining what national socialism is and why you too should be a national socialist, but that's not what the book is or was intended to be. It's exactly what the title suggest, Hitler's struggle. It's really just a memoir, and on that level it's not more rambling than anybody else's memoirs. If you want to read the Wealth of Nations/Das Kapital/Doctrine of Fascism equivalent for national socialism, pic related is much more up your alley. Rosenberg's authorship of this book was one of the primary reasons for his execution at Nuremberg, which should tell you all you need to know as far as whether people want you to read it.

>> No.10135151

I'd like to add the enquirer to this list
People really don't want you to know the truth about Clinton's alien baby marrying Bigfoot, libs would get super triggered if you knew the facts :^)

>> No.10135194

nice pasta

>> No.10135203

>Rosenberg's authorship of this book was one of the primary reasons for his execution at Nuremberg
Nothing to do with the whole, kill the Jews thing, then?

>> No.10135254

haha everytime I see this this book I have to laugh.
Everywhere it comes up it's made fun of and even Goebbels called it an "intellectual burp"
Rosenberg truely is the OG beta brainlet, but he was an useflul idiot for Hitler I guess.

>> No.10135334
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Thanks, I cooked it myself.

>> No.10135502

How many Jews did Alfred Rosenberg personally strangle? His only crime was wrongthink, the most heinous crime of all.

Goebbel's diary calls the book "very good". Regardless, I'm not sure why you would base your opinions on what Goebbels thinks of the book. As far as natsoc literature goes it's fairly well received everywhere it comes up.

>> No.10135984
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only a racist would read this