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10122449 No.10122449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dude, let's critique the core foundation of western civilization, I'm sure that will end up good, I'm sure it wont end up in cultural nihilism and civilizational suicide, lmao.

>> No.10122469
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>civilizational suicide
>implying it's a choice

>> No.10122473

thats just cultural marxism my dude, red culture of critique by kevin macdonalds.

>> No.10122479

sick frogpost homo

>> No.10122486

Alright, when you refer to the foundation of "Western Civilization," are you speaking of the greco-roman ideals, or the Christian ones? Either way you're a dunce.

>> No.10122490

at least he knows what western civilization is lmao!!!

>> No.10122491
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>implying western civilization has anything to do with classical civilization

>> No.10122501

Dude, let's create a core foundation for western civilization, I'm sure that will end up good, I'm sure it wont end up in imperialism and genocide, lmao.

>> No.10122513

Dude let's just like pretend everything we were wrong about isn't actually wrong, then we will literally have no problems because can't have problems if nobody points em out right?

>> No.10122515

what's wrong with killing and slaving niggers?

>> No.10122520

This is what the European considered as a thought exercise then what the jew took to its most perverse ends and enshrined in the academic institutions he had at the time just begun to nepotistically stack with other jews. This is how postmodernism came about.

>> No.10122529
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Their inevitable escape to steal and defile your oh so beloved young white maidens, and I'm laughing

>> No.10122530
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>> No.10122533

Literally nothing

Praise kek

>> No.10122534


>> No.10122535
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>> No.10122538
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>> No.10122543

Necessarily nothing, but this notion conflicts with the core beliefs of western civilization.

>> No.10122548
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Try n enslave this, cracka

>> No.10122554
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W-we wuz kangz!

>> No.10122556
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Come n get yo redpills sucka

>> No.10122565
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wew waiboy

>> No.10122569

I'm so fucking tired of seeing nihilists complain about nihilism. If you go on /pol/, you're probably a nihilist.

>> No.10122577
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>> No.10122584

This guy, he's a nihilist.

>> No.10122585
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Tsk Tsk my man

>> No.10122586

Look at all of these people who got sidetracked from the jewish postmodernism question by a jewish poster pretending to be a pro-slavery white guy.

>> No.10122593
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>> No.10122607

Because everything must be about (((((them))))) right?

>> No.10122616

>question nothing!
good thread

>> No.10122619

They certainly think so. That's the problem.

>> No.10122624
File: 100 KB, 640x734, Himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to me or lil me ever again, a'ight?

>> No.10122638

I hate this place

>> No.10122652
File: 282 KB, 700x664, Leftist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this place hates Sunday morning redditors even more.

>> No.10122653
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>gets BTFO with humor


>> No.10122656


>> No.10122658
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>> No.10122711
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>They don't have my "kill and enslave the blacks" humor
>they must be from reddit
Every day, this cognitive dissonance.

Your solution to your failed assumptions is to assume even more. We must be jewish redditors. No way would someone who comes here often and enjoys anonymous discourse possibly disagree with the general consensus of racism and antisemitism.

Pathetic. The saddest part is, you're expressing discontent at being displaced in your own culture by alleged outside forces. Welcome to leftism, hot shot. You're now an anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist. Only it's over something as trite as fucking 4chan, and the imagined immigrants have actually been here since the mid 2000s. You're not Göring to "save Western civilization" from the the headquarters of an anonymous degenerate Chinese foot binding fetishist imageboard.

>> No.10122719


>> No.10122751
File: 96 KB, 825x540, beach buddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIDF >>>/r/eddit

>> No.10122769

You have nothing but unfalsifiable assertions about my identity.

I am not Jewish, and I never will be, but this cannot be proven, and it will never matter to you. This is because you are a sad fanatic, or a troll. It does not matter if I refute your points directly, or play the same games as you. You are a child who shits all over the floor in substitute of a real discussion. If you are OP then I feel sorry for you, watching you retreat further and further,

>> No.10122778

What the hell are you blathering on about? I just entered the thread. All I see is you whining about people daring to criticise the Jews.

>> No.10122783
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>> No.10122784

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.10122789

That's pretty rich coming from you.

>> No.10122804


Let me now sing of my friend,
my friend's song concerning his vineyard.
My friend had a vineyard
on a fertile hillside;
he spaded it, cleared it of stones,
and planted the choicest vines;
within it he built a watchtower,
and hewed out a wine press.
Then he looked for the crop of grapes,
but what it yielded was wild grapes.

Now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and people of Judah,
judge between me and my vineyard:
What more was there to do for my vineyard
that I had not done?
Why, when I looked for the crop of grapes,
did it bring forth wild grapes?
Now, I will let you know
what I mean to do with my vineyard:
take away its hedge, give it to grazing,
break through its wall, let it be trampled!
Yes, I will make it a ruin:
it shall not be pruned or hoed,
but overgrown with thorns and briers;
I will command the clouds
not to send rain upon it.
The vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel,
and the people of Judah are his cherished plant;
he looked for judgment, but see, bloodshed!
for justice, but hark, the outcry!
>Isaiah 5:1-7

Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
"Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard,
put a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a tower.
Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
When vintage time drew near,
he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce.
But the tenants seized the servants and one they beat,
another they killed, and a third they stoned.
Again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first ones,
but they treated them in the same way.
Finally, he sent his son to them, thinking,
'They will respect my son.'
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another,
'This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.'
They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.

What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?"

They answered him,
"He will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times."

Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures:
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?

Therefore, I say to you,

The kingdom of God will be taken away from you
and given to a people that will produce its fruit."
>Matthew 21:33-43

>> No.10122805


>not acknowledging that imperialism and genocide are positive aspects of evolutionary biology

>> No.10122825 [DELETED] 

The people who make these assertions or similar ones that imply what your talking about have no understanding of the critical philosophies they so passionately want to see erased from the intellectual world, nor do they really have a clear understanding of this western civilization they are always going on about. They typically subscribe to some perverted notion of western culture which they know to be perverted, but nevertheless follow themselves and expect us to follow too. I guess it makes them feel special and righteous. However this is a big problem for me personally because when I think about topics that carry such importance I like to know the person I'm talking to is as serious as I am, not full of shit, or careless enough to mingle his worldview so badly with cynicism and irony. Read a book for once you plebs and stop with the YouTube hacks.

>> No.10122831
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>pretends to understand evolution
>argues with the term "positive"

>> No.10122835

Read your post back to yourself and try again without sounding like some homeless skinhead with a cardboard sign.

>> No.10122859

Because of the passionate negative backlash directed against the Frankfurt school and postmodern philosophy, I have become immensely interested in the subjects and have been reading some key texts. Whenever there is such a concerted effort to erase something from the intellectual world or from public acknowledgement more generally, I become curious and want to know why that is so.

>> No.10122868 [DELETED] 


>> No.10122884

Tribalism is inherent to humanity. The West's technical achievements are what allowed it have so much influence, both positive and negative. If a different culture had reached that point of technical advancement first, they would have caused as much harm.

>> No.10122892
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>Tribalism is inherent to humanity.

>> No.10122894
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>> No.10122896

Two genders
Two terms
Two scoops.

Deal with it.

>> No.10122905
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>millions of years of evolution are invalidated by the last 50 years

>> No.10122909

Are you retarded? Why do you think people like sports so much? Tribalism is everywhere

>> No.10122911

So what have you discovered so far?

>> No.10122918

If we can live without it, it isn't inherent. It's "inherent" nature is debunked if just one person isn't drawn towards it.

>> No.10122930

>It's "inherent" nature is debunked if just one person isn't drawn towards it.
>sexual attraction is a choice because 1% of people are asexual

>> No.10122937

>sexual attraction is a choice because 1% of people are asexual
Just means sexual attraction isn't inherent. It's incredibly common, perhaps.

>> No.10122940

>tribalism exist in more primitive societies and animals
>huh duh is a social construct
>sex is a social construct

>being healthy is not inherent because there's mental illness

>> No.10122944

The point is that genetic outliers don't prove that genes don't influence behavior. Tribal instincts can be inherent for most of humanity without being present in literally every single individual

>> No.10122953

y'all niggas need to look up the definition of inherent

>> No.10122975

I think you do. Something that arises out of an inherent psychology is distinct from something that arises out of particular cultural conditions.

>> No.10122977

Can't wait for this degenerate civilisation and modernity to collapse.

>> No.10122990

Inherent is a fixed an inseparable element. Tribalism is not a fixed and inseparably element of humanity. It may be a biological predilection, but it is not inherent by any means.

>> No.10122991
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Honestly, if you're not Jewish then you should look into the JQ a little more. Going around screaming about muh antisemitism, without properly looking at the facts, just makes you a useful idiot who isn't really thinking as independently as he might think. Read pic related.

>> No.10123003

Something that's just about universal and ubiquitous among all cultures, and arises out of a psychology we've evolved over thousands of years can be said to be an inherent aspect of humanity

>> No.10123021

Human beings can exist in a state without tribalism, and many have been known to purposelly isolate themselves from their tribe, or abandon their tribe for another, or any myriad things. If Tribalism were inherent, this would not be the case, because then that would make it non-permanent.
You cannot say it is inherent in humanity. You can say it is a evolutionary predisposition, but not inherent by definition.

>> No.10123029

>Deriving an Ought from an Is
The 99,9996669% of people in the past have been religious, therefore religiosity is an inherent aspect of humanity and the modern nations that have a majority of atheists in the population are a Jewish hoax and they don't actually exist.

>> No.10123031

>humans naturally form social groups based on religion, politics, sports, drugs, crime, gangs, and other BS
>humans literally go to war for social construct
>is not inherent
even every board on this shitty website develops it's own memes and culture.

>> No.10123060


This is semantic bullshit--arguing whether or not the definition of 'inherent' applies despite the existence of statistically insignificant outliers.
The tribalism point is valid, whether you call it 'inherent' or 'extremely predisposed for,' who gives an actual fuck.

>> No.10123067

Tribalism isn't the same as humans being social animals my dude. Also you underestimate the power of language.

>> No.10123072

Normally I am not an autist and will let it slide, but tribalism is a special case because most of the time it is brought up, it is to suppose that tribalism is "an inherent aspect of humanity". This, as opposed to an extreme predisposition, is hazardous because it implies some standard form of human nature - which is a larger debate - and because people will usually then advance that because it is natural it must be good and should be upheld in x-form or by implementing y ideology.

>> No.10123106

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’But I tell you that anyone who is angrywith a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’is answerable to the court.And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

>> No.10123224

lol poor lad thought you'd get a few (you)s
here have one

>> No.10124192
File: 128 KB, 1200x865, thinking-gove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every flaw the far-right accuses 'leftists' of having is actually an outstanding description of the far-right.

- Abandoning the values and policies that made our civilization uniquely promising and world leading in important ways
- Undermining the valuable traditions accumulated over time that hold us together as a society
- Unwillingness to praise what's good about our civilization and promote it to the rest of the world
- Anti-intellectualism and lack of historical perspective
- Naked tribalism and fomenting of societal conflict to assist with a political agenda
- Revolutionary instinct to throw out institutions without suitable replacements
- Unhealthy obsession about the social status of straight white men

It's kind of uncanny.

>> No.10124237
File: 16 KB, 267x400, mercerbux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we add
- Being influenced by think tanks actively bankrolled by the wealthy

>> No.10124239

Most of the far right is white survivalist. You'll have to back up your claims as to abandoning the core of Western society.

>> No.10124247

>values and policies

>> No.10124248
File: 775 KB, 2676x2024, last defenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really gets the noggin joggin doesn't it

>> No.10124249

Such as?

>> No.10124262

>western civilization is greatest achievement of humanity
>it's weak enough to be destroyed by some german and french guys saying "hey, maybe these values we have are harmful in some ways"

>> No.10124370
File: 54 KB, 500x333, gove-thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checks and balances of government, which have promoted stability and prevented war. Most righties want this replaced with charismatic strongmen.
Welcoming outsiders. Major thing that enabled the great technological and intellectual flourishing of the 20th century was the US and UK drawing in the world's best minds and letting them do their thing in academia. Most righties want this replaced with immigration so restrictive that growth will slow.
Ethos of tolerance. The west has more-or-less managed to shrug off social superstitions as society advanced to the point that they were clearly unneeded. Righties want to replace this with pointlessly oppressing and killing valuable citizens.

I could list a whole lot more but genuinely just look at the wiki for liberal democracies and think about the way each characteristic shapes a nation.

>> No.10124374

Lol at comparing old school Communists (pretty much Red Fascists) and present day degenerates, most of whom are likely apolitical. I could play at that game and post a pic of Joachim Peiper vs. that autistic trans Maoist guy.

Also worth noting that the only legit Nazi guys in that pic are pulling big tittied bitches despite living in squalor. Really gets the noggin a joggin.

>> No.10124405

>tfw no big tittied neonazi methhead gf

>> No.10124406

>and because people will usually then advance that because it is natural it must be good
So reality can be denied because of its potential consequences? Either tribalism is inherent or it isn't, regardless of its effects.

>> No.10124453

>"western civilization" is so pathetic, it can get destroyed by questions
Why are /pol/aks so anti west?

>> No.10124485

Why do Western governments need to import brown people to keep their populations from declining?

>> No.10124493

The same reason they displaced said brown people hundreds of years ago.

>> No.10124575

It was pretty obvious I meant technological and intellectual growth. To see what I mean, go look at the academic staff page of any program in any top western university. A huge proportion will be immigrants or expats.

>> No.10124610

Is that because of merit or multicultural quotas?

>> No.10124639

Prime evidence of motivated reasoning, interpreting all evidence as pointing in one direction. You should be able to accept weak evidence in favour of cosmopolitan values, at least! What exactly would convince you of merit?
To answer the question though, merit. The superior liberty, peace and tolerance of western culture - along with the sheer status from top institutions, of course - draws the cream of the crop of engineers from India, China, South America, etc etc etc, to the US and UK. You can see this from the fact that even before the age of mass travel, mass education and your "multicultural quotas" top faculties looked like this.

>> No.10124669

They did not, though, which is where your problems lie.

>> No.10124673

>civilizational revenge is ethical

>> No.10124743

Four monosyllabic question-posts and then your single counterpoint is "no it's not"? In-character pham