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10121242 No.10121242 [Reply] [Original]


I basically know everything.

And would encourage you to ask me questions for which you do not have answers, that I may stretch my intellectual legs.

>> No.10121243

I'm also insanely drunk and Australian.

>> No.10121245

What am I thinking of as I write this reply?

>> No.10121251

Do you think a fuller brand wood plane is a good buy? they're really cheap and if they're even "OK" then I'd consider getting one.

>> No.10121254

What did I mean by this?

>> No.10121255
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Prove P=NP

>> No.10121259

Are traps gay?

>> No.10121261

I'll be honest with ya, that sounds pretty lame.


Little else other than the continuation of the perpetual existential nebulous anxieties you experience on secondly basis.

They are objectively gay.

>> No.10121263
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>They are objectively gay.
And you say you know everything

>> No.10121267

There's nothing wrong with being gay, man. We're all gonna enter into the void. Experiencing oblivion is paramount to the conclusion of human consciousness.

Fuck a dude dressed as a girl, I ain't care.

>> No.10121268

>Little else other than the continuation of the perpetual existential nebulous anxieties you experience on secondly basis.
How does he do it?

>> No.10121272

Why are little girls way more attractive than older woman?

>> No.10121275

You are descended from, probably, political academics and are therefore genetically pre-ordained towards the attraction to pre-pubescent girls.

Or, you're genetically inferior to your common man, and thus desire the ease of sexual control that youth offers due to your beta-male status in society.

>> No.10121282

Hot damn Anonymous, maybe you do know pretty much everything.

>> No.10121295

So the straightest thing a woman can do is to watch man-on-man gay porn?

>> No.10121297

I mean, technically, yes.

>> No.10121299

Whether or not you care does not change the fact that you are explicitly wrong about this subject, nor does your pseudo intellectual existential tangent that reminds me of a sixteen year old girl trying to impress her twenty year old emo boyfriend. Traps are not gay

>> No.10121302


Homosexuality is defined by a man fucking another man.

An XY human fucking an XY human falls under the categorical classification of homosexual. Therefore, traps are gay.

>> No.10121308

>Tripfag uses scholastic categorical imperatives in an arrogant attempt to legalese a beautiful and true phenomenological event, in order to retain his vain grip on knowledge structures
fucking wrong again faggot fucking wrong again faggot fucking wrong again faggot fucking wrong again faggot fucking wrong again faggot fucking wrong again faggot fucking wrong again faggot

>> No.10121309

Your troubles lie in your inability to accept your homosexuality. Not the inability for others to accept your pretence of heterosexuality.

>> No.10121311

How to I figure out what job I'll actually enjoy and attain it?

>> No.10121314

>your homosexuality
I am not a homosexual
>Not the inability for others to accept your pretence of heterosexuality.
The perception of others have no place in this genuine realm of lived experience. Logic is just an approximation of the reality we experience, it falls apart when you ask questions like "are traps gay". Logic is simply not precise enough.


>> No.10121315

A job is basically what you deal with, emotionally, for the gain of raising a family and contributing your genetic material to the pool of potential cultural identifiers.

If you are not in a position to attain genetic immortality through the continuation of your line, then you have until you're about 70 before it'll become increasingly difficult to have children.

Focus on that which you will attain power through, and worry later about children.

>> No.10121317

So you are a postmodernist homosexual, who thinks he's not gay because you are capable of rationalising away the categorical implication.

Perhaps you are meta-homosexual; So homosexual that you transcend mere gayness and move into the realm of ultra-gay.

>> No.10121324
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listen here you little shit

i am not gay

>> No.10121326
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Perhaps not.

>> No.10121329

Give me a list of recommended books pls

>> No.10121331

Shitty answer desu.

>> No.10121334

Of sex and character - Otto

Anything by my main man Nietzsche.

>> No.10121335

Not the OP but if you fap to traps you are at least a little gay.

Traps ARE gay. Nothing wrong with it, but they are.

>> No.10121349

Feminine face
Feminine legs
Feminine penis
Feminine hair
Where exactly is the presence of the masculine

>> No.10121354

Chromosomes and the penis.

>> No.10121358
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Hehehe, don't think you can bag up that penis with the rest of the "feminine" and think I won't notice, anon.

Just to keep it /lit, I found a book you might like.

>> No.10121366

How can i beat my sexual addiction and why do i have it to begin with?

>> No.10121369

>feminine penis
Always cracks me up

>> No.10121413
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How do we end the primacy of bond speculation and reserve banking? Is it even preferable to do so?

>> No.10121419


1. How does an Aristotelian account of induction counter a Humean one?
2. Please quantify the influence Juan Rulfo had on the Latin American literary boom of the 60s and 70s post-publication of "Pedro Paramo".
3. What is your favorite Pearl Jam song, and why is it "Even Flow"?
4. Are you of the opinion that (much like Brassier) Object-Oriented Ontology is nothing more than a Latourian approach to panpsychist metaphysics with a dash of process philosophy and should be restricted to the blogosphere?

>> No.10121429
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>ITT: completely missing/consciously not acknowledging the nuance behind the male heterosexual attraction to traps

>> No.10121449
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What's your thoughts on Malcolm Turnbull?

>> No.10121462

Shit cunt.

Narcissism of the finest degree.

Also I'm gonna be honest I've drank too much and can't see straight, resulting in this threads death.

>> No.10121472

Explain Hegel to me

>> No.10121496


>> No.10121536
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>> No.10121586

What strayan city are you in?

>> No.10121618

>P=NP sounding lame
This is the proof you don't know anything

>> No.10121632

>knows everything
>doesn't know that alcohol is bad for you

>> No.10121646

gtfo positivist scum

>> No.10121658
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Is the phenomenon either/or? Perhaps not, for begging the existence of this duality can be suspended by whether the the mere action of making love to a trap is something one would feel enjoyment, not just the flaccid idea in the mind.

>> No.10121663

People decide themselves whether they are homosexual. That's why the concept of men who have sex with men is used. One is the state, the other the behavior. You obviously know very little of these things. The reason this distinction is made is because the majority of male-on-male sexual activity is performed by men that identify as heterosexual. Such men are much less likely than men that identify as homosexual to perform these activities, but there is a far greater number of men that identify as heterosexual.

This is also the final solution to this whole stupid question and the whole website can stop discussing it now.

>> No.10121668

There is absolutely no such thing as a heterosexual man who likes gay sex. They are simply, irrefutably NOT heterosexual.

>> No.10121675

>knows that he's more likely to be killed if he leaves his house
>leaves his house

Water is wet and you suck dick

>> No.10121690

Nice rationalisation lol. Stop drinking

>> No.10121865

How many abos have you fucked? Be honest you roofucker. I'll know if you're lying.

>> No.10121873
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Why is lovecraft so popular?

>> No.10121878 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 550x383, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on in this picture?

>> No.10121890

Why do I live in ceaseless agony?