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10117167 No.10117167 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10118146

thanks for reminding me dugin exists
watching his Pozner discussion now, ahhh pure enjoyment

>> No.10118156

Always fun watching Orthodox and Prot Christians struggle with absolute truth.

>> No.10118158

Bush's "we create our own reality", Trump's "alternative facts" and Dugin's "special Russian truth" will be the legacy of the very useful, great emancipators of post-modernity.

>> No.10118168
File: 25 KB, 608x402, Uncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-modernism is sophistry, only way to fight relative truths is with other relative truths.

>> No.10118187
File: 57 KB, 267x342, coyote-b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.10118379

It will get posted until you like it.
>Of course, it all bolshe down to what constitutes as liking

>> No.10118390
File: 56 KB, 300x400, Ossy Osborne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong charisma will rule by the end of the century. Get people to laugh at the sophists, that'll defeat their rhetoric.

If only someone could have predicted this.

>> No.10118434

>this is the man I see being memed as a great thinker on various boards
>he thinks on the level of a 17 year old me

>> No.10118444

How well do you know his thinking? Is this your first impression of him?
Most people are not limited to what they say during a single interview.

>> No.10118464

>hasn't read his astrology-based books

Your literally hitting the surface pleb.

>> No.10118467

Yes, this is my first impression and I was not impressed. If what he's said here is at all present in his way of thinking, it's fairly uninteresting.

>> No.10118472

Lol I remember commentating on this video, they've since disabled it, probably because most of the comments was about the smug interviewer getting btfo, they of course went in with the intention of making him look like a moron and thus implicate the government

>> No.10118486

His mistake is admitting that's it's a relative truth, intended for and understood by a certain group of people.

The American Truth is 'democratic' and the European Truth is 'humanistic.' The assumption here is that the Truth's are universal when applied to democracy and humanity, respectively. And who doesn't love democracy and humanity?

What Brussels mandates is intended to be Truth for EVERYONE for ALL TIME. Intended in the sense that it's not yet accepted by the misinformed.

>> No.10118499

Literally every Russia related video on YouTube is full to the brim of pro-Russia spamming and shilling.

>> No.10118507

i understand that this is the postmodernist trap

but the Russian guy is saying "we are interpreting our own truth"

and the reporter is saying "but that's not the case because what i say is actually the truth"

neither party can engage in a dialogue because their fundamental principal undermines the other's position and we can't have a conversation

>> No.10118515

Didn't Ben Stiller and Jordan Peterson spend a whole 2 hours debating this?

>> No.10118516

Perhaps "our own" media should up their game a bit, so that other memeplexes would not dominate them by the virtue of existing.

>> No.10118518

This is his most boring, uninteresting work, but all normies ask about is realpolitik and geopolitik, a small, largely insignificant part of his thought.

>> No.10118530

That is the hilarity of postmodernism (and its also a good idea to incorporate into a story if you're smart enough).

>> No.10118564

>and its also a good idea to incorporate into a story if you're smart enough

wwwooooow each person has his own truth sheeeeeeeeit can wait to tell my bros at reddit.com/philosophy

>> No.10118779

Yes. Can't wait for anglo-germanic liberals to start protecting the rights of oppressed anti-liberal minority.

>> No.10118820

Oh so you figured out American politics finally, eh? Good for you. Now try it on another country.

>> No.10118850
File: 12 KB, 188x273, pyrrho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detournment bot 3000 is a go. Set to omni-satbotage. Pretty much starts to kill all information with jokes until it needs to suicide. It's sometimes called a toy, like a lightsaber, except it's nothing until the user decides upon its use. No hammer, until hammer-time ... and such.


>> No.10119024

>Criticizes russian media for bias
>Title of video is 'We have our special Russian truth'
oy vey

>> No.10119031

>Being such a conceited cathocuck that you think you have a grasp on the absolute Truth of the Lord just because the pope told you so

>> No.10119050

Dugin's an absolute fraud.