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10118066 No.10118066 [Reply] [Original]

Is he America's best literary figure?

>> No.10118069

>can't write good poetry
What did he meme by this?

>> No.10118075

After Melville, yes.

>> No.10118153

Melville and Eliot divide the US between them. There is no third.

>> No.10118194


>> No.10118224

Just wanted to say if people actually believe this they should gas themselves

>> No.10118287

America's best poet. America's best novelist is Henry James. Is it a coincidence that both lived and died in London?

Stephen Crane or Hart Crane? Neither one is that good.

>> No.10118294

Hart Crane you dingus. The greatest poet of the 20th century.

>> No.10118311

The greatest of 20th century certainly didn't write something as atrocious as Chaplinesque.

>> No.10118325


>> No.10118346

he's British. he was just born in america

>> No.10118352

So does that mean that we can claim Nabokov?

>> No.10118354

>born and raised in America to American parents
>not American

>> No.10118355

I disagree. Comparing the two Cranes, I can still remember some of the battle scenes from the Red Badge of Courage vividly as if I was there. Nonetheless, Stephen Crane is a minor novelist because of his untimely death.

On the other hand, I've read two books of poetry by Hart Crane and can't remember a single detail about them. A sign of a good poet or writer is the vivacity of their words. Just as an example, Rimbaud wrote for an even shorter time than Crane yet who could possibly forget Rimbaud's poems after reading them?

Crane is forgettable and possibly not even worth including in an anthology of early 20th century American poetry.

>> No.10118362

Even if you could claim T.S. Eliot it doesn't change the fact that your poetry went on a steep downward trend after Robert Browning (not that Browning sucks, but that generally British poetry sucks after him). The best and most widely imitated poets after the 20th century are all American, including T.S. Eliot.

>> No.10118373

>I can still remember some of the battle scenes from the Red Badge of Courage vividly as if I was there.
Read Ambrose Bierce.

>> No.10118374

Oh, that short story about the guy who falls off a bridge? That was good. Bierce is a bit of a poor man's Twain, however.

>> No.10118375

where do i star with this boii

>> No.10118388


just read his major poems, he didn't write all that much

>> No.10118396

He didn't write many poems. His major works in chronological order are...

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
The Wasteland*
Ash Wednesday
Four Quartets

You could read them all in a day, but there's no reason why you should do that. He's definitely a poet you return to again and again if you appreciate his work. You won't fully appreciate the Wasteland until you learn the canon and have done a bit of philological research. You should also learn a lot about Christianity and convert if you aren't one already.

*Wasteland was edited so much by Ezra Pound that you could say it was co-written.

>> No.10118400

He's a better critic desu. His poetry is highly academic and synthetic, even his early stuff. I say this as someone who really likes his poetry too. Melville and Whitman are America's most original and imaginative literary figures.

>> No.10118401

if ishiguro is british so is eliott

>> No.10118410

No. At least James, Melville, Hawthorne, Twain (for Huck Finn), the best of Whitman, and Crane's The Bridge are superior.

>> No.10118419
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One day, she'll have the stature she deserves

>> No.10118429

Yes, and so will that random womyn I last saw before this one.

>> No.10118459

Dawg, Imagism is the most important thing to happen to poetry in the 20th century. And it wouldn't have happened without her.

>> No.10118575
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>> No.10118580
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>> No.10118583
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>> No.10118595

>it couldn't have happened without Ezra Pound

>> No.10118596


The saddest thing about Doolittle is that she became a footnote in history as “one of Pound’s lovers” when she was so much more than that. And even Pound’s been pushed aside because of his outlandish political opinions.

>> No.10118602
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Felchmong out.

>> No.10118645
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Best 20th century poet?

>> No.10118780

And Eliot was jew-wise, all the greats were, so why aren't you?

>> No.10118930
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I don't post on here.

>> No.10118971

One of the few times Nabokov hit the nail on the head. Came so close to being first rate, but never quite made it.

>> No.10118995
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>reading Thomas Stearns Eliott's pottery
>most of it is just okay
>come across a beautiful, enigmatic, original couplet
>wow my minds really been changed wtf I love the waste land now
>look up annotations to get more info
>he stole it from Dante or Baudelaire
>sometimes not even translated lmao
>mfw it happens everytime

>> No.10119004
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>Outlandish political opinions

>> No.10119014

Based Faukner is better than him.

>> No.10119030

That's like saying Beckett was French.

>> No.10119032

He isn't even America's best poet, how can he hope to contend as the best literary figure?

>> No.10119061



>> No.10119071

Except ishiguro was actually raised British. You can't just fuck off to another country and become one of them, despite what the Brits, who are desperate for literary figures from within the past century, would like to believe. Auden was not American. Beckett wasn't French. Joyce was not Swiss, Hitchcock was not American, etc

>> No.10119198
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Isn't crazy how, even before World War II, ENGLISH English literature was already in decline? I don't mean this to be a prick because I'm a bit of an Anglophile, but English literature begins a slow decline after Victoria's death with a sharper decline after World War II.

I guess there's a reason why we mostly read Roman literature from the classic era and not decadent Rome or Greek literature from the Athenian golden age rather than Ottoman Greece.

>> No.10119208

Just wait till I get published, lads. It's going to blow your freaking minds! Woohoooooo-- Huh? Oh, my mom's calling me, I'll come back to finish my reply later.

>> No.10119215


>> No.10119245

>not being aware that all great artists know about the JQ.

>> No.10119315
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Someone missed their medication today!

>> No.10119334

As a sponsor, yeah. As a poet, he's not super important. He just surrounded himself with important writers and helped them publish.

>> No.10119340

>posts shitskin doctor with white kid
Here's an article about that.


>> No.10119761

I think it's because war told by people who were there is entirely different to war told by outsiders. Peter Englund proves this by his historical documents being told in such a vividly and mundane way.

>> No.10119781

I just got a cat named after him desu

>> No.10119816

His "outlandish" opinions were not outlandish by his time and definitely not outlandish by ours. Perhaps if he was born a little later.

>> No.10119836

Nah, the decline starter around 1800. Brainless Tennyson, Arnold, Browning and the rest. It ended around 1890.

>> No.10119861

one of the most underrated

Pound's politics weren't that outlandish for his time, plenty of intellectuals admired Mussolini for instance. It was in economics where his crankishness really showed.

Browning's not brainless. He wrote a huge amount, of varying quality, but he's generally better than his contemporaries.

>> No.10119899

Can you please quote a sample of some brainless poetry by Tennyson?

>> No.10119940

jfc how big of pseud could one person possible be

>> No.10120001
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>> No.10120053

The solemn oak tree sigheth

>> No.10120153

That's actually pretty good. If anything, the quote makes me curious to see what the rest of the poem is about because of the image it gives me.

>> No.10120266

That's because you're a retard