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/lit/ - Literature

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10117379 No.10117379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't YOU have a cute literary gf to talk about contemporary literature with yet /lit/?

Is it because you're quiet, reserved, stutter and stumble over basic sentences? Is it because when a girl talks to you, you don't smile, only answer in "yes" and "no"s, laugh politely and rarely, and wear clothes that are either too tight or too baggy and look as if they were picked from a thrift-store clothes rack by your mother back in 2008? When a girl talks about a subject you're interested in do you simple agree with what she says and smile the way a small child does when praised by his aunts at Christmas?

Or is it because instead of venturing out in the world, instead of asserting your will and demanding that the world yield to whatever demands you may have, instead you turn inward, your will is inverted, you would prefer to plummet than ascend. Rather than overcome your anxieties and mental peculiarities through empathy and conversation, you allow them to entirely dominate your perspective and disposition, to make themselves so much at home in your distorted narcissistic psychology that the disorders and peculiarities and paranoid distortions themselves eventually become the essential substance of your character.

Is it because truly, in the end, you're nothing more than a pale, sheltered, suburbanite child in the abstract universe you have concocted to compensate for the fact that the world outside your window terrifies and confuses you?

>> No.10117381

the second one desu

>> No.10117384

Lol this girl looks autistic as fuck not lying

>> No.10117389

I know you're trying to practice your prose OP but at least choose a less hackneyed theme.

Besides that, what do you even get out of shitting on some strawman? Why not write about something a little more encouraging and inspiring? But maybe you're not capable of that, and this the way you compensate for your own shortcomings?

>> No.10117396

Its because I live in the deep south, the women I sleep with don't read, and when I got a job at the library and met a cute, well read girl for once, she turned out to be a lesbian in a loving relationship. I'll just take what god gives me.

Also shit thread OP.

>> No.10117407
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>Besides that, what do you even get out of shitting on some strawman?

This autist on autist violence has to end.

>> No.10117414

My girlfriend's a published novelist
Everything I've gotten published has been through her connections
feels terrible man

>> No.10117415

I'm autistic a la carte.

>> No.10117416

Whut have you got, anon?

Also,can u give tips on talking directly with girls and cothes I should wear, for insrance do you think wearing caps is cool?

>> No.10117421

Besides that, what do you even get out of shitting on some strawman?

a pretty neat spot in the western canon apparently

>> No.10117422

Would rather have a music or artfag gf DESU

>> No.10117425

I'm a faggot

>> No.10117426

>laugh politely
I don't even do this. Can't be bothered.

>When a girl talks about a subject you're interested in
They don't exist.

>distorted narcissistic psychology
I think of myself below anyone else, a worm wallowing in my own filth.

>pale, sheltered, suburbanite child
I grew up on a farm.

>> No.10117427

Just articles and reviews and shit. Small country, tiny and circlejerky literary scene.

if you find and interesting girl and you're also interesting she won't care about you being a total autist. idk about caps and shit, you do you, I just try to dress like Jack Nicholson circa Five Easy Pieces.

>> No.10117433
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forgot to use maymay arrows

>> No.10117436
File: 129 KB, 729x767, 0w0dannmxjbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's because the psychological development of a modern woman halted at the terrible two's stage of development, because their entire sexuality is blocked by powerful sadomasochistic complexes, and because their conception of love is incredibly infantile (Please gib me food, attention, warmth, money, Daddy). Interacting with modern women is like speaking with a self obsessed sociopathic toddler with a BDSM fetish.
>inb4 khv virgin
I've have been friends with women, been to an uni where 90 percent of students are women, worked at places where the majority are women, and wrote erotica advertised and sold to women.
Knowing women so intimately turned be asexual and celibate. At this point, I rather stick my dick in a cactus rather than in a woman: less painful and with less traumatic consequences.

>> No.10117440

Somehow this dude advocating that women sucks sounds bitter. I don't understand.

>> No.10117441

Girls who read are fuckin losers

>> No.10117443

I see. Thanks for the kind advises. I will try to dress like an actor, im a fqn of nicholas bale and i like some movie with mickey rourke, will try to blend the styles and see if it works out

>> No.10117474
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Is this pasta? It's so over the top deluded that it feels like pasta.

>> No.10117485

jewish psyops but unironically

>> No.10117494

no, it's because i'm ugly

>> No.10117533

It's because I'm an annoying loser and I don't want anyone to have to expirence my presence. And I have complexes about my dick being too dark.

>> No.10117538

All the 'literary' qts of my country are fucking leftist chad cucks. The rest of the population doesn't read.

>> No.10117556

I have a small penis, obesity, myopia, clumsiness, bad hearing among other bad senses, acne throughout entire body, average intelligence, cowardism, a big head and nose, a general disproportionate body, autism, no money, no driver's license, high neuroticism, low conscientiousness, low agreeableness, low sex drive, no empathy, no sense of humor, no talents among other negative traits.

>> No.10117562

b yourself

>> No.10117585

I don’t really know. I’m interested in a few girls around me, but I miss the feeling of actual love.

>basic sentences
No, I keep making long sentences with allegories.
I think my deep voice makes me unaproachable.
If I tried, I’d have a chance I think, since women actually talk to me out of their own volition and they smile at me and greet me. I’m certainly not some unkept autist who is shunned by people.

>> No.10117622

I tend towards the second option. I don't try at all to meet women. Lately I've been burying myself in depressing books and writing paranoid diatribes.

I want to meet a qt goth girl but I'm a plain white nerd, where would I even start.

>> No.10117748
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What makes you think I don't?

>> No.10117753

fuckin hell kid, you're one absoute mong

>> No.10117758

I read this post while in bed next to her with the cat curled up at my feet.

>> No.10117761

Enjoy your gay germs gay boy.

>> No.10117774

The English language can be amusingly ambiguous

>> No.10117783

I do.

>> No.10117792


>> No.10118125
File: 239 KB, 720x1280, IMG_0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the above. I don't have a cute literary girlfriend because I broke up with the one I had. Because she saw that our collective depression would've killed us. Because she was a stay-at-home-on-friday-nights girl and I went out every chance I had. Because she deemed herself useless and worthless as a person and refused to change and I tried to nurture her to cope with my own insecurities. Because I've been playing the part of the tortured artist for so long that I do not even know if my suffering is authentic or merely a meme. Because when we broke up I had to face my own problems since I had no one else to truly care about. Because I felt that she owed me her presence because of the efforts I made. Because I swore to never have a meaningful relationship again to protect myself from getting emotionally hurt. Because these days my love for alcohol is turning into full-on alcoholism after months of using drinking as a way to cope. Because I can get sex and shallow emotional connection every two weeks if I go out enough. Because I go out of my way to find cute literary girls only to sabotage myself on purpose after a few weeks of dating. Because every time someone cares about me I fear I will hurt them. Because I keep telling myself that I simply can't have a normal relationship but honestly I don't know if that's true.
Because, to be honest, I love the idea of being an eccentric, broken person. I enjoy not finding joy in anything anymore. I love the life I live even though I must keep distracting myself to ignore how unauthentic it feels at times.

Because women also love the cliche of the tortured artist, but a man who lives that cliche is inherently incapable of being in a lasting relationship.

Here's my emotional baggage. Feel free to take it with you after you're done shitposting relatable maymays vaguely related to literature and the literary life.

>> No.10118162

Because this happens

>> No.10118398


>> No.10118403

Last time I tried to have a real conversation with the gf she shut down and started talking about makeup palette YouTube vids.

>> No.10118427

The thought of staying the way I am and the thought of being something better make me equally miserable. Guess which one requires less effort?

>> No.10118439

Nichibros is the greatest comedy anime of all time.

>> No.10118470

>>distorted narcissistic psychology
>I think of myself below anyone else, a worm wallowing in my own filth.
That's just a different version of the same thing

>> No.10118489

nah just hated by all

>> No.10118490

>Because I've been playing the part of the tortured artist for so long that I do not even know if my suffering is authentic or merely a meme.
Almost certainly a meme

>Because I swore to never have a meaningful relationship again to protect myself from getting emotionally hurt.
>Because every time someone cares about me I fear I will hurt them.
>Because I keep telling myself that I simply can't have a normal relationship but honestly I don't know if that's true.
These may be related. Your suffering is self-inflicted in this case.

Authenticity is for posers. Can anyone be anything but who they are? If you pretend to be miserable long enough, it'll catch up to you.

Bro please. At least drink pinot noir or something.

>> No.10118504

>Is it because you're quiet, reserved, stutter and stumble over basic sentences? Is it because when a girl talks to you, you don't smile, only answer in "yes" and "no"s, laugh politely and rarely, and wear clothes that are either too tight or too baggy and look as if they were picked from a thrift-store clothes rack by your mother back in 2008? When a girl talks about a subject you're interested in do you simple agree with what she says and smile the way a small child does when praised by his aunts at Christmas?
I do this, also I am ugly as fuck.
Although having a "cute literary" gf is impossible for if they are cute, they will not be versed in literature as much as a more homely gal, for they would not need to, and if they are, they will not be cute.
Or mayhaps you think that the pic you posted is "cute"? She isn't ugly but cute? With standras like yours it is only a mystery as to why you posted a drawn out criticism of /lit/ posters instead of burying your cock in a qt. Perhaps you are one of the people you so scholastically despise.

>> No.10118511

I had my shot, but I spaghetti'd all over myself and I never saw her again.

>> No.10118519

Almost forgot to add, in the rare event you actually find a well-educated qt, they have a 90% chance of being a lesbian. Dunno why.

>> No.10118557

No cause I ain't a litfag. Just broke up with my now ex cause I couldn't handle her depression and was most likely making it worse cause I'm an asshole. How did I end up in this thread on this board?

>> No.10118600

I haven't met a cute literary girl. I just don't move in the same circles as they do and honestly I'm not trying to atm.

The most well-read people I've met in general are more interested in politics/nonfiction and Stephen King and seldom read literary fiction.

>> No.10118658
File: 31 KB, 720x480, tumblr_mujctiCnyV1s9mwh8o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUG did you get a pic of my gf, anon?

Seriously though it looks a lot like her. She kinda got herself into reading by getting through the Harry Potter series for the first time and becoming obsessed with it. Then I gave her some of the books from the /lit/ starter kit and we had some discussions about reading itself. I offered my perspective on how reading shouldn't be about the plot but about the meaning. She didn't really get it at first but as she read more /lit/ books it started to make sense. And she's actually given me some insight on a few books that I would never have thought of by myself. Now we read the same book together; it's really nice to have someone to discuss a book with in-person and not just on /lit/.

tl;dr it's really hard to get a /lit/ gf so you have to make one out of a regular gf

>> No.10118674
File: 25 KB, 350x546, suf mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tip the hat down a bit-- yeah like that
>unbutton your shorts so they can see your underwear
>good good
>okay now hold this book and make it look like you're reading it

saving this to my fap folder, thanks bro

>> No.10118679
File: 97 KB, 388x306, out you go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm soooo deep and brooding
>btw here's my wine and typewriter

Either quit being such a faggot or just kill yourself.

>> No.10118683

Because the only reason to be wellread is when you're a loser of some sort. Pretty straight girls don't have to worry about working on being intersting lesbians, and most dudes do. It's 101 "Understaning Relationships."

>> No.10118685

I do though. It's ok.

>> No.10118695

im glad your genes wont be passed on you pathetic shit scum

>> No.10118700
File: 189 KB, 1024x683, 1494207756370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the only reason to be wellread is when you're a loser of some sort
So it is impssible to find a "cute literally gf", thanks for proving my point.

>> No.10118701

Been married for over a year now. The only reading my wife has ever done is scrolling Facebook on the couch when she gets home from work.

>> No.10118712

All my long-term relationships have been with dyslexic people, it's bizarre and hellish. Why is this my type? How do I meet a bookfu next time /lit/???

>> No.10118713

Basically. Even if one of us did find one, the chances are pretty slim. There's a lot more completion.

>> No.10118731

Even if you did find one, why would she do anything with you? You need astonishing ammounts of charm in order to pull this off unless you are very good looking yourself. It's pointless to argue about finding the perfect gf when you are not perfect yourself.

>> No.10118747

We're literally agreeing on the exact same points. This is not even an argument.

>> No.10118749

I am talking about arguing in general, not about us.

>> No.10118752

I'm transferring soon so there is literally no reason to get a gf that I'll soon leave behind and have a shitty ldr with. The only reason is to get my dick wet and that does not matter to me at all. I'm not gonna drag some poor girl through the mud just to make me peepee tingle.

>> No.10118757

Recently dated someone similar. Reading comprehension and short term memory was shot due to brain damage from a car accident. She was otherwise super intelligent and used to love to read, but now hates cus it made her feel stupid. Broke up after a few weeks due to going to different schools.

>> No.10118761

The external world doesn't scare me, is just worthless. Really hard to get motivation to go to such a crappy place, but I have managed to get better and fake being alive just for the sake of it.

>> No.10118767

Oh, my bad.

>> No.10118777

i have a cute literary (girl) friend

>> No.10118778

I suppose that's a positive takeway. I used to strongly correlate reading and intelligence, but the dating experience smashed that - very high verbal fluency all around, one a scientist, one a politico... Some people just learn through conversation, or don't enjoy the experience of reading fiction.

>> No.10118806

true, but it's pretty much the only one thats actually funny. don't discount panty & stocking though.

>> No.10118813

Because I opted for bomb ass pussy.

If I want to have literary conversations, I talk to myself or my marijuana-addicted, spastic, homosexual coworker.

>> No.10118851

I do. But I know nothing about lit

>> No.10118939

>Contemporary literature
Stopped reading there. Why would I want that?

>> No.10119012

>getting a gf is easy, just wear nice clothes and b confident!!
Enough of this meme. If you're not successful with women, it's because you're physically unattractive.

>> No.10119104

Girls ain't real kid

>> No.10119190

fucking cringelord

>> No.10119355

Because there is nothing more boring the talking about media. That's what you do when you're 14 and too awkward to talk about something concerning the other person or you, instead of discussing someone else's ideas and visions.

>nice clothes
The fuck? Where does this meme come from? Whether I wore trainers and a hoodie or stuff that's worth half the average monthly salary, it never made a difference, and I am just some skinny, pale semi-manlet with a small dick, so fuck off with muh physical unattractive excuse.

"B urself" is enough, shit you can even be the same a whiny faggot you are now if you learn how not to overwhelm people with it from the start.

>> No.10119388

Self-condescending bullshit isn't any better, mate.

>> No.10119396

this isn't /pol/

>> No.10119398


>he hasn't left his room and seen for a fact that ugly men get with pretty girls all the time

Fatalism is faggotry.

>> No.10119416
File: 7 KB, 284x252, oh no that suuuuuucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

Every. Single. Time. I'm loving every laugh.

>> No.10119439

>parrots /pol/ shit
>gets called out
>bitches about it instead of going back
But why? You got your own little quarantine zone to discuss the jooce and the wimin, if someone wants to bitch about bitches, they will find the place, no else cares. Why would you go around spewing the crap outside like some insane homeless dude?

>> No.10119464

>contemporary literature

>> No.10119564

>/pol/ shit
>/s4s/ shit
>/x/ shit
>/r9k shit
These places are asylums from complaining cunts like you.

>> No.10119612

This doesn't answer why you'd want to leave them to shitpost in other boards. Sounds masochistic as fuck.

>> No.10119673

I have a pretty adorable autistic gf who actually likes good books and is not a SJW feminist obsessed with reading only women. It's possible. Have faith.

>> No.10119681

Where'd you meet her?

>> No.10119693

Minecraft convention.

>> No.10119710

Are you being serious?

>> No.10119718

The BDSM fetish thing seems true enough. I used to think it seemed so prevalent because I mostly associate with hipstery chicks, but from what I've learned in the last few years, the same applies to other subcultures and even boring normies.

>> No.10119725

Yes. I approached her there. She barely spoke one word but I managed to get her phone number and we ended up talking online until she was comfortable to meet again.

>> No.10119727

OK, thank you. Unfortunately I am autistic myself so approaching someone like that would be difficult for me.