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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 577 KB, 454x692, 1447817627048.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10116924 No.10116924 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any goods books on autism?

>> No.10116928

your diary

>> No.10116938

The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night (may have that title in correct but a Google search should strike gold)

>> No.10116942

Yeah, someone would have to be pretty autistic to ever keep a diary.

>> No.10116943 [DELETED] 
File: 1012 KB, 406x454, 1474856881347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I've already it.

>> No.10116947

This girl always reminds me of a girl I knew in college who I think was at least a little bit autistic. We performed oral sex on each other and then never spoke again.

>> No.10116955
File: 1012 KB, 406x454, 1474856881347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true, I've already read it though. I'm looking for a book that relates to autism in some way, it doesn't necessarily have to be explicit in it's connection.

>> No.10116958

Fiction or nonfiction?

>> No.10116965

Congrats You now both have Herpes

>> No.10116972
File: 188 KB, 958x1196, kirsten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either or. I don't care.

>> No.10116973

What are these facial expressions trying to convey

>> No.10116977

Well, she's autistic. But you can watch the video here if you want context. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX6rbLSp8Ys

>> No.10116982

Joke's on you, we were both (and probably still are) virgins.

>> No.10116986

What the fuck is autism even? It feels like some made up disease like alcoholism.

>> No.10116998
File: 10 KB, 250x250, autistfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? It's a neurodevelomental disorder. It reflects abnormal brain development and is typically characterized by communication difficulties, decreased motor skills, restricted interests, etc.

>> No.10117002

Sure, she's "autistic". Start with The Essential Difference maybe.

It's a spectrum.

>> No.10117003

Sounds like my typical Friday night!

>> No.10117017
File: 2 KB, 70x125, 1474857901920s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she is autistic. I don't believe in the extreme male brain theory of autism, but it is true that female autists have an easier time of things. Women have a better verbal and declarative memory which can play a compensatory role in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.

>> No.10117022

Notes from the underground by Fyodor memeski

>> No.10117024

The internet (for you) was a big mistake

>> No.10117044

Yeah, probably. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIqFrbgBEQY

>> No.10117057

How do I know if I'm autistic?

>> No.10117060

Are you on 4chan?

>> No.10117062

If you have to ask, it means you are.

>> No.10117065

You don't like being bothered when you are doing an activity that you don't want to be bothered doing

>> No.10117067
File: 7 KB, 200x200, kirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way to know for sure, because there's no objective test for it (yet). So for now you would go to a psychiatrist and have him see if you fit the diagnostic criteria through various tests or surveys

>> No.10117092

See this is why I think autism is like alcoholism it's just some made up bullshit. Autists are just awkward.

>> No.10117099

This is literally every human

>> No.10117104
File: 21 KB, 400x400, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue why you would have an opinion on something you know nothing about. Autism is more than just awkwardness, it affects the movements and perception of the autistic person on the very cognitive level.

>> No.10117107

Stop posting qt autists. I don't need another boner.

>> No.10117147

It looks like I'm getting a new waifu.

>> No.10117154
File: 707 KB, 587x599, acut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's my autistfu. However, she is a used-up cunt that's had many boyfriends before and is currently married though, just to let you know.

>> No.10117166
File: 24 KB, 385x385, 1500858816437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I deliberately pick a not that great looking autistic waifu thinking she will be pure but I still get cucked by some Chad
Life is rigged against me.

>> No.10117169

>if I don't have it, it doesn't exist!
Great line of thinking

>> No.10117175

She's just pretending to be an autist because she thinks it's charming. Females can't be autists.

>> No.10117192

Why is Jack even there? He barely talks.

>> No.10117196
File: 23 KB, 180x180, lindsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because she's autistic you shouldn't expect her not to be like all females are; natural prostitutes and soulless beasts.

>> No.10117201

>he loves Woody Allen
What a creep.

>> No.10117205

Woody Allen is /ourguy/ tho

>> No.10117206

Yeah, I love him too to be honest.

>> No.10117209


>> No.10117226

Here's another vid with Kirsten in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg-h0-M5G9I

>> No.10117237

I was just watching this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7TqYkzGaUU
She has lovely legs and her feet look very sexy in those shoes.

>> No.10117239

not a big fan of the guy with the glasses desu senpai

>> No.10117241

Yep. Women's legs are the best part of their tbqh, better than any other part.

>> No.10117246

Most of this thread is creepy and it seems asking for books was just a pretext to talk about this. That said, when someone seems that high on the spectrum, to a point where it doesn't seem to cause much if any disability in their daily functioning, I'm no expert, but perhaps the diagnosis is not entirely accurate. I"m pretty sure I could get diagnosed as Asperger's and a bunch of other things. It doesn't mean that I am.

>> No.10117249

That was a great video. That Claire Dumke stacy looks fine too.

>> No.10117256

The Fountainhead

>> No.10117264


>Most of this thread is creepy

Not really; this thread is fairly benign compared to others that we often see. And even those threads are pretty vanilla compared to the creep factor of other boards.

>> No.10117267

No, I still want books. This thread just got a little off track. You couldn't get diagnosed if you don't meet the criteria, Kirsten had to have done so in order to receive the diagnosis in the first place. Female autists just have a easier time in all aspects of life, not to mention very pretty ones like her.

>> No.10117268

Good answer.

But seriously, The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters or whatever the name is could go actually be useful here. Just put on the Bubsy soundtrack, have yourself a slice of degreased pizza and crack open that book for all you need to know.

>> No.10117271
File: 1.66 MB, 756x9800, worstfuckingstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10117273

Fucking hell. I want her to step on my balls so badly.

>> No.10117287

Here's a video of her for the NYtimes with her old bf that she broke up with. https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000001242343/love-on-the-spectrum.html

>> No.10117296
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>> No.10117303
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>> No.10117316

"Is it perfume from a dress / That makes me so digress"

I'm so weak, bros

>> No.10117318

Moby Dick was written by an autist.

>> No.10117319
File: 17 KB, 620x402, 1505495409613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm so weak, bros

tfw mon visage quand 2bh

>> No.10117320

your prowess is wasted on these fools

>> No.10117323



>> No.10117348 [DELETED] 

Not to be cynical, but someone who doesn't get diagnosed until they're 19 and is looking for a niche to write to/work in is a bit suspicious. She seems to do good work, so there's at least that, there's just a feel of Cartman competing in the special olympics.

As for books, Thinking in Pictures might be another good one.

>> No.10117349
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>> No.10117352

she's doing good work giving me fap material indeed

>> No.10117359

Did anyone got her old videos?

She has a new channel now, but its not the same thing

>> No.10117368
File: 622 KB, 1920x2560, 149819081661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F*CK HER, she is a dumboring cunt.
God Bless Claire and make her come back (or someone upload her old videos)

>> No.10117373

Whos Claire?

>> No.10117374

>>mfw I deliberately pick a not that great looking autistic waifu thinking she will be pure but I still get cucked by some Chad

kek bro they're the main ones doing that shit

>> No.10117382
File: 131 KB, 530x530, Claire (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10117392

Couldnt find any videos of her

>> No.10117431

She deleted her channel after being harassed by /lit/

>> No.10117444

What are the chances that she'll birth autistic kids

>> No.10117460

It's hard to quantify but definitely better than average, which is a 1 in 68 chance.

>> No.10117465


>> No.10117499

thank me later

>> No.10117559


>> No.10117563


>> No.10117594

shes actually pretty cute

>> No.10117596

is that the kid from freaks and geeks?

>> No.10117607

>Autists are just awkward.
>low functioning autists
>just awkward

>> No.10117615

i learned alot from this

>> No.10117620
File: 129 KB, 597x577, BAS_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it unwise to stick your dick in assburgers?

>> No.10117623
File: 56 KB, 601x400, lind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange, I didn't and I'm autistic though I'm probably just too stubborn.

>> No.10117626

She didn't delete it until people started commenting on her mom's videos too.

>> No.10117629


those excitable goobers never do know when to stop

>> No.10117633


It's not fair to judge all of us based on the actions of a few


>> No.10117682

Is it the same anon who posts all these BAS pics, or is it different people?

>> No.10117816

fucking grinch looking bitch

>> No.10117926

Who TF gave you permission to post my waifu?

>> No.10117982

Well, straight the to the trash.

>> No.10118054

Yup, I'm not into piercings either, especially below the neck. Worst thing you could do to a nipple is jab a piece of metal through it.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims, with the 2nd major group of terrorists being socialists. Either way, they're scum of the earth, and Islam is the most pro-war religion on the face of the planet by far. Likely also the most sexist religion too, after all it DOES condone the beating of wives, in fact it's recorded that Prophet Muhammad at some point struck his underage wife Aisha "in the chest, causing great pain." Married her at 6, fucked her at 9, and people are surprised that there's child brides all over the Middle East. Oh, and slavery. Can't forget slavery... religion of peace!

>> No.10118059

i wish i had autism, i might get my vaccines done again

>> No.10118487

Maybe she was autistic before fame, but now she is just a normie slut.

Also, she dumped Jack so she could fuck with several Chads. Typical "autistic girl" behavior for you.

>> No.10118606

having autism seems gr8

>> No.10118627

I would have sex with everyone in this video. Even the chicks.

>> No.10118655

>He isn't autistic
Fucking losers.

>> No.10118661
File: 123 KB, 808x988, Cock smoke fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she sucks dick like she's solving a Rubik's Cube. "Twist of the balls to solve for blue, now let's solve for white, you autistic fuck."

>> No.10118670

that rubik's cube wouldn't work

>> No.10118680

Autism Mom's survival guide

>> No.10118690

It used to, you cheeky monkey.

>> No.10118699

>almost all terrorists are Muslims
Mostly because black, white, latino and asian terrorists are considered "criminals" or something else and not terrorists.

>> No.10118708

there could be more than one red side

>> No.10118740

I will give you that Muslims that rape and terrorize are also mentally ill, but if you look at cases like the New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Cologne, the problem is that that specific mental illness has a way of compiling and coordinating the people that suffer from said mental illness.

>> No.10118800

So one specific incidence on one specific time at one specific place is generalisable to 2 billion people spread all over the world.

>> No.10118809

I guess specifically cucktholics too compiled their mentally defect followers to drive murderous crusades all over Europe.

>> No.10118815

nu/pol/, please fuck off.

>> No.10118824
File: 120 KB, 550x330, Retard math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need me to explain the big hike in rapes in Sweden? Please tell me you at least don't need this explained to you. You are displaying your lack of world events. Go on, if you must. I'm here to learn.

>> No.10118857

Now you're cooking with gas. Religion is for retards! Some more retarded than others, is the point I believe you are trying to make.

But the again, per your logic:
>So one specific incidence on one specific time at one specific place is generalisable to 2 billion people spread all over the world.

So you can generalize Catholics, but generalizing Muslims is verboten? Wow, pretty sure I got your number, sweet tits.

>> No.10118888

so you graph says Sweden, which is 5% muslim, has twice as many rapes per 100,000 people as Pakistan, which is 96% muslim, and this proves that muslims are prone to rape?

That's some pretty aryan logic there buddy

>> No.10118936

The graph implies that raping infidels for Allah ain't no 72 virgins tier reward, but it's still considered a job well done. The government even blamed neo-Nazi's for jews leaving Malmo, while it was the Muslims - bet you don't care about that either. Easy to just blame a nazi, and invasive species protected.

Have you ever met a Muslim? The Muslim I work with tells me to beat my girlfriend when we have troubles. Maybe you are right, actually, seems to be some wisdom at work there.

>> No.10118940

sweden broadened the definition of rape within the law in 2005

>> No.10118949

Ready Player One

>> No.10118987

austism is highly heritable but it's not inherited, that's why it's hard to detect genetic mutations specific to it, because the genetic mutations appear after conception and not in the parents.

this all means that autism isn't passed from generation to generation as far as we can tell, but is likely a spontaneous genetic mutation.

>> No.10118998

>Do you need me to explain the big hike in rapes in Sweden? Please tell me you at least don't need this explained to you. You are displaying your lack of world events. Go on, if you must. I'm here to learn.
uh, because the swedes imported american feminism and american satanic panic?
amurrica not even once.

>> No.10119127

I don't know that it does imply that

>> No.10119296
File: 1.47 MB, 1688x2000, autismo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her hair. It's not black. It's not brown. Black irish autismo qts ftw.

>> No.10119308

I wish it was made up.

>> No.10119615
File: 198 KB, 638x359, 1491251026106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn /lit/ why do you have to be such a bunch of sperglords?

>> No.10119685

The testing process is actually very involved and can take upwards of 6 hours for all data collection. Some trained psychologists can also perform this testing, usually after a referral from a psychiatrist who is too busy with a workload of mentally ill patients to spend six hours working through the rigorous testing process and then the time spent follow-up data processing on one person.

I've read a few non-fiction works on autism. The most recent was Autism and the Edges of the Known World: Sensitivities, Language and Constructed Reality by Olga Bogdashina. Interesting read that went on a weird tangent towards the end. Wordy. Tony Attwood and Temple Grandin are probably the best people to read for a start.

This book is actually regarded as offensive by many autistic people.

>> No.10119694

Yes, I know it's involved but the fact stands that there is no objective test for autism. There very well may be in the future, some research is being done on behavioral analysis that is interesting.

>> No.10119779

Nobody wood, >>10117615 is just memeing. The acting in this video is extremely shitty and uncomfortable, and most autists are less weird than this.

>> No.10119791

There might not be an objective test, but there are some very strong and quite conclusive indicators. If I walk into a room with someone trained in the field, they'll pick it immediately.

>> No.10119796

Yes, I realize that. I'm just saying there's no sort of brain scan or anything like that lets you know that you have autism 100%

>> No.10119800

My autobiography.

>> No.10119802

Who is that qt3.14?

>> No.10119812
File: 43 KB, 344x517, 1387765564887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2 billion people spread all over the world.
>2 billion

There's rather a lot of them. . .

>> No.10119822

Eh. You can say the same for certain types of epilepsy, too. Did you know it took me 3 regular EEGs, and two overnight video telemetry EEGs, to get a single piece of recorded seizure activity. Despite having multiple focal onset aware seizures during both video telemetry EEGs, they only showed up on the recordings taken with the more sensitive equipment at the National Epilepsy Centre, and not with the standard equipment on a neuro ward in a hospital at the other end of the country. MRI normal and unremarkable. I had undiagnosed epilepsy for nine years.

What I'm saying is, shit can go on in inside brains without it being easily detectable by machines.

The only way to get many diagnoses is by talking to a psychiatrist or other doctor. You don't diagnose schizophrenia with an EEG or a CT scan.

Although, incidentally, the amygdala may be enlarged in people with autism.

>> No.10119847

I realize all of this. I'm just saying that diagnoses for autism in the end are inherently subjective, that's all. They can't tell what your neurological makeup is. This will probably change in the future.

>> No.10119855

And what by mean by subjective I'm not saying that it doesn't exist or that it's a bad thing, not at all, just that if the autism isn't exceedingly obvious to psychiatrists then it depends on other people's subjective interpretations of your own abilities and communication skills.

>> No.10119863
File: 60 KB, 570x728, e32d7d1f8bf452002d1886e1f4b2d03c--country-paintings-fall-paintings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what an angel. I don't even want to have sex with her, it seems so wrong to lower such a beautiful thing down to the depraved realm of trite sensuality.

>> No.10119867

Someone who got diagnosed as autistic at 19 when she was looking for a niche to work in/write to. Not saying she isn't, but let's say that would put her pretty high up on the spectrum.

>> No.10119876

I had her in one of my classes in college and she spent the entire time biting her nails and then sucking the blood off her hangnails.

>> No.10119884


>> No.10120452

Well, that's a lucky fucking way to get diagnosed.

I was in a psychiatric hospital with a misdiagnosis and they couldn't work out why no treatment was working at all after almost a year.

>> No.10121770

What class?

>> No.10121788

Stem ed

>> No.10121796
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>> No.10121825

What a fucking cutie, god damn.
Are there any autistic authors?

>> No.10121842

>oral sex isn't sex
Nothing triggers me more than this

>> No.10122401
File: 41 KB, 386x499, my diary desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10122488

what is this, a waifu for ants?

>> No.10122494

If you suck a dick or lick a pussy, and nothing more than that, yeah, you're still a virgin. I believe to lose one's virginity, there must be penetration either vaginally or anally. As for lesbians, honestly, I don't think I count pegging to be losing one's virginity since it's not a real cock. As far as I'm concerned, even though lesbians are gross, I think if a lesbian never lays with a man then she pretty much dies a virgin.

Also, fun fact, there's statistically more domestic abuse in lesbian couples than any other type of couple.

>> No.10122643

sounds real
you have great sense of fun

>> No.10122955

Just seems logical to me, and I'm very logically-based, perhaps to a fault.

>> No.10122959
File: 242 KB, 433x515, I LIKE TO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10123288

This. Jack /our/ guy. Kirsten is whore.

>> No.10123390


Be patient, he has autism.

>> No.10123495

>feminism is bad
You need to go back.

>> No.10123533

>tfw autistic girls are even out of your league

>> No.10123598

Feminism has been destroying families since the late 60s/early 70s. Studies since the 70s/80s show that children raised in single mother households are far more likely to be criminals. You can look it up yourself, but go ahead and ask me for sources. I'll get you links before long, but do take into account I'm presently drunk and might not check this thread again until sometime tomorrow. Also, the links I would provide would also have sources to the studies done. 2nd wave feminism did some good, but A LOT of bad, and we're still feeling it today.

>> No.10124042

>Feminism has been destroying families since the late 60s/early 70s.
Why do you even care you stupid cuck

>> No.10124051

That's interesting
is this the power of leftism?

>> No.10124058

I'm not that guy but I seriously don't understand why people care about things that don't affect them. I think it may be because I was never socialized or integrated into a group properly in childhood and am now completely distant from society.

>> No.10124183

>tfw too autistic to tell when people like you

>> No.10124272

Joke's on you, it's because no one ever did.

>> No.10124321

You may be right.

>> No.10124368

The stranger

>> No.10124385

I am right.

>> No.10124541

everyone is autistic

>> No.10124616

I wish this was the case

>> No.10124801

Only if you don't cut the spectrum at any point. But by that logic, everyone is everything and it just becomes a matter of degree.

>> No.10126015

>ctrl + f "Moby Dick"
>only 1 result
/lit/ is full of idiots. This is the best answer.

>> No.10126028

shes got a new channel
not doing particularly well

>> No.10126061

James Joyce was a huge autist. Finnegans Wake was Autism cranked to 10

>> No.10126098

More like schizotypal tbqh, though there's quite a lot of overlap neurologically

>> No.10126287

I care because my family was destroyed by feminism, and I can see my little sister, who is an adult now, all set to destroy her family later on in a similar fashion. I've been saying for years, God help her son if she has a boy, and if she has a girl then I expect she'll be pampered and spoiled to the point that she ends up as rotten as her mother not to mention of course being raised similarly to end up being a ball-busting feminist as well. Feminism truly is a cancer, and single-mother households thrusts all manner of terribleness on children. Children raised by single mothers have a FAR greater chance of becoming rapists, murderers, repeat arsonists, drug abusers, and so on and so forth. Various studies are available from the last 30-40 years that show this, and I can provide links to them and provide the sources if desired.

Interesting but tragic.

One of the ways that feminism has been destroying families is by making the court system utterly biased towards women. If a man and a woman have a custody battle, to try and get sole custody, the woman gets it about 93% of the time if memory serves. Then there's the child support, and the possibility of alimony which should have been done away with following the laws that made any legitimate 'wage gap' between the genders illegal. So, as a man who hopes to become a father someday, and a man who would prefer to have that child within wedlock rather than outside of wedlock, what incentive is there for me when I have a 50% chance of getting a divorce and ultimately getting completely fucked-over in terms of access to my kid(s)? 50% of marriages end in divorce and over 60% of those divorces are filed by women because women, in the short term, have everything to gain in a divorce while men have everything to lose.

>> No.10126568

I sincerely feel it's time for aspies and the likes to make their big literary splash. We are only in need for a presentable spokesperson. Someone attractive and smart, a bit quirky too, but firmly in control of his/her autism. I bet if you manage to do so, you can get away with the most abject written crap and successfully present it as an excellent piece of outsider art.

>> No.10126574

Memoirfag should volunteer.

>> No.10127081

infidels to the muslims are like goyim to the jews
they have no rights, and can be raped and killed freely

>> No.10127587

Even if that's true, you don't see Jews going out and raping and killing non-Jews freely in the west. Meanwhile, Islamic terror is still a huge problem. Whatever the problems with the Jews, and I've yet to see any, but even if there are problems hiding under the surface, I believe we should focus on the Muslim problem first and once they're dealt with THEN we can see about the Jews. Like I said though, I'm not seeing any problems with them thus far, and I thoroughly believe we should support Israel. If for no other reason than it being a point in the Middle East where we can safely send troops and resources to stage a land invasion in the Middle East from there. It's also the ONE civilized country in the Middle East. Remember; the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so as a westerner and a Christian, I see those of Judaism as friends.

>> No.10127599

That book was a slog to get through. Even though it's really short the writing style would give me headaches.

>> No.10127603

Why is the book considered offensive by them?

>> No.10127615
File: 58 KB, 591x401, 037116677a416210a0388094cc3ce466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could Borges or maybe Lovecraft be fucking autistic?

>> No.10127619

Lovecraft was definitely autistic.

>> No.10127649

Holy shit, never opine on biology ever again brainlet. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10127653

70% if the father is also autistic.

>> No.10127692

don't like her face but I would let her stick needles in my balls and thank her afterwards

>> No.10127697

>white "people"

>> No.10127701

Let's hope he is

>> No.10127721

>on autism
Stuff like this sounds weird. It's like the book is literally on top of autism. How hard do most autistic people have with imagining/visualizing an image that you've never seen in real life before?

If you are into philosophy, choose Wittgenstein. He's a pretty autist minded guy. The DSM wasn't around then, but he would most likely be on the spectrum. Ignatius Reilly from Confederacy of Dunces is kind of close for a fictional character, if you are into fiction.

>> No.10127788

>How hard do most autistic people have with imagining/visualizing an image that you've never seen in real life before?
I can't imagine what characters look like and I only see certain parts of a scene, never the whole one.

>> No.10127828

her channel was great, shes just a lovely calm and relaxing person. Unfortunately half of /lit/ were offering her marriage and half were threatening to kill her

>> No.10127839
File: 6 KB, 239x300, 1418634010815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl gets the old lickeroo
>hymen still intact
>nor virgin anymore

>> No.10127843

american feminism is bad. so is their satanic panic. neither are things you should want discussed in chambers of power because it allows fucking nutso shit to happen to your citizens.

>> No.10127845

Yeah, a guy posted a link to one of her old videos at vmeo. She has a new channel now. That girl loves books

>> No.10127883

Dude youre just wrong about the court system, I've been there myself. THe Courts WANT 50/50 custody, its best for the kids and faster/easier for them. Any guy who says the court took his kids away is a flat out liar, OR he has a long record of violence and presents a clear threat to the childrens safety.

>> No.10127888

Aspies dont understand human nature, they cant write novels or poetry or anything

>> No.10127905

Well I hope you get to that Jewish question soon, because its seems we need some sort of a conclusive fix, a real solution with some finality, if you will. And you're the man for the job, I can see that.

>> No.10127914

When there is a battle for custody between man and woman, where they're fighting for SOLE custody of the child, the woman wins over 90% of the time, so you can go ahead and fuck off.

>> No.10127920

I'm not going to support your retarded dreams of Nazi Germany or the fiction of the Aryan race. I can even address the problem that is Islam and I don't want any 'final solution' bullshit, so fuck off back to /pol/. You're as much of a problem in the west as Islam.

>> No.10127940

That makes absolutely no sense if you know anything about the legal system. Where did you even get that statistic from?

>> No.10128005

I focus on small detail, in a scene i might only see a hat or a nose, but i'll be aware of other parts of the scene without visualising it.

>> No.10128029

my dairy desu

>> No.10128062

Check out Terrence Popp, he provides the sources in the description for his statistics. It was about 87% of the time that women gain custody, but of that 13% that men get it, about 4% of that is when the woman doesn't show up, so realistically, if memory serves, it's about 91% of the time that the woman gains sole custody when there is such a legal battle. Also, children raised by single mothers have a statistically higher likelihood of growing up to be a rapist, murderer, drug abuser, repeat arson, etc. That's from a variety of studies done from the 1970s to the present day.