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10115457 No.10115457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read any of Voltaire's works beyond Candide? Thoughts?

>> No.10115468

I'm surprised all the /pol/tards spamming here never read Mahomet.
Voltaire btfoing Islam in the 18th century seems like the perfect work for them.

>> No.10115581

OK thanks but I've never posted on /pol/ and it has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.10115597

the thread is about voltaire, so yes it does.

>> No.10115608

"mahomet" is a Voltaire play you pea brained jackass

>> No.10115612

This thread is about Voltaire, it has nothing to do with /pol/.

>> No.10115613
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>more /pol/ bait

>> No.10115621

"Voltaire btfoing Islam in the 18th century seems like the perfect work for them."

>> No.10115642

At least the alt-right is fighting for what is good even if they are naive

>> No.10115647

OK... jews and muslims getting btfo'd still has nothing to do with /pol/. Stop being paranoid, everyone hates jews and muslims these days because of the problems they cause and the spreading awareness of them due to the internet.

>> No.10115662
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>racism and sexism

>> No.10115670

>destroying western culture

you have to go back

>> No.10115887

>Voltaire's works beyond Candide
Yes. More cheap wit, but nothing worth the time.

>> No.10115903

The alt-right is destroying western culture. You can't prove this wrong.

>> No.10115941

a poltard sneakily normalizing his antisemitism and islamopohobia as something "everyone" does
nicely done

>> No.10115958

The alt right seems to be the only entity that wants to preserve western culture.

>> No.10115963

Yeah. Micromegas, some of the Dictionary (too dated), the Letters from England, and the two major histories. Of those I liked The Age of Louis xiv best (but the literature from and about this time period is so rich from St.Simon to Nancy Mitford that it's difficult to rec).

>> No.10115982

the truth of that statememnt depends on how you define "western culture" and what you think the values of the alt-right are

>> No.10115989

Only if you're under the mistaken impression that western culture can exist without white people.

>> No.10115991

>more postmodern Jewish word games

>> No.10116004

oh jesus, it's the anuddah shoah crew

>> No.10116005

You admit that Jewish postmodernism is concerned with truth

>> No.10116022

Feels good when even normies start referring to postmodernism as jewish postmodernism.

>> No.10116023

I'm using your terms. Don't think too deeply about it

>> No.10116075

But most importantly you are using the *right* terms now. Good boy.

>> No.10116099

Western Culture doesn't need to be preserved. It absorbs everything. It will on & on on its own.

>> No.10116154

I take it logic isn't your strong point.

Western culture is a manifestation of European man. No one else is capable of re-creating it and its preservation begins and ends with the preservation of white people and our homelands, which requires a return to ethnostates and the removal of the jew poisoning western culture from within.

>> No.10116225
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Western culture sustains itself through communicative rationality and the absorption of all phenomena under the reign of a hyperpositivist will to truth. Your childish concerns with race are only part of the false binary oppositions created in order to sustain the illusion of dialectic progress when in fact the world is becoming dominated by the drive to make all parts of it completely transparent, calculated, and hypervisible. /pol/ battles the mainstream media and both believe they are fighting a righteous battle for the good of society, when in fact regardless of who wins the semiocapitalist regime of sign exchange will continue to reproduce itself and its own reality principle. Your petty concerns demonstrate that you utterly lack any semblance of perspective and are simply ignorant of broader societal processes that are occurring under late capitalism. The world has been given to you as reality and you have taken in as such, when in fact you must render it more unintelligible.

>> No.10116237

The Logic proceeds from Divine Right to 1789 and beyond. The flight has been from authority. The irony is that a moral invisibility has been replaced by a financial one: the meek are not who [we] thought they'd be. They suck, actually. They're cowards, they hide behind their money, and by and large theyre white and male. And what's more, [they] own (you). Deal with it.

>> No.10116264

Not so subtle way of avoiding the point

>> No.10116278

Utter stupidity like that contained in this post is something I can only equate with a sperg reading too much Nick Land. Western culture is tied to race alone and your spergy and borderline lunatic misconceptions of how nature works should trouble you.

Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.10116289

>Good goy

>> No.10116290

have fun literally living a meme ideology that has no justification and being wrong about literally every presupposition you make about the world.

>> No.10116295

They want to but shit on it in the process.

>> No.10116310

Sure dude, and keep blaming the abstract phantom menace of capitalism because you're either too afraid or too dumb to acknowledge or realize respectively that the actual problem extends from *people* who don't think like you and have disproportionate control over the levers that steer power in your society.

>> No.10116313

>western culture is tied to race only
Tbh its not even worth seriously engaging with you. Theres nothing about western culture inherently tied to race, other than the fact that white people just happened to be the ones living where the conditions were right to build stable enough society for science and literature to boom. Even then, the significant western societal advances were built off similar advanves in the Mid East and Asia. There's nothing inherently white about culture, other than the culture of brainlets insisting there is.

>> No.10116317

>*people* who don't think like you
Why is the way you think good?

>> No.10116320

When non-whites become 'Westernised' its not because their bloodline is being diluted by whites, buddy. The guy you're talking to is absolutely correct and Western society is perpetuated by its own established systems and protocols which reflect its beliefs. These things are not biological.

>> No.10116322

>white people just happened to be the ones living where the conditions were right

>> No.10116325

>Believing the arts steer power in society

Just turn off the TV bro

>> No.10116330

>Theres nothing about western culture inherently tied to race
Every aspect of it is. That's who creates and has created it 100% of the time. Surely you are smarter than this and capable of making even the most basic of connections wrt this topic.

>> No.10116332

Why is American culture different to European culture if the first white Americans were European? What about these Europeans made them want to rebel against the monarchy?

>> No.10116337

I think in terms of what's good for my people and society because I'm a part of it; jews are not so they have a harmful effect on those things.

>> No.10116339

Why should you think in terms of what is good for you people?

>> No.10116340

I seriously can't even imagine being this intellectually limited.
>It's all genetics bro and the things we create are an extension of our genetics

>> No.10116345

That's completely absurd. Culture is an outgrowth of capabilities acquired over thousands of years of evolution. Mimicry is not a substitute.

>> No.10116349

>Ignoring the rest of his post for one line
He literally explained why it wasn't. Western culture is perpetuated by institutions. Plenty of societies have built successful institutions, western or otherwise. Ours are just the most successful right now, and you're confusing that lucky coincidence of your birth with the fact that white people traditionally live in western society.

>> No.10116350

It's jews, isn't it?

>> No.10116352


You want to believe in something that isn't true, that the manifestation of greatness is superficial and can be achieved at whim. That is silly but I'm sure you have your own personal motivations for believing such a thing (i.e., being non-white).

>> No.10116355

Culture is largely taught which involves mimicry. People aren't born with a genetic disposition to paint objects in three dimensions.

>> No.10116356

Youre neither historian nor logician.
I know exactly what I'm talking about and mistook (you) for someone capable of responding intelligently. Sorry. My bad..

>> No.10116360

I am asking you to justify the belief that you have a moral obligation to act in the favor of your own group

>> No.10116361

>Western culture is perpetuated by institutions. Plenty of societies have built successful institutions
No they have not, hence why they are storming white nations to rent seek off of them -- because they cannot create them themselves. And even to the extent those institutions exist outside of white nations they are more often than not imitations that don't function as well as those whites create.

>> No.10116367

>the manifestation of greatness is superficial and can be achieved at whim.

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.10116369

It's not, culture is a reflection of nature and that nature has been adapted over millennia and cannot simply be mimicked or re-created to equal degree by others who did not evolve in such environments. It's just silly to assert otherwise.

>> No.10116372

I thought 'they' were storming white nations because of the jews

>> No.10116379

>be born in a country that, at this time, institutions are currently failing
>decide to move to a country that, at this time, institutions are succeeding
It wasn't too long ago that the middle east was in a golden age. That the region isn't stable right now isn't proof of racial superiority. Its also not rent-seeking behavior - immigrants open businesses at a higher rate and the positive economic impact is well documented. Don't throw economic terms around when its clear you're not educated on the topic.

>> No.10116382

Then justify why it's moral for one to do the opposite. This is just how nature works, universalist morality need not factor in nor would you likely accept my attempt to make such an explanation.

>> No.10116384

>everyone who's racist or sexist or homo/transphobic or islamophobic or whatever originated from /pol/

>> No.10116389

>(i.e., you being non-white)

Jews have opened the gates, yeah. Who wouldn't want to rent seek off of institutions one cannot create on their own, or turn down free money?

>> No.10116390

I am not making any moral claims here. Tell me though, why do you feel the need to spend your energy being angry and opposing the Jews, a heterogeneous group that you seem to have made in to an amorphous enemy of your very existence?

>> No.10116391

>on the website that hosts /pol/
>buttmad when somebody compares you to /pol/
Your handler is probably looking for you, retard.

>> No.10116395

Wrong, to the extent that there ever was a "golden age" in the ME that was the result of mixed Aryan peoples like Persians and Turks being somewhat capable due to that Aryan admixture. Arabs are completely dysfunctional and always have been. Your interpretation of ME has been skewed and your understanding of it is weak.

>> No.10116396

>free money

>> No.10116405

what i'm saying is that someone who has those qualities i listed isn't necessarily a /pol/ack, nor would they fit the mouth-breathing strawman of one that you've constructed

>> No.10116406

I don't accept the framing of your premise, but jews are very bad people. Whether you want to learn about why that is is something I accept I can only have so much sway over, but it's important for whites to understand how these things work to the degree that they are willing or capable.

>> No.10116408

My tax dollars as deemed fit to allocate by Uncle Sam.

>> No.10116409

I mean the process of enculturation is a process of teaching, hence the second sentence. You're not paying attention to the argument. Mimicry is absolutely vital in the continuation ('manifestation') of a culture. People of similar genetics can't just spontaneously reproduce a similar culture without using previously attained knowledge.

In terms of acculturation, some people from a culture either adapt or reject aspects of another culture. It's true that people evolve in environments and those environments determine substantially the 'reflection of [that] nature' i.e. the culture. At this point it's not just mimicry of another culture but appropriation of what works and what doesn't of a foreign culture; or adaptation.

Back to the original point, regardless of genetics a culture can adopt aspects of another culture, like my example of cultures becoming 'Westernised'. The Westernisation is not reflective of the genetic make-up of the people who are becoming Westernised, because culture is not really 'genetic' or an expression of genes. Culture is determined by the institutions that perpetuate it, given the laws etc. of how it is perpetuated, what is official, etc. These laws are a separate sphere from the genetics of the people who enact the laws.

>> No.10116411

>still doesnt explain the Gupta Empire
>still doesnt explain the Han Dynasty
Not to mention that race mixing in no way explains the Islamic golden ages. Multiple groups that contribured to this had nothing to do with the Persians or Turks. Read a history book, stop creating fan fiction to match your misunderstanding of reality.

>> No.10116412

>>(i.e., you being non-white)

But I wasn't arguing what you said I was arguing so it isn't really confirmed. Back to the question: what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10116414

How did you learn that? Did you study anthropology?

>> No.10116417

You should get over your own premises of good vs bad people. Racial hatred is only an expression of one's own weakness and inability to deal with the pain and suffering inherent in this world we live in, regardless of who may or may not be causing the suffering. The point is to love it and live a life be a creator, without having to define yourself in opposition to an external enemy. Because then you are nothing but a husk of a being.

>> No.10116424

Why did this jew conspiracy theory spring up in the same era as all the other conspiracy theories? Is there a connection? Why did people hate jews for religious reasons up until now when suddenly they're trying to destroy the white race?

>> No.10116426

Even if I were to accept most of your argument, you're more or less saying that a dumbed down, standardized, and exportable variation of "western culture" as loosely defined is a viable substitute or manifestation of the real thing, when I'm saying it's most definitely not.

>> No.10116433

No I explicitly pointed out what I was 'more or less' saying:
>Back to the original point, regardless of genetics a culture can adopt aspects of another culture, like my example of cultures becoming 'Westernised'.

I don't think it's a 'viable substitute' and that has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

>> No.10116438

I just reread my initial response. Seemed pretty clear.

The Boazian version of anthropology? I most definitely have.

You are very good at mimicking the narrative you're supposed to. But that doesn't impress me.

>> No.10116440

Do you know what the word "conspiracy" means? It's a real thing people do, especially tribal people. Try to think for yourself and you may start, in time, and with a lot of work and enhanced pattern recognition capabilities, learning about how the world works.

>> No.10116446

>Seemed pretty clear.

Yeah it's a sentence that makes sense but it doesn't make sense in the context of the discussion. It's not the opposite position of saying culture isn't genetic. Are you stalling or what? You seem pretty quiet.

>> No.10116452

Do you know that I deliberately used the term 'conspiracy theory' for a reason, not just 'conspiracy'? Anyway I wonder why this conspiracy theory has popped up during a general age of conspiracy theories. Maybe the jews did it to confuse us or to suggest anyone uncovering their plot of world domination was just a nut. Sounds plausible yes?

>> No.10116453

Okay, well, yes, Chinese people can play Mozart. But that's not really here nor there. European culture is superior, it's no surprise others are interested in it, as it should be no surprise that the feats accomplished within are a reflection of those one people alone. I'm happy if others want to mimic it but that has no bearing on who can create it.

>> No.10116454
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have anyone of you ever read Goody?

>> No.10116455

>The Boazian version of anthropology? I most definitely have.
Care to explain what version that is?

>> No.10116457

I'm replying to several people and having this meta conversation is unsatisfying. Reask your question or state clearly what is confusing you if you would like a more substantial answer.

>> No.10116465

This boils down to your willingness to learn about a subject whose answers are readily available to you. There are no easy answers and you will continue to not 'get it' until you're willing to put in the time to seek those answers. Nothing I can do about that except encourage you to seek them and supply information when and where I can.

>> No.10116467

>a subject whose answers are readily available to you

>> No.10116474

inb4 Culture of Critique

>> No.10116476

No, because it's an easy thing for you to look up.

Start with the most recent addition to the meme trilogy.

>> No.10116478

How did you study it? Or did you just look it up also?

>> No.10116481

Do you think no one can possibly look into the evidence regarding the jewish question and think it is inconclusive at best and flat out misinformation at worst?

>> No.10116484

you're the meme, m8

>> No.10116503

It's pretty well-known, Franz Boaz is the jew's name if you want to follow the lead, which I don't expect you do since you mentioned anthropology in snark, and that was my snark back.

No, it doesn't work like that. I understand why you may scoff at such a statement, but there is a truth here that supercedes all opinion and possible subjective interpretation. But I understand that is difficult for many to accept since you do really have to rearrange the way you think to fully grasp it.

>> No.10116508

The virgin Leibniz, the Chad Voltaire

>> No.10116513

>there is a truth here that supercedes all opinion and possible subjective interpretation
you must be joking

>> No.10116516

Just rearrange your thinking bro

>> No.10116518

The scoff explicitly anticipated. But, yes. It's a one way street, as anyone who has gone down it will tell you.

>> No.10116524

So to educate myself I have to accept the premise that jews are bad beyond belief and work from that? Again, you can't be serious.

>> No.10116535

That's the result, not the initial premise you must accept. Are you white?

>> No.10116549

It's not a one way street at all. A lot of people held this kind of beliefs to then abandon them.

>> No.10116562

How do I educate myself, then? Is being white enough?

>> No.10116591

No, they haven't. The ones who say they have probably went half way or were too young to fully grasp the information or the actual ramifications of it. I've never been a pol person but something I've heard is that someone maybe browsed it in 200? or whatever, before the information had been synthesized via the internet to the extent it is now, and were put off by the notsee larping (which I completely understand, I am too) or what have you, but whose interpretation is muddied by that experience and who is thus opposed to reexploring that which has become more advanced, synthesized, and wide like available. I did it the hard way and didn't even know what pol was, still don't, but there's really no question regarding the central thesis of the JQ. It's merely a matter of one's willingness to tackle it.

>> No.10116598

No, you actually have to read, which, I hear, is not always an activity widely engaged in by people around here, despite the seemingly nominally inherent notion that it would be.

>> No.10116603

What do I read that's not a meme like Culture of Critique?

>> No.10116618

>The JQ is not a question
really makes you think

>> No.10116632

If you want a basic, straightforward, scientific introduction without the ideology or terminology likely to turn off the average person who lacks an understanding of the topic, that's it. I don't know why it being a meme would make it bad; it's the best starting point.

>> No.10116640

I prefer "problem" anyway, but the question part is more wrt what to do about it.

>> No.10116647

But the excerpts you post aren't good, it seems to be all about postmodernism.

>> No.10116652

it's a forced meme, the worst kind

>> No.10116667

Criticism noted.

Perhaps the too stubbornly independent for their own good, I'll read what I want, types aren't the main target here. But I'm fairly certain the exposure has been very beneficial regardless of what you happen to think, or think is worthy of acceptance into that remarkable mind of yours.

>> No.10116671

I thought the culture of critique was actually quite good. Macdonald ended up being anti-semitic but his analyses of Freud and The Frankfurt School were pretty accurate.

I don't know why there are only two types of people- straight up antisemites, and people who think it's beyond the pale to even mention Jewish influence. Clearly Jews in the West have played a large role, and gained a lot of influence, which means they will have done negative things like any other group.

It's really the same argument that everybody makes about white people, it's just people can't wrap their heads around the idea that Jews are both victims, and also powerful members of society.

>> No.10116676

>It's really the same argument that everybody makes about white people

>> No.10116694

>You see, there are only two types of people. And from what I've written you can clearly infer that I am not in one of these. Which makes me an idiot. Because that means there aren't only two types of fucking people, there's also a third. And maybe fourth, fifth, sixth and so on.

>> No.10116708

About negative influence on society due to white dominance.
you don't get what I was saying? I was saying that those two types are all you ever see in the media, in academia, in general.

Obviously there are people who don't care, and people who have random ideas, outliers exist. But where Jews in the west are concerned it is a very clear dichotomy between Neo-Nazi and Steven Spielberg, with essentially no room in between, apart from people bashing on the Orthodox.

>> No.10116721

>This thread
So yeah Voltaire. I like his writing and have read Candide and Zadig and enjoyed them both, that wit. I have his Philosophical Dictionary, Letters on England, L'Ingenu, and his Treatise on Toleration but haven't gotten to those yet.

He has this whimsical and witty writing style that makes his books hard to put down.

>> No.10116728

Voltaire was such a goddamn worthless brainlet. Read Fontenelle my goys.

>> No.10116732

This. We absorbed Westerners from Western countries and somehow remained Western. We are invincible.

>> No.10116740

there aren't only those two people, it's just that to you any anti-antisemitic argument sounds like jewophilia

>> No.10116760

Then why doesn't the term 'Jewish Privilege' exist? given their university acceptance levels, their nobel prize levels, their wealth levels, their media and finance success, etc. It should clearly apply, yet nobody has even made a vague effort in that direction.

To be clear I am more on the side of the philosemitics than the antisemitics. If I am reactionary at all I blame decline on Protestants, not Jews. But I am not reactionary, I am mostly fatalistic about history.

When do you ever see criticism of Jews, or even acknowledgment that Jews are powerful, in the media or academia?

The closest I saw was TIME article that published Cochran's work on Ashkenazi IQ and its impact on jewish success, though I doubt TIME are feeling very positive towards Cochran these days.

>> No.10116785

And any criticism of the Jews is anti-semitic to you. God forbid, I criticize any other group of people but oh no, don't criticize muhh God's chosen people.

>> No.10116805

the term doesn't exist cause the last time it was used 6 million of them went up in smoke

>And any criticism of the Jews is anti-semitic to you
"the jews" yes, jews as people no

>> No.10116807

>the term doesn't exist cause the last time it was used 6 million of them went up in smoke
That is exactly my point anon. The dichotomy is exactly Neo-nazi:Rabbi.

Im not being moralistic here, you can certainly defend the point that it is necessary that jews aren't criticized because of the holocaust. That's fine. I'm just asking you to admit that, in fact, in polite conversation, jews cannot be criticized.

That was the entire gist of my first post.

>> No.10116821
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>6 million of them went up in smoke
Is that what they told you? Funny how they've always been known for their dishonesty.

>> No.10116835

>"the jews" yes
>jews as people, no

Except most people don't make that distinction because they're so sensitive to any criticism of Jews no matter what the reason that they automatically pull the anti-semite card. I could point out that most Jews in Israel wouldn't accept employment if they found out their employer would be Jewish, this is true btw, and I would still get called an anti-semite. Just imagine if those statistics were in regards to how whites would turn down employment if their employer was black, it would make headlines across America.

>> No.10116837

If their employer was Arab. My mistake.

>> No.10116840

yes, idiots and shills for israel do that and it's shit
doesn't mean that anti-semitism doesn't exist

>> No.10116852

Who said it doesn't exist? You're clearly missing the point here anon. Just like the other anon above me, we're trying to make the point that you can't criticize Jews NO MATTER WHAT. I don't get what is so hard to understand about that. Openly criticize white people, despite them making up a majority of the population, and do the same for Jews, you will clearly see the difference in reactions.

>> No.10116876

>Openly criticize white people, despite them making up a majority of the population, and do the same for Jews, you will clearly see the difference in reactions
and what is strange in that?
you seem to want to remove any and all context in social interactions
it is exactly because of the fact that white people are both a majority and hold almost all the cards at the table that the criticism of them and the criticism of jews can't be compared
and also because the criticism of jews almost always devolves into straight up anti-semitism

>> No.10116883


When they're bullying the poor oppressed Palestinians they magically turn into white people, and colonialists to boot. Colonialists are the worst type of white people. When they're getting beaten up by skinheads they turn back into minorities.

>> No.10116897

Anon, try to understand cultural context here. I don't think we should say that we can't criticize cultural flaws, but the issue here isn't about the literal meaning of words, it's what those words imply.

If you see a pass a building but don't go inside it, you still know that the outside of the building implies that it has floors, walls, ceilings, lights, pipes and bathrooms

In the same way, when people start complaining about "the jews" it's not that quotation that's the problem, but rather the the thing that makes them think in those terms.

>> No.10116899

it's almost like they're not a hivemind

>> No.10116901

>it is exactly the fact that white people are a majority and hold most of the cards at the table

What "cards" are you referring to? You seem to fail to realize that despite making up less than 2% of the population, they are pre-dominant in a lot of things. Hell, the biggest lobby in Washington is AIPAC, an Israeli-Jewish lobby. That takes a lot of power and influence. You're making this more complicated than it really is. To a certain extent, calling someone an anit-semite makes the presupposition that it doesn't matter if what you're saying is true or not. You're still going to be called an anti-semite. Another example is that I could point that most Neocons are Jews, which is true, and get called an anti-semite despite it being true.

>> No.10116906


>> No.10116914

I understand that however, the point I'm trying to make is that the anti-semite card can be exploited and used just like any other card. I'm not categorizing all Jews btw, there are plenty of good ones and have contributed greatly in the areas of philosophy, technology, and medicine. To say that they haven't had a positive impact on certain sects of society would be disingenuous.

>> No.10116915


>> No.10116916

that's what I've been trying to say, but you've done it better
like look at the guy above you conflating some guy getting his ass kicked by skinheads in NY and a settler in israel into not the same body of people but the same body period (as in, they're the same in every way)

>You're making this more complicated than it really is.
no, you're making it simpler because you can't work with complexities
yes, they're predominant in certain occupations, so what? am i supposed to see this as a conspiracy?

>> No.10116920

I am not saying it's a conspiracy. You said that whites have more "cards at the table." What is that supposed to be mean? And I'm not referring to a random settler in Israel. There is racism in Israel and me pointing that out is deemed worthy of anti-semitism by most people. You're only proving my point that you can't criticize Jews without some shocking reaction no matter what the reason is.

>> No.10116921

And when did I say anything about skinheads? Now you're just making a total strawman.

>> No.10116923

he's not proving your point, m8

>> No.10116926

If me pointing out a simple criticism of certain Jews is worthy of being called an anti-semite, then yes it is.

>> No.10116933

That's not what happened. Don't kid.

>> No.10116935

To make a strawman I would first have to be talking about you. Look at my comment and who I quoted:
>look at the guy above you
and here's the guy above his post:
>When they're getting beaten up by skinheads they turn back into minorities.


>> No.10116949

Ok, I apologize since I thought you were talking about me. Excluding his skinhead comment, he makes a good point however. Palestinians are treated as second class citizens by the Israelis but pointing this out somehow equates to being anti-semitic or any criticism of the state of Israel for that matter.

>> No.10116950

cards at the table = structural advantages

>> No.10116956


>> No.10116963

I know you're probably new to this, but you'll keep losing or at best getting nowhere if you keep letting them define the rules for you. Playing the notalljews game and continuing to lend credence to their fake terminology (racism, antisemitism, pointing out the double standards, etc.) means nothing to these people because they don't think rationally or use reason like Europeans do. You think you can negotiate, but these little jews will keep nipping at your heels and refusing to give an inch because they are tribal and will protect the big jews at all cost. It's instinctual. That's why it *is* all jews, because they will never go against each other or hold other jews accountable as whites will, they will deny and lie and do everything they can to discredit you for even talking about them. If you've read CofC, it's time to move onto TRS so you can better hone your arguments and learn how to work around the traps you're so easily falling into ITT by not fully understanding your, our, opponent.

>> No.10116967

>Palestinians are treated as second class citizens by the Israelis but pointing this out somehow equates to being anti-semitic or any criticism of the state of Israel for that matter.
that's not his point, he was being an actual antisemite
what he meant had nothing to do with palestinians, they were just props used to attack jews as a whole
it's perfectly clear when he talks about two jews separated by half the world as if they were the same man
I've already agreed with your point about Israel shills, you're correct there, they've been doing it probably for decades

>> No.10116971

dunno, google structural/institutional racism

>> No.10116983

Being jewish, this is something I can agree with. Racism is something that everyone is capable of, but the shades of grey depend on local culture, history and demographics

Case in point: There's this grocery store I used to go to that had a lot of exotic produce from around the world. On occasion they'd import these bumpy looking limes from thailand that were called "kaffir limes". In south africa, that's basically the n word, but here that word literally means nothing. It's just what that species of limes is called. I didn't find out that word was a slur until like last year.

I still call them the only name I have for them because here it doesn't have such harsh connotations, but if I was in south africa or near someone who was from south africa I'd just call them "those bumpy limes from thailand."

I dunno, maybe that's still racist since I know it has a meaning and ignore it. I'm pretty sure if you only ever interact with white people and still used the n word I'd say it's racist, even if it doesn't mean anything in your language. I guess one some level there's also a personal context to understand and not just a cultural one

look, I'm going to admit right now that I haven't scrolled up and read the thread. Honestly I'm not going to because I won't like what I'll see, but from what I do see I can kind of tell that there is at the very least a bit of ignorance to this whole race-topic-ettiquite present.

I mean, if your point was about israeli nationalists, why are you instead saying "jews" and moreover why are you saying "Jews" with the capitalization like it's a name or something. Even if you're not racist you're acting like being jewish is their defining characteristic, not a simply a property of who they are. That's the kind of thing people look out for because it hints that either you're ignorant of the acceptable way to discuss this sort of thing, or you're willingly breaking unspoken social rules because you disagree with their purpose (i.e. the attempt to humanize people with different ethno-religious backgrounds)

>> No.10116984

pay gaps

>> No.10117010

police profiling

>> No.10117014

access to credit

>> No.10117016

context complicates things and today's technoretards handle complexity about as well as one of those low-functioning autistic kids handles losing his blanket

>> No.10117031

context gives things meaning

>> No.10117043

The issue is that technology removes context completely. most of the time you don't know the people you're talking to, or where they come from and what their social rules are. Worse, it removes all tone and body language, so if you have trouble picking up on irony and sarcasm it gets even harder

It doesn't help that the current sociopolitical climate seems to be obscuring the line between satire and sincere bigotry.

I think that's why tumblr humor is so surreal. Some people say it's meant to criticize a world that doesn't make sense, but I think it's the exact opposite. It's an attempt to re-establish firm boundaries between what is meant to be a joke and what is serious in an age where all we have to go off of is text

>> No.10118068

Whites are more productive.
Whites commit less crime.
Whites are more likely to pay their bills.

>> No.10118423

That's so vague it can't be true, anon.

>> No.10118784

Seriously I don't get how alt-righters think that western culture is going anywhere. The only legitimate challenge it has is confucianism, and even confunicianism has not survived without being fundamentally changed by western culture.

>> No.10118861

It will go into the trash if the demographic situation is not reversed. That is the principal threat in this equation. In a couple generations the people who are responsible for creating that culture are going from near 100% majorities in their nations to minorities. How can one possibly state that western culture isn't under threat due to this demographic upheaval? It's ridiculous, the preservation of western culture begins and ends with the preservation of western people, meaning white people.

>> No.10118934

Christ, fuck this thread.

I really enjoyed Zadïg and Candide when I was about 20. Fun, easy reads that somehow actually inspired me to be less of a shut in so they hold a place in the Comfy Section of my heart.

>> No.10119008

I agree. Loads of fun to read.

>> No.10119019

This would be a concern were it not for the fact that your initial premise is false. White people aren't going anywhere because the minorities you think are growing at alarming rates simply aren't.

>> No.10119020

I analyzed Candide on the AP Lit exam senior year because the plot was something about how a Bildungsroman is true to the human condition or some nonsense. My essay was 8 pages and I got a three out of five

>> No.10119021

>if I'm not the biggest I'm trash

>> No.10119037

Are you joking? A million non-whites are let in to the US every year and major cultural capitals like London, Paris, and Berlin are already or will soon become majority non-white due to immigration. And there is no indication that this trend is going to stop. This is a major concern and anyone who is actually interested in preserving western culture should be in favor of not only stopping these trends but promoting remigration policies to start to roll them back.

>> No.10119040

amerifat thinking

>> No.10119150
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> the minorities you think are growing at alarming rates simply aren't.

>> No.10120475

No, numbers matter and whites have every right and reason to fight back against their demographic displacement.

>> No.10122245


>> No.10122340

i don't get why anti-semitism is treated as such a horrible thing on here aside from the one counter-semite guy. hardly anyone would bat an eye at criticizng Arab Muslims and their culture, for example. but, this board has a Communist tendency, and obviously jews have something of a special place in the hearts of Communists, and the ideology as a whole tends to be philosemitic, even though it is critical of Israel. jews are so sacralized at this point that people seem to think it's immoral to criticize them, but this isn't off the table for other ethnic groups who've been killed en masse.

>> No.10122372

not really, you just hate jews

>> No.10122390

what's wrong with being anti-jewish, though? antisemitism is justified in light of Jewish tendencies. hardly anyone sees (ethnic group) hating (other ethnic group) as a huge deal or anything beyond a reality of life, unless the group being hated is the jews or a protected minority like we have in america.

>> No.10122437

Are you a neo-nazi?

>> No.10122452

no, most of my political positions would align with left-liberals, except I oppose third-world migration and am mildly socially conservative. it's pretty hard to miss the Jewish hatred for white euros, their role in some of the more backward aspects of our culture, their co-optation of our government to fight for the good of Israel, and so on. why do we need these people, who are apparently constantly afraid of being genocided, yet insist on living here? send them back to Israel.

>> No.10122553


>> No.10122578

It's very natural for people to hate jews, jews are the source of a lot of bad shit and they are liars.

>> No.10122582

calm down Moishe.

>> No.10122595

Nobody takes your racist opinions seriously. This is a literature board. Isn't there a jew-centric board where you could post?

>> No.10122597

His poetry is clunky and his plays are unimpressive. Zadig, Micromégas and Candide are short, funny and overall enjoyable (nothing grounbreaking).
I have yet to read the Century of Louis XIV.

>> No.10122614

This is a board that celebrates an aspect of white culture that jews have an enormously negative effect on. I must assume you are not very intelligent if you are yet unaware of the facts.

>> No.10122615

I want to read some of his plays, which is better?

>> No.10122625
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>> No.10122632

Literature is an aspect of most cultures.
You say that 4chan is a racist site because of the anonymity it provides and the spotty moderation. It's not yet proven that's it's an outright american propaganda outlet.

>> No.10122641

What anon wrote is typical of what you can read on /pol/.

>> No.10122644 [DELETED] 

Literature is white high culture. It is not an aspect of "most" cultures and to the extent it does exist in others it has been appropriated, like the Chinese can play classical Beethoven. And "racist" is a fake word, please try to start thinking for yourself and learn about the jewish question.

>> No.10122647

Zaïre and Oedipe.

>> No.10122664

Replace the word racist with the phrase hate for non-whites, then. And what you say about literature being culturally appropriated from whites is ludicrous when considering history. The interesting thing here is you implicitly agree that this site is a tool for american propaganda.

>> No.10122679

It's not even a question, it' more about what to do with jews because you hate them. Read the thread.

>> No.10122696

My country has gone from 90% white to 60% white. The natural response to something like that, which you deem "hate" and "racism," is biological and completely normal. What's not is supressing it and being so numb that you cannot even recognize the long-term threat. Whites need to break this conditioning and stop listening to plebs who use fake words like yourself.

>> No.10122734

You voted Trump in, didn't you? How else do you want to fight this, by attacking people on the street?

>> No.10122741

he'll spam this board to death

>> No.10122754

>he desn't hate jews
What you write tells another story.

>> No.10122764

Will you Jewish trolls stop, so we can discuss Voltaire?

>> No.10122767


>> No.10122770

By removing non-whites.

You must be confusing me with someone else. I never said I don't hate jews, but to the extent I do, it is only a response to the hatred they hold for me.

>> No.10122772

Nothing is stopping you from discussing Voltaire. I wouldn't say anon is trolling, he seems to be arguing in good faith. Opposition is good for thinking.

>> No.10122779

So what you are saying that hate towards jews biologically normal? Like you a a jew-hating gene or something?

>> No.10122791

The hatred jews hold for non-jews is more extreme than any hatred I could hold for them. You are simply unaware of this because jews are entrenched in and control every information outlet you consult, so they tell you otherwise, you believe it, and then you repeat it here.

>> No.10122793 [DELETED] 

>So what you're saying is that your hate towards jews is biologically normal? Like you have a jew-hating gene or something?

>> No.10122824

So you have a genetic disposition for hate, which is a trait shared with jews, but they have it worse. Did I understand correctly?

>> No.10122840

Removing people? It seems you are suggesting criminal activity to be an appropriate way to fight demographic change.

>> No.10122860

>you repeat it here
anon didn't even say that

>> No.10122861

I was indifferent to jews until I actually learned about them.

Deportation is not a crime.

>> No.10122887

How did you learn about them since they are entrenched and control every information outlet?
Yes, deportation can be legal, but it's not exactly what you are advocating. Removing people is sinister, to say the least.

>> No.10122895
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I wonder who's behind this post?
/lit/ threads are too easily derailed it seems

>> No.10122908

A big beefy man came to save and mold him.

>> No.10122910

This yet to be regulated, decentralized virtual space called 'the internet.' Sinister is a tribal group promoting population displacement immigration policies in white nations; reversing those policies and repatriating those people is a reasonable and justified response.

>> No.10122919

>the internet
links pls

>> No.10122925

Trump is a terrible failure.

>> No.10122957

Jews have been slowly unraveling le gran remplacement for over half a century. Trump has been in office less than a year. He is just a first step anyway, and this is going to be a long process. Trump is a good stopgap to give us time as more whites wake up to the jewish problem.

>> No.10122983

What do you see happening after Trump, straight up anti-jewish laws?

>> No.10123045

Anti-jewish? Jews are the main people promoting cultural degeneration, mass immigration, and the corruption of our institutions. They are an enemy that attacks from within and opposing them is natural and necessary. They have a country and they should go there, by encouragement or force. I don't know what will come next but nationalism is on the rise and awareness of the jewish problem is becoming widespread, and these are positive steps in the right direction. Jewish tribal activism works to atomize the population because a strong and cohesive people will not tolerate their behavior. A self-aware white population could rid itself of this virus with ease so the aware can only continue to cultivate that awareness among our brethren.

>> No.10123077

So you think US institutions are unsalvageable? If I read correctly you're not excluding criminal activity and mob rule in order to advance your agenda.

>> No.10123090

Not him, but I think you're reading more into his posts than he has actually written.

>> No.10123093

You think wrong, anon. Connect the dots.

>> No.10123119

Apart from perhaps the French, whites do not engage in that kind of mob-like behavior; they are people who follow the rules and act in accordance with accepted guidelines put forth by greater entities like the state. The issue is whether or not whites will regain control of the state or whether we will have to pull out and create a new one. But that's a long way off and we have taken the first steps toward acting within the rules of the present state, however much it is against us, and retaking control from within.

>> No.10123137

No, I think I'm on the right track here. You keep implying he wants to do something he hasn't actually mentioned, with words like "criminal" and "sinister". Nice try, though.

>> No.10123149

So you're not really attached to the constitution of the USA. Is a 100% white ethnostate what you want?

>> No.10123156

>he hasn't actually mentioned
he did

>> No.10123180

Show me where exactly, without you just inferring with very little evidence.

>> No.10123186

read the thread, bucko

>> No.10123194

Ethnostates are natural, multicultural proposition states are modern creations diaspora jews are using to protect themselves.

The other guy is right about your intentions being less than good natured by trying to assert that this talk has anything to do with legalities and the supposed sinsterness of deporting people.

>> No.10123203

>Ethnostates are natural

>> No.10123211

Already have, matey. Still nothing. You might want to present a more convincing argument.

>> No.10123213

People are tribal animals who naturally congregate around those more closely related to them.

>> No.10123214

So you outright don't approve of the US Constitution. More evidence that neo-nazi sentiment is unamerican.

>> No.10123219

>what was the West before multiculturalism kicked off
>what is Japan today
>what is, funnily enough, Israel

>> No.10123221

The constitution is a set of rules people who aren't me are more guilty of attacking. And don't use fake jewish words around here if you expect to be taken seriously.

>> No.10123223

Animals don't form states. You're mixing things up.

>> No.10123231

You're either guilty or not guilty, anon. That's basic.

>> No.10123234

What is history? Is this your brain on leftism?

>> No.10123239

People are animals who form entities to protect their interests, the modern version of such an entity being the state.

>> No.10123279

You are such a horrible poster.

I came here to /lit/ to get links for good reads only to see a poster like you lie and lie and lie and act as if you said nothing wrong. Appalling behaviour. False accusations and outright lying about what someone has posted. You will never win over anyone this way.

>> No.10123287

Forcing someone on the defensive with false dichotomies on a made up and irrelevant issue you stuck in to derail any semblance of valid discussion.

How awful of you.

>> No.10123308

That's just an intellectual shortcut to justify your own animalistic tribalism. The US is a democratic country with a powerful Constitution protecting the interests of the people. Why would you go against it?

>> No.10123325
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>Asserting biological determinism
Why do left wing urban retards think they understand anything about human nature

>> No.10123337

The US is a nation that was created by and for white people. If it is no longer serving our interests then we have every right to intervene or end it.

>> No.10123357
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Not him but
>Inb4 someone starts posting that Emma Lazarus poem that was added to the Statue of Liberty and starts talking about the "spirit" of freedom
>The conveniently ignores how we are a completely divided nation who self segregate and have to give into shallow consumerism to co-exist with each other

The fact that people are actively trying to ban the topic of our division from even coming up with "hate speech laws" and "pc culture" is a pretty bad sign.

>> No.10123374

Right, it's not looking good. Hell, that guy says he has a right to end the US. That's fucking crazy.

>> No.10123408

How is that relevant? A lot of people think the US needs to balkanize. The problem here is that we aren't even allowed to talk about the future of this country, and instead we are being forced to stay status quo via shaming, as if that is going to solve the underlying issue and not let it continue to fester.

>> No.10123461

As the other poster explained, Balkanization is inevitable unless the demographic situation in America is reversed. Whites build functional states and institutions, while the jewish strategy is to take over those entities and assert their repressive and totalitarian method of rule, essentially locking people in and turning them into slaves in their own nations. This is what they did when they controlled the Soviet Union as well, it is their nature represented through their way of rule. Whites, especially fiercely independent Americans, will only tolerate so much of this and will either take power back or figure something else out. This can't last and is already cracking up. But these scenarios will keep happening as long as we allow jews to reside in the west, which is why any solution must involve their expulsion.

>> No.10123669

Your graph and statement are unrelated.

>> No.10124595


>> No.10124967


>> No.10125898

>hey guys whaddaya think about voltaire ecksdee
>237 replies
>ctrl+f voltaire
>12 hits

Why do I even fucking bother?

>> No.10125930
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I know, right? I came here for a discussion of Voltaire's works, instead all I see is Jewish trolls derailing the thread with their kosherposting. It's like they don't want us to be able to discuss Voltaire or something...

>> No.10126108

profoundly stupid. Your assertion that "Western" values are rooted in "hyperpositivism" is where your misunderstanding lies. Nobody doubts the modern West under late capitalism is as you say. The alt-right rejects positivism. The fact that the West manages to successfully transmit this brain disorder to foreign subjects doesn't qualify it as being a culture successfully 'sustained' in any way. The alt-right views positivism as essentially unwestern, and what you see as "sustaining itself" is only the spreading of this rot beyond its core ethnos. No sustaining is happening here, only a hijacking, a perversion, and a proliferation of nonwestern values.

>> No.10126119

Don't think that nonwhites working to flood white nations with their kind are not doing exactly that, buddy.

"Nobody's going to give you a medal for losing gracefully"...

>> No.10126504

a jew hating shill, you mean

>> No.10126758

The shills are always jewish. Whites are by nature the ones who care about ideas and truth, whereas jews are by nature saboteurs who lie and distort the truth. This is the fundamental dynamic, or the reversal of it, that defines the MSM, our culture, and boards like this. It's always the jews who engage in sabotage and the poster you responded to made a great point.

>> No.10127149

fuck off shill

>> No.10127368

How is this not like terrorist rhetoric?

>> No.10127412

Because it's like patriotic rhetoric against the foreign terrorists currently in charge.