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/lit/ - Literature

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10114830 No.10114830 [Reply] [Original]

Was he a closet homosexual?

Also, what is the correlation between fascism and homosexuality?

>> No.10114860

not closeted
the correlation between weightllifting and homosexuality - see /fit/
the correlation between weightlifting and fascism - see nietszsche

>> No.10114871

Fascism, weirdly, a sort of progressive movement in its quest to modernize societal hierarchies. This means that fascist movements typically attract people who believe current hierarchies are unnecessary or wrongheaded. Hence the thousands of gay guys and legitimate socialists who joined the Nazi Party because their main cause was building up the German nation and getting rid of the Jews.

Fascist aesthetics, which inevitable celebrate strength and domination and masculinity, are pretty also homoerotic. But this might just be because so many fascists have been homosexual.

>> No.10114928
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Yeah, I'm honestly pretty interested in this as well.
I read a paper- I think it was Deleuze? It was called Male Fantasies, and was primarily focused on the Freikorps in the interwar period. And the author basically right off the bat starts talking about homosexual undertones in the Freikorps- claiming they hated all women, wanted to hurt women, were only attracted to fellow men
It was a bit strange for me, because there's really not a lot of info on the Freikorps on the surface of the web, but none of it talks about them being militias made up of gays. I don't know where the author came up with it.
But one of his aim arguments was essentially that the Freikorps, and its homosexual undertones, led to fascism.

As far as I can tell, they were just a bunch of dudes who were fucked up by the war and probably had a predisposition to be warriors in the first place. Hanging out with your war bros a lot is not exactly a convincing argument of homosexuality.

>> No.10114942

>I don't know where the author came up with it.

>> No.10114959
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If fascism is gay, how can we explain the persecution of gays under Naziism and Fascism.

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.10114963


>Freudian projecting

Like any time you hear about a "straight guy" starting a fight in a gay bar. Or look what happened in Orlando.

>> No.10114965

>Hanging out with your war bros
>Tfw you will never experience this feel

>> No.10114968

>Was he a closet homosexual?
>what is the correlation
There's no correlation. Why do you think this faggotron manlet killed himself?

>> No.10114969

>but what if they were gay tho
is entry level edgy critical interpretation, there's a book or paper written on the subject for every famous man or group of men in history
homosexuality =/= faggotry

>> No.10114972

>Hanging out with your war bros a lot is not exactly a convincing argument of homosexuality.
Whatever you say, fag. kys

>> No.10114974

fasicm relates to sexual repression.

homosexuality is generally repressed

>> No.10114975


There is a difference befween manly comradery and faggotry express

>> No.10114976


>> No.10114981

>Male Fantasies

by Klaus thewelit

>a paper

its 3 volumes of books

>I think it was Deleuze?

you didn't read it.
it heavily influenced kindly ones by jonathan littell

>> No.10114993
File: 191 KB, 526x354, 1505155464928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open link
>expect T777 post
>it is
Why is he such a good poster? The guy is like an actual interwar intellectual transported to modern America.

>> No.10114999

My bad, I read like 30 pages of it in an online PDF then bailed. It was like a year ago so I guess I forgot along the way that I was reading an intro, not a paper.
It was probably was linked in a Deleuze thread or something. Anyways, the rest of my post is essentially curiosity regarding specifically where the link is between fascism and gays.

>> No.10115021

He's deeply flawed, like many of his post he greatly overemphasizes the influence of westerners on foreigners, he would literally make the claim Confucius was influenced by Nietzsche if he could.

>> No.10115022

>My bad, I read like 30 pages of it in an online PDF then bailed. It was like a year ago so I guess I forgot along the way that I was reading an intro, not a paper.
Sounds like /lit/, alright

>> No.10115030

I suppose it visually and spiritually appeals to gay people when talked about very vaguely
of course, then the fascists come into power and suddenly your former comrade is giving you a pink triangle cloth and you get a free train ride

>> No.10115033

Are you thinking with regards to the Cold War? Because he's not wrong regarding the far reach of American cultural imperialism.

Unless you were thinking of this specific case with Mishima, in which case he definitely is not wrong as Mishima was absolutely a very westernized thinker.

>> No.10115034

Woah... so much clout...

>> No.10115046

He lived in a time and society where people didn't really talk much about their sexuality, so I guess he was as closeted as a man whose debut novel was about their earliest homosexual fantasies and experiences can be.

>> No.10115277


>> No.10115292 [SPOILER] 
File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1507317515935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw T777 is genuinely more insightful and intelligent than a tenured Harvard educated professor
I think he must be one of the greatest internet entities of all time.

>> No.10115299

Can you link me to more of his posts? Where can I find them?

>> No.10115308

Who are you talking about and how is it related to this?

>> No.10115322


Obviously, this isn't all of them, but it's a nice collection of his post on various websites.

>> No.10115326

apparently he's a poster on a fascist forum

>> No.10115331

>confucius wasn't influenced by nietzsche
how to spot a brainlet

>> No.10115340


>> No.10115486

A poster on several fascist forums that's produced about a decades' worth of consistent, high quality effortposts.

>> No.10115504

>high quality

>> No.10115743
File: 40 KB, 1002x344, Nerd and jocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read his posts. Don't agree with the racism but I understand it. There are genuine nuggets

>> No.10115760
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>> No.10115876
File: 59 KB, 993x348, Clockwork orange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10115930


>Hence the thousands of gay guys and legitimate socialists who joined the Nazi Party

then they all got backstabbed and gassed, kek

>> No.10115944

top 10 anime betrayals

>> No.10116063

Dude was a wide-open, flaming closet bruh.

>> No.10116573

The reason gays seek out fascism is because they, more than anyone else, understand that someone must always be on top.

>> No.10116687

good post

>> No.10116765


>> No.10116792
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