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10116268 No.10116268 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else like the movie ''End of the tour''?
It means more to me than it probably should.
It made me pick up all the books written by David Foster Wallace. I had a great time going trough them and they made me get into literature. I have completely stopped wasting my time on video games at this point.
This movie got a special place in my hearth.

>> No.10116282


>> No.10116393

Why on god's green earth would you watch this without prior knowledge of DFW

>> No.10116443

>David Foster Wallace played by Seth Rogen
>David Lipsky played by James Franco

>David Foster Wallace played by Adam Sandler
>David Lipsky played by Adam Sandler

>David Foster Wallace played by Slavoj Zizek
>David Lipsky played by Sam Harris

>DFW played by Harold Bloom
>David Lipsky played by DFW

>David Foster Wallace played by Mark Chapman
>David Lipsky played by Paul McCartney

>David Foster Wallace played by a baby-blue 1981 Ford Fairmont
>David Lipsky played by Al Pacino in Cruising.

>DFW played by the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates
>David Lipsky played by the orangutan from Every Which Way But Loose

>> No.10116444

I'm a fan of Jesse Eisenberg. Thats it really.

>> No.10116477

This is unironically terribly sad and banal.

>> No.10116515

I don't know about that. If you're interested in a work, you may as well go with it, even if that interest is based on something that sounds silly. I mean, I read "Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself" (or whatever it's called), which I found in a communally owned box of books when I was in the Peace Corps, largely because I found the title unusual.

>> No.10116553

I mean being a Jesse Eisenberg fan.

>> No.10116607

Oh, okay.

>> No.10116636

that they made a movie of this guy's life before they adapted any of his works tells you all you need to know

>> No.10116648

I saw this on acid and liked it.

>> No.10116654

Imagine the greatest conversation you've ever had.
The Ego and I Fall 2012

>> No.10116660
File: 815 KB, 500x249, Ryan Gosling Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>David Foster Wallace played by a baby-blue 1981 Ford Fairmont
>>David Lipsky played by Al Pacino in Cruising

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.10116677

>David Foster Wallace played by Adam Sandler
>David Lipsky played by Adam Sandler

>> No.10116683

I'm so confused what it's just Jason Segel as himself what was the idea here what

>> No.10116695


Are you telling me you think any are filmable?

namely IJ? Never gonna happen

>> No.10116729


They've adapted Hideous Men.

>> No.10116798

>not starting from the greeks

Pleb kill yourself

>> No.10116800

The fact that this movie exists makes my blood boil. I hate Segal and I can't understand why anyone thought he could play a hypersensitive genius.

Worse, the interview this movie is based on is basically an extended lie Wallace told to an interviewer he obviously disliked, who in turn spends way too much time on himself in the published version of the interview.

I know he killed himself already, but I can't help but think that the trash culture that produces this type of shitty false biopic would make him kill himself even more if he could.

>> No.10116824

>Worse, the interview this movie is based on is basically an extended lie Wallace told to an interviewer he obviously disliked, who in turn spends way too much time on himself in the published version of the interview.

Can you elaborate/substantiate? I've read AOCYEUBY and IJ and some other DFW stuff, but I'm not an expert.

>> No.10116845

Wallace refused to admit that he was in AA in that interview. He claimed he was friends with guys from his gym who were in it, or something like that. In reality he lived in a halfway house in Alston after his alcoholism/depression caused him to quit Harvard. Most of the Ennett house stuff is taken from the notebooks he kept while he was in recovery, and most of it is at least indirectly based on real people.

That's the big one, off the top of my head. I just hate that the real, human story becomes a big lie and that's what people amplify. IJ is a great book because it's the truth (or at least based on a true story)

Check out Every Love Story is a Ghost Story for more

>> No.10117180

not the anon you replied for but thank you for the information. I've strayed from any DFW, more for myself to construct my own opinion than anything. The meme-"meme-trilogy" meme left me a little uncertain when I'd delve into IJ. Honestly, from sheer title alone, I'm very much attracted to AOC and IJ. Never heard of Every Love Story... but I feel just the same