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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 211x320, TheFountainhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1011304 No.1011304 [Reply] [Original]

So I've picked up The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand on a whim, before realizing the hate for her, purely based on the "plot" of an young architect/artist who sticks to his belief.

That's great and all, but I'm 147 pages in and find it hard to continue reading.

/spoilers below
I don't give a shit about Keating and Dominique, the dialog is generally bad and unrealistic, specially during "love" and drama scenes. The only character who i find somewhat interesting to read is Roark, but he's story is essentially finished.

This book is fucking 700 pages long, wtf is in the rest of the these pages that I should keep reading?

>> No.1011310

Pretty much nothing. You can assume by page 147 what is going to happen, and there isn't much more to it.

>> No.1011311

Roark is a Marty Sue. He is a completely flat character and doesn't change throughout the book. He is always awesome and always stands up for his beliefs, no matter what.

There's a rape scene. That's pretty much all that happens.

>> No.1011313
File: 10 KB, 480x297, TyBrax6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a shit about Keating and Dominique, the dialog is generally bad and unrealistic, specially during "love" and drama scenes

Rand was an emotionally & sexually repressed woman who smoked. I don't think she "got" real-life at all. Her work reflects the mindset of such a person.

I wouldn't be surprised if you make yourself ill/a "Libertarian" by the end of it. I'd say just pick of a good book. Wuthering Heights has a good "love" story.

>> No.1011321

*pick up another

>> No.1011330

She was terrible at dialogue, that's for sure.

>wtf is in the rest of the these pages that I should keep reading?
Keating gets mentally raped, Toohey is evil for no apparent reason, Roark gets continually shat on by virtually everyone until he blows up the construction project, Wynand's newspaper falls through after supporting Roark (the section with him and Dominique trying to run the paper by themselves is pretty neato) and he gets attacked by an angry mob. That's about it.

>> No.1011337


OP, not really looking for a love story but might check it out.

I just feel bad about not finishing the book, but if by the end of it im at the same place as the beginning then there isn't really a point to go on.

>> No.1011354
File: 32 KB, 320x500, TyBrax3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let her get to you friend, just put the book out of the way & do something else for a few days (I can recommend you some musical works to check out for example). Then get into that excited feeling of wanting a new book & look for something you'd like.

Hope it works out OP.

>> No.1011387


I'm interested in the musical works you have in mind. And I'll figure something out with Rand some other day.

>> No.1011389

Rule #4 faggot.

>> No.1011405
File: 9 KB, 192x209, TyBrax11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm interested in the musical works you have in mind. And I'll figure something out with Rand some other day
How much time do you have/plan on? What emotions are you wanting to explore? Do you have any previous experience with any of Jazz, Classical or Rock? Miscellaneous information you want to tell me to affect the recommendation?

>>>/b/ is that way, friend.

>> No.1011409


The fuck is rule #4.

I'm here to talk about books, not to be a dumbass talking about internet rules

>> No.1011413


>> No.1011415


Here you go, buddy.


>> No.1011418


Got all the time in the world, probably would be checking it out in the evening/night though.

I've been meaning to get into Jazz, only explored it a little. No classical, listened to it in the past too much. Rock would rather not unless its something that must be listened to.

In general just anything, specially if its something not that well known, like from a foreign country.. or anything really to keep that mind turning.

>> No.1011429



Yea I'm a newfag to this board. Deal with it. And deal with me shitting on your rules to have an actual discussion.

>> No.1011442
File: 137 KB, 700x466, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>specially if its something not that well known
>if its something not that well known
>something not that well known
>not well known

hipster detected

>> No.1011450


I knew someone was going to say that.

I guess you don't like expanding your mind and just stick to what you are only familiar with. That's okay.

>> No.1011457


>I've been meaning to get into Jazz

If you're over the age of 10 and haven't gotten into jazz yet, don't bother. Fucking poseur.

>> No.1011459


Does someone need a hug?

>> No.1011465


No, but I've read this thread and am fairly certain this kid is a giant faggot.

You don't have to like everybody, bro.

>> No.1011471


OP, Rand wasn't a very good author. She was a silent-movie 'scenarist' and it shows in all her work. To aid her writing, she synthesised her own home-brew 'philosophy', which she called Objectivism. It became a cult - or a movement which operates so much like a cult that the difference hardly matters - and its adherenets promoted her work with the fervour of evangelists. Thus it was you came to hear of her work.

>> No.1011482



>> No.1011486

OP, you might be interested to know that Ayn Rand's favorite music was the marches of John Philip Sousa. So... yeaaah.

>> No.1011487


What happened to your tripcode, capsguy?

>> No.1011492


>> No.1011493


When did that get put in the rules? I ask because that rule is broken regularly.

>> No.1011494


There must be more than one of you, then.

>> No.1011495
File: 19 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been meaning to get into Jazz
*Charles Mingus - Black Saint & The Sinner Lady
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
*Anthony Braxton - Saxophone Improvisations Series F
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue

>No classical, listened to it in the past too much.
John Fahey - Fare Forward Voyagers

>Rock would rather not unless its something that must be listened to.
*Storm & Stress - Under Thunder & Flourescent Lights
>link because it might be out of print
*Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom
[obscure pick] Igor Wakhévitch - Docteur Faust
*Tyondai Braxton - History That Has No Effect

*Brian Eno - Music For Airports
[Obscure Pick] Manuel Göttsching - E2-E4
*Supersilent - 6
Steve Roach - Dreamtime Return (two disc album)

* = ones which I think match:
>probably would be checking it out in the evening/night though

Take your pick. If you are having trouble obtaining certain albums (out of print etc) try typing "[album name] site:mediafire.com" into Google Web Search.


>> No.1011498



>> No.1011499


> implying EVERYONE didn't smoke in those days

>> No.1011500



>> No.1011502
File: 292 KB, 425x638, glenn-beck-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right! I'm a Conservative!

Now go back to your pot and immoral, premarital sex cave you dirty hippy!

>> No.1011505
File: 72 KB, 828x1181, TyBrax5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True artists are adamant to peer-pressure.

>press childhood

>> No.1011524
File: 60 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when no thanks or response

>> No.1011526

She repeatedly wrote about smoking as one of the most human, rational things a person could do. It was man conquering fire. Every smoker was a modern Prometheus.

Once reports came out demonstrating the link between smoking and cancer, Rand dismissed them as "communist propaganda" and "anti-capitalist" lies. She forced her immediate followers to smoke.

Then she died, alone in her apartment, abandoned by her followers, of lung cancer.

>> No.1011528


What utter bullshit. EVERYONE. EVERYONE smoked. People who didn't smoke were viewed as weird and faintly sexless. Learn some social history. Ayn Rand was no artist, but it's not because she smoked.

>> No.1011537



Also, you dumb fuck, she was not abandoned by her followers. This idea that what's popular is good and vice versa will be the death of English-language culture. It's Disneyification. Don't make up some bullshit story, just tell the truth. The truth should be enough to put anyone off Rand.

>> No.1011539


Sorry, thanks a bunch.

Was just caught in other random posts.

>> No.1011540
File: 24 KB, 550x300, TyBrax10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who didn't smoke were viewed as weird and faintly sexless
>were viewed as weird
Real artists don't care about appearances. They also seem to be considered more "weird" than the talentless hacks amusing the masses. Back at the same point.

>mothering progressi

>> No.1011550
File: 25 KB, 500x375, TyBrax7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. If you need any help in narrowing down those choices just ask.

>> No.1011551


EVERYONE, you dumb fuck! Not conformists. EVERYBODY.

Your adolescent ideas of what 'artists' do - which can't be based in any experiential knowledge because you clearly have no curiosity or imagination - would merely be amusing if you weren't spewing them in a place where people could take what you're saying for reality.

If smokers can't be artists, there were no artists between 1600 and about 1975. This is clearly bullshit.

>> No.1011568

>she was not abandoned by her followers.
Uh, yeah she was. "The Collective," the group of her closest followers, broke up shortly after the Nathaniel Branden incident.

Nathaniel Branden was a young man, practically a teenager, who joined Rand's circle. Rand decided she wanted to fuck him and told her husband she would be having an affair. She instructed Branden to inform his wife. They reasoned that they were soul mates so sleeping together without being married was the rational thing to do.

They maintained this arrangement for a number of years. One day, Rand discovered that Branden was sleeping with a third woman: she was not his wife, she was not Rand. Rand flipped out and expelled him from the movement. He wasn't allowed to use her name in his teaching, he wasn't allowed to use the words "Objectivism." She tried to completely ruin his career and his life over jealousy.

That is not rational. Many of the collective members realized this and jumped ship. They saw just how cult-like their circle had become.

When Rand died, she was living alone in a small apartment. A nurse was by her side. No one else cared.

>> No.1011572
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you clearly have no curiosity or imagination
>experiential knowledge

>If smokers can't be artists, there were no artists between 1600 and about 1975
There were artists, they just didn't smoke. Some did perhaps, but not to look cool. Maybe for press shots (upon invention) or whatever.

>> No.1011593


> Many

Most did not. Objectivism remains a cult. The idea that because she was not physically in their company she was abandoned is laughable.



The fact is, you have no understanding of history, and you seem to think that repeating the same totally invented version of it to yourself will make it true. You are not, and never will be, an artist.

>> No.1011601

The Collective was the actual cult surrounding her almost all the time. They practically lived together, isolated from their real families and non-Objectivist friends, in order to serve Rand and imbibe her teachings.

The Branden thing was a wake-up call and led most of them to realize she was a nut as capable of irrationality as any other jealous person.

>> No.1011610
File: 46 KB, 500x333, TyBrax8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most did not. Objectivism remains a cult. The idea that because she was not physically in their company she was abandoned is laughable
>my face when you cared to research history concerning Rand
>my face when you didn't challenge my statement that she was emotionally & sexually repressed

>You are not, and never will be, an artist
I already am, many others would also call me such. Have you read Fountainhead?

>> No.1011611
File: 482 KB, 774x522, 17d43s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roark being a badass is the only reason to read it imo, I have a soft spot for romantic heroes. There's a academy award winning (I think) movie with Gary Copper, it's good. I liked the book, but it could have been done without the obsessive ramblings.

>> No.1011616

I have a friend who's a total randroid. I can't even argue with him anymore. I certainly can't convince him how fucked up Objectivism is nor can I even persuade him to admit that she's a lousy story-teller and prose artist. It's just exhausting even thinking about it now.

>> No.1011630
File: 72 KB, 828x1181, TyBrax5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a friend who's a total randroid
This will never happen to me considering I live in the UK

>> No.1011634


No you're not; they wouldn't.

It would be fair to say she was emotionally and sexually repressed. Her rape fixation certainly indicates some serious hang-ups.

I have read THE Fountainhead, and its abysmal. Why do you despise sense so much? Other stupid people manage to reconcile themselves to the idea that they live in a world where others have the intelligence they do not, so what's your problem, numbskull?

>> No.1011657
File: 60 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you're not; they wouldn't
Then what is your definition of "artist"?

>Other stupid people manage to reconcile themselves to the idea that they live in a world where others have the intelligence they do not, so what's your problem
I am a student, & always trying learn from my mistakes & others in life. Why would you say that I don't believe that others have more knowledge than myself?

>> No.1011667

Hey, awesome, I love Battles!

>> No.1011675
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goodnight Sweet Princes

>> No.1011682


You clearly resent it. Your absurd claims were challenged, and then you became truculent.

You're not an artist, you're an airhead hipster. You will never make anything meaningful. Your inability to make anything meaningful is manifest in every post you make. You don't understand that different times have different mores, and seemed unwilling even to accept that social history trumps the childlike, provincial pipe-dreams of 'the way of the artist' that you've got in your head. Being an artist is nothing to do with cutting yourself off from the possibility of perceiving the real world. You make the same mistake as Rand, but from a different ideological direction. I and most of my friends are artists - you don't sound like one, you sound like a wannabe stroking his beard and pretending ignorance is wisdom and solipsism is awareness. Read some fucking history, talk to people outside your peer group, try to grow before its too late, and you may one day be someone who understands what art is, though you'll never be able to produce it yourself.

>> No.1011694
File: 9 KB, 192x209, TyBrax11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some of my art, mind showing yours?

>> No.1011716


I don't use the internet for self-promotion. If that's you, you prove yourself an even more pathetic cretin than you already appeared to be - HAVING RECOMMENDED YOUR OWN FUCKING RECORD TO THE OP - and your work is barren.

To show you my own work - even were any of it online - would imply that I seek your opinion. Which I don't. But you care so much about mine that you returned to the thread to link me examples of your flatulence. You truly are a tragic figure.

>> No.1011719


Nathan Barley?

>> No.1011729
File: 14 KB, 308x350, williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you had a trip right now.

You're only proving your own embarrassment at getting called out by not posting anything.

>I don't use the internet for self-promotion
bull-shit. That's like that retarded /mu/ thread earlier where someone said you're no longer an artist if you play live for a tv channel.

>> No.1011747


I'm not embarrassed. Read the posts that have already been made. If this poster genuinely linked his own work, then he's the son of an artist, and talent has skipped a generation. He recommended someone his own work in a list of stuff without comment. This is tragic. If it isn't him, then it's no less tragic. I had contempt for him before, now I pity him.

>> No.1011752

Wow, that music is shit. Is this Toni Braxton's son?

>> No.1011758


Anthony Braxton's.

>> No.1011762

>f this poster genuinely linked his own work, then he's the son of an artist, and talent has skipped a generation
>the son of an artist
elaborate on what this phrase/metaphor refers to?

Really all I see here is that guy showed some of his work, you refused to do the same. I don't understand what you're saying apart from that, be clearer?

>> No.1011765

ITT: Objectivists and other ghouls

>> No.1011769

All the characters in this book were assholes. Every, single, one. At least Keating was a human asshole.

>> No.1011782


What I said is literally what I mean. His father is an artist - Anthony Braxton, as someone's already said.

None of my work is online, and I'm not interested in the evaluations of someone who thinks no artists ever smoked, and actually uses the phrase 'the masses' with apparent seriousness. One reason I hope the guy isn't really Braxton - no-one so stupid should be permitted a public platform, but I can't rule out that he is simply the indulged idiot son of a respected artist. Wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.1011795

>Wouldn't be the first time.
Do you know of any other cases? The more famous the parent the better, so that hopefully I will have heard of them. Shit is hilarious.

>> No.1011797


Come on man, put your shit online so /m/utants can piss on it for the approval of Battlesfag.

>> No.1011801
File: 24 KB, 550x300, TyBrax10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, can't sleep. Had too large a meal with a friend earlier so I'll waste another hour here or until I get tired.

>I don't use the internet for self-promotion

I just want opinions, he wasn't going to listen to any of the Jazz stuff anyway.

>your work is barren.
I thought as an artist you'd know how attached you can get to your work? I generally try to respect other artists.

>But you care so much about mine
You were challeneging the fact that I'm an artist

>he's the son of an artist, and talent has skipped a generation
How fucking old are you?

>He recommended someone his own work in a list of stuff without comment
I didn't have time to comment everything.

>> No.1011802


Just curious what medium do you specialize in?

>> No.1011804

*he wasn't going to listen to any of the non-Jazz stuff anyway.

>> No.1011810


Woah buddy, going through those Jazz and other artists as we speak,

I'm digging the Manuel Göttsching stuff

>> No.1011814
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! You have a lastfm bro?

>I'm digging the Manuel Göttsching stuff
Crazy concept that album is.

>> No.1011817


Off the top of my head, Tony Huston's nascent film career in various capacities - finally he got out of it and became an attorney.
Sofia Coppola's performance in The Godfather Part III is a magnificent example.
Sean Ono Lennon's part-time career.

>> No.1011820


Brilliantly summed up.

>> No.1011826


The problem is that you're not just curious.

>> No.1011829

Okay, is some guy seriously pretending to be Tyondai Braxton in this thread?

Talk about moxie.

>> No.1011836



>> No.1011840

>implying it's not well known that Tao Lin & Tyondai Braxton *might possibly post here.

It's not like they're legit fucking celebrities FFS. I see Tao in town, the awkward freak.

>> No.1011842


I've actually just entered the thread. So yea, i'm just curious, since everybody is talking about their art or something.

>> No.1011847

I think Braxton is way more legit than Lin. Mirrored was a seriously solid album. Everything that Lin has done has been hollow and needlessly self-mocking.

I can see Lin posting on here. Believing that Braxton would post on /lit/ is a tougher sell.

>> No.1011849

One guy posted two of his songs, he's the son of a famous musician/actor or something. The other guy won't post any of his stuff.

>> No.1011855 [DELETED] 


I think we found our other artist maybe?

>> No.1011856


Wow, I was slightly worried I'd have to fend off dozens of people trying to kiss your ass by attacking me, but you're actually incompetent to defend yourself.

> How fucking old are you?

Old enough to tell shit from clay.

> I thought as an artist you'd know how attached you can get to your work? I generally try to respect other artists.

I respect artists. I respect intelligent people. You said that artists didn't smoke, unless for publicity photographs. They never smoked, because they stand against 'the masses'. You made it obvious you're a imbecile, and then it turns out you're a self-promoting imbecile. It then turns out you're a self-promoting, imbecilic beneficiary of nepotism! You even recommended your own record without comment ALONGSIDE one by your dad! As though there was some kind of parity of status! You're behaving laughably. Please leave, you make me feel sad for you.

>> No.1011859


You'll want to get rid of the name you're using before pulling that shit, deleted.

>> No.1011861

Do you seriously think that you're talking with Tyondai Braxton?

This is some of the strangest trolling I've seen yet.

>> No.1011867

>but you're actually incompetent to defend yourself.
did you mean to say competent there?

>Old enough to tell shit from clay
I'm being serious, how do you know Anthony Braxton?

>They never smoked, because they stand against 'the masses'
I never said this, music is for the people obviously.

>> No.1011868


Guy arguing against the alleged Braxton here: I hope it isn't him. I find his music to be dull, but I don't want to think that someone so utterly airheaded could establish even a niche career, cult-hero dad or not. If it's really him, he's the stupidest artist I've ever met, including some really dumb hobbyist poseur art students I've met.

Read what's happened so far. 'Braxton's' stupidity is awesome in its totality.

>> No.1011869


Lolol I realized after it summited cause my browser inputs it automatically.

Still interested in what you do

>> No.1011879


No, I meant what I put. You are NOT competent to defend yourself.

I know Anthony Braxton because I have an interest in free jazz and the various forms of progressive music that followed it, and Anthony Braxton is someone whose work I very much admire. This is why it's paining me that you're such a fucking doofus.

I'm glad you say music is for the people, but you nonetheless seem to think that artists are not of the people, are not citizens. Your idea that they could somehow stand aloof from a social habit as utterly pervasive as smoking was during most of Rand's life is in itself massively Randian in its implications.

>> No.1011884


But you're a liar, as you've just proved, so why would I want to tell you?

>> No.1011887

>but you nonetheless seem to think that artists are not of the people, are not citizens
I never said this. To write songs for people to relate to you have to be one of them.

>This is why it's paining me that you're such a fucking doofus
I can play those games too. My work has been called "progressive", it's not free-jazz but I get "avant-garde" alot. I really don't see why you'd dismiss me totally over an understanding & ONE piece of my work.

>> No.1011891


>> No.1011893


Jesus fucking christ, Is it such a big deal to share? Painting? Music? Film?

Makes me wonder if you even do "art". But whatever, I got what i was looking for and going to bed. Hopefully this post will be dead in the morning.

>> No.1011895


You know, I really hope it's not him. I'm taking it at face value because it's tragic anyway.

>> No.1011898

Fellow Anthony fan, well said.

At least he's not trying to be a jazz rip-off I guess.

>> No.1011905


Yeah, that's right, fuck off you psychopath.

For any real people reading, I'm a video maker working in an extremely recondite stream of praxis who has less than five Google hits. I'm not identifying myself by name because I would really have nothing to gain by doing that.

>> No.1011921

what's tragic?

I don't rip-off any artists.

>> No.1011925


Thank you.

He's no Frank Sinatra Jr. :), true, but with stuff like that, as someone interested in eai and other branches of improvised music... it just sounds like Tori Amos to me, you know?

>> No.1011933

>I'm not identifying myself by name because I would really have nothing to gain by doing that.
that's a load of crap & you know it. If I fucked up with my images or links here I'd personally be in more shit than you can fanthom.

I like how you ignore my arguments when I point out what I actually said too

>> No.1011940

>Tori Amos
I mean I love all music but COME ON. There's no comparison to be made other than trying to annoy me since he's far more famous.

Here's the project I play with, you might like it better since it's jazzier?
The other guys are more experienced but I still contibute alot to the stuff. Better/less droney?

>> No.1011956
File: 60 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Tori Amos
nevermind I thought it was someone else. you're actually comparing to a pop artist, really? thats kinda weak.

>> No.1011962


Tori Amos is not a man.

Please, just go with dignity. Whether you are or aren't Braxton, this isn't funny anymore.

>> No.1011963


Anyone else getting REALLY FUCKING SICK AND TIRED of this gigantic faggot posting pictures of his ugly face in every single one of his posts?

>> No.1011968


No, it's what you sound like compared to real electro-acoustic improvisation.

>> No.1011972

Are you listening to the project/band link?

Or are you just dismissing it because you started an argument & mis-quoted me earlier?

>> No.1011979


What I'd like is timestamped pictures of his face. No, actually I don't. I really don't want this to be him.

>> No.1011982

>What I'd like is timestamped pictures of his face. No, actually I don't. I really don't want this to be him
You really think I'm so much dumber than you right? Do you just think that about anyone younger than 30?

>> No.1011986


Everyone can see what you're doing. The only mystery is why.

>> No.1011990

Everyone can see that you suddenly dropped the argument when I pointed out several times you put words into my mouth that I never said.

Why not show my some of your own stuff? Is it too below you to post it online?

>> No.1011991


I'm under thirty myself. What possible pleasure are you getting out of the continuation of this inanity?

>> No.1011995

*show me

>> No.1012001


You see, this is the trouble with stupid people. They always give themselves away because they go through the world with the assumption that everyone else is stupid. They can SEE what you wrote, idiot.

I haven't dropped any argument, because no argument has taken place. You said some stupid things, I pointed out how stupid they were, then you pretended to be Tyondai Braxton. Where are you planning on taking this?

>> No.1012005


With regards to posting my work, as I said, it's not online. Am I going to go through the complex process of putting it online in order to show it to you? No. Do I want my work embroiled in your silliness? No, of course not.

>> No.1012007

And this is why we have Rule #4.

Ayn Rand always leads to faggotry. It's inevitable.

>> No.1012009




>> No.1012010

>They can SEE what you wrote, idiot

>You said that artists didn't smoke, unless for publicity photographs. They never smoked, because they stand against 'the masses'.

What I actually said:
>Real artists don't care about appearances. They also seem to be considered more "weird" than the talentless hacks amusing the masses

>then you pretended to be Tyondai Braxton
I feel fine with you saying this (for obvious reasons).

>Where are you planning on taking this?
As you can see above, you dropped the argument after misquoting me.

>> No.1012011


Who knew she had such wonderful nipples?

>> No.1012013


It's no fucking lie.

>> No.1012019

Well I think I pretty much shut him up here.

>> No.1012021


Both of you need to shut up.

>> No.1012024


I wasn't even quoting you, I was summarizing your position, and summarizing it accurately. The only person who might be unable to understand that is you.

If you're Tyondai Braxton, you're a tragic individual. If you aren't, you're a tragic individual. You're skipping several steps back in the stream of replies, trying to find a way of obscuring the fact that YOU SAID THAT ARTISTS NEVER SMOKED ON THE INTERNET, WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE. Everything since has been various expressions of your inability to accept that you, an 'artist', might not be able to dictate what reality is, and that someone on the internet corrected some stupid things you said. Just grow up, accept what happened, and go. With every post you demean yourself further in the eyes of anyone who hasn't already been bored enough to stop reading. I am now hugely bored myself. You don't have an argument. You're a stupid individual. You are not meaningfully an artist - either you're Tyondai Braxton, in which case you're the ungifted dabbler son of an artist, or you're a troll who's decided for some reason to pretend to be a vanilla post-rock also-ran on the internet.

>> No.1012026


Man, I want to shut up, 'Tyondai Braxton' is the most boring troll, or the smallest artist, I have ever encountered. Could you repeatedly post some porn or something to just end this thread?

>> No.1012027
File: 103 KB, 400x300, dickbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1012029

I'm not that poster, but I'm enjoying this thread and hope it goes on for several more hours.

>> No.1012032
File: 370 KB, 1000x1000, 1279773218719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading this thread.

>> No.1012033


Come on man, I want to get on with my life!

>> No.1012035


This is how it went:
I say Rand smoked. As simple as that.
You suddenly say "EVERYONE SMOKED !!!"
I say "True artists are adamant to peer-pressure" as a joke
-continues- with you mis-qutoing me.

Really if you want an old jazzman's autograph just say so.

>> No.1012038


>> No.1012040


Everyone can see what was said and how, you pathetic excuse for an individual.

>> No.1012047

Hey there!

This is going great. Braxtonfag is annoying, Historyfag is enraged. In a moment, our predictions indicate that Braxtonfag will switch to pretending to be Anthony Braxton, and type his posts in an Uncle Remus dialect. Subsequent posts will feature pics of "wattymelon". 8/10!

Best wishes from the gang,


>> No.1012053
File: 94 KB, 500x333, FUCKING JANDEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to get into

Ayn Rand

but whenever I sit in a chair

I stop existence.

>> No.1012057

Great, the real trolls have arrived.

>> No.1012061
File: 16 KB, 250x370, Dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1012068

That's sounds like you have no argument so you just insult me.

>> No.1012076

I don't care about Braxtonfag, does Tao Lin actually post here?

>> No.1012078


Frankly you've more than earned it. There isn't an argument to be had. 'I was only joking' is usually the cue for the poster's departure.

>> No.1012088

I didn't mean that in a "just pretending" way.

I was just surprised. I was insulting the "Libertarian" cult-leader, nothing more. Then you suddenly lecture me on her history (while sucking at logical arguing may I add).

>> No.1012091


I have no idea, but there is someone with a tripcode who uses the name Tao Lin.

>> No.1012096

Also, nice to see /lit/ is almost as classy as /b/...

>> No.1012099


See what I said here:

While here, a few minutes ago:

You use the 'only joking' excuse.

>> No.1012102

Also, I wasn't arguing, because you didn't make an argument. I stated facts repeatedly. You are not going to be able to make a 'win' out of this, so please just go away.

>> No.1012103


T-minus 0:05:00 to lynching shots...

>> No.1012112

>You are not going to be able to make a 'win' out of this, so please just go away.
To nearly everyone watching this seems like a win to me. You argued with several people (not me) about her history, that's why I was surprised you specifically kept responding to me when I wasn't talking about her cult or anything.

As it stands I'm still the only one that's posted any work. I could probably find some reviews too which you seem the kind of person to hold highly (you dismissed my art merely upon finding out who I am related too).


Here's more!

>> No.1012120


Again, as I told you at the beginning, you can't make it so just by saying it. The world outside your head is not significantly influenced by the world inside your head unless you take the time to recognise the real world first, and act to meet it.

The work thing we've been over, people saw what happened. Why are you persisting?

No, I listened to it, then I dismissed it. The nepotism thing is a seperate issue.

>> No.1012121

Sounds like something made on garageband tbh.

>> No.1012123

This is the most bafflingly one-note, aggressively monotonous troll thread of all time.

>> No.1012125

I like Ty Braxton's music.

>> No.1012127

Fuck off, I'm no hipster. I doubt you've ever tried composing anything.

You're fucking retarded. Why would you compare me to the likes of Sean Lennon, Miley Cyrus, etc? I have had no commercial backing from any of my family whatsoever. The fact that you use that shitty term likely shows you dimissed my stuff on that basis,

Do you even know what "post-rock" is?

>> No.1012129
File: 27 KB, 291x345, Anthony Braxton yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1012130

I've been hovering over this thread for quite a while, and I feel that he's "won".

Probably the work of a brilliant troll. I'm going to leave this thread believing that Tyondai Braxton is retarded.

>> No.1012131

wow fucking hardcore gore. yeah we are anonymous we are racist.

go fuck yourself. you think you're a scholar but you're just a fucking no-name faggot who's achieved nothing.

>> No.1012133


No I didn't. Your work is genuinely uninteresting.

I like your 'fuck off, I'm not a hipster' comment - after previously suggesting you could show me some reviews which would change my evaluation of your work, which is really arch-hipster thinking.

>> No.1012135


You think a /b/tard posting a picture of a lynched black guy thinks he's a scholar?

>> No.1012139


> mfw Tyondai Braxton sounds like one of those guys who pretend to be famous people on the internet

>> No.1012140


Jesus Christ, that sounds like King Crimson.

>> No.1012142

Holy fuck, ITT Anthony Braxton fans reveal themselves.

I played in his Sonic Genome Project premiere in Vancouver on January 31st, and I'm hoping to do my master's in composition with him in a year or so.

>Verdi 26L

(Braxton fans will see why that's appropriate.)

>> No.1012144

>no I didn't
That's hardly a refutal for you bringing up nepotism is it? You had no reason to, & it just shows your bias.

>which is really arch-hipster thinking
I'm guessing that's how you think.

Last I checker this is the literature board,

>>>/b/ off you go!

You know nothing about music & are just trying to shit on my with your limited knowledge. The influence is Stravinsky's, ignoramus.

>> No.1012159


Answer me when I ask you: why are you persisting in this nonsense?

>> No.1012162


Ah yes, the short-lived Stravinsky-Wetton-Belew line up of the Mighty Crim.

Take a walk, phoney.

>> No.1012163


No fucking way this is Ty Braxton.

>> No.1012165

OK - here's where we're at,

1. You clearly dismissed my work just because I'm related to another musician that you admire.

2. You don't have any work to show for yourself so you have no right to say that I'm not an artist & that you are.

If you can admit both of them I'm fine with ending this on friendly terms, you can ask for similar statements if you desire.

>> No.1012171

I don't get your reference but an influence is just that - an influence. I'm one of the last musicians you should be calling a thief in this century.

>> No.1012180

I see what you mean now, I forgot the song I chose.

>> No.1012187

This sounds exactly like something off Red...

>> No.1012188


No, I dismissed the work because it's uninteresting, and I made the connection with your father because I thought if you were Braxton it would be the most likely way of annoying you. Your father is interesting. You're not. These are facts. You're a dabbler. Read the Wikipedia page on Battles. Your qualification for being in this 'supergroup' is that your dad is Anthony Braxton. Everyone else's is stuff they've achieved.

My work is not online and I'm not putting it online just so you can look at it, because I have no interest in your opinion. This I have stated numerous times. You're not going to rally anyone round by replaying this same 'show me yours' gambit because I'm the only person who seriously thinks you just miiight be who you claim to be. Everyone else is convinced you're a troll with one really dull gimmick, and I suspect they're right.

You addressed someone as a 'no-name faggot' a little while ago - I can only assume you wanted to call me that, and tired of waiting, shot your bolt of insult regardless of the target (in this case, someone who posted a picture of a corpse).

You have at no point had any kind of upper-hand that would allow you to dictate 'friendly terms'. I don't want to be your buddy, I just want you to stop tearing yourself apart here where I and everyone else can see it, because it's pathetic and demoralizing to witness. Just GO!

>> No.1012191


HAHAHA! Seriously, worst troll ever.

>> No.1012205

You found it uninteresting because you approached it with a bias - ask anyone that can still be bothered to follow this. YOU FUCKING BRUNG UP NEPOTISM YOU CLEARLY THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE LISTENING TO MY PERFORMANCE

>Read the Wikipedia page on Battles
I'm not that vain.

>Your qualification for being in this 'supergroup' is that your dad is Anthony Braxton. Everyone else's is stuff they've achieved
You know fuck all about anyone's achievements. You know nothing about Rock or anything modern. Don't pretend to after a reading a lacking (& probably inaccurate) wikipedia bio.

>My work is not online and I'm not putting it online just so you can look at it, because I have no interest in your opinion. This I have stated numerous times
I'm not asking for it. I'm asking for respect as a fellow artist considering I'm the only one showing.

>You addressed someone as a 'no-name faggot' a little while ago
I don't care who it was - it's immature & incredibly bad taste.

Now re-read this.
What's so unreasonable? Are you such a know-it-all you prefer to be right all the time rather than part wisdom & leave arguments in a friendly way? I severely doubt your idols would agree with that thinking.

>> No.1012217

Just go and read We the Living, it's actually good.

>> No.1012221

>I can only assume you wanted to call me that, and tired of waiting, shot your bolt of insult regardless of the target
I missed this but now that wasnt the intention. I despise talentless but commercially successful musicians (like the ones you love to compare me to). I respect that you probably still have a day-job to survive.

>> No.1012227

what the fuck. am i on /mu/ right now?

>> No.1012241


Bullshit and lies - why do you even bother coming back for more? You've been asking to see my work for FOUR HOURS.

You seem desperate to somehow force me to like your work, or to invalidate my lack of enthusiasm by making out I'm old (already told you I'm not), or that I don't understand 'Rock' (this is also inaccurate). Whether your Braxton's fan, or you are actually him, this is really tragic behavior. Get yourself a life, please.

At the end of it all, what we've had here is several hours of someone trying to get out of admitting he said something stupid with bluster, claims to be famous, insults, projection and nonsense. You're either the dullest troll or the worst minor celebrity in the world.

>> No.1012246


Depends. Do you get guys pretending to be Jeff Mangum on /mu/?

>> No.1012250

Sage this shit.

>> No.1012251

>You're either the dullest troll or the worst minor celebrity in the world.
Archive more like, is there a way to make this the title?

>> No.1012252



>> No.1012257


Actually I agree, because I'd like the wasted hours of my life arguing with Fugazi Braxton to, in some small way, count for something.

>> No.1012261


I agree.

>> No.1012262 [DELETED] 

>request interface

>> No.1012267



>> No.1012268 [DELETED] 

>Ayn Rand
like that will get past the mods.

>> No.1012269

Archive please!

>> No.1012272

Don't see any movement, one of you anons must have double-voted, tsk tsk.

>> No.1012274 [DELETED] 

If you really want it archived change your ip or go to one of the other threads & do vote for vote.

>> No.1012275

Jesus this thread is dicks.
The guy saying he's Braxton isn't great, but the guy arguing with him is just a cunt.
You're trying to argue solely by using caps lock and insulting him. Shit.

>> No.1012278


Vote for vote?

>> No.1012280


No, no argument was in progress, because he didn't make one to begin with.

>> No.1012282

> wtf is in the rest of the these pages that I should keep reading?

Fuck if I know. I threw the book across the room at that point.

>> No.1012286

FFS this needs to be the title! How do you do it?

Get you friends, we need 7 votes!

>> No.1012287

It looks like an argument.

>> No.1012293


I'm really not getting into all this again, so whatever.

>> No.1012296 [DELETED] 

someone didn't vote.

got to http://4chanarchive.org/
click request interface
paste the thread number in - 1011304

>> No.1012294


>> No.1012297

every /lit/ thread in the archive looks /b/-like. wow, didn't that info thread get archived?

>> No.1012298
File: 32 KB, 500x480, dildo_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1012299


It's been pasted in, it's still showing as having three votes.

>> No.1012302

Ever since 4chanarchive rejected the first Flyting thread I've hated them with a passion. It was the first purely /lit/-related thread in our history: only people who understood meter and rhyme could participate. There were a number of great, perfect sonnets, beautiful couplets, and at least one delightful vilanelle. It was a miracle to see people working so hard to produce skillful OC in a 4chan thread. And the morons at the archive rejected it.

>> No.1012305 [DELETED] 

I don't know this thread seems a bit too long to read.

>> No.1012304

This thread is filled with bullshit and idiocy. Why should it be archived?

Seriously, there are a bunch of people making standard pro-and-anti Rand arguments, then a bunch of asshats start pretending like they are big-name internet personalitites and have an e-peen measuring contest.

This is a terrible thread and everyone should feel bad for participating.

>> No.1012306


You see, if I was an archivist I would probably be less likely to want to archive something with this kind of recrimination in it.

Please forgive us, archive!

>> No.1012307 [DELETED] 

Just follow the avatar fag's replies for a summary.

>> No.1012308


That's not how I read it at all. There's only one fictional celebrity. The fascination stems from the doggedness.

>> No.1012311 [DELETED] 

>The Fountainhead image in the archive
That would be pretty funny considering rule #4

>> No.1012315

>Seriously, there are a bunch of people making standard pro-and-anti Rand arguments
No there isn't.

>> No.1012318

Have you never seen a Rule #4 violating thread on /lit/ before? They all turn up like this: someone talks about Rand's smoking, someone mentions the affair with Branden, somone says, "But hey there are like tons of people who still believe in her!!!!"

These threads are always bad because 1) /lit/'s philosophy threads are universally bad 2) Rand threads are filled with trolls 3) Rand wasn't an actual philosopher, she was a polemicist.

This doesn't need an archive. This thread happens at least once a month, usually more often, but newfriends like you don't know that. There is no new knowledge in this thread, there is no new scholarship, there is nothing that someone couldn't learn by reading Rand's wikipedia entry.

This thread sucks.

>> No.1012319

Archive request!

>> No.1012324

Are you upset you missed the second half or what? I didn't request this for the Randfag parts

>> No.1012332

C'mon /lit/ only need two more!

Just do this! >>1012296

>> No.1012334

New to /lit/? Welcome! All the arguments presented here are the typical "Rand sucks!" "No she doesn't!" style that you cant expect to see in every other Anthem-Fountain Head-Atlas Shrugged thread.

I hope you enjoy your stay, and I also hope you lurk a while before you start making too many posts: there are a number of posts that appear every day, and it's good /lit/ etiquette to sage and ignore them. This post is one of those ignorable posts.

>> No.1012341


Your refusal to notice the acres of funny stuff that comes after the small amount of Randposts is curious.

>> No.1012345 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 378x599, 378px-Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of the two people arguing.

Join the Übermensch /lit/! Do this:
got to http://4chanarchive.org/
click request interface
paste the thread number in - 1011304

>> No.1012347

"Funny /b/-level bullshit" and "/lit-worthy archival material" are different. You will learn that after you spend more time here when our summer-friends are back in school.

>> No.1012350
File: 6 KB, 223x226, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more /lit/!

got to http://4chanarchive.org/
click request interface
paste the thread number in - 1011304

>> No.1012354

If flyting doesn't get archived some random horseshit about hipsters and smoking doesn't get archived. Seriously, wtf? What is even interesting or literary about this thread?

>> No.1012353 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna have to read this later, my vote better be worth it!

>> No.1012356
File: 8 KB, 193x261, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Yeah!

>> No.1012357


You're just going to have to read it, dawg.

>> No.1012362 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1012361

this thread sucks and I hope everyone who participates gets malaria

>> No.1012367 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1012366

ITT: 3 posters and 3 faggots

>> No.1012370 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1012380 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 530x353, 1132530353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1012394

They call me the sagin' Cajun.

>> No.1012399 [DELETED] 

there's only 205 posts. is 210 the limit?

>> No.1012400

300 is, last I checked.

>> No.1012406 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 1468x1468, 1281083418894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when there's godly music recommendations ITT
I will read the whole thing later.

>> No.1012408 [DELETED] 


>> No.1012410

I walk into /lit/ and the top thread on page zero ends with five sages.

How the fuck does that work.

>> No.1012415

someone bumped it and deleted their post

>> No.1012917


>> No.1013033

Good morning, OP here:

wow, didn't think this would on for so long.

>> No.1015407

great thread

>> No.1015426


way to bring this shit up from page 7 or w/e

>> No.1017023

This was a good read, but I wasted a few hours.

>> No.1017041
File: 137 KB, 1412x1080, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>212 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.1017093

I hate when Americans use her picture to seem like they have good taste in women. She's average-tier.

>> No.1017095


Your mother is average-tier.

>> No.1017097

i use the picture for curling

>> No.1017148

>dyed blonde hair
>nose peeling from too much applied makeup
>extremely thin eyebrows
>moody expression by default
>average build
Like I said, average.

>> No.1017152

I forgot
>pouty model nose