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/lit/ - Literature

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10107173 No.10107173 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for one man to will green text in to an art form through sheer brilliance and depth of emotion?

>> No.10107186
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>> No.10107197

very kafkaesque

>> No.10107210

But greentext is an art form, silly

>> No.10107233

/fit/ has some of the greatest green texts in 4chan. The one about a guy fighting in court for the right to deadlift is amazing.

>> No.10107248

i feel knausgardesque vibes

>> No.10107556

this will be the first greentext to be adapted into a feature length film. capit. ill start writing.

>> No.10107560

post pls

>> No.10107966

seriously this
jesus christ

>> No.10107988

pls ;( post

>> No.10107999

Greentext isn't an "art form" it's the degeneration of an art form.
I swear to god you guys are retarded. "Irony" isn't an excuse. You're just dumb.

>> No.10108005

You don't have to buy a bible when you join the witnesses. guy got scammed

>> No.10109285


>> No.10109287

greentext is unironically the newer form of narrative poetry

at least, the potential is there.

>> No.10109289


>> No.10109296

>he hasn't read the 70k word /r9k/ escortbro saga

Get gud

>> No.10109300
File: 1.26 MB, 1534x6194, escorbro1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

part 1 of 10

>> No.10109310

post the rest

>> No.10109312
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 1503221302910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not citing /sp/'s UTV stalker as being the pinnacle of 4chan sagas

no, YOU get gud

>> No.10109315

So much of what makes greentext great is that it doesn't draw attention to itself, if that makes sense. If you make it a 'thing', it loses its effect

>> No.10109317
File: 271 KB, 832x1357, The Hill Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best poetry doesn't draw attention to itself either, all the craft is to aid the meaning.

Pic related.

>> No.10109319


for those who don't know:

archive dot org/details/4chanSpUTVFanEverythingPDF

there will never be any topping this.

>> No.10109325
File: 73 KB, 483x428, 1484597964502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best thread, op
>the day /lit/ had its epiphany
put me in the screencap

>> No.10109331

Fuck, I love Frost.

The thing is, what would distinguish a greentext poem from something like this other than, you know, green-coloured text?

>> No.10109335

come on, greentext is more than just green text

>> No.10109342

Don't have it sorry lad

>> No.10109346

rip, thanks though, this gon b gud

>> No.10109352

that was cute, reminds me of when i started dating girls and be in bed doing that stuff

>> No.10109369

can someone translate this in greentext?
did she died?
(english is not my first language)

>> No.10109373

>wife is bored with rural life
>husband is satisfied
>she gets up and leaves forever
>he doesn't understand, and likely never will

>> No.10109376

Fuck off normie.

>> No.10109385

thanks, anon
i prefer your version desu

>> No.10109390

i wish someone would write the epic of gilgamesh in greentext form

>> No.10109420

Why didn't he just write this? I really don't get the point of poetry?

Is it just like puzzles for over-emotional people with too much time on their hands? Give me the facts!

>> No.10109431

>Is it just like puzzles for over-emotional people with too much time on their hands?
Absolutely not. That whole story down to its very last lines carry quite an impact if you can follow the sound. It just works.

>> No.10109437

Skillfully written poetry can convey emotion in a much more direct way. Does
>wife is bored with rural life
>husband is satisfied
>she gets up and leaves forever
>he doesn't understand, and likely never will
convey any emotion? No.

>> No.10109519

Sudden and swift and light as that
The ties gave,
And he learned of finalities
Beside the grave

I still struggle to understand this.

>> No.10109532

I beg to differ.
Skillfully written greentext can convey emotion in an even more direct way.
No style.
Just the message.

>> No.10109545

I don't think your formatting helps the case, that's a very conscious application of style.

>> No.10109574

so she fled and died in the forest?

>> No.10109577

sorry about that

>> No.10109580

poetry is fancy pansy emotional prose for faggots
just get over it

>> No.10109581

but what’s the point if you end up with masses of people who don’t understand it

>> No.10109585

I don't think it's the author's fault if someone chooses to be illiterate. Poetry isn't even that hard to "get", it's literally just sound.

>> No.10109586

the poem is much longer than that

The Hill Wife

Robert Frost


(Her Word)

One ought not to have to care
So much as you and I
Care when the birds come round the house
To seem to say good-bye;
Or care so much when they come back
With whatever it is they sing;
The truth being we are as much
Too glad for the one thing
As we are too sad for the other here —
With birds that fill their breasts
But with each other and themselves
And their built or driven nests.
House Fear

Always — I tell you this they learned —
Always at night when they returned
To the lonely house from far away,
To lamps unlighted and fire gone gray,
They learned to rattle the lock and key
To give whatever might chance to be
Warning and time to be off in flight:
And preferring the out- to the in-door night,
They learned to leave the house-door wide
Until they had lit the lamp inside.
The Oft-Repeated Dream

She had no saying dark enough
For the dark pine that kept
Forever trying the window-latch
Of the room where they slept.
The tireless but ineffectual hands
That with every futile pass
Made the great tree seem as a little bird
Before the mystery of glass!
It never had been inside the room,
And only one of the two
Was afraid in an oft-repeated dream
Of what the tree might do.
The Impulse

It was too lonely for her there,
And too wild,
And since there were but two of them,
And no child,
And work was little in the house,
She was free,
And followed where he furrowed field,
Or felled tree.
She rested on a log and tossed
The fresh chips,
With a song only to herself
On her lips.
And once she went to break a bough
Of black alder.
She strayed so far she scarcely heard
When he called her —
And didn't answer — didn't speak —
Or return.
She stood, and then she ran and hid
In the fern.
He never found her, though he looked
And he asked at her mother's house
Was she there.
Sudden and swift and light as that
The ties gave,
And he learned of finalities
Besides the grave.

>> No.10109596

oh cool, the book I had only kept the last part

>> No.10109597

it’s a learnt skill to decipher a poem.
When you read the first poem in your life, you likely didn’t understand it without help from another source.

>> No.10109599


>> No.10109600

I actually have never read any secondary material regarding poetry. I read them and get the point just fine.

>> No.10109622

*Besides the grave

The husband was mostly content with his life. He thinks of life as an A to B journey from birth to grave. He cannot comprehend the wife's emotional discord. When she runs away, he has an epiphany, realizing there is more to life than his narrow and material conception of it.

>> No.10109654

this was a comfy read

>> No.10109684

How about Pound's Cantos?

>> No.10109688

I don't even like Pound.

>> No.10109698

That's irrelevant, can you
>read them and get the point just fine
I would guess not.

>> No.10109710

I read some of his shorter works and wasn't impressed. Would rather concern myself with folks like Blake and Yeats.

>> No.10109773

well someone must have them D:

>> No.10109807

thank me later

>> No.10109816

good looking out

>> No.10109932

#4 is missing I think

>> No.10110446

thanks anon
i truly had no idea

>> No.10110472

the summary is basically this:

>khhv goes to meet a hooker
>they just end up talking and holding hands
>she texts him hoping he made it home safe or some shit
>he interprets this as a sign of her being attracted to him
>he finally texts her and they go for pizza
>he acts cold towards her and asks /r9k/ for advice
>they go out again to see a movie
>at his place they try to fuck but he spergs out
>next day she returns and they fuck
>he gets mad jelly for some reason and they argue
>he finds out about her flatmate being a bitch and goes to see her as "Marina's friend"
>some other shit happens
>Marina's weird mother and little bro come to visit
>they have a nice time until her mom reveals that the hooker is asking her for rent money and is lying about attending college
>she starts crying but escortfag takes her back to his place
>she tells him about her father and dropping out of college
>some other shit happens again
>escortfag goes to surprise her at the brothel
>he sees her with pimpchad who pounds escortfag for trying to white knight Marina
>he pisses his pants and moans on /r9k/
>she tells him she's on her way over and he welcomes her in again
>they go back to the brothel to get marina's shit
>escortfag's "landlord / flatmate" is an alright guy who protects them against pimpchad
>now marina is living with escortfag and the landlord dude

>> No.10111012

does anyone have panel 4?

>> No.10111158

I thank you now

>> No.10112376

Ive read 500 page fanfics told via greentext alone which have had a lot more beauty and depth than proper books

>> No.10112556

sauce plz

>> No.10112561

>one man
why would that be, op?

>> No.10112883


>> No.10112911

The Ghost Puncher is one of the greatest things I have read in my entire life. That /fit/ guy either made up a fantastic story or it was 100% true. I don't care either way

>> No.10113851

Sorry lads. It was the best set I could find. The older archive links don't work anymore. It's not everything but it's better than nothing.

>> No.10114038

fair enough, thanks for posting what you found mate

>> No.10114101
File: 119 KB, 1011x1181, 1392273656113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. Greentext is a collective art form.

>> No.10114479

still haven't found the last thread in the archives.

>> No.10114684

I got these links but I can't access the site
Thread 9: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28821140/
Thread 10: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28912265/

>> No.10114718

Okay guys found the problem, just copy the link in the and replace "storage" by "archive", it should work
Thread 1: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28427858/
Thread 2: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28473632/
Thread 3: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28563840/
Thread 4: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28588279/
Thread 5: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28634920/
Thread 6: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28681400/
Thread 7: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28745482/
Thread 8: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28798775/
Thread 9: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28821140/
Thread 10: https://desustorage.org/r9k/thread/28912265/