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/lit/ - Literature

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10109406 No.10109406 [Reply] [Original]

literally fucking who

>> No.10109414 [DELETED] 
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Not this faggot!

>> No.10109425

some hip nip chick-lit writer

>> No.10109433


>dundundundun dundundun



>> No.10109434 [DELETED] 





>> No.10109438

op doesn't read

>> No.10109443


>> No.10109452
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>Kazuo Ishiguro
>born in Nagasaki, Japan
>"And the Nobel Prize goes to Britain! Thanks Britain!"

>> No.10109462

*nglos btfo

>> No.10109491

moved to the UK at the age of 5 and is a British citizen, get over it

>> No.10109498

A nonwhite can never become British

>> No.10109505

yes they can, you are just an american butthurt than a brit own

>> No.10109509

>at the age of 5
I thought he was born in bongland. Haha

>> No.10109515

so you think that mudslimes and pooinloos are british?
fuck you

>> No.10109525

loving all the circumcised butthurt

ps: Pynchon, McCarthy, Roth and DeLillo are all too old to win the prize now, get over it

>> No.10109530

srs question: how is his writing and what's his style

>> No.10109536

You know my mothafucking style

>> No.10109539

he is a traditional novelist, tends to write in first person, memory and nostalgia are big themes in his work

>> No.10109541


Darlington Hall

It seems increasingly likely that I really will undertake the expedition that has been preoccupying my imagination now for some days. An expedition, I should say, which I will undertake alone, in the comfort of Mr Farraday’s Ford; an expedition which, as I foresee it, will take me through much of the finest countryside of England to the West Country, and may keep me away from Darlington Hall for as much as five or six days. The idea of such a journey came about, I should point out, from a most kind suggestion put to me by Mr Farraday himself one afternoon almost a fortnight ago, when I had been dusting the portraits in the library. In fact, as I recall, I was up on the step-ladder dusting the portrait of Viscount Wetherby when my employer had entered carrying a few volumes which he presumably wished returned to the shelves. On seeing my person, he took the opportunity to inform me that he had just that moment finalized plans to return to the United States for a period of five weeks between August and September. Having made this announcement, my employer put his volumes down on a table, seated himself on the chaise-longue, and stretched out his legs. It was then, gazing up at me, that he said:

‘You realize, Stevens, I don’t expect you to be locked up here in this house all the time I’m away. Why don’t you take the car and drive off somewhere for a few days? You look like you could make good use of a break.’

Coming out of the blue as it did, I did not quite know how to reply to such a suggestion. I recall thanking him for his consideration, but quite probably I said nothing very definite, for my employer went on:

‘I’m serious, Stevens. I really think you should take a break. I’ll foot the bill for the gas. You fellows, you’re always locked up in these big houses helping out, how do you ever get to see around this beautiful country of yours?’

This was not the first time my employer had raised such a question; indeed, it seems to be something which genuinely troubles him. On this occasion, in fact, a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder; a reply to the effect that those of our profession, although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites, did actually ‘see’ more of England than most, placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered. Of course, I could not have expressed this view to Mr Farraday without embarking upon what might have seemed a presumptuous speech. I thus contented myself by saying simply:

‘It has been my privilege to see the best of England over the years, sir, within these very walls.’

Mr Farraday did not seem to understand this statement, for he merely went on: ‘I mean it, Stevens. It’s wrong that a man can’t get to see around his own country. Take my advice, get out of the house for a few days.’

>> No.10109549

He wrote genre, or half-genre anywaym.

I'm happy he won for that.

>> No.10109563
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>> No.10109565

she looks japanese actually

>> No.10109568

fair enough

>> No.10109569
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>Jews don't want to replace us with asians and muslims
I think you've got that backwards. Circumcised people think that muslims and asians are british

>> No.10109570

Commas; The Novel

>> No.10109590
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Reads like something from a /lit/ critique thread

>> No.10109594

Go away ruggles

>> No.10109635

I saw that Never Let Me Go movie, it was really fucking shit. Is the book any better?

>> No.10109636

Never heard of him. They probably picked him because hes Chinese or Korean or something

>> No.10109637

guys stop shitposting about not knowing who ishiguro is lmao

>> No.10109646

He's literally less interesting and weird Murakami.

>> No.10109655

It's good that Murakami didn't get it, that's something I'm happy about every year.

>> No.10109657

Should have given it to McCarthy or Pynchon but istead this Chinese YA writer gets it

>> No.10109666

he is less weird he is at least a competent writer and structurer unlike murakami who genuinely writes like a teenager, still what a bland choice. It is so insulting to actual good writers out like there Javier Marías and László Krasznahorkai

>> No.10109667


>> No.10109668

nobel prize shoulda gone to charlie sheen

>> No.10109673

I can't believe I still remember this tune from what must have been at least 8 years ago.

>> No.10109677
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>> No.10109687

I love memes

>> No.10109689

Pynchone doesnt exist, get over it!

>> No.10109691


>stretched out his legs

Harry Potter-tier writing

>> No.10109713 [DELETED] 

Muslims are different. They can't ever truly be part of any Western culture because they seek to alter it according to their faith - which is antithetical to the foundation of the West.

That said, however, your views are shallow. England would be better off if you weren't British.

>> No.10109727

I am a Muslim living in the West and I do not think that way at all.

>> No.10109734

Hey, at least he's a writer, this is a definite step in the right direction.

>> No.10109738

what did he post

>> No.10109742

You have to go back.

>> No.10109749

>It seems increasingly likely that I really will undertake the expedition that has been preoccupying my imagination now for some days
What a labored, piece of shit sentence. He's basically """writing""" discount Evelyn Waugh and I hate that dickless, twee style of writing.

>> No.10109769

That my religious group can never fully become part of Western culture

>> No.10109782

It's true though

>> No.10109789

why would you want to join western culture. it's terrible and dying

>> No.10109800

>everyone hyping Murakami or that other Jap woman
>they give it to the British Jap guy instead

>> No.10109803

If you are more loyal to the law of your country than to the law of Islam, you can become western. If not, you have a problem.

>> No.10109805

Hate to roll out the oldest line going but, anon, read the actual book if you want to understand it. The character speaking there is an uptight servant. He's got affectations of poshness without an actual education and is constantly trying to repress shit. Literally the entire point is that it's laboured. This is like criticising Joyce for poor punctuation.

>> No.10109817

>It's supposed to be bad!

>> No.10109824

Cool. My mums favourite novel is Remains of the Day and I keep meaning to read Let Me Go.

>> No.10109829

Boy, this Dostoyevsky character sure is stupid! I don't need to read this book at all!

>> No.10109831


>> No.10109834


>> No.10109840

Its probably the translation that makes it seem bad.

>> No.10109843

Can Ishiguro even speak Japanese?

>> No.10109921

Jesus Christ you guys are stupid. Try reading a book every once in a while.

>> No.10109929

>Try reading a book every once in a while.
I did, it said you're a fag and that you need to go back.

>> No.10109930
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>mfw unpublished il/lit/eraters shitting on a nobel prize winner

>> No.10109935

but she's probably British

>> No.10109965
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>mfw retards think getting a meaningless award (Sartre rejected it) somehow removes one from the critical world

>> No.10110057


Allah sent us here to save you from the jews and make the west great again.

>> No.10110059


That's actually pitch-perfect, given that it's coming from Stevens, our stuffy, repressed, and broken narrator.

>> No.10110066
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>"T-the writing is stuffy and boring because the character is stuffy and boring!"

>> No.10110074
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oh fuck

>> No.10110075

uh yeah, if you ever actually read a real book you would know that's how good prose works.

>> No.10110081

>good prose
>Evelyn Waugh copypaste with added Ambien

>> No.10110090

Sartre is shyte though

>> No.10110105

>uh yeah, if you ever actually read a real book you would know that's how good prose works.

That's my point; even as bad a writer as Sartre had the integrity to reject it

>> No.10110128

Learn to use a semi-colon and write a real sentence before you criticize a Nobel winning author.

useless fucking pseud

>> No.10110132

Still better than Bob Dylan. Remains of the Day is a fantastic book.

>> No.10110144

What's wrong with the semicolon there? I would have gone with a colon, but to each his own

>> No.10110156

He wrote that one book about the servant who works for a Nazi sympathizer. It was pretty good.

>> No.10110162
File: 41 KB, 562x437, ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That (Sartre is shit) is my point" and "Sartre had the integrity to reject it (the Nobel)" are both independent clauses, buttboy

>> No.10110167

He's wrong then. It's your untermensch genes that prevent that.

>> No.10110166

...was the field really that empty this year?

>> No.10110185

>literally fuck who
bow to your new nober prize winner kazuo ishigulo

>> No.10110188

They're literally clutching straws at this point. Michel Houellebecq is probably the best candidate yet I can imagine so many more than Bob Dylan and this fellow.

>> No.10110193

What's wrong /lit/? Is his work too obscure for you?

>> No.10110195

tfw you realise Joseph Heller never got his Nobel prize, and this guy got it

>> No.10110198

>think to myself "who is this guy"
>wiki him
>he wrote Never Let Me Go

what the fuck. how the FUCK did this guy win

This honestly feels like a joke at this point.

>> No.10110205

>another literal who minority

the nobel prize is a joke

>> No.10110210

I agree, other anons are just butthurt

Then again, we're on /lit/, nobody reads here.

The Remains Of The Day was sublime. Houellebecq will never win since he, just like Haruki Murakami, is a one-trick pony.

>> No.10110212
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Moved fast

>> No.10110217

He wrote remains of the day and The Buried Giant you shitter.

>> No.10110219

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.10110221
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When will you guys admit that Japanese literature is the best?

>> No.10110231

>/lit/ shitting on Ishiguro

bunch of pseuds

>> No.10110242
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/lit/ is so retarded thinking you can judge well received writer's quality simply from a fucking paragraph. There is seriously nothing absolutely done technically bad in this excerpt. You are supposed to judge a novel on the merits of the entire work, and the literary devices used on a chapter to chapter basis. A beautiful paragraph is a rare exception to this rule, not every paragraph is going to be a homerun masterpiece.

Has nobody read Ishiguro at all? Never Let me Go is a seriously good novel.

Does /lit/ even fucking read?

Just be glad it isn't some fucking SJW jew or songwriter.

>> No.10110244

>Person in a /crit/ thread writes such a shlocky, stilted paragraph
It's shit - never write again
>This Jap hack writes the same garbage paragraph

>> No.10110247

Why would I have heard of either of those?

>> No.10110254

You mean westernized Japanese literature

>> No.10110255

A good question, as you seem to be a fool unacquainted with modern literature.

>> No.10110257

I don't read literal who's

>> No.10110261



There were literally five of them in my class at school. Very common English name.

>> No.10110263

Yes I suppose it is difficult to have a breakeven knowledge of literature when one is reading out of a highschool syllabus. Please go back to Catch 22 and Brave New World, the adults are speaking, you repellent faggot.

>> No.10110264

I'm a big fan of Japanese lit but it's pretty much all the same

>dude I fucking hate myself
>why do i suck

>> No.10110273

Pretty sure he is a YA writer. Don't think too highly of yourself.

>> No.10110295

>mfw brainlets all struggle to come to terms with this


>> No.10110297


>> No.10110313

At least we don't read Ishikura

>> No.10110340

This translation is wooden as shit lmao

>> No.10110341

Borges never got it
Joyce never got it
Pynchon will never get it

Bob Dylan got it

it's all a fucking joke anon, don't worry about it

>> No.10110342


>> No.10110345

>This won a nobel prize

Christ, who is next? Tao Lin?

>> No.10110346

It's painful to realize just how many plebs infest this board.

>> No.10110349

Dylan deserved it, he is literally the most influential poet from the second half of the 20th century

>> No.10110355

Most Japanese literature translates poorly.

>> No.10110361

i cant even tell if this is bait anymore

>> No.10110371

supreme kekkek

>> No.10110372

just a joke friendo relax

>> No.10110394

>he is literally the most influential poet
No. Stop trolling. Dylan is a "literally who?" outside the SWPL coastal America.

>> No.10110397

>hear Ishiguro won the Nobel Prize
"Cool, Remains of the Day was good, wonder what /lit/ has to say"
>literally who
>this sucks
>muh pynchon
Should have known

>> No.10110401

Part of the British Empire, lad.

>> No.10110405

Name 1 poet bigger than him then

>> No.10110407

>muh pynchon
It's a staple. I doubt anybody has even read him beyond the name and fame.

>> No.10110409

Notorious B.I.G.

>> No.10110425
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he's not even the best folk lyricist

>> No.10110426

No, he fucking isn't. He writes dramas. Never let Me Go does use some sci-fi elements but it isn't even close to YA as it uses them to convey a social message.

>> No.10110438

there are a ton of writers better with a better body of work

anyway, see>>10110341

>> No.10110440

Name a better folk lyricist

>> No.10110445

leonard cohen literally died cause dylan got the prize

>> No.10110452

Does Cash count? probably not

>> No.10110463

Townes Van Zandt

>> No.10110469
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>> No.10110473

Neuteral Milk Hotel has better lyrics than Dylan

>> No.10110474

That’s not a picture of Murakami

>> No.10110484
File: 1.04 MB, 450x338, D1HMVKs[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>10109873

>> No.10110488

The Unconsoled is gud. Lit would love it. Or at least the part of lit that loves Kafka.

>> No.10110498


>> No.10110504

i dont love kafka and i think the unconsoled is brilliant

>> No.10110515

>Does /lit/ even fucking read?

Do you really need to ask this? Of course they don't. Just a bunch of arm-chair critics who all believe they have amazing prose style and 200 IQ. But they are just held back because they are too smart for everyone else to get.

>> No.10110613
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>> No.10110617


Woah, how profund

>> No.10110618

They always manage to pick someone no one has ever heard of

>> No.10110620

No, no and double no

Only acceptable answer so far

>> No.10110622

Was he even including in the betting odds? He was in none that i seen or i just missed his name. Wouldn't have expected him to win of all people

>> No.10110626

I know that at least some of these posts must be joking but they're getting to me anyway. People really hadn't heard of Ishiguro? Yeesh

>> No.10110631

murukami isn't british. all ishiguro winning means is that another brit can't win for a few years

>> No.10110632

>got a masters in creative writing

Apologize /lit/. You always say it's pointless, and yet someone who did one got the nobel while you're still unpublished

>> No.10110634

is he a yootoober?

>> No.10110665
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>mfw people still care about these establishment prizes

>> No.10110675

Kill yourself if you plan on shitting the thread any further before reading him, you fucking spastic.

>> No.10110709

How do you not know ishiguro he's normie as fuck

>> No.10110733

>implying he’s better than Joseph Heller
maybe better than Aldous Huxley, but it can’t really compare to Heller.

also, it’s funny reading your condescending tone while insulting someone on an anonymous board. Now you’ve shown your true colours.

>> No.10110736

violeta parra :)

>> No.10110759


>> No.10110833

Too much interruptions instead of a fluid prose, the fuck is this shit

>> No.10110857

j o a n n a

>> No.10110888

This milquetoast dingleberry gets it? The Nobel prize committee is full of a bunch of tasteless geriatrics.

>> No.10110895


>I don't know what he writes, so I make it up and then decide how I feel.

fuck off you pseud.

>> No.10110909

you got rekt son

>> No.10110927

kazuo ishiguro, for one

>> No.10111002

Nice, and true. "Ice Hotel" and "I Wish I Could Go Traveling Again" are both very solid. I really enjoy everything he's penned for Stacey Kent, desu senpai.

>> No.10111047

ITT: literal nobodys, never-was, never-will-be trashing a Nobel Prize winner

just gotta love /lit/

>> No.10111068

England's dancing days are done.

>> No.10111081

It's not exactly groundbreaking, but it is pretty comfy

>> No.10111203

Say it ain't so ;_;

>> No.10111728

What's Ishiguro's best album?

>> No.10111745

>circumcized butthurt
We'll talk about your women later, Nigel

>> No.10111751

Unironically "Breakfast on the Morning Tram"

>> No.10111869

>stretched (((out))) his legs

really twiggles your mental diggles

>> No.10112151
